Last login: Fri Jan 29 22:31:46 on ttys000mirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudo pip install pyusbsudo: pip: command not foundmirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudo pip install pyusbsudo: pip: command not foundmirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ brew install libusb-bash: brew: command not foundmirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ pip3 install pysdl2 pyusb pyqtgraphRequirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pysdl2 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packagesRequirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyusb in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packagesRequirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyqtgraph in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packagesRequirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): numpy in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages (from pyqtgraph)You are using pip version 7.1.2, however version 8.0.2 is available.You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.mirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudousage: sudo -h | -K | -k | -L | -Vusage: sudo -v [-AknS] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid]usage: sudo -l[l] [-AknS] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-U user name] [-u user name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [command]usage: sudo [-AbEHknPS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [VAR=value] [-i|-s] [<command>]usage: sudo -e [-AknS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid] file ...mirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ pip-bash: pip: command not foundmirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ pip-bash: pip: command not foundmirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudousage: sudo -h | -K | -k | -L | -Vusage: sudo -v [-AknS] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid]usage: sudo -l[l] [-AknS] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-U user name] [-u user name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [command]usage: sudo [-AbEHknPS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [VAR=value] [-i|-s] [<command>]usage: sudo -e [-AknS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid] file ...mirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudo pip install pyusbsudo: pip: command not foundmirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudo easy_install pipSearching for pipReading match: pip 8.0.2Downloading pip-8.0.2.tar.gzWriting /tmp/easy_install-OrkN7r/pip-8.0.2/setup.cfgRunning pip-8.0.2/ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-OrkN7r/pip-8.0.2/egg-dist-tmp-A1JGt_warning: no previously-included files found matching '.coveragerc'warning: no previously-included files found matching '.mailmap'warning: no previously-included files found matching '.travis.yml'warning: no previously-included files found matching '.landscape.yml'warning: no previously-included files found matching 'pip/_vendor/Makefile'warning: no previously-included files found matching 'tox.ini'warning: no previously-included files found matching 'dev-requirements.txt'warning: no previously-included files found matching 'appveyor.yml'no previously-included directories found matching '.travis'no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/_build'no previously-included directories found matching 'contrib'no previously-included directories found matching 'tasks'no previously-included directories found matching 'tests'Adding pip 8.0.2 to easy-install.pth fileInstalling pip script to /usr/local/binInstalling pip2.7 script to /usr/local/binInstalling pip2 script to /usr/local/binInstalled /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip-8.0.2-py2.7.eggProcessing dependencies for pipFinished processing dependencies for pipmirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudo pip install pyusbThe directory '/Users/mirzaahmed/Library/Caches/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.The directory '/Users/mirzaahmed/Library/Caches/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.Collecting pyusbInstalling collected packages: pyusbSuccessfully installed pyusb-1.0.0b2mirzas-MBP:~ mirzaahmed$ sudo port install py34-pyqtgraph---> Computing dependencies for py34-pyqtgraph---> Dependencies to be installed: py34-opengl py34-Pillow lcms2 openjpeg cmake curl curl-ca-bundle perl5 perl5.22 gdbm libarchive libxml2 lzo2 jbigkit py34-setuptools py34-tkinter tk Xft2 fontconfig xrender xorg-libX11 xorg-bigreqsproto xorg-inputproto xorg-kbproto xorg-libXau xorg-xproto xorg-libXdmcp xorg-libxcb python27 db48 python2_select xorg-libpthread-stubs xorg-xcb-proto xorg-util-macros xorg-xcmiscproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xtrans xorg-renderproto tcl xorg-libXScrnSaver xorg-libXext xorg-scrnsaverproto webp py34-opengl-accelerate py34-numpy fftw-3 gcc5 cctools libunwind-headers llvm-3.7 libcxx libffi llvm_select gcc_select gmp isl ld64 ld64-latest libmacho-headers libgcc libmpc mpfr py34-cython cython_select py34-nose nosetests_select py34-pyqt4 dbus-python34 dbus dbus-glib glib2 pcre py34-sip qt4-mac libmng py34-scipy swig-python bison bison-runtime m4 gsed swig---> Fetching archive for lcms2---> Attempting to fetch lcms2-2.7_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch lcms2-2.7_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch lcms2-2.7_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for lcms2---> Attempting to fetch lcms2-2.7.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for lcms2 ---> Extracting lcms2---> Configuring lcms2---> Building lcms2---> Staging lcms2 into destroot---> Installing lcms2 @2.7_0---> Activating lcms2 @2.7_0---> Cleaning lcms2---> Fetching archive for gdbm---> Attempting to fetch gdbm-1.11_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch gdbm-1.11_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch gdbm-1.11_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for gdbm---> Attempting to fetch gdbm-1.11.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for gdbm ---> Extracting gdbm---> Applying patches to gdbm---> Configuring gdbm---> Building gdbm---> Staging gdbm into destroot---> Installing gdbm @1.11_1---> Activating gdbm @1.11_1---> Cleaning gdbm---> Fetching archive for perl5.22---> Attempting to fetch perl5.22-5.22.1_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch perl5.22-5.22.1_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch perl5.22-5.22.1_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for perl5.22---> Attempting to fetch perl-5.22.1.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for perl5.22 ---> Extracting perl5.22---> Applying patches to perl5.22---> Configuring perl5.22---> Building perl5.22---> Staging perl5.22 into destroot---> Installing perl5.22 @5.22.1_1---> Activating perl5.22 @5.22.1_1---> Cleaning perl5.22---> Fetching archive for perl5---> Attempting to fetch perl5-5.22.1_1+perl5_22.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch perl5-5.22.1_1+perl5_22.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch perl5-5.22.1_1+perl5_22.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for perl5---> Verifying checksums for perl5---> Extracting perl5---> Configuring perl5---> Building perl5---> Staging perl5 into destroot---> Installing perl5 @5.22.1_1+perl5_22---> Activating perl5 @5.22.1_1+perl5_22---> Cleaning perl5---> Fetching archive for curl-ca-bundle---> Attempting to fetch curl-ca-bundle-7.47.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch curl-ca-bundle-7.47.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch curl-ca-bundle-7.47.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for curl-ca-bundleError: No defined site for tag: certdata, using master_sites---> Attempting to fetch curl-7.47.0.tar.bz2 from ; Attempting to fetch certdata-64df3815df9c.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for curl-ca-bundle---> Extracting curl-ca-bundle---> Applying patches to curl-ca-bundle---> Configuring curl-ca-bundle---> Building curl-ca-bundle---> Staging curl-ca-bundle into destroot---> Installing curl-ca-bundle @7.47.0_0---> Activating curl-ca-bundle @7.47.0_0---> Cleaning curl-ca-bundle---> Fetching archive for curl---> Attempting to fetch curl-7.47.0_0+ssl.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch curl-7.47.0_0+ssl.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch curl-7.47.0_0+ssl.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for curl---> Verifying checksums for curl---> Extracting curl---> Applying patches to curl---> Configuring curl---> Building curl---> Staging curl into destroot---> Installing curl @7.47.0_0+ssl---> Activating curl @7.47.0_0+ssl---> Cleaning curl---> Fetching archive for libxml2---> Attempting to fetch libxml2-2.9.2_2.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libxml2-2.9.2_2.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libxml2-2.9.2_2.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libxml2---> Attempting to fetch libxml2-2.9.2.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for libxml2 ---> Extracting libxml2---> Applying patches to libxml2---> Configuring libxml2---> Building libxml2---> Staging libxml2 into destroot---> Installing libxml2 @2.9.2_2---> Activating libxml2 @2.9.2_2---> Cleaning libxml2---> Fetching archive for lzo2---> Attempting to fetch lzo2-2.09_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch lzo2-2.09_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch lzo2-2.09_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for lzo2---> Attempting to fetch lzo-2.09.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for lzo2---> Extracting lzo2---> Configuring lzo2---> Building lzo2---> Staging lzo2 into destroot---> Installing lzo2 @2.09_0---> Activating lzo2 @2.09_0---> Cleaning lzo2---> Fetching archive for libarchive---> Attempting to fetch libarchive-3.1.2_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libarchive-3.1.2_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libarchive-3.1.2_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libarchive---> Attempting to fetch libarchive-3.1.2.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for libarchive ---> Extracting libarchive---> Configuring libarchive---> Building libarchive---> Staging libarchive into destroot---> Installing libarchive @3.1.2_1---> Activating libarchive @3.1.2_1---> Cleaning libarchive---> Fetching archive for cmake---> Attempting to fetch cmake-3.4.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch cmake-3.4.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch cmake-3.4.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for cmake---> Attempting to fetch cmake-3.4.3.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for cmake ---> Extracting cmake---> Applying patches to cmake---> Configuring cmake---> Building cmake---> Staging cmake into destroot---> Installing cmake @3.4.3_0---> Activating cmake @3.4.3_0---> Cleaning cmake---> Fetching archive for jbigkit---> Attempting to fetch jbigkit-2.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch jbigkit-2.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch jbigkit-2.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for jbigkit---> Attempting to fetch jbigkit-2.1.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for jbigkit---> Extracting jbigkit---> Applying patches to jbigkit---> Configuring jbigkit---> Building jbigkit---> Staging jbigkit into destroot---> Installing jbigkit @2.1_0---> Activating jbigkit @2.1_0---> Cleaning jbigkit---> Fetching archive for openjpeg---> Attempting to fetch openjpeg-2.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch openjpeg-2.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch openjpeg-2.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for openjpeg---> Attempting to fetch openjpeg-2.1.0.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for openjpeg---> Extracting openjpeg---> Configuring openjpeg---> Building openjpeg---> Staging openjpeg into destroot---> Installing openjpeg @2.1.0_0---> Activating openjpeg @2.1.0_0---> Cleaning openjpeg---> Fetching archive for py34-setuptools---> Attempting to fetch py34-setuptools-19.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-setuptools-19.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-setuptools-19.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-setuptools---> Attempting to fetch setuptools-19.2.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for py34-setuptools---> Extracting py34-setuptools---> Configuring py34-setuptools---> Building py34-setuptools---> Staging py34-setuptools into destroot---> Installing py34-setuptools @19.2_0---> Activating py34-setuptools @19.2_0---> Cleaning py34-setuptools---> Fetching archive for fontconfig---> Attempting to fetch fontconfig-2.11.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch fontconfig-2.11.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch fontconfig-2.11.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for fontconfig---> Attempting to fetch fontconfig-2.11.1.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for fontconfig ---> Extracting fontconfig---> Applying patches to fontconfig---> Configuring fontconfig---> Building fontconfig---> Staging fontconfig into destroot---> Installing fontconfig @2.11.1_0---> Activating fontconfig @2.11.1_0---> Cleaning fontconfig---> Fetching archive for xorg-bigreqsproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-bigreqsproto-1.1.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-bigreqsproto-1.1.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-bigreqsproto-1.1.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-bigreqsproto---> Attempting to fetch bigreqsproto-1.1.2.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-bigreqsproto---> Extracting xorg-bigreqsproto---> Configuring xorg-bigreqsproto---> Building xorg-bigreqsproto---> Staging xorg-bigreqsproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-bigreqsproto @1.1.2_0---> Activating xorg-bigreqsproto @1.1.2_0---> Cleaning xorg-bigreqsproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-inputproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-inputproto-2.3.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-inputproto-2.3.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-inputproto-2.3.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-inputproto---> Attempting to fetch inputproto-2.3.1.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-inputproto---> Extracting xorg-inputproto---> Configuring xorg-inputproto---> Building xorg-inputproto---> Staging xorg-inputproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-inputproto @2.3.1_0---> Activating xorg-inputproto @2.3.1_0---> Cleaning xorg-inputproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-kbproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-kbproto-1.0.7_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-kbproto-1.0.7_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-kbproto-1.0.7_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-kbproto---> Attempting to fetch kbproto-1.0.7.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-kbproto---> Extracting xorg-kbproto---> Configuring xorg-kbproto---> Building xorg-kbproto---> Staging xorg-kbproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-kbproto @1.0.7_0---> Activating xorg-kbproto @1.0.7_0---> Cleaning xorg-kbproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-xproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-xproto-7.0.28_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xproto-7.0.28_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xproto-7.0.28_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-xproto---> Attempting to fetch xproto-7.0.28.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-xproto---> Extracting xorg-xproto---> Configuring xorg-xproto---> Building xorg-xproto---> Staging xorg-xproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-xproto @7.0.28_0---> Activating xorg-xproto @7.0.28_0---> Cleaning xorg-xproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-libXau---> Attempting to fetch xorg-libXau-1.0.8_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXau-1.0.8_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXau-1.0.8_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-libXau---> Attempting to fetch libXau-1.0.8.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-libXau---> Extracting xorg-libXau---> Configuring xorg-libXau---> Building xorg-libXau---> Staging xorg-libXau into destroot---> Installing xorg-libXau @1.0.8_0---> Activating xorg-libXau @1.0.8_0---> Cleaning xorg-libXau---> Fetching archive for xorg-libXdmcp---> Attempting to fetch xorg-libXdmcp-1.1.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXdmcp-1.1.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXdmcp-1.1.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-libXdmcp---> Attempting to fetch libXdmcp-1.1.2.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-libXdmcp---> Extracting xorg-libXdmcp---> Configuring xorg-libXdmcp---> Building xorg-libXdmcp---> Staging xorg-libXdmcp into destroot---> Installing xorg-libXdmcp @1.1.2_0---> Activating xorg-libXdmcp @1.1.2_0---> Cleaning xorg-libXdmcp---> Fetching archive for db48---> Attempting to fetch db48-4.8.30_4.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch db48-4.8.30_4.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch db48-4.8.30_4.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for db48---> Attempting to fetch db-4.8.30.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for db48 ---> Extracting db48---> Applying patches to db48---> Configuring db48---> Building db48---> Staging db48 into destroot---> Installing db48 @4.8.30_4---> Activating db48 @4.8.30_4---> Cleaning db48---> Fetching archive for python2_select---> Attempting to fetch python2_select-0.0_1.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch python2_select-0.0_1.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch python2_select-0.0_1.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for python2_select---> Verifying checksums for python2_select---> Extracting python2_select---> Configuring python2_select---> Building python2_select---> Staging python2_select into destroot---> Installing python2_select @0.0_1---> Activating python2_select @0.0_1---> Cleaning python2_select---> Fetching archive for python27---> Attempting to fetch python27-2.7.11_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch python27-2.7.11_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch python27-2.7.11_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for python27---> Attempting to fetch Python-2.7.11.tar.xz from ; Verifying checksums for python27 ---> Extracting python27---> Applying patches to python27---> Configuring python27---> Building python27---> Staging python27 into destroot---> Installing python27 @2.7.11_0---> Activating python27 @2.7.11_0To make this the default Python or Python 2 (i.e., the version run by the'python' or 'python2' commands), run one or both of: sudo port select --set python python27 sudo port select --set python2 python27---> Cleaning python27---> Fetching archive for xorg-libpthread-stubs---> Attempting to fetch xorg-libpthread-stubs-0.3_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libpthread-stubs-0.3_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libpthread-stubs-0.3_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-libpthread-stubs---> Attempting to fetch libpthread-stubs-0.3.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-libpthread-stubs---> Extracting xorg-libpthread-stubs---> Configuring xorg-libpthread-stubs---> Building xorg-libpthread-stubs---> Staging xorg-libpthread-stubs into destroot---> Installing xorg-libpthread-stubs @0.3_0---> Activating xorg-libpthread-stubs @0.3_0---> Cleaning xorg-libpthread-stubs---> Fetching archive for xorg-xcb-proto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-xcb-proto-1.11_1+python27.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xcb-proto-1.11_1+python27.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xcb-proto-1.11_1+python27.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-xcb-proto---> Attempting to fetch xcb-proto-1.11.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-xcb-proto---> Extracting xorg-xcb-proto---> Configuring xorg-xcb-proto---> Building xorg-xcb-proto---> Staging xorg-xcb-proto into destroot---> Installing xorg-xcb-proto @1.11_1+python27---> Activating xorg-xcb-proto @1.11_1+python27---> Cleaning xorg-xcb-proto---> Fetching archive for xorg-libxcb---> Attempting to fetch xorg-libxcb-1.11.1_0+python27.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libxcb-1.11.1_0+python27.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libxcb-1.11.1_0+python27.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-libxcb---> Attempting to fetch libxcb-1.11.1.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-libxcb---> Extracting xorg-libxcb---> Configuring xorg-libxcb---> Building xorg-libxcb---> Staging xorg-libxcb into destroot---> Installing xorg-libxcb @1.11.1_0+python27---> Activating xorg-libxcb @1.11.1_0+python27---> Cleaning xorg-libxcb---> Fetching archive for xorg-util-macros---> Attempting to fetch xorg-util-macros-1.19.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-util-macros-1.19.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-util-macros-1.19.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-util-macros---> Attempting to fetch util-macros-1.19.0.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-util-macros---> Extracting xorg-util-macros---> Configuring xorg-util-macros---> Building xorg-util-macros---> Staging xorg-util-macros into destroot---> Installing xorg-util-macros @1.19.0_0---> Activating xorg-util-macros @1.19.0_0---> Cleaning xorg-util-macros---> Fetching archive for xorg-xcmiscproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-xcmiscproto-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xcmiscproto-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xcmiscproto-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-xcmiscproto---> Attempting to fetch xcmiscproto-1.2.2.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-xcmiscproto---> Extracting xorg-xcmiscproto---> Configuring xorg-xcmiscproto---> Building xorg-xcmiscproto---> Staging xorg-xcmiscproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-xcmiscproto @1.2.2_0---> Activating xorg-xcmiscproto @1.2.2_0---> Cleaning xorg-xcmiscproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-xextproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-xextproto-7.3.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xextproto-7.3.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xextproto-7.3.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-xextproto---> Attempting to fetch xextproto-7.3.0.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-xextproto---> Extracting xorg-xextproto---> Configuring xorg-xextproto---> Building xorg-xextproto---> Staging xorg-xextproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-xextproto @7.3.0_0---> Activating xorg-xextproto @7.3.0_0---> Cleaning xorg-xextproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-xf86bigfontproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-xf86bigfontproto-1.2.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xf86bigfontproto-1.2.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xf86bigfontproto-1.2.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-xf86bigfontproto---> Attempting to fetch xf86bigfontproto-1.2.0.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-xf86bigfontproto---> Extracting xorg-xf86bigfontproto---> Configuring xorg-xf86bigfontproto---> Building xorg-xf86bigfontproto---> Staging xorg-xf86bigfontproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-xf86bigfontproto @1.2.0_0---> Activating xorg-xf86bigfontproto @1.2.0_0---> Cleaning xorg-xf86bigfontproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-xtrans---> Attempting to fetch xorg-xtrans-1.3.5_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xtrans-1.3.5_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-xtrans-1.3.5_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-xtrans---> Attempting to fetch xtrans-1.3.5.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-xtrans---> Extracting xorg-xtrans---> Configuring xorg-xtrans---> Building xorg-xtrans---> Staging xorg-xtrans into destroot---> Installing xorg-xtrans @1.3.5_0---> Activating xorg-xtrans @1.3.5_0---> Cleaning xorg-xtrans---> Fetching archive for xorg-libX11---> Attempting to fetch xorg-libX11-1.6.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libX11-1.6.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libX11-1.6.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-libX11---> Attempting to fetch libX11-1.6.3.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-libX11 ---> Extracting xorg-libX11---> Configuring xorg-libX11---> Building xorg-libX11---> Staging xorg-libX11 into destroot---> Installing xorg-libX11 @1.6.3_0---> Activating xorg-libX11 @1.6.3_0---> Cleaning xorg-libX11---> Fetching archive for xorg-renderproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-renderproto-0.11.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-renderproto-0.11.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-renderproto-0.11.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-renderproto---> Attempting to fetch renderproto-0.11.1.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-renderproto---> Extracting xorg-renderproto---> Configuring xorg-renderproto---> Building xorg-renderproto---> Staging xorg-renderproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-renderproto @0.11.1_0---> Activating xorg-renderproto @0.11.1_0---> Cleaning xorg-renderproto---> Fetching archive for xrender---> Attempting to fetch xrender-0.9.9_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xrender-0.9.9_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xrender-0.9.9_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xrender---> Attempting to fetch libXrender-0.9.9.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xrender---> Extracting xrender---> Configuring xrender---> Building xrender---> Staging xrender into destroot---> Installing xrender @0.9.9_0---> Activating xrender @0.9.9_0---> Cleaning xrender---> Fetching archive for Xft2---> Attempting to fetch Xft2-2.3.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch Xft2-2.3.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch Xft2-2.3.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for Xft2---> Attempting to fetch libXft-2.3.2.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for Xft2---> Extracting Xft2---> Configuring Xft2---> Building Xft2---> Staging Xft2 into destroot---> Installing Xft2 @2.3.2_0---> Activating Xft2 @2.3.2_0---> Cleaning Xft2---> Fetching archive for tcl---> Attempting to fetch tcl-8.6.4_0+corefoundation+threads.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch tcl-8.6.4_0+corefoundation+threads.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch tcl-8.6.4_0+corefoundation+threads.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for tcl---> Attempting to fetch tcl8.6.4-src.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for tcl ---> Extracting tcl---> Configuring tcl---> Building tcl---> Staging tcl into destroot---> Installing tcl @8.6.4_0+corefoundation+threads---> Activating tcl @8.6.4_0+corefoundation+threads---> Cleaning tcl---> Fetching archive for xorg-libXext---> Attempting to fetch xorg-libXext-1.3.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXext-1.3.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXext-1.3.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-libXext---> Attempting to fetch libXext-1.3.3.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-libXext---> Extracting xorg-libXext---> Configuring xorg-libXext---> Building xorg-libXext---> Staging xorg-libXext into destroot---> Installing xorg-libXext @1.3.3_0---> Activating xorg-libXext @1.3.3_0---> Cleaning xorg-libXext---> Fetching archive for xorg-scrnsaverproto---> Attempting to fetch xorg-scrnsaverproto-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-scrnsaverproto-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-scrnsaverproto-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-scrnsaverproto---> Attempting to fetch scrnsaverproto-1.2.2.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-scrnsaverproto---> Extracting xorg-scrnsaverproto---> Configuring xorg-scrnsaverproto---> Building xorg-scrnsaverproto---> Staging xorg-scrnsaverproto into destroot---> Installing xorg-scrnsaverproto @1.2.2_0---> Activating xorg-scrnsaverproto @1.2.2_0---> Cleaning xorg-scrnsaverproto---> Fetching archive for xorg-libXScrnSaver---> Attempting to fetch xorg-libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch xorg-libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for xorg-libXScrnSaver---> Attempting to fetch libXScrnSaver-1.2.2.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for xorg-libXScrnSaver---> Extracting xorg-libXScrnSaver---> Configuring xorg-libXScrnSaver---> Building xorg-libXScrnSaver---> Staging xorg-libXScrnSaver into destroot---> Installing xorg-libXScrnSaver @1.2.2_0---> Activating xorg-libXScrnSaver @1.2.2_0---> Cleaning xorg-libXScrnSaver---> Fetching archive for tk---> Attempting to fetch tk-8.6.4_0+x11.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch tk-8.6.4_0+x11.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch tk-8.6.4_0+x11.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for tk---> Attempting to fetch tk8.6.4-src.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for tk ---> Extracting tk---> Applying patches to tk---> Configuring tk---> Building tk---> Staging tk into destroot---> Installing tk @8.6.4_0+x11---> Activating tk @8.6.4_0+x11---> Cleaning tk---> Fetching archive for py34-tkinter---> Attempting to fetch py34-tkinter-3.4.4_2.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-tkinter-3.4.4_2.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-tkinter-3.4.4_2.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-tkinter---> Verifying checksums for py34-tkinter---> Extracting py34-tkinter---> Configuring py34-tkinter---> Building py34-tkinter---> Staging py34-tkinter into destroot---> Installing py34-tkinter @3.4.4_2---> Activating py34-tkinter @3.4.4_2---> Cleaning py34-tkinter---> Fetching archive for webp---> Attempting to fetch webp-0.5.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch webp-0.5.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch webp-0.5.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for webp---> Attempting to fetch libwebp-0.5.0.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for webp---> Extracting webp---> Configuring webp---> Building webp---> Staging webp into destroot---> Installing webp @0.5.0_0---> Activating webp @0.5.0_0---> Cleaning webp---> Fetching archive for py34-Pillow---> Attempting to fetch py34-Pillow-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-Pillow-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-Pillow-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-Pillow---> Attempting to fetch Pillow-3.1.0.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for py34-Pillow---> Extracting py34-Pillow---> Applying patches to py34-Pillow---> Configuring py34-Pillow---> Building py34-Pillow---> Staging py34-Pillow into destroot---> Installing py34-Pillow @3.1.0_0---> Activating py34-Pillow @3.1.0_0---> Cleaning py34-Pillow---> Fetching archive for fftw-3---> Attempting to fetch fftw-3-3.3.4_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch fftw-3-3.3.4_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch fftw-3-3.3.4_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for fftw-3---> Attempting to fetch fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for fftw-3 ---> Extracting fftw-3---> Applying patches to fftw-3---> Configuring fftw-3---> Building fftw-3---> Staging fftw-3 into destroot---> Installing fftw-3 @3.3.4_1---> Activating fftw-3 @3.3.4_1---> Cleaning fftw-3---> Fetching archive for libunwind-headers---> Attempting to fetch libunwind-headers-3.7.0_1.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libunwind-headers-3.7.0_1.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libunwind-headers-3.7.0_1.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libunwind-headers---> Attempting to fetch libunwind-3.7.0.src.tar.xz from ; Verifying checksums for libunwind-headers---> Extracting libunwind-headers---> Applying patches to libunwind-headers---> Configuring libunwind-headers---> Building libunwind-headers---> Staging libunwind-headers into destroot---> Installing libunwind-headers @3.7.0_1---> Activating libunwind-headers @3.7.0_1---> Cleaning libunwind-headers---> Fetching archive for libcxx---> Attempting to fetch libcxx-3.7.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libcxx-3.7.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libcxx-3.7.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libcxx---> Verifying checksums for libcxx---> Extracting libcxx---> Configuring libcxx---> Building libcxx---> Staging libcxx into destroot---> Installing libcxx @3.7.1_0---> Activating libcxx @3.7.1_0---> Cleaning libcxx---> Fetching archive for libffi---> Attempting to fetch libffi-3.2.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libffi-3.2.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libffi-3.2.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libffi---> Attempting to fetch libffi-3.2.1.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for libffi---> Extracting libffi---> Applying patches to libffi---> Configuring libffi---> Building libffi---> Staging libffi into destroot---> Installing libffi @3.2.1_0---> Activating libffi @3.2.1_0---> Cleaning libffi---> Fetching archive for llvm_select---> Attempting to fetch llvm_select-1.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch llvm_select-1.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch llvm_select-1.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for llvm_select---> Verifying checksums for llvm_select---> Extracting llvm_select---> Configuring llvm_select---> Building llvm_select---> Staging llvm_select into destroot---> Installing llvm_select @1.0_0---> Activating llvm_select @1.0_0---> Cleaning llvm_select---> Fetching archive for llvm-3.7---> Attempting to fetch llvm-3.7-3.7.1_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch llvm-3.7-3.7.1_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch llvm-3.7-3.7.1_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for llvm-3.7---> Attempting to fetch llvm-3.7.1.src.tar.xz from ; Verifying checksums for llvm-3.7 ---> Extracting llvm-3.7---> Applying patches to llvm-3.7---> Configuring llvm-3.7---> Building llvm-3.7---> Staging llvm-3.7 into destroot---> Installing llvm-3.7 @3.7.1_1---> Activating llvm-3.7 @3.7.1_1---> Cleaning llvm-3.7---> Fetching archive for cctools---> Attempting to fetch cctools-877.5_1+llvm37.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch cctools-877.5_1+llvm37.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch cctools-877.5_1+llvm37.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for cctools---> Attempting to fetch ld64-253.3.tar.gz from ; Attempting to fetch cctools-877.5.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for cctools ---> Extracting cctools---> Applying patches to cctools---> Configuring cctools---> Building cctools---> Staging cctools into destroot---> Installing cctools @877.5_1+llvm37---> Activating cctools @877.5_1+llvm37---> Cleaning cctools---> Fetching archive for gcc_select---> Attempting to fetch gcc_select-0.1_8.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch gcc_select-0.1_8.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch gcc_select-0.1_8.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for gcc_select---> Verifying checksums for gcc_select---> Extracting gcc_select---> Configuring gcc_select---> Building gcc_select---> Staging gcc_select into destroot---> Installing gcc_select @0.1_8---> Activating gcc_select @0.1_8---> Cleaning gcc_select---> Fetching distfiles for gmp---> Attempting to fetch gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for gmp ---> Extracting gmp---> Applying patches to gmp---> Configuring gmp---> Building gmp---> Staging gmp into destroot---> Installing gmp @6.1.0_1---> Activating gmp @6.1.0_1---> Cleaning gmp---> Fetching archive for isl---> Attempting to fetch isl-0.14.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch isl-0.14.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch isl-0.14.1_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for isl---> Attempting to fetch isl-0.14.1.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for isl ---> Extracting isl---> Applying patches to isl---> Configuring isl---> Building isl---> Staging isl into destroot---> Installing isl @0.14.1_0---> Activating isl @0.14.1_0---> Cleaning isl---> Fetching archive for libmacho-headers---> Attempting to fetch libmacho-headers-877.5_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libmacho-headers-877.5_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libmacho-headers-877.5_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libmacho-headers---> Attempting to fetch cctools-877.5.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for libmacho-headers ---> Extracting libmacho-headers---> Configuring libmacho-headers---> Building libmacho-headers---> Staging libmacho-headers into destroot---> Installing libmacho-headers @877.5_0---> Activating libmacho-headers @877.5_0---> Cleaning libmacho-headers---> Fetching archive for ld64-latest---> Attempting to fetch ld64-latest-253.3_0+llvm37.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch ld64-latest-253.3_0+llvm37.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch ld64-latest-253.3_0+llvm37.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for ld64-latest---> Attempting to fetch dyld-360.18.tar.gz from ; Attempting to fetch ld64-253.3.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for ld64-latest---> Extracting ld64-latest---> Applying patches to ld64-latest---> Configuring ld64-latest---> Building ld64-latest---> Staging ld64-latest into destroot---> Installing ld64-latest @253.3_0+llvm37---> Activating ld64-latest @253.3_0+llvm37---> Cleaning ld64-latest---> Fetching archive for ld64---> Attempting to fetch ld64-2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch ld64-2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch ld64-2_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for ld64---> Verifying checksums for ld64---> Extracting ld64---> Configuring ld64---> Building ld64---> Staging ld64 into destroot---> Installing ld64 @2_0---> Activating ld64 @2_0---> Cleaning ld64---> Fetching archive for mpfr---> Attempting to fetch mpfr-3.1.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch mpfr-3.1.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch mpfr-3.1.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for mpfr---> Attempting to fetch mpfr-3.1.3.tar.xz from ; Verifying checksums for mpfr ---> Extracting mpfr---> Configuring mpfr---> Building mpfr---> Staging mpfr into destroot---> Installing mpfr @3.1.3_0---> Activating mpfr @3.1.3_0---> Cleaning mpfr---> Fetching archive for libmpc---> Attempting to fetch libmpc-1.0.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libmpc-1.0.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libmpc-1.0.3_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libmpc---> Attempting to fetch mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for libmpc---> Extracting libmpc---> Configuring libmpc---> Building libmpc---> Staging libmpc into destroot---> Installing libmpc @1.0.3_0---> Activating libmpc @1.0.3_0---> Cleaning libmpc---> Fetching archive for libgcc---> Attempting to fetch libgcc-5.3.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libgcc-5.3.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch libgcc-5.3.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for libgcc---> Attempting to fetch gcc-5.3.0.tar.bz2 from ; Verifying checksums for libgcc ---> Extracting libgcc---> Applying patches to libgcc---> Configuring libgcc---> Building libgcc---> Staging libgcc into destroot---> Installing libgcc @5.3.0_0---> Activating libgcc @5.3.0_0---> Cleaning libgcc---> Fetching archive for gcc5---> Attempting to fetch gcc5-5.3.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch gcc5-5.3.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch gcc5-5.3.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for gcc5---> Verifying checksums for gcc5---> Extracting gcc5---> Applying patches to gcc5---> Configuring gcc5---> Building gcc5---> Staging gcc5 into destroot---> Installing gcc5 @5.3.0_0---> Activating gcc5 @5.3.0_0---> Cleaning gcc5---> Fetching archive for cython_select---> Attempting to fetch cython_select-0.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch cython_select-0.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch cython_select-0.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for cython_select---> Verifying checksums for cython_select---> Extracting cython_select---> Configuring cython_select---> Building cython_select---> Staging cython_select into destroot---> Installing cython_select @0.1_0---> Activating cython_select @0.1_0---> Cleaning cython_select---> Fetching archive for py34-cython---> Attempting to fetch py34-cython-0.23.4_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-cython-0.23.4_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-cython-0.23.4_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-cython---> Attempting to fetch Cython-0.23.4.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for py34-cython---> Extracting py34-cython---> Configuring py34-cython---> Building py34-cython---> Staging py34-cython into destroot---> Installing py34-cython @0.23.4_0---> Activating py34-cython @0.23.4_0To make the Python 3.4 version of Cython the one that is run when you executethe commands without a version suffix, e.g. 'cython', run:port select --set cython cython34---> Cleaning py34-cython---> Fetching archive for nosetests_select---> Attempting to fetch nosetests_select-0.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch nosetests_select-0.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch nosetests_select-0.1_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for nosetests_select---> Verifying checksums for nosetests_select---> Extracting nosetests_select---> Configuring nosetests_select---> Building nosetests_select---> Staging nosetests_select into destroot---> Installing nosetests_select @0.1_0---> Activating nosetests_select @0.1_0---> Cleaning nosetests_select---> Fetching archive for py34-nose---> Attempting to fetch py34-nose-1.3.7_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-nose-1.3.7_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-nose-1.3.7_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-nose---> Attempting to fetch nose-1.3.7.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for py34-nose---> Extracting py34-nose---> Configuring py34-nose---> Building py34-nose---> Staging py34-nose into destroot---> Installing py34-nose @1.3.7_0---> Activating py34-nose @1.3.7_0---> Cleaning py34-nose---> Fetching archive for py34-numpy---> Attempting to fetch py34-numpy-1.10.4_0+gfortran.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-numpy-1.10.4_0+gfortran.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-numpy-1.10.4_0+gfortran.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-numpy---> Attempting to fetch numpy-1.10.4.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for py34-numpy ---> Extracting py34-numpy---> Applying patches to py34-numpy---> Configuring py34-numpy---> Building py34-numpy---> Staging py34-numpy into destroot---> Installing py34-numpy @1.10.4_0+gfortran---> Activating py34-numpy @1.10.4_0+gfortran---> Cleaning py34-numpy---> Fetching archive for py34-opengl-accelerate---> Attempting to fetch py34-opengl-accelerate-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-opengl-accelerate-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-opengl-accelerate-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-opengl-accelerate---> Attempting to fetch PyOpenGL-accelerate-3.1.0.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for py34-opengl-accelerate---> Extracting py34-opengl-accelerate---> Configuring py34-opengl-accelerate---> Building py34-opengl-accelerate---> Staging py34-opengl-accelerate into destroot---> Installing py34-opengl-accelerate @3.1.0_0---> Activating py34-opengl-accelerate @3.1.0_0---> Cleaning py34-opengl-accelerate---> Fetching archive for py34-opengl---> Attempting to fetch py34-opengl-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-opengl-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Attempting to fetch py34-opengl-3.1.0_0.darwin_15.noarch.tbz2 from ; Fetching distfiles for py34-opengl---> Attempting to fetch PyOpenGL-3.1.0.tar.gz from ; Verifying checksums for py34-opengl---> Extracting py34-opengl---> Applying patches to py34-opengl---> Configuring py34-opengl---> Building py34-opengl---> Staging py34-opengl into destroot---> Installing py34-opengl @3.1.0_0---> Activating py34-opengl @3.1.0_0---> Cleaning py34-opengl---> Activating dbus @1.8.16_0Error: org.macports.activate for port dbus returned: Image error: /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist already exists and does not belong to a registered port. Unable to activate port dbus. Use 'port -f activate dbus' to force the activation.Error: Failed to install dbusPlease see the log file for port dbus for details: /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync._release_tarballs_ports_devel_dbus/dbus/main.logError: The following dependencies were not installed: py34-pyqt4 dbus-python34 dbus dbus-glib glib2 pcre py34-sip qt4-mac libmng py34-scipy swig-python bison bison-runtime m4 gsed swigTo report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide: : Processing of port py34-pyqtgraph failed ................

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