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|May 25, 2020 |

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|SHORT Weekly |

|Newsletter |


|FCUSA Site |


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|You are becoming… |

|“Unlimited Essences of light” |

|Prime Creator of Light |

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|Save Your Membership and Payouts |

|Our Club Story |

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|The New Republic |

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|Free Intro Calls Earth News Newsletter Signup Become a member |

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|Happy Truth Year! |

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|Brief History of NESARA #50 |

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|NESARA Explained |

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|Share with all your contacts! |

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|Happy Truth Year! |

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|[pic] |

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|FCUSA Site |

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|FCUSA Earth News |

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|FCUSA Financial News |

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|5G in Schools Harming Kids/Teachers |

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|Corona Virus Update |

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|Return to Creator’s Truthful Core Beliefs |

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|[pic] |

|Get up-to-date on Maintenance |

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|Recurring Option 4a      |       One Time Option 4c |

|[pic] |

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|Prime Creator of Light continues to gift humanity |

|with cleansing. |

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|Creator's Upliftment of Humanity |

|In Hearts |

|_________________100%________________ |

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|Return to Truthful Core Beliefs |

|_________________100%________________ |

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|Processing & Assimilation of Core Beliefs |

|_________________100%________________ |

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|Removing Resistances to Core Beliefs |

|_________________100%________________ |

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|Activating Transition |

|_________________100%________________ |

|Removal of Residual Darkness |

|_________________100%________________ |

|Termination of Duality |

|______________   __36%________________ |

|Corona Eradication |

|________________100%________________ |

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|Divine Expression of Oneself |

|________________10%_________________ |

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|The final phases of hearts opening, moving into hearts and eradication of viruses is underway along with removal of darkness and termination of duality.  This |

|if followed by replacing false beliefs and resistances with Creator's truth. As these complete assimilation you will notice an upliftment to a higher vibration.|

|This will be followed by activation of humanity's divine expression of themselves.  |

|Note: Creator has gifted humanity with the eradication of the COVID-19, ALL REPORTS OF NEW CASES ARE FAKE.  Let's get back to work! |

|  |

|Thank you, Prime Creator of Light |

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|Financial Processes |

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|From your club’s beginning we have offered 3 distinct financial programs for our members: |

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|1) AR (Administrative Remedy) |

|The AR process provides a claim against the fraudulent bank loans and fraudulent taxes by the IRS and CRA. |

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|Status: |

|As we explored the cabal’s fiat financial system, it became clear it’s design was in total control by the cabal. Submitting legitimate claims for payment was |

|deeply guarded by cabal plants in all key departments (Treasury/FED, DOJ, IRS, CRA, etc.). Even with the proper documents, it was their job to keep “outsiders”|

|out. |

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|NESARA law (US) and GESARA law (worldwide) is returning the world to Common Law and creating a new financial system controlled by the white hats. |

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|Solution: |

|When NESARA/GESARA implements we will pursue processing your claims by the new gold backed financial system without cabal intervention. |

|[pic] |

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|2) GSA |

|This process challenges banks/IRS/CRA directly with a claim against them and their fraudulent actions. |

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|Solution: |

|A special “International Common Law World Court” is waiting for NESARA’s implementation so they can process your claims. |

|[pic] |

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|3) GCR/RV |

|This worldwide process will revalue all currencies based on their marketable assets: minerals, oil, crops, cars, etc. |

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|Solution: |

|As GESARA announces, the GCR/RV revaluation will commence with the new gold (asset) backed currencies. Those holding certain currencies will exchange or redeem |

|them for cash deposits into the new protected banking system. |

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|Creator has now begun the cleansing that will positively affect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of every essence on planet Earth.  Humans |

|and all the kingdoms will be cleared as well as non-sentient matter that comprises our Earth.  |

|Stay grounded and in your hearts and accept this amazing blessing from our Prime Creator of Light. |

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|Dear Loyal FCUSA Members: |

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|Here is a ‘sample’ RV project prototype you can modify for your projects (requires member login). |

|Model for Projects |

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|[pic] |

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|Special Notice |


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|If you are not receiving your weekly newsletter after one sign-up, check your own spam-blocker and CLEAR YOUR INBOX as many show “full” or “over quota”. If this|

|fails, contact your internet provider and have them ‘whitelist’ achiever@. |

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|“We must provide all of humanity a blessing that will provide them the opportunity to embrace divine perfection that will provide them divine connection to |

|spiritual divinity. This can be accomplished with the addition of spiritual awakening through rendering darkness eternal dissipation. To accomplish the |

|dissipation of darkness we will first dissolve all that is not of light then engage truth for the basis for all that is. This alone will transform “all that |

|is” into light.” |

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|Prime Creator of Light |

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|Memories of past dark actions are deeply captured within humanity even after the removal of all darkness. These memories still pull humanity’s strings even |

|when the dark energies are gone. Creator is transitioning humanity’s memories to ones that are heart centered and filled completely with love and |

|reconciliation. |

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|11 years ago a dark essence outside this paradigm disrupted humanity’s spiritual discernment by blocking humanities access to their left brain thus producing |

|only emotional irrational “liberal tendencies”; Creator is resolving. |

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|Creator has been bringing new transformational light to Earth allowing the return of light to Earth. It will take a few days for humanity to assimilate each |

|days clearing. |

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|Creator messages to humanity: |

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|A) “Let us bring inner blessings to fruition for all of humanity for their upliftment for the return to eternal wisdom and peace.” |

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|B) “Dear beings of Earth, each of you has come to our planet in this life for a very special awakening. Each of you has come with a purpose to fulfill. To find|

|your purpose, it will soon be revealed to you. As you discover your purpose, you will be asked to deliver on your assignment.” |

| |

|C) "We are entering an interesting period that will challenge humanity.  This will be highly invigorating for humanity resulting in deep exploration of life’s |

|meaning and questioning the truth of everything.  It will break loose core beliefs challenging all that is not supported with truth.  Dissecting every particle |

|of each core belief will consume the minds of humanity as they attempt to make sense of the cascade of new concepts to explain man’s purpose on your planet.  It|

|is about awakening the self-conscious aspects that will reveal inner truth and your connection to the spirit.  It is essential for humanity to understand that |

|we are first divine souls experiencing a physical expression of divine possibilities.  Next it is paramount for humanity to comprehend the purpose of your |

|journey on your planet.  This will take a more genuine inspection of ourselves to arrive at a conclusion.  We underestimate how complex your essence is and how |

|it is intricately connected to every other particle that exists.  As humanity continues to wrestle with disappointment and lack the greater dynamics allowing |

|unlimited abilities for humanity to connect with their spiritual essence."  |

|C) Creator: “Dear members, I am pleased to update you on your progress as your journey of duality is coming rapidly to an end. Your time here represents a gift|

|that will be treasured for its selfless devotion to expanding our understanding of the dark. This has meant engaging in activities that invoked the core of |

|what I am not as your Prime Creator of Light. This experiment was to discover ourselves by reflecting on what we are learning by experiencing darkness.” |

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|Prime Creator of Light |

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|Upon the removal of the “Y” (the source of all darkness) three years ago, two aspects of the “Y” were placed on Earth and continued to 1) remove light and 2) |

|send aggressive darkness. These were discovered and removed by Creator ending all support of darkness in every form (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).|

|More recently a seed of the “Y” was discovered and extinguished. |

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|As the darkness leaves, all that will remain will be Creator’s light! |

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|Thank you Prime Creator of Light |

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|Get up-to-date on FCUSA Maintenance. . |

|GSA: Submit your final GSA Orders (GSA ends as NESARA/GESARA announces) |

|LLC: Submit your final LLC Orders. |

|ER: (Entity Removal): Dark entities still exist in significant numbers (1,000,000) in/on/around human beings, homes, computers, phones, pets and cars. Submit |

|your ER (Entity Removal) orders. Remove yours here. |

|EP: (Emotional/Physical) Challenges: Angers, Fears and Sorrows still control our lives and precipitate physical manifestations. Remove them easily! Submit |

|your EP (Emotional and Physical Cleansing) orders. Here. |

|Do your grounding and heart centering daily. |

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|Click for FCUSA Earth News |

|World Breaking Truthful News |

|“Islam is not a religion of peace. It’s a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can.”  – Ayaan Hirsi Ali |

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|Click for FCUSA Financial News |

|Breaking Financial News on RV |

|ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company  are three sources offering the 100 Trillion Zimbabwe Banknotes, 2008 AA. |

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|Thanks to the many who continue to support FCUSA (your club) and those who have recently responded through monthly maintenance! |

|Most appreciated! |

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|There are still some ACCOUNTS that are not current on their mandatory monthly maintenance and that removes them from ‘good standing’. |

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|This status compromises their ability to receive club financial benefits including AR, RV and GSA payouts. Those in ‘good standing’ will be the recipients of |

|all benefits including payouts. |

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|If you signed up for PayPal maintenance and you are getting monthly PayPal notices of payment “failure”, this means: |

|Your card is expired. |

|Your card is invalid. |

|There are insufficient funds on the card. |

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|You may have already added another viable card and all that is needed is to remove the old account to end notices. Just respond to this newsletter with the |

|PayPal email and the name on your old account needing removal. We can do this for you. |

| |

|As a blessing for our new year, we are providing for all members who have not been contributing $30 monthly or $300 annually to keep your club operational, an |

|opportunity to regain their ‘good standing’. |

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|By beginning your payments again at $30/mo. or $300 annually you can regain your ‘good standing’ status. Then as you are able, you can pay back your arrears to|

|sustain your ‘good standing’ and continue to be eligible for all club benefits. |

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|Here’s how: |

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|Get to Good Standing Here: |

|Recurring $30/mo. Maintenance Option 4a |

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|-OR- |

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|$300 Annual Maintenance Option 4b |

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|Get Caught-up Here: |

|One Time $30 - $300 Maintenance Option 4c |

|-OR- |

|Mail payments to: |

|Our New Earth |

|4002 Hwy 78 |

|530-321 |

|Snellville, GA 30039 |

|-OR- |

|Maintenance Hardship |

|Should you need assistance, call Rick 9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern (except holidays) |

|1-855-942-8324 |

|May you be blessed, |

|Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and support team |

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|You Volunteered for this Adventure! |

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|Sometimes we forget we ‘volunteered’ to come to the Earth experience with dark and light along with freewill to experience fully the good, the bad, the ugly and|

|the beautiful. |

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|Did you know? Creator can only hear you if you are grounded and in your heart and have your ‘gunk’ removed. |

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|When things are beyond our control, then ask Creator for support. If you are grounded and in your heart, and your gunk removed, your request can be heard. Then |

|if it is beneficial and in the highest and best, it will be acted upon by Creator. |

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|If you are NOT grounded NOR in your heart, and have NOT done your ER/EP process, your message to Creator will NOT be heard. Do your grounding and heart |

|centering daily. |

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|We all have many unresolved emotional issues that can place you in the ‘dark’ category viewing life thru a dark filter. These are easily remedied with ER and EP|

|programs and our safe emotional sprays below. Learn more |

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|Remove your Anger, Fear, Sorrow |

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|Instead of blaming others for yours or other problems, you need to go within and resolve your own challenges. First ground and get into your heart with the |

|grounding exercise, remove your gunk with ER and EP, then balance your emotions with AngerClear, FearClear and SorrowClear, then you are ready to commune with |

|Creator. |

| |

|May you be blessed, |

|Rev. Tom |

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|Thank you Prime Creator of Light |

|[pic] |

|Recent Testimonials: |

|“Dear Tom and Lois, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for my son.  He is like a new person. Fear and anxiety has almost disappeared and when it |

|comes up he handles it well.  I can talk to him without him getting defensive. It has been years since he has told me he loves me. He is also going to church |

|now with my brother-in-law to meet new people.  When I read all the things that you had to do to/for him, I am so blessed to belong to Freedom Club. What you |

|and Lois do for all of us is overwhelming.  You give so much of yourselves and your time. May you both be blessed !!!”  |

|M.B. Member |

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|"Thank you Tom and Lois for clearing entities from myself wife, pets, cars and my home.  My personal experience is very good.   I am not negative anymore.   I |

|can see a change in my wife also.   I can tell when you pulled the entities off (my dog) because his tail went up and started to wag that day.   I just wanted |

|to say thank you Lois and Tom". |

|Jeremy |

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|INCORP - Member News |

|If you have an FCUSA purchased or provided LLC and have questions on your annual dues, you can contact INCORP through their new support person, VALERIE VILLEGAS|

|at 800-246-2677 in Nevada. |

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|Any country refusing GESARA rules of de-nuclearization and peace will be removed from the new financial CIPS system and will not be able to trade with any other|

|countries and receive NO post RV funds. |

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|Payout Preparation: |


|Complete Your Payout Preparation |

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|What has been your experience from FCUSA or what suggestions do you have for your club? Testimonial |

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|May you be blessed throughout 2018, |

|Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and staff. |

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|[pic] |

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|GSA |

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|GSA processing by the International Common Law World Court is accepting it’s last entries |

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|Check YOUR WCNS STATUS here |

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|Check the WCNS column and scroll down to your member number (first column in WCNS group). If you have a completion date in the third column of WCNS, you are |

|complete. If blank, something is missing. |

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|Your GSA process WILL NOT be honored unless you have completed all the affidavits, data, order and payment. If you are delinquent, your claim will NOT be |

|honored or PAID! |

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|WCNS upgrade order: |

|WCNS data or affidavit: |

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|Bank Loans: |

|IRS or CRA: |

|Bankruptcy: |

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|Contact us: info@gold-shield- |

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|PayPal payment: Option 8 |

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|Check/MO payment to: |

|Our New Earth |

|4002 Hwy 78 Suite 530-321 |

|Snellville, GA 30039 |

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|BioRenew |

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|BioRenew Products |

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|BIORENEW - Home |

|  All Products |

|  RealWater |

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|  AngerClear |

|  Health Guide |

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|  FearClear |

|  BioScan |

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|  SorrowClear |

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|  RealTrim |

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|BioRenew Health Guide |

|Discover what emotions precipitate your DIS-EASE. |

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|News & calls |

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|holiday week |

|no calls |

|5-25-20 |

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|All Recorded calls |

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|WED: Prosperity |


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|9 PM Eastern |

|605-313-5164 PIN 208283# |

|Backup #: |

|559-546-1400 |

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|Entity Removal |

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|Emotional & Physical Clearing |

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|Member Only Calls |

|Member Only Calls |

|VIP: MON 9 PM |



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|Call Schedule |

|All Recordings |

|World Wide FREE Long |

|Distance Calling |

|Find Local # |

|PIN 341231# |

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|RV News |

|Earth News |

|BioRenew |

|Our New Earth |

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|Call Schedule |

|Recorded Calls |

|Home Page |

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|MemberSHIP |

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|Membership & Maint Member Benefits |

|GSA |

|LLC Protection |

|Monthly Maintenance |

|RV Test Alert |

|RV Alert |

|RV Exchange |

|Maint Hardship |

|Locate Member # |

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|Our Gratitude |

|Papal Decree |

|Benevolence |

|Member Praise |

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|Copyright © 2020 Freedom Foundation USA  4002 Hwy 78, Suite 530-321, Snellville, GA 30039. All Rights Reserved. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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