PPT: The Fusion of Sports Marketing with EntertainmentWhat is sports marketing?What is the difference between the marketing of Sports and Entertainment and marketing through Sports and Entertainment?What is product placement?What is sports management? Provide examples (areas) of sports managementWhat is entertainment marketing? VIDEO: Sports Pioneers - Dennis RodmanHow does sports marketing relate to Dennis Rodman? What positive and negative things occurred during his career? Why would a foreign leader care about meeting with Dennis Rodman?Why would Dennis Rodman care about meeting with a foreign leader?PPT: Factors Contributing to Industry Growth (Industry Growth)What are the main factors that are influencing growth in the SEM industry?Provide one piece of evidence that the factor is true.ESPN covers more than ____ sports (list the number)How does inflation effect statistics in the SEM industry when reporting attendance figures?When adjusted for inflation, what movie has the highest box office returns?How has the internet helped the sports and entertainment industry?When was the first Winter X games?Why have some NBA players opted out of endorsement deals with American companies only to choose to sponsor Chinese products?Why does the NFL and NBA play games overseas?Do you think it is a good idea to create an NFL team in London? What are the positive and negative implications of doing so?The global theme park market is projected to reach ________ in profit by the year 2020.Why do you think that Adidas increased it’s profits by $300 million over the previous year? How can they continue this growth trend?NFL media fees are expected to double to ____ billion dollars by 2020.ESPN is valued at _______ according to Forbes.Which sporting league was the first to receive over 1 billion views on its YouTube channel?Why do you think that streaming sports events are becoming popular?In 2017 which team was the most valuable sporting team in the world?The Clippers were bought for $12 million dollars in 1981 but they are worth 2 billion dollars now. Why?Why do teams, such as the Rams, relocate to other cities?What does the term fandom mean?Give an example of how fans can influence NetflixWhat is a superfan?What negative things can occur because of fandom? Provide an example.Video: 30 for 30 - Michael JordanWhy is Michael Jordan considered the most marketable player in the world?List 3 facts you learned in the videoWhat movie(s) has Michael Jordan appeared in?Other than Nike, what else does Michael Jordan endorse?Pick two other sports and explain what their “most marketable player” does in regards to SEM. ................

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