God’s Will

God’s Will!

1 Peter 2:11-17

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-17

Memory Verse: “For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence      the ignorance of foolish men.” 1 Peter 2:15

Lesson Focus: We can do “God’s Will” by doing good!

Activities and Crafts: Coloring pages, word search

Owl Cup Craft:

1. Give each of the kids a cup. Have them color their cup like feathers.

2. Give each child a copy of the Owl. Have them cut out the face, wings and feet.

3. Have them color their owl and glue it to the cup.

4. Give each child a copy of the verse for today. Have them roll up their verse       and put it under the owl’s wing.


√ Ask the boys and girls, “Do you know the difference between “doing a good                    thing and doing a bad thing?

Tell the kids that we are going to act out and read a couple of scenarios and the kids have to give a thumb up or a thumb down. (For the 1st and 2nd graders, the teacher can tell the stories and have the kids give a thumb up or a thumb down.)

Scenario #1:

Boy: Hey, look that guy just dropped money out of his pocket.

Girl: Wow, it is a $50.00 dollar bill (girl scoops up and grabs it.)

Boy: We should really give it back

Girl: Oh, but we could buy that new game for our system

Boy: But it is not our money.

Girl: Ok, you are right.

Boy: Hey, mister, you dropped this out of your pocket.

√ Did they do good? Thumbs up

√ Did they do the wrong thing? Thumbs down

Scenario #2:

Girl: Oh, boy I just love Birthday parties.

Boy: I do to and I can’t wait to play games and eat cake.

Girl: Oh, no there is that weird kid…I can’t believe that he was invited.

Boy: Boy, they will let anybody into this party

Girl: Look out he is coming this way

Boy: Let’s get out of here!

√ Did they do good? Thumbs up

√ Did they do the wrong thing? Thumbs down

Scenario #3:

Boy #1: This is a hard soccer match….we are just ahead by 1 point

Boy #2: I know I’m beat!

Boy #1: Hey, I know a way to win.

Boy #2: Yeah, well tell me because I don’t think I can run any more

Boy #1: Let’s run together and when the ref isn’t looking let’s sweep the                 legs out from under our opponents’ legs

Boy #2: That is not really legal

Boy: #1 Are you scared or do you want to win the game

Boy #2: Ok, let’s get this over with

√ Did they do good? Thumbs up

√ Did they do the wrong thing? Thumbs down

What do you do when you have the chance to do the good thing or the bad thing?

Today’s Bible lesson is going to challenge us to do good!


1 Peter 2:11: “The War”

√ Do you guys know that there is a war going on in your life?

Peter tells us it is the war for our soul.

√ What is our soul?

√ What war do you think is going on?

Our soul is the part of us that belongs to God. This is where the Holy Spirit lives when we know Jesus. The evil one cannot stop us from knowing Jesus as our Savior but he can try to stop our growth and our closeness to God. We learned several weeks ago that we are to prepare each day for battle by putting on the Armor of God and get ready for battle each day of our lives.

Peter starts out by begging us and pleading with us to stay away from several things.

√ What things does Peter tell us to stay away from?

❖ fleshly lusts

√ What are fleshly lusts? (Things that we want that are not good for    us….or that cause us to sin.) These are thing we long for but they are    not from God. Peter begs us to not have anything to do with these    things. He tells us to stay away from them because we are not citizens    of this world. We belong to God and this is just a stopping place on our    way to Heaven. We are to live as citizens of heaven.

1 Peter 2:12: “The Reason!”

Peter tells us to stay away from things that are not good for us so that the people watching us can see how we live and they will glorify God. People may not like us and say false things against us, but as they watch our life they cannot deny that we serve the living God.

√ Do you ever just watch people?

Someone is watching us most of the time even when we are not aware of it.

√ Are there times we would be embarrassed by our behavior if we knew someone is watching?

1 Peter 2:13-14: “The Submission”

√ What does it mean to submit?

√ Is it an easy thing or a hard thing?

√ What does Peter tell us to submit to?

1. Ordinance (rules) of man

2. Kings

3. Governors (or those under him)

√ What do all of these people represent?

They represent the rules of the land. They represent the government where you live.

Titus 3:1 tell us also, “Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey , to be ready for every good work.”

Romans 13:1-2, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.”

√ Why does God care if I obey the government and the laws of the land?

1 Peter 2:15: “The Will of God”

√ Would you like to know what the will of God is for you?

Well, here Peter is telling us what God’s will is for us. It is God’s will that we “do good”.

√ When are we to do good?

It matters to God how we live! It matters to God that we “do good” in all that we say and do. Because how we live will speak louder than any words we say! The simplicity of what God wants for our lives is amazing. In the Bible there are only a few places that it says what God’s will is for us. All of them are about how we live. God’s will is not just about what we are doing but who we are!

It is God’s will that we do good and then those watching us will have nothing to say!

1 Peter 2:16-17: “The Freedom!”

√ What is liberty? (The freedom to do something.) We have many liberties in the United States. We can worship freely. We have the freedom of speech. Many of the things in our constitution stand up for the freedoms that we have. But Peter is saying here…just because we are free to do some things does not mean we should do them. We give everything that we are “free” to do over to God. We do things because we belong to God not because we can do them.

1 Peter 2:18: “Our Slogan”

1. Honor all people (put people first)

2. Love the people (let God’s love flow through you)

3. Fear God (we belong to God and we live for Him in everything we do.)

4. Honor the King ( we obey the laws of the land)

Conclusion: If we are serious about following Jesus then we are told right here in Peter what the will of God is for our lives. God’s will is for us to do good! Peter does not leave anyone out when he tells us to do good to all men.

It doesn’t matter if they are mean – we are to do good

It does not matter if we don’t agree with them – we are to do good

It does not matter if we don’t like them – we are to do good

Goodness flows out of the heart of God and He wants it to flow out of us too!


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