Sarah, Plain and Tall Discussion Questions

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Discussion Guide



Sarah, Plain and Tall Discussion Guide

Chapter 1 Questions

1. What do you learn about Anna in the first chapter?

2. What was the last thing that Anna’s mother said to her before she died? Did Anna agree with her mother about Caleb? What were Anna’s real feelings about Caleb?

3. Who is Sarah Wheaton? Why does she write to Jacob Whitting?

4. What time of the year is it? Why is this important?


Look at the events in Chapter 1. What happens in this chapter? Mark the important events on the timeline below. The first and last ones are done for you.

Caleb Papa

is born reads letter


Write an entry in your journal that is a letter introducing yourself like Sarah does. Include your personal information, hobbies and interests.

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

1. dusk N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. hollow N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. scrape N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. harshly N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. stir N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. insult N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. pale N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. horrid N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. cruel N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. eagerly N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 2 Questions

1. What do you learn about Sarah from the letters that she writes to Caleb and Anna?

2. What is the plan that Jacob has to see if Sarah will be a good wife and mother? Why does he ask the children what they think of his plan?

3. Who are William Wheaton and Jacob Whitting? What is similar about them? What is different?


Look at the events in Chapter 2. What happens in this chapter? Mark the important events on the timeline below. The first one is done for you.

Anna gets Sarah

her letter is coming

Chapter 2 Vocabulary

1. depend N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. pesky N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. hush N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. enclose N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. peer N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. grin N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. damp N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. pond N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. amaze N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. stall N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 3 Questions

1. Why does Jacob dress in his good clothes to pick up Sarah?

2. What are the chores that the children have to do on the farm?

3. When does Sarah arrive? What are some of the things associated with this season?

4. What type of gifts does Sarah bring? Why do you think that she chose these gifts?

5. What is Anna worried about at the end of the chapter?


Look at the events in Chapter 3. What happens in this chapter? Mark at least 3 important events on the timeline below.

Papa gets Caleb asks

dressed up when they’ll



Write an entry in your journal that describes a time when you received a special gift. What was the gift? Who gave it to you? Why was it special?

Chapter 3 Vocabulary

1. bloom N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. fetch N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. alarm N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. porch N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. plains N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. rock N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. clatter N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. quilt N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. sniff N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. shade N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 4 Questions

1. Why do the dogs love Sarah first?

2. What is the relationship between Sarah and the children like? Between Sarah and Jacob?

3. Why does Jacob go behind the barn to toss his pieces of hair into the wind?

4. What does Sarah say or do that makes Caleb think she will stay?


Look at the events in Chapter 4. What happens in this chapter? Mark at least 3 important events on the timeline below.

Chapter 4 Vocabulary

1. beside N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. buds N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. bunches N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. whoop N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. thump N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. echo N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. scatter N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. gather N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. stroke N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. slippery N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 5 Questions

1. What are the names of Sarah’s aunts? Look at Chapter 4. What do you learn about them on page 28?

2. Sarah is very sad when the lamb dies. What words tell you that she stayed with the dead lamb until night when Jacob came to bury it? Why does she stay there? Who comforts her?

3. What is a “dune”? What is different about the dunes on the beach and the dunes on the farm?

4. Why does Jacob “make” the dune for Sarah? How does it make her feel?

5. What do you think is missing from Sarah’s drawing?


Look at the events in Chapter 5. What happens in this chapter? Mark at least 3 important events on the timeline below.


Jacob creates a dune for Sarah as a way to remind her of her childhood. Write an entry in your journal that describes something you really liked to do as a child. What was so special about this activity?

Chapter 5 Vocabulary

1. coarse N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. drift N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. bury N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. windmill N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. dune N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. cliff N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. mound N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. canvas N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. rot N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. blink N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 6 Questions

1. Sarah asks the children about winter. What are the winters in Kansas like?

2. Where does Sarah teach Caleb to swim? What else does she teach them to do?

3. What is Anna’s “perfect dream”? What makes it perfect?


Look at the events in Chapter 6. What happens in this chapter? Mark at least 3 important events on the timeline below.

Chapter 6 Vocabulary

1. sharply N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. blame N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. chant N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. collapse N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. startle N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. meadow N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. attach N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. frown N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. hidden N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. gleam N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 7 Questions

1. How does Jacob show his affection for Sarah?

2. Who is Maggie? Why does she come to visit, and what does she bring Sarah?

3. As Sarah and Maggie talk, Anna is worried that Sarah will leave. What does Sarah miss? Maggie? Anna?

4. What “words of wisdom” does Maggie give to Sarah?

5. Why does Anna think that the chickens would not be for eating?


Look at the events in Chapter 7. What happens in this chapter? Mark at least 3 important events on the timeline below.


Sarah and Maggie talk about things that they miss. Write an entry in your journal that describes some things you miss from your country. Do not describe a person. Describe some objects that you miss.

Chapter 7 Vocabulary

1. tuck N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. sack N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. shuffle N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. creep (crept) N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. flee (fled) N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. squawk N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. kneel (knelt) N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. streak N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. nod N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. belly N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 8 Questions

1. Why does Sarah want to learn how to ride a horse and drive a wagon by herself? Why does this make Anna and Caleb worry?

2. What do Sarah and Jacob argue about?

3. Describe the storm (squall).

4. Why do Sarah and Jacob run back out into the storm?

5. What discovery does Caleb make during the storm?

6. Caleb and Anna have different reactions to seeing Jacob’s arm around Sarah. What is Caleb’s reaction? Why is Anna’s reaction different?


Look at the events in Chapter 8. What happens in this chapter? Mark at least 3 important events on the timeline below.

Chapter 8 Vocabulary

1. crisply N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. sly N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. stubbornly N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. rumble N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. eerie N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. steady N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. weary N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. pungent N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. herd N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. tremble N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Chapter 9 Questions

1. Anna is more like a sister to Caleb now rather than a mother. What has been happening in the story that makes this possible?

2. Why does Sarah want to go to town by herself?

3. Caleb does not want Sarah to go to town by herself. What suggestions does he make to keep Sarah on the farm?

4. Anna makes a connection between the wagon taking Sarah away and another wagon. What wagon was that and why does she make this connection?

5. What does Sarah bring back from town?


Look at the events in Chapter 9. What happens in this chapter? Mark at least 3 important events on the timeline below.


The story has a happy ending. What do you think will happen in the future of this new family? In your journal predict what you think will happen in the next 5 years?

Chapter 9 Vocabulary

1. leap N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. groom N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. complain N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. crossly N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. stern N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

6. murmur N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

7. nudge N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

8. squint N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

9. wail N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

10. stretch N V ADJ ADV

Use in Book: _____________________________________________________

Meaning: ________________________________________________________

My Sentence: _____________________________________________________

Questions from the movie Sarah, Plain and Tall

1. When and where does the movie take place?

2. How old is Caleb? Anna?

3. What type of wife is Jacob looking for?

4. Why doesn’t Anna want Sarah to come?

5. When Sarah arrives at the station, she buys a one-way ticket back to Maine. Why?

6. Caleb loves Sarah right away, but Anna has mixed feelings. She likes Sarah, but resents her. How does she show these feelings?

7. Jacob and Sarah argue about “what is right.” What are they talking about? How does the argument end?

8. When does Anna fully accept Sarah? Why?

9. What happens at the church picnic?

10. Why didn’t Sarah get married earlier?

11. Maggie and Sarah talk about Jacob during their visit. What do we learn about him and his first wife Catherine?

12. Why does Sarah buy Mrs. Parker’s peaches?

13. Where is Seal during the storm?

14. Jacob tells Sarah that the children are fond of her, but they both agree that “it won’t work.” What won’t work? Why does Sarah feel this way? Why does Jacob feel this way?

15. Anna teaches Sarah to drive the wagon. Where do they go and what do they do?

16. Why does Matthew need Sarah and Jacob’s help quickly?

17. Sarah finds Jacob crying in the barn. Why is he crying? What causes him to feel so sad?

18. Why does Sarah drive into town by herself?

19. Why does Jacob chase after her?

Character Sketches

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Punctuation Exercise

Directions: Read the following passage from Sarah, Plain and Tall. There are no punctuation marks. Add the necessary marks and capital letters to make the paragraph correct.

there is wind here said caleb happily it blows the snow and brings the tumbleweeds and makes the sheep run wind and wind and wind caleb stood up and ran like the wind and the sheep ran after him sarah and i watched him jump over rock and gullies the sheep behind him stiff legged and fast he circled the field the sun making the top of his hair golden he collapsed next to sarah and the lambs pushed their wet noses into us

Sarah, Plain and Tall Listening Cloze

Directions: Fill in the blanks by listening to the tape and writing down the missing words.

The sheep made Sarah smile. She sank her fingers into __________ thick, course wool. She talked ___________ them, running with the lambs, __________ them suck on her fingers. __________ named them after her favorite ___________, Harriet, Mattie and Lou. __________ lay down in the field beside __________ and sang "Summer is Icumin __________," her voice drifting over the __________ grasses, carried by the ___________.

She cried when we found __________ lamb that had died, and __________ shouted and shook her fist __________ the turkey buzzards that came __________ nowhere to eat it. She __________ not let Caleb or me ___________ near. And that night, Papa __________ with a shovel to bury __________ sheep and a lantern bring ___________ back. She sat on the __________ alone. Nick crept up to lean against her knees.

Sarah, Plain and Tall Paragraph Order

Look at the sentences carefully and then put the following sentences in a logical order.

_____ But they couldn’t.

_____ I wiped my hands on my apron and went to the window.

_____ Though winter was nearly over, there were patches of snow and ice everywhere.

_____ They had come for her in a wagon and taken her away to be buried.

_____ And then the cousins and aunts and uncles had come and tried to fill up the house.

_____ I looked at the long dirt road that crawled across the plains, remembering the morning that Mama had died, cruel and sunny.

_____ Outside, the prairie reached out and touched the places where the sky came down.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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