The South African Plant Variety Journal is quarterly compiled by:



Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries

Private Bag X973



Publication of information in the South African Plant Variety Journal is intended to satisfy the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV) and to facilitate the activities of other interested parties.

Any objections must be submitted in writing to the Registrar of Plant Breeders’ Rights within THREE months with reference to denominations, and within SIX months with reference to applications and grants from the date of publication of this issue, accompanied by the appropriate fees.


PVJ – 147

July - September 2015




Kind of plant: Glycine max (L.) Merrill [GMO Soybean]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7723 |5351RFS |Associados Don Mario [1281] |BR |GDM Seeds [1708] |2015-09-28 |

|PT 7714 |6205 B |FN Semillas SA [1572] |AR |Southern Hemisphere Seeds [1573]|2015-08-11 |

|PT 7724 |6402RSF |Associados Don Mario [1281] |BR |GDM Seeds [1708] |2015-09-28 |

|PT 7715 |6505 B |FN Semillas SA [1572] |AR |Southern Hemisphere Seeds [1573]|2015-08-11 |

|PT 7713 |FN 5.55 |FN Semillas SA [1572] |AR |Southern Hemisphere Seeds [1573]|2015-08-11 |

|PT 7598 |LS 6851 R |Link Seed [484] |ZA |Link Seed [484] |2015-07-13 |

|PT 7599 |LS 6860 R |Link Seed [484] |ZA |Link Seed [484] |2015-07-13 |

|PT 7600 |LS 6868 R |Link Seed [484] |ZA |Link Seed [484] |2015-07-13 |

|PT 7710 |PAN 1450R |Pannar Seed [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed [1412] |2015-08-13 |

|PT 7711 |PAN1555R |Pannar Seed [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed [1412] |2015-08-13 |

|PT 7712 |PAN1653R |Pannar Seed [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed [1412] |2015-08-13 |

Kind of plant: Helianthus annuus L. [Sunflower]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7596 |HSK 5002 |Pioneer Overseas [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-07-13 |

|PT 7597 |HXM 2119 CL |Pioneer Overseas [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-07-13 |

|PT 7733 |PAN 7064 |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

|PT 7734 |PAN 7116 |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

|PT 7727 |PAN 7150 |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

|PT 7728 |PAN 7152 |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

|PT 7729 |PAN 7155CLP |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

|PT 7730 |PAN 7156CLP |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

|PT 7731 |PAN 7158HO |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

|PT 7732 |PAN 7160CLP |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd [1412] |2015-09-16 |

Kind of plant: Humulus lupulus L. [Hops}

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7717 |J17 |SAB Hop Farms [21] |ZA |SAB Hop Farms [21] |2015-07-31 |

Kind of plant: Phaseolus vulgaris L. [Dry bean]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7602 |PAN 9244 |Pannar Seed [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed [1412] |2015-07-15 |

Kind of plant: Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench [Grain sorghum]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7594 |PAN 8944 |Pioneer Overseas [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-07-13 |

|PT 7595 |PAN 8945 |Pioneer Overseas [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-07-13 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. var. saccharata Bailey [Sweetcorn]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7593 |Defender |Plennegy [1540] |ZA |Plennegy [1540] |2015-07-15 |

|PT 7615 |Nebula |Illinois Foundation [546] |US |Sakata [1356] |2015-07-09 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. [White CONVENTIONAL maize]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7723 |DKC63-53 |Monsanto US [1338] |US |Monsanto SA [80] |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7706 |PAN 4M-17 |Pannar Seed [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed [1412] |2015-09-28 |

|PT 7707 |PAN 4M-23 |Pannar Seed [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed [1412] |2015-09-28 |

|PT 7708 |PAN 7M-83 |Pannar Seed [1412] |ZA |Pannar Seed [1412] |2015-09-28 |

|PT 7641 |PHB X18H665W |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7639 |PHB X18H670 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7634 |PHB X23F431W |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7640 |PHB X23H509W |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7635 |PHB X23H519 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7636 |PHB X23H523 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7638 |PHB X23H527 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7637 |PHB X23H528 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7642 |PHB X5H301W |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. [White GMO maize]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7722 |DKC76-61 B |Monsanto US [1338] |US |Monsanto SA [80] |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7660 |P 1517W BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7661 |P 1517W R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7654 |PAN 5B-485 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7656 |PAN 5R-591 R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7657 |PAN 5R-785 BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7650 |PAN 6B-465 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7659 |PAN4R-711 BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7643 |PHB X23F431W R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7648 |PHB X23F433W BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7658 |PHB X23F438W R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7644 |PHB X23H505W R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7652 |PHB X23H509W B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7645 |PHB X23H513W R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7647 |PHB X28D297W B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7653 |PHB X28D310W B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7655 |PHB X28D310W BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7646 |PHB X35H446W BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7651 |PHB X80407777W B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7649 |PHB X80407783W B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. [Yellow CONVENTIONAL maize]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7675 |P 2137 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7676 |P 2432 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7629 |PHB X13B655 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7678 |PHB X13D214 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7616 |PHB X18H667 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7627 |PHB X18H669 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7633 |PHB X18H671 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7621 |PHB X18H673 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7631 |PHB X18H674 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7628 |PHB X23H518 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7630 |PHB X23H522 |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. [Yellow GMO maize]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7718 |DKC64-54 BR |Monsanto US [1338] |US |Monsanto SA [80] |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7719 |DKC65-52 BR |Monsanto US [1338] |US |Monsanto SA [80] |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7720 |DKC68-56 BR |Monsanto US [1338] |US |Monsanto SA [80] |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7721 |DKC68-58 BR |Monsanto US [1338] |US |Monsanto SA [80] |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7665 |IMP 52-12 R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7671 |P 1637 BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7673 |P 1745 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7677 |PAN 3R-586 R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7667 |PAN 4B-376 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7670 |PHB X13B655 BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7672 |PHB X13C761 BR |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7663 |PHB X13C761 R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7662 |PHB X13C762 R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7674 |PHB X18F886 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7669 |PHB X23F442 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7666 |PHB X23F442 R |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7664 |PHB X23H517 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7668 |PHB X23H518 B |Pioneer US [133] |US |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |2015-08-14 |


Kind of plant: Cucurbita L. (Butternut & Pumpkin)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7624 |Reliance |Plennegy (1540) |ZA |Plennegy (1540) |2015-07-14 |

|PT 7688 |Saxo |Basso Semillas (1727) |AR |Hygrotech (173) |2015-07-28 |

Kind of plant: Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (Sweet potato)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7586 |Orleans |Don La Bonte (1719) |US |ARC (254) |2015-08-11 |

Kind of plant: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Tomato)

|Application number|Proposed |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

| |denomination | | | | |

|PT 7623 |Amy |Plennegy (1540) |ZA |Plennegy (1540) |2015-07-14 |

|PT 7682 |Heidi |Sakata Sudamerica (1135) |BR |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7686 |Inga |Sakata Vegenetics (1356) |ZA |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7685 |Jasmine |Sakata Vegenetics (1356) |ZA |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7679 |Katya |Sakata Vegenetics (1356) |ZA |Sakata Vegenetics (1356) |2015-07-15 |

|PT 7680 |Kimi |Sakata Seed Corporation (44) |JP |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7681 |Lyric |Sakata Seed Corporation (44) |JP |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7684 |Pinto |Sakata Seed Corporation (44) |JP |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7683 |Robin |Sakata Seed Corporation (44) |JP |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7687 |Ruby |Sakata Seed Corporation (44) |JP |Sakata SA (1356) |2015-08-14 |

|PT 7622 |Trinity |Plennegy (1540) |ZA |Plennegy (1540) |2015-07-14 |


Kind of plant: Agapanthus L’Herit (African lily)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7737 |KEK 5006 |KKHI (422) |ZA |KKHI (422) |2015-09-09 |

Kind of plant: Argyranthemum Webb ex Sch. Bip. (Daisy bush)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7705 |2001-371mut |Nuflora (1021) |ES |PSD (82) |2015-09-22 |

Kind of plant: Aspalathus L. (Rooibos)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7739 |JHdL01 |Afriplex (1732) |DE |Spoor & Fisher (157) |2015-09-17 |

Kind of plant: Chrysanthemum L. (Chrysanthemum)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7738 |DLFOSIT |Deliflor (771) |NL |Knol-Korevaar (770) |2015-09-08 |

Kind of plant: Dianthus L. (Dianthus)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7704 |WP11 GWE04 |Whetman Pinks Ltd. (1479) |UK |PSD (82) |2015-09-17 |

Kind of plant: Lavandula L. (Lavender)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7621 |NIKO |B&S Plants LLC (1724) |US |Green Solutions (1725) |2015-07-07 |

Kind of plant: Leucadendron R.Br. (Conebush)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7590 |Procerum Red |E J de Beer (950) |ZA |E J de Beer (950) |2015-07-01 |

|PT 7591 |Procerum Green |E J de Beer (950) |ZA |E J de Beer (950) |2015-07-01 |

Kind of plant: Rosa L. (Rose)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7703 |Delparviro |Societe Nouvelle (187) |FR |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7689 |Horcassini |Heather Horner (1728) |UK |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7690 |Korfalmazu |Kordes Sohne (12) |DE |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7691 |Korkaans |Kordes Sohne (12) |DE |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7692 |Korfivkon |Kordes Sohne (12) |DE |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7693 |Korkilawi |Kordes Sohne (12) |DE |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7694 |Korsalamar |Kordes Sohne (12) |DE |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7695 |Korsebasaf |Kordes Sohne (12) |DE |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7696 |Ludansun |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |ZA |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7697 |Ludclocjoey |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |ZA |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7698 |Ludeligra |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |ZA |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7699 |Ludintendav |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |ZA |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7700 |Ludshedou |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |ZA |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7701 |Ludsheijujo |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |ZA |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7702 |Ludwisuver |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |ZA |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-08-18 |

|PT 7741 |ORA351 |Establissements (1733) |FR |Ludwig’s Roses (14) |2015-09-24 |

Kind of plant: Westringia Sm. (Westringia)

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7736 |WES04 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |2015-08-20 |


Kind of plant: Citrus L. [Clementine]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7609 |Nules Early |Pietie Ferreira [1722] |ZA |Citrigene (Gert Ferreira) [1144] |2015-07-22 |

Kind of plant: Citrus L. [Mandarin]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7726 |DaisySL |Regents of Univ of Calif [176] |US |Spoor & Fisher [157] |2015-09-17 |

|PT 7610 |Hallow1 |Citrigene [1144] |ZA |Citrigene (Gert Ferreira) [1144] |2015-07-22 |

|PT 7608 |Nadircott Early |Citrigene [1144] |ZA |Citrigene (Gert Ferreira) [1144] |2015-07-22 |

|PT 7611 |Nules Late |Citrigene [1144] |ZA |Citrigene (Gert Ferreira) [1144] |2015-07-22 |

Kind of plant: Citrus L. [Navel]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7607 |Navellate Red |Citrigene [1144] |ZA |Citrigene (Gert Ferreira) [1144] |2015-07-22 |

Kind of plant: Litchi chinensis Sonn [Litchi]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7618 |TS-LIT-049 |ARC [254] |ZA |ARC-ITSC [254] |2015-07-29 |

Kind of plant: Macadamia integrifolia X M. tetraphylla [Macadamia hybrid]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7619 |TS-Mac-114 |ARC [254] |ZA |ARC-ITSC [254] |2015-07-29 |

Kind of plant: Malus Mill. [Apple]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7725 |SJCA38R6A74 |Her Majesty the Queen [1730] |CA |Stargrow [731] |2015-09-02 |

Kind of plant: Passiflora edulis X P. edlulis f flavicarpa [Passion fruit hybrid]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7617 |TS-PAS-052 |ARC [254] |ZA |ARC-ITSC [254] |2015-07-29 |

Kind of plant: Prunus avium (L.) L. [Cherry]

|Application number|Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date received |

|PT 7625 |Royal Alida |Zaigers Inc. [605] |US |Zaiger SA [1272] |2015-07-22 |

|PT 7626 |Royal Letty |Zaigers Inc. [605] |US |Zaiger SA [1272] |2015-07-22 |

Kind of plant: Prunus persica (L.) Batsch [Peach]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7709 |Flatbeauti |Agro Selections Fruits [1320] |FR |SAPO Trust [59] |2015-08-19 |

|PT 7566 |Orphea |PSB Produccion Vegetal SL [1437] |SP |Lushof Farms [1438] |2015-08-21 |

|PT 7612 |PRO-C-152 |Viveros Proveda [1721] |SP |Topfruit [229] |2015-07-28 |

|PT 7613 |PRO-C-329 |Viveros Proveda [1721] |SP |Topfruit [229] |2015-07-28 |

|PT 7614 |PRO-C-342 |Viveros Proveda [1721] |SP |Topfruit [229] |2015-07-28 |

Kind of plant: Psidium guajava L. [Guava]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7620 |TS-Gua-068 |ARC [254] |ZA |ARC-ITSC [254] |2015-07-29 |

Kind of plant: Rubus L. [Raspberry]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7550 |Adelita |Plantas de Navarra [1081] |SP |Stargrow [731] |2015-07-01 |

|PT 7551 |Lupita |Plantas de Navarra [1081] |SP |Stargrow [731] |2015-07-01 |

Kind of plant: Rubus L. [California Blackberry]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7580 |HJ-7 |Plant Sciences [814] |US |Stargrow [731] |2015-07-20 |

|PT 7581 |Incentive |Plant Sciences [814] |US |Stargrow [731] |2015-07-20 |

Kind of plant: Vaccinium L. [Douthern Highbush Blueberry]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7603 |Ridley 0501 |Mountain Blue Orchards [1700] |AU |Spoor & Fisher [157] |2015-07-27 |

|PT 7604 |Ridley 1403 |Mountain Blue Orchards [1700] |AU |Spoor & Fisher [157] |2015-07-27 |

|PT 7605 |Ridley 1812 |Mountain Blue Orchards [1700] |AU |Spoor & Fisher [157] |2015-07-27 |

|PT 7606 |Ridley 3402 |Mountain Blue Orchards [1700] |AU |Spoor & Fisher [157] |2015-07-27 |

Kind of plant: Vitis L. [Grape]

|Application No. |Proposed denomination |Applicant |Country |Agent |Date accepted |

|PT 7716 |Crimson Muscat |Le Roux JF [1717] |ZA |SAPO [59] |2015-08-03 |

|PT 7601 |IFG Fourteen |IFG, LLC [1399] |US |Voor-Groenberg [1603] |2015-07-20 |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination |Date of Withdrawal |

|PT 2834 |Chrysanthemum |spp. |Chrysanthemum |Eurobelle Cream |2015-07-01 |

|PT 6704 |Prunus |armeniaca L. |Apricot |Aprirome |2015-09-18 |

|PT 6711 |Prunus |persica var nucipersica |Nectarine |Nectarlight |2015-09-18 |

| | |(L.) Batsch. | | | |

|PT 5370 |Prunus |salicina Lindl. |Japanese plum |StarPlum4 |2015-09-02 |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination |Date of Rejection|

|None |Chloris |gayana Kunth. |Rhodes grass |Toro |2015-09-04 |


IV.A Application for variety denominations

Vide I



|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Previous denomination |New denomination |

|PT 2834 |Chrysanthemum |spp. |Chrysanthemum |Eurobelle Yellow |Eurobelle Cream |

|PT 7584 |Ipomoea |spp. |Sweet Potato |LA06-52 |Bellevue |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination|Previous Agent |New Agent |

|PT 7073 |Citrus |spp. |Mandarin hybrid |Leanri |L Esselen & F Veldman |Comoset (Pty) Ltd |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination|Previous Holder |New Holder |

|ZA 20135313 |Glycine |max (L.) Merrill. |GMO soybean |PAN 1521 R |Asociados Don Mario |Pannar Seed PTY Ltd |

|ZA 20135314 |Glycine |max (L.) Merrill. |GMO soybean |PAN 1623 R |Asociados Don Mario |Pannar Seed PTY Ltd |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination |Previous Holder |New Holder |

|PT 6928 |Actinidia |spp. |Kiwi fruit |Y356 |Y356 Ltd |Y356 (International) |

| | | | | | |Limited |

|PT 7073 |Citrus |spp. |Mandarin |Leanri |Esselen & Veldman |Comoset Pty Ltd |




Kind of plant: Arachis L. [Groundnut]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 6848 |ACI236S |AgResearch [1579] |Spoor & Fisher [157] |ZA 20156025 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 6846 |ACI240S |AgResearch [1579] |Spoor & Fisher [157] |ZA 20156026 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 6847 |ACI243S |AgResearch [1579] |Spoor & Fisher [157] |ZA 20156027 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 7400 |ARC-AkwaPLUS |ARC (254) |ARC-GCI (254) |ZA 20156028 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 7401 |ARC-SelliePLUS |ARC (254) |ARC-GCI (254) |ZA 20156029 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 7378 |GP023 |Golden Peanut & Tree Nut (1676) |Golden Peanut & Tree Nut (1676)|ZA 20156030 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 7379 |GP033 |Golden Peanut & Tree Nut (1676) |Golden Peanut & Tree Nut (1676)|ZA 20156031 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 7380 |GP035 |Golden Peanut & Tree Nut (1676) |Golden Peanut & Tree Nut (1676)|ZA 20156032 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

Kind of plant: Glycine max (L.) Merrill. [GMO soybean]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7354 |95Y61 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155951 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7353 |95Y80 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155952 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7363 |RA 437 |Agricolas Criadero (1669) |Derick van Staden (1670) |ZA 20155953 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7364 |RA 556 |Agricolas Criadero (1669) |Derick van Staden (1670) |ZA 20155956 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7365 |RA 560 |Agricolas Criadero (1669) |Derick van Staden (1670) |ZA 20155957 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7366 |RA 563 |Agricolas Criadero (1669) |Derick van Staden (1670) |ZA 20155958 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7367 |RA 565 |Agricolas Criadero (1669) |Derick van Staden (1670) |ZA 20155959 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7368 |RA 568 |Agricolas Criadero (1669) |Derick van Staden (1670) |ZA 20155960 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7369 |RA 660 |Agricolas Criadero (1669) |Derick van Staden (1670) |ZA 20155961 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7292 |RJS 45002 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155962 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7293 |RJS 46003 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155963 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7296 |RJS 49006 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155964 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7297 |RJS 49012 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155965 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7298 |RJS 50001 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155966 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7300 |RJS 53001 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155975 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7302 |RJS 57002 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155967 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7304 |RJS 59001 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20155968 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7428 |SSS 4945 (tuc) |EEAOC [1687] |Sensako [24] |ZA 20155969 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7429 |SSS 5052 (tuc) |EEAOC [1687] |Sensako [24] |ZA 20155970 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7430 |SSS 5449 (tuc) |EEAOC [1687] |Sensako [24] |ZA 20155971 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7431 |SSS 5755 (tuc) |EEAOC [1687] |Sensako [24] |ZA 20155972 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7432 |SSS 6560 (tuc) |EEAOC [1687] |Sensako [24] |ZA 20155973 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

Kind of plant: Gossypium hirsutum L. [GMO Cotton]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7358 |DP 1531 B2RF |Monsanto USA (1338) |Monsanto SA (80) |ZA 20156012 |2015-04-23 |2035-04-23 |

|PT 7359 |DP 1541 B2RF |Monsanto USA (1338) |Monsanto SA (80) |ZA 20156013 |2015-04-23 |2035-04-23 |

Kind of plant: Hordeum L. [Barley/Spring Barley]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7055 |SabbiDisa |SABBI (1187) |SABBI (1187) |ZA 20156014 |2015-05-22 |2035-05-22 |

|PT 7143 |Traveler |Secobra Recherches (1638) |GWK Limited (767) |ZA 20156015 |2015-05-22 |2035-05-22 |

Kind of plant: Panicum L. (Panicum, White Buffalo Grass)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7374 |Paredao |Brasuda & Matsuda (1671, 1672) |Brasuda (1671) |ZA 20156016 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

Kind of plant: Saccharum officinarum L. (Sugar cane)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7283 |N54 |SASA (941) |SASA (941) |ZA 20156019 |2015-08-25 |2035-08-25 |

|PT 7284 |N55 |SASA (941) |SASA (941) |ZA 20156020 |2015-08-25 |2035-08-25 |

|PT 7285 |N56 |SASA (941) |SASA (941) |ZA 20156021 |2015-08-25 |2035-08-25 |

|PT 7286 |N57 |SASA (941) |SASA (941) |ZA 20156022 |2015-08-25 |2035-08-25 |

|PT 7514 |N58 |SASA [941] |SASA (941) |ZA 20156023 |2015-08-25 |2035-08-25 |

|PT 7515 |N59 |SASA [941] |SASA (941) |ZA 20156024 |2015-08-25 |2035-08-25 |

Kind of plant: Solanum tuberosum L. [Potato]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7179 |Arizona |Kweek & Research [1570] |FPD [390] |ZA 20155912 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7420 |Arsenal |Kweek & Research [1570] |FPD [390] |ZA 20155918 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7370 |Colomba |HZPC [234] |DM Kisch [124] |ZA 20155915 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7053 |Dione |Darwinkel J [1629] |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155909 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 6915 |El Mundo |KWS Potato BV [1593] |Zylem CC [312] |ZA 20155902 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7421 |Excellency |Kweek & Research [1570] |FPD [390] |ZA 20155919 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7052 |Faluka |Vos FJ [1628] |FPD [390] |ZA 20155908 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7371 |Flamenco |HZPC [234] |DM Kisch [124] |ZA 20155916 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7372 |Grandeur |Stet Holland & Vrij [706, 1677] |DM Kisch [124] |ZA 20155917 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7180 |Iryna |HZPC [234] |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155913 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7188 |Jazzy |C Meijer BV [389] |FPD [390] |ZA 20155914 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7015 |Kastelli |Kannegieter H & JM [1622, 1623] |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155903 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7076 |Lady Anna |C Meijer BV [389] |FPD [390] |ZA 20155911 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7054 |Leonardo |Dijkstra K & Dijkstra-Kooistra T |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155910 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

| | |[1630] | | | | |

|PT 7016 |Memphis |Mulder H [1624] |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155904 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7017 |Navigator |HZPC [234] |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155905 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7018 |Panamera |Van der Werff YP [1301] |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155906 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

|PT 7019 |Ronaldo |Van der Werff YP [1301] |WFSPG [235] |ZA 20155907 |2015-08-01 |2035-08-01 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. [White GMO grain maize]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7319 |PAN 5B-355 B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155934 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7317 |PAN 5Q-651 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155936 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7320 |PAN 5R-787 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155937 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7321 |PAN 5R-789 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155938 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7314 |PAN 5R-795 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155939 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7316 |PAN 5R-799 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155940 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7105 |PAN 6B-365 B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155935 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7318 |PAN 6Q-865 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155941 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7106 |PAN 6R-765 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155942 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7352 |PHB 3SA88214401 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155943 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7348 |PHB 3SA88214803 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155944 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7345 |PHB 3X23F431WY B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155947 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7347 |PHB 3X23F432WY B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155948 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7349 |PHB 3X23F436WY B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155949 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7110 |PHB 3X28D298WYR BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155945 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7351 |PHB 3X28D308WYR BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155946 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7344 |PHB 3X28F401WY B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155950 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. [Yellow GMO grain maize]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7356 |DKC 64-46 BR |Monsanto US [1338] |Monsanto SA [80] |ZA 20155954 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7307 |P 1637 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155955 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7309 |P 1690 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155981 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7087 |P 1745 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155982 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7330 |PAN 3R-786 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155983 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7329 |PAN 3R-788 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155984 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7323 |PAN 4B-328 B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155985 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7322 |PAN 4R-560 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155986 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7328 |PAN 4R-576 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155987 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7327 |PAN 6B-380 B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155988 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7325 |PAN 6R-664 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155989 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7324 |PAN 6R-684 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155990 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7326 |PAN 6R-710 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155991 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7091 |PAN 6R-780 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155992 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7088 |PHB 32D92 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155993 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7339 |PHB 33D47 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155994 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7337 |PHB 3SA88214807 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155995 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7338 |PHB 3SA88214808 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155996 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7092 |PHB 3X13A473YR BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155997 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7340 |PHB 3X13A497 BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155998 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7342 |PHB 3X13F539 YR BR |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20155999 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7093 |PHB 3X18A655 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20156000 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7098 |PHB 3X23D412 R |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20156001 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7341 |PHB 3X23F442Y B |Pioneer, USA [133] |Pioneer Hi-Bred [411] |ZA 20156002 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. [Yellow CONV maize]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7305 |P 1319 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20156033 |2015-09-15 |2035-09-15 |

|PT 7331 |PHB 3SA88214805 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20156034 |2015-09-15 |2035-09-15 |

|PT 7333 |PHB 3X18F886 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20156035 |2015-09-15 |2035-09-15 |

|PT 7335 |PHB 3X23F439 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20156036 |2015-09-15 |2035-09-15 |

|PT 7334 |PHB 3X28D3021 |Pioneer (133) |Pioneer Hi-Bred (411) |ZA 20156037 |2015-09-15 |2035-09-15 |


Kind of plant: Allium cepa L. (Onion)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 6579 |Golda |Plennegy (1540) |ZA |Plennegy (1540) |ZA20156004 |2015-07-17 |2035-07-17 |

|PT 5713 |Coastal Red |Semallium (911) |ZA |Hygrotech (173) |ZA 20156003 |2015-07-17 |2035-07-17 |

Kind of plant: Capsicum L. (Pepper)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7592 |Bateleur |Known (109) |TW |Hygrotech (173) |ZA20156005 |2015-08-28 |2035-08-28 |

Kind of plant: Lactuca sativa L. (Lettuce)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7191 |Mestiza |Nunhems (101) |NL |DM Kisch (124) |20155976 |2015-07-28 |2035-07-28 |

Kind of plant: Lycopersicon esculentum L. (Tomato)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7079 |Fortuna |Sakata Seed America |US |Sakata Seed SA (1356) |20155881 |2015-06-04 |2035-06-04 |

| | |(1111) | | | | | |

Kind of plant: Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Garden bean)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7166 |Elegance |Bakker (372) |NL |KKSM (1421) |20155842 |2015-03-05 |2035-03-05 |


Kind of plant: Citrus L. [Mandarin]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7073 |Leanri |Comoset Pty Ltd [1731] |Citrogold(964) |ZA 20156038 |2015-09-21 |2040-09-21 |

Kind of plant: Malus Mill [Apple]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 6738 |Afri Glo |ARC [254] |ARC Infruitec [254] |ZA 20155898 |2015-07-21 |2040-07-21 |

|PT 6281 |Bigbucks |Pink Vein [1584] |SAPO [59] |ZA 20155899 |2015-07-21 |2040-07-21 |

|PT 4655 |CG202 |Cornell Centre of Tech [1240] |SAPO [59] |ZA 20156017 |2015-07-30 |2040-07-30 |

|PT 6240 |Golden Joy |Wiegman, JD [1476] |SAPO [59] |ZA 20155900 |2015-07-21 |2040-07-21 |

|PT 6568 |Scilate |NZ Inst for Plant & Food [1065] |Hahn & Hahn [629] |ZA 20155901 |2015-07-21 |2040-07-21 |

Kind of plant: Prunus armeniaca L. (Apricot)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 6209 |Farbaly |International Plant Sel (1473) |Stargrow (731) |ZA 20156018 |2015-06-24 |2040-06-24 |

Kind of plant: Prunus salicina Lindl. [Japanese plum]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 6996 |Midnight Gold |Zaigers Inc [605] |Zaiger SA [1272] |ZA 20155931 |2015-06-01 |2040-06-01 |

|PT 7072 |Red Gem |ARC [254] |ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij [254]|ZA 20155932 |2015-06-01 |2040-06-01 |

|PT 6985 |Suplumfortytwo |Sun World [652] |Von Seidels [1308] |ZA 20155928 |2015-06-01 |2040-06-01 |

|PT 5597 |Sweetcot |Bradford LG [1389] |Topfruit [229] |ZA 20155933 |2015-06-01 |2040-06-01 |

|PT 6746 |Zeta Red |Zaigers Inc [605] |Zaiger SA [1272] |ZA 20155930 |2015-06-01 |2040-06-01 |

Kind of plant: Prunus salicina Lindl. X P. avium L. [Interspecific plum]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7003 |Nadia |Cherry Royale [1618 |Topfruit [229] |ZA 20155929 |2015-06-01 |2040-06-01 |

Kind of plant: Vitis L. [Grape]

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7046 |Black Onyx |ARC [254] |ARC Infruitec [254] |ZA 20155927 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |

|PT 6905 |IFG Seven |IFG, LLC [1399] |Voor-Groenberg [1603] |ZA 20155920 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |

|PT 7161 |IFG Seventeen |IFG, LLC [1399] |Voor-Groenberg [1603] |ZA 20155924 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |

|PT 7162 |IFG Sixteen |IFG, LLC [1399] |Voor-Groenberg [1603] |ZA 20155923 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |

|PT 6906 |IFG Ten |IFG, LLC [1399] |Voor-Groenberg [1603] |ZA 20155921 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |

|PT 6907 |IFG Thirteen |IFG, LLC [1399] |Voor-Groenberg [1603] |ZA 20155922 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |

|PT 5649 |Sheegene 2 |Sheehan Genetic [1289] |SNFL [1506] |ZA 20155925 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |

|PT 6527 |Sheegene 21 |Sheehan Genetic [1289] |SNFL [1506] |ZA 20155926 |2015-06-11 |2040-06-11 |


Kind of plant: Argyranthemum Webb ex Sch. Bip. (Daisy bush)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7158 |Bonmadrosepi |Bonza Botanicals (1346) |AU |Ball Straathof (108) |ZA 20155882 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 7026 |SUPA 1022 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |ZA 20155883 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 6966 |SUPA 1031 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |ZA 20155884 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 6991 |SUPA 1064 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |ZA 20155885 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 6927 |SUPA 1098 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |ZA 20155886 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

|PT 6992 |SUPA 1264 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |ZA 20155887 |2015-07-14 |2035-07-14 |

Kind of plant: Chrysanthemum L. (Chrysanthemum)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7390 |Delisonero |Deliflor Royalties B.V. |NL |P. C. Knol-Korevaar |ZA 20155878 |2015-07-07 |2035-07-08 |

| | |(771) | |(770) | | | |

|PT 7393 |Delisuncica |Deliflor Royalties B.V. |NL |P. C. Knol-Korevaar |ZA 20155879 |2015-07-07 |2035-07-08 |

| | |(771) | |(770) | | | |

|PT 7407 |Fitdiscoclub |Fides B.V. (61) |NL |Safropa (62) |ZA 20155880 |2015-07-07 |2035-07-08 |

|PT 7408 |Fitjourneyd |Fides (61) |NL |Safropa (62) |ZA 20155897 |2015-08-11 |2035-08-11 |

|PT 7210 |Fitlynx |Fides B.V. (61) |NL |Safropa (62) |ZA 20155877 |2015-07-07 |2035-07-08 |

|PT 7228 |Fitpinotblanc |Fides B.V. (61) |NL |Safropa (62) |ZA 20155876 |2015-07-07 |2035-07-08 |

|PT 7209 |Fittalitha |Fides B.V. (61) |NL |Safropa (62) |ZA 20155875 |2015-07-07 |2035-07-08 |

Kind of plant: Coleonema Bartl. & Wendl (Coleonema)

|Application No.|Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7238 |Col NPN13 |New Plant Nursery (714) |ZA |New Plant Nursery |ZA 20155977 |2015-08-12 |2035-08-12 |

| | | | |(714) | | | |

Kind of plant: Delosperma N.E.Br. (Ice plant)

|Application No. |Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7020 |12ROSK1 |Koichiro (1729) |JP |PSD (82) |ZA 20156006 |2015-09-04 |2035-09-04 |

|PT 7021 |Jewel of Desert Garnet|Koichiro (1729) |JP |PSD (82) |ZA 20156007 |2015-09-04 |2035-09-04 |

|PT 7022 |Jewel of Desert Moon |Koichiro (1729) |JP |PSD (82) |ZA 20156008 |2015-09-04 |2035-09-04 |

| |Stone | | | | | | |

|PT 7025 |Jewel of Desert |Koichiro (1729) |JP |PSD (82) |ZA 20156009 |2015-09-04 |2035-09-04 |

| |Peridot | | | | | | |

|PT 7024 |Jewel of Desert Ruby |Koichiro (1729) |JP |PSD (82) |ZA 20156010 |2015-09-04 |2035-09-04 |

Kind of plant: Gazania Gaertn. (Gazania)

|Application No.|Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 7181 |Gaz NPN13 |New Plant Nursery (714) |ZA |New Plant Nursery |ZA 20155978 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

| | | | |(714) | | | |

|PT 6990 |Suga415 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |ZA 20155889 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

|PT 6989 |Suga813 |Nuflora (1021) |AU |PSD (82) |ZA 20155890 |2015-08-18 |2035-08-18 |

Kind of plant: Hibiscus L. (Hibiscus)

|Application No.|Variety Denomination |Grantee |Country |Agent |Grant No. |Date of Grant |Expiry Date |

|PT 6972 |Adonicus |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155888 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6971 |Adonicus Pearl |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155889 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6970 |Adonicus Salmon |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155890 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6976 |Apollo |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155891 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6974 |Athenacus |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155892 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6973 |Boreas Yellow |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155893 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6967 |Ceres |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155894 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6968 |Juno |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155895 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |

|PT 6969 |Laluna |Graff Breeding (1605) |DK |PSD (82) |ZA 20155896 |2015-07-23 |2040-07-23 |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination |Date of Rejection |

|PT 6639 |Malus | spp. |Apple |TruFu |2015-07-21 |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination |Date Expired |

|ZA 991262 |Lolium |Perenne L. |Perennial Ryegrass |Bronsyn |2015-01-28 |

|ZA 951210 |Prunus |persica var nucipersica|Nectarine |August Glo |2015-02-28 |

| | |Schneid. | | | |

|ZA 951211 |Prunus |persica var nucipersica|Nectarine |Zee Glo |2015-02-28 |

| | |Schneid. | | | |

|ZA 90583 |Prunus |Persica (L.) Batsch. |Peach |Bonnigold |2015-08-23 |

|ZA 90582 |Prunus |Persica (L.) Batsch. |Peach |Goudmyn |2015-08-23 |

|ZA 90581 |Prunus |Persica (L.) Batsch. |Peach |Novadonna |2015-08-23 |

|ZA 951317 |Solanum |tuberosum L. |Potato |Ronin |2015-09-29 |

|ZA 951318 |Solanum |tuberosum L. |Potato |Ropedi |2015-09-29 |

|ZA 951319 |Solanum |tuberosum L. |Potato |Rotharo |2015-09-29 |

|ZA 951278 |Vitis |spp. |Grape |Eclipse Seedless |2015-06-23 |

|ZA 951279 |Vitis |spp. |Grape |Majestic |2015-06-23 |


|Application No. |Genus |Species |Common Name |Variety Denomination |Expiry Date |Date Surrendered |

|ZA 20063526 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 4134 |2026-06-28 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20063528 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 8544 |2026-06-28 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20063529 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 8547 |2026-06-28 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20083862 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 3675 |2028-03-25 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20083865 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 8570 |2028-03-25 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20114755 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 4744 (Ivory Dawn) |2031-06-01 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20114757 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 6073 (Apricot) |2031-06-01 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20114762 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 8617A |2031-06-01 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20114805 |Aloe |spp. |Aloe |Leo 8521B |2031-06-01 |2015-09-04 |

|ZA 20135220 |Arctotis |spp. |Arctotis |Arcbent |2033-03-04 |2015-08-20 |

|ZA 20135200 |Scaevola |spp. |Scaevola |Scasalute |2033-02-15 |2015-08-20 |

|ZA 20104612 |Zantedeschia |spp. |Arum lily |Captain Cupido |2030-11-16 |2015-08-31 |

|ZA 20104615 |Zantedeschia |spp. |Arum lily |Captain Rosette |2030-11-16 |2015-08-31 |


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