Brashear High School


After-School Activities/Clubs/Intramurals

|Club Name |Description |Sponsor |Frequency of Meetings |Time |Where are you|Eligible |

| | | | | |meeting? |Grades |

|21st Century |After school based STEAM curriculum enrichment |The Center that |Monday-Thursday |Till 5:30 |Library |9-12 |

| | |Cares | | | | |

|African Club |The aim of this club is to create community while|Chepngetich, |Tuesdays and Thursdays |Till 4:30 |340 |9-12 |

| |learning about the diverse cultures Africa has to|Niedomys | | | | |

| |offer.  | | | | | |

|Band |Practice to perform at school functions, sporting|Bushyager |Mondays and Wednesdays |Till 5:30 |G30 |8-12 |

| |events, concerts, and festivals. | | | | | |

|After School Academy |Academic enrichment and physical activity, |Tapu |Monday-Thursday |Till 5:30 |Café before |9-12 |

| |community speakers, | | | |3:00 | |

|Cheerleading |Practice to perform at sporting events and school|Sherron |Mondays and Wednesdays |Till 5:30 |Auditorium |10-12 |

| |functions. By tryout only. | | | | | |

|Credit Recovery |For students that have failed a class can make up|Thomas |Monday-Thursday |Till 4:30 |Café before |9-12 |

| |a class with teacher or online. | | | |3:00 | |

|Climbing Club |Indoor rock climbing with students from other |Varlotta |Mondays |Till 5:30 |252 |9-12 |

| |3 PPS schools at Pittsburgh's new state of the | | | | | |

| |art, world class facility on the South Side. | | | | | |

|Dance Team |Practice and learn dances to perform at student |Hill |Tuesdays and Thursdays |Till |260 |9-12 |

| |events. | | | | | |

|Data Jam |Allows students to work with big data and |White |Mondays, Tuesdays, and |Till 4:30 |373 |9-12 |

| |statistical analysis to prove a hypotheses and | |Thursdays | | | |

| |present their findings at a competition. | | | | | |

|Debate Club |We aim to prepare our public speaking and |Chepngetich, |Mondays |Till 4:30 |318 |9-12 |

| |reasoning skills for the Model UN and African |Niedomys | | | | |

| |Model UN which takes place in the Spring. | | | | | |

|Drama Club |Organization for all aspects of theater: onstage,|Engel |1st Tuesday of every month|Till 4:30 |G22 |9-12 |

|(International |backstage, off stage. Creative minds are | | | | | |

|Thespian) |encouraged. | | | | | |

|F.I.Y.A. |Mentorship, leadership, youth development and |Nikkia Ingram |Tuesday and Thursdays |Till 5:30 |233 |9-12 girls|

| |overall excellence for young women. | | | | | |

|The Future is Mine |Students work on team projects that connect them |Heywood |Tuesdays or Wednesdays |Till 4:30 |Library |9-12 |

|Club |with employers in the community while developing | | | | | |

| |skills they’ll need to be successful in the | | | | | |

| |workplace—from organization and planning, to | | | | | |

| |communications and collaboration. | | | | | |

|Latin American |A time for Hispanic students to make connections |Varlotta |Every other Tuesday |Till 4:30 |252 |9-12 |

|Student Union |with each other by sharing traditional meals, | | | | | |

| |games, music, field trips, cultural events and | | | | | |

| |more. | | | | | |

|Launchpad |Develop skills in financial literacy, workforce |YWCA |Monday and Wednesday |Till 5:30 |G-13 |9-11 |

| |readiness, leadership and STEM. | | | | |Girls |

|Senior Steering |Qualifying seniors will meet to help plan |Gavlik/Verdi |As Needed after school | |124 |12 |

| |activities for the year for the senior class. | | | | | |

|Student Council |Elected students will meet after school when |Daelhousen |As Needed after school | |219 |9-12 |

| |necessary to plan school wide events and | | | | | |

| |community service activities. | | | | | |

|The Way |Mentorship program with young men to promote |Kevin Alton |Monday-Thursday |Till 4:30 |127 |9-12 boys |

| |positive behavior and strong academics. | | | | | |

|Unified Track and |Opportunity to participate in inclusive track and|Kesich |Starts in March-May |Till 4:30 | |9-12 |

|Field |field activities. Students of all abilities | | | | | |

| |welcome. | | | | | |

|W.A.V.E. |Explore STEM and skilled trade careers. |ALCOSAN |Thursdays |Till 4:30 |228 |9-12 |

|Weight Training |Athletic conditioning. |Murphy, Scheuering |Monday, Tuesday, and |Till 4:30 |150 |9-12 |

| | | |Thursdays (November-June) | | | |

|Youth With A Purpose |Latino youth program that brings Latino youth in |Casa San Jose |Wednesdays |Till 4:30 |245 |9-12 |

|(Jovenes Con |community together to provide a bilingual | | | | | |

|Porposito) |learning environment, to grow and develop as well| | | | | |

| |as enhance their academic performance. | | | | | |

Fall Sports: Soccer, Football, Cross Country, Golf, Girls Volleyball, Girls Tennis

Winter Sports: Basketball, Swim Team, Wrestling

Spring Sports: Boys Volleyball, Softball, Baseball, Track and Field, Boys Tennis

*see each specific coach for practice and game schedules*


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