TEACHER’S NAME: Michelle Abady
|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |
| |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: | |
| |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers)] |
| | | |handwriting, Library) | |
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| |This whole week we will be | Activity: |MATH- |Dramatic Play: |
| |discussing about sea creatures | |-Counting game: |- Pretend to be a fish |
| |that live under the sea. |[pic] | the sea. What |
|Monday |Examples: | |id=25578 |color fish would you be? |
|Date: 8/3 |Fish, shark, starfish, jelly |Materials: |LITERACY- |Swim around the ocean |
| |fish, octopus, sea turtles, |- Paper plate |Letter of the day: F |to find all your friends |
| |whale, dolphin. |- Scissors |(review sound of the letter) |(shark, octopus, jelly |
| | |- Crayons |● Have the children look for |fish…) |
| |Our Daily Focus for today, we are| |the letter in | |
| |going to learn about fish that |Directions: |books/magazines. | |
| |live in the ocean! |- Have your child color |● Help your child find items | |
| | |the paper plate |around the house that |Music and Movement |
| |What are Fish? |- Trace a triangle on |start with that letter. |-“ Down In The Deep Blue |
| | |the plate and have |● Have the children cut out |Sea” |
| |[pic] |your child it cut it out (see sample |pictures from a magazine |Click on link below: |
| | |below) |that start with that letter | |
| |Facts about Fish: |- Glue the cut out |and create a collage. | |
| | |triangle |● If printer is available use |-Under the Sea |
| |- They live and |- Draw an eye |the link below to access | |
| |breathe underwater | |worksheets. | |
| |- They use their gills | | |
| |to breathe |[pic] |m/2020/03/literacy.pdf | |
| |- Most fish have fins | | | |
| |which help them |[pic] | | |
| |swim | |HANDWRITING | |
| |- There are different |[pic] |Have your child write the word: | |
| |types of fish | |-Fish |Sensory: |
| | | | |- Edible fish sensory play |
| | | | |[pic] |
| |Please watch video: | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 |Click on link below: |
| | | |THE BRAVEST FISH Read Along Aloud | |
| | | |Story Book for Children Kids | |
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| |Fish Song | | | |
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| |Our Daily Focus for today will be|“Colorful Star Fish” |MATH | |
| |to talk about Star Fish. |Option 1: |-Number recognition games: | |
| |They are also called “Sea Stars” | | |
|Tuesday |- they are NOT fish |[pic] |tify-numbers-up-to-10 |Movement: |
|Date: 8/4 |- they usually have 5 |Materials: | |Move like a star fish, |
| |arms, but can have |-paper | |swim like a fish. Have a race with your family |
| |up to 50 arms |-marker |LITERACY- Letter S |members…. Who can move faster? |
| |- they have suckers |-scissor |Go on a Letter S hunt by placing | |
| |(circles on them) |-glue |pieces of paper with the letter S. | |
| |- The suckers help |-fruit loops |Tape them around the room and have | |
| |them move along | |your child find them. |Dramatic Play: |
| |the ocean floor. | | |- Pretend to be a sea animal. What sea |
| |-they come in many different | | |animal would you be? Who would your |
| |colors | |HANDWRITING- |friends/family be? Swim around to find your sea |
| | | |Have your child write the word: |animals. |
| |[pic] | |-Star Fish | |
| |[pic] |Option 2: |-Sea Star | |
| | |“Button Star Fish” | | |
| |[pic] |Materials: |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 |Sensory: |
| |[pic] |Craft paper |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED |- Mix sand and water or |
| |[pic] |Scissors |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |use playdough to create |
| | |Glue |Click on link: |different structures (i.e. |
| |[pic] |Buttons |Starry Arms Counting by Fives (Read|sand castle, sea |
| | |Star template (available for free at |Aloud Skip Counting) |animals…) |
| |[pic] |the end of this post) | | |
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| |Starfish facts | | |
| | |sh-craft-kids.html | | |
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| |Starfish facts for kids - facts | | | |
| |about sea star for children - | | | |
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| | |Directions: | | |
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| | |Print out the star template on craft | | |
| | |paper. Cut the stars out. Little Tiger | | |
| | |cut out her stars and I cut out Little | | |
| | |Dragon’s stars. | | |
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| |Our Daily Focus for today will be|[pic] | | |
| |to talk about Jelly Fish. | | | |
| |- They are not a | |Math- |Movement |
|Wednesday |fish. They are |Click on link below for materials and |Math Puzzle |The Jellyfish | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs |
|Date: 8/5 |invertebrates. |instructions: | |
| |They have soft | | |
| |bodies and no |content/uploads/2013/07/paper-bag-jelly| | |
| |bones. |fish-craft-.jpg | |Art- |
| |-They live in the | |LITERACY- Review |[pic] |
| |ocean. | |Letter J. |Click on link: |
| |- There are many | |see pgs. 59, 60, 64 | |
| |different types | | |
| |of jelly fish | |m/2020/03/literacy.pdf | |
| |-They have long | | | |
| |tentacles that | | | |
| |[pic] | |-Have your child write the word: J |What items can float in water? Using a bucket of water |
| | | |using a pencil or marker on a piece|gather several objects from around the house. Which |
| |[pic] | |of paper. |objects sink, and which objects float? |
| | | |-Jelly Fish | |
| |[pic] | | | |
| |All About Jellyfish for Kids: | | | |
| |Jellyfish for Children | | | |
| |Click on video below: | | | |
| | | |I Am Jellyfish | |
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|Thursday | | | | |
|Date: 8/6 | | | | |
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| |Our Daily Focus for today will be| | | |
| |to discuss another sea creature: | | | |
| |Sea Turtle | | | |
| | | | | |
| |-There are turtles that live in | | | |
| |the water | | | |
| |but they can also live on land. | | |Cooking- |
| |-Turtles have a hard shell. That | | |“Edible Turtle” |
| |protects them. | | |Need: kiwi, green grapes |
| |-Turtles are usually green. | | | |
| |-Turtles come in different |Activity: | |[pic] |
| |sizes. There are small turtles | | | |
| |and big turtles. |[pic] | | |
| |-Some turtles can live over | | |Blocks: |
| |100 years. |Click on link below for materials and | |Using various materials around |
| | |instructions: |Math- Computer/Games: |the house like a chair or pillows. |
| |[pic] | |Light and Heavy |Build an aquarium. An aquarium is |
| |Fun Facts About Sea Turtles For | place we can visit to see animals |
| |Kids | Cartoons for kids |r-plate-crafts-kids/ |t-and-heavy |that live in the ocean. What sea |
| |Click on link: | | |animals will you have in your |
| | | | |aquarium? |
| | | | |Draw a picture on paper and write |
| |[pic] | |Literacy- |the name of the fish/animal for |
| | | |Letter T |each exhibit |
| | | |-open a book or magazine and have | |
| |Facts about the Sea Turtle | |your child look for words that | |
| |Click on below: | |start with the letter T. |Art |
| | | | |Click on link: |
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| | | |Handwriting- |Carton-Turtles |
| | | |Write the word: | |
| | | |- Sea Turtle | |
| |Tooty Ta Sea Turtle | Sea Animals| | |[pic] |
| |Songs | Pinkfong Songs for | | | |
| |Children | |Library/Media- | |
| | | |WEBSITE: | |
| | | |Click on link below | |
| | | |Sea Turtles Read Aloud | |
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|Friday | | |Math- | |
|Date: 8/7 |Our Daily Focus for today will be|[pic] |Practice counting and 1:1 | |
| |another sea creature that lives | |correspondence with the numbers | |
| |in the ocean….Shark. |Click on link for materials and |1-10. | |
| | |instructions. | |SAND AND WATER/ SENSORY |
| |--They have sharp teeth. | household items such as |What items can float in water? Using a bucket of water |
| |-They can swim very |293411412/ |pennies, Cheerios, beans, or pasta.|gather several objects from around the house. Which objects |
| |fast. | | |sink, and which objects float? |
| |-Sharks eat other | | | |
| |animals and fish | |-Place those 10 items into a cup. | |
| |-There are different | | | |
| |types of sharks: | |-Have your child take |Dramatic Play |
| |Tiger Shark | |out one item at a time from the cup|Pretend you are going to the swimming pool/ocean. Put on your bath |
| |Great White Shark | |and count until they reach 10 and |suit and bring a towel. |
| |Hammer Head Shark | |there are no more items in the cup.| |
| | | | | |
| |[pic] | | | |
| | | |-Have your child pick up one item | |
| |[pic] | |at a time and place it back in the |Music/Movement |
| | | |cup until they reach 10 and all |Baby Shark Dance | Sing and Dance! | @Baby Shark Official | PINKFONG Songs for |
| |[pic] | |items are back in the cup. |Children |
| |Click on below: | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Shark Facts | Why Sharks are so | | | |
| |awesome | Fun Facts for Kids | |Literacy- | |
| | | |See pg 18 | |
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| | | |m/2020/03/uppercase-letters-with-pi| |
| | | |ctures.pdf | |
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| | | |Handwriting- | |
| | | |Write the following words: | |
| | | |-Shark | |
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| | | |Library/Media- | |
| | | |WEBSITE: | |
| | | |Click on link below: | |
| | | |Smiley Shark Children Storybook | |
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Social/ Emotional- Week to Review: Week 14: Strong Feelings
Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter. Look at page 65
Common Core Domains
Domain 5.PK.ARTS.16. [VA:Cr1-3.PK] Creates Visual Arts PK.ARTS.16. Indicators: c. Shares and talks about personal artwork
Domain 3.PK.SEL.3. Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with significant adults (primary caregivers, teachers, and other familiar adults)
Domain4b.PKRF.3 Indicators: a. Demonstrates one-to-one letter-sound correspondence by producing the primary sound of some consonants
Domain 5.PK.MATH.1. [NY-.1.] Counts to 20
Any questions please email at mglik@
REMEMBER- Take pictures everyday of your child’s work and please email to mglik@
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