Brochure no

Brochure no. 1:


Bucatarie rurala: Un nou concept de agricultura multifuncţională şi promovarea alimentelor locale

Country Chef: a new concept of multifunctional agriculture and the promotion of local foods.

( LLP-LDV/PAR/2010/RO/071)

Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană


1. Agricoltura è Vita Appennino srl (AèVA )-Lucca, Italia

2. Colegiul Tehnic “Ioan C. Stefanescu”-Iasi

3. Asociatia REPERE, Bucuresti



Conceptul de bucătărie rurală este strâns legat de dezvoltarea rolului multifunctional al agriculturii şi, în general, pentru a spori valoarea zonelor rurale şi a produselor sale. Schimbul de experienţe, idei şi opinii iesit din contexte rurale diferite, ar fi important pentru a obţine o definiţie comună a competenţelor necesare pentru acest profil inovator. Tinerii fermieri, femei, operatori de turism, sau alţii care doresc să combine arta de a găti cu cea a valorii produselor locale reprezintă publicul ţintă principal al proiectului propus.

The concept of rural cuisine is closely related to the development of the multifunctional role of agriculture in particular, and to the ever-growing importance of rural areas and products in general. The exchange of experience, ideas and opinions among different rural cultures is crucial in defining the skills necessary for this innovative field. Our target-public includes young farmers, housewives, tourist agencies, or any others who want to blend the art of cuisine and the value of the local products.

Scopul principal al proiectului este de a creşte şansele de angajare in mediul rural, de a contribui la dezvoltarea durabilă locală, atât din punct de vedere social cat şi economic. Mai mulţi actori-cheie, cum ar fi şcolile VET rurale, asociaţiile de fermieri sau întreprinderi, dezvoltarea parteneri sociali, de formare şi agenţii de consiliere sunt implicaţi în conceptului de bucatarie rurală. Grupul are ca scop crearea de sinergii pe termen lung care ar putea conduce la dezvoltarea în continuare a iniţiativei în cadrul programelor LLP.

The main objectives of our project are to improve emplyment rate in the rural area and to develop local communities socially and economically. Several key-agents, such as the rural VET schools, farmers’ associations and companies, social and educational partners and counselling agencies are involved in developping the concept of country chef. Our group aims at creating a long-term synergy to develop this initiative as part of the LLP programs.


Identificarea şi realizarea unui profil nou inovator, legat de agricultura multifuncţională, pentru a crea locuri de muncă calificate pentru agricultori pregătiţi care pot face agroturism.

Noul profil va fi capabil de a:

• identifica produsele din reţete tradiţionale şi din gastronomia locala;

• promova produsele locale prin reţete tradiţionale şi tipice din gastronomia locala;

• identifica şi a stabili baza pentru o Şcoală Permanentă a Bucătăriei Rurale.


• to create an innovative field, related to multi-functional agriculture, in order to create jobs for qualified agricultural employees who can do rural tourism.

• The new field will be able to:

• identify the products made from traditional recipes and characteristic of the local gastronomy;

• promote the local products with the help of traditional recipes of the area;

• create a founding structure for a permanent school of rural cuisine.


• Identificarea de specii şi soiuri locale de culturi;

• Identificarea şi recunoaşterea speciilor botanice locale şi a varietăţilor comestibile;

• Cercetarea şi dezvoltarea cunoştinţelor despre reţete locale şi gastronomie;

• utilizarea de soiuri agricole din gastronomia locala;

• studierea literaturii de specialitate despre , reţete culinare locale, despre plante şi animale;

• studierea termenilor de specialitate in limbi străine.

• realizarea unui curs pilot "incubator pentru experimentare".


• identifying classes and species of cultivated plants;

• identifying and recognizing edible (local) plants;

• investigating and researching local gastronomy and recipes;

• using cultivated plants common of the local gastronomy;

• studying the technical literature on local recipes, plants and animals;

• studying the technical terms in foreign languages;

• making a pilot-course that aims to be an ‘incubator for experimentation’.


• un studiu despre retetele culinare din zonele rurale, din fiecare tara partenera;

• promovarea produselor tipice agricole, naturale, în site-ul proiectului (realizarea unui manual, în fiecare limbă a ţărilor partenere);

• un manual, în fiecare limbă a ţărilor partenere, despre prepararea bucatelor tradiţionale locale şi regionale;

• un training, un curs pilot care urmează să fie propus şcolilor, în funcţie de realitatea educaţională şi de agenţiile de formare profesională din fiecare tara partenera ("incubator pentru experimentare").


• a study on the rural area recipes in each partner country;

• promoting natural / organic food products on the project website and in a book issued in each partner country language;

• an instruction book on how to make traditional local foods, issued in each partner country language;

• a pilot training course recommended to schools in each partner country and adapted to the educational conditions and professional development agencies in each partner country (‘incubator for experimentation’).


• Crearea unei reţele internaţionale care va promova produsele agricole naturale si retetele culinare, specifice fiecarui partener european;

• Identificarea unor abilităţi profesionale pentru a crea sau îmbunătăţi noi locuri de muncă în zonele rurale.

• Realizarea unui proiect de transfer de inovatie- Leonardo.


• creating an international network to promote natural agricultural products and recipes characteristic of each European partner country;

• identifying professional skills in order to create jobs or improve employment rate in rural areas;

• making a Leonardo da Vinci innovation transfer project.

Art as the identity of a country and as a universal pattern which all the European countries can share

Reference no: 2009-1-IT2-GRU06-06392 2


La noi se fac sarmale mici, din jumatate de frunza de varza, ca poti manca 10 o data. Si sunt asa echilibrate, nu sunt exagerat de grase, se mananca cu mamaliga si smantana.


1 capatana varza (proaspata sau murata)

8 felii sunca (sau ciolan afumat)

5 fire marar

5 fire cimbru

150 ml bulion

1 lingura sare

putin otet


700 gr carne tocata de porc (500 gr carne macra + 200 gr slanina/grasime)

350 gr orez cu bob rotund

2 lingurite sare

1 lingurita piper

1/4 ardei verde dat pe razatoare

6 fire patrunjel tocat marunt

1 ceapa medie (cca 100 gr)

2 linguri ulei

1 lingurita boia

100 ml bulion

Bucati: 35 sarmalute


1. Daca varza e proaspata se opareste intreaga in multa apa in care puneti putin otet, pana frunzele se inmoaie un pic ca sa le puteti rula. Daca varza e murata o folositi ca atare, nu trebuie oparita.

2. Desfaceti apoi frunzele de pe capatana si le curatati in zona cotorului de partile tari. In functie de marimea frunzelor sau cat doriti sarmalele de mari puteti lasa frunza intreaga sau rupe in jumatate. In zona nostra se fac sarmalute mici . Frunzele foarte rupte si cotorul verzei se toaca.

3. Pentru umplutura folositi carne tocata care sa contina si grasime, vor iesi mai bune. Carnea se toaca in masina de carne o singura data, nu trebuie sa fie foarte fina.

4. Ceapa data pe razatoarea mica se caleste in 2 linguri de ulei pana se inmoaie, se ia de pe foc si se amesteca cu 1 lingurita boia.

5. Intr-un bol mare amestecati bine toate ingredientele pentru umplutura, inclusiv ceapa calita de mai sus, patrunjelul tocat marunt si cei 100 ml bulion.

6. Pe fundul unei oale inalte asezati jumatate din varza tocata, 4 felii sunca si mararul.

7. Formati sarmalutete folosind cate o frunza de varza si o lingura de umplutura. Le puteti forma in mana daca aveti experienta sau pe o farfurie . Asezati frunza pe o farfurie; la un capat puneti o lingura de umplutura. Ridicati marginile lungi si rulati din capatul opus.

8. Asezati sarmalutele in oala, unele peste altele. Ies cca 35 sarmalute mici. Deasupra asezati restul de sunca, restul de varza tocata, cimbrul si turnati 150 ml bulion. Puneti o farfurioara peste sarmale.

9. Intr-o oala incalziti mai multa apa amestecata cu 1 lingura sare si turnati apoi din aceasta apa peste sarmalute pana sunt perfect acoperite.

10. * daca folositi varza murata, in apa cu care acoperiti sarmalele nu mai puneti sare!

11. Fierbeti pe aragaz cu capac, la foc mai mare pana incep sa fiarba si apoi dati pe mediu spre mic, cca 45 minute.

12. Verificati o sarmaluta pentru a fi siguri ca sunt fierte inainte de a stinge focul.

13. * timpul de fierbere depinde si de marimea sarmalelor

14. * le puteti fierbe acoperite si in cuptor cca 2-3 ore la 180 0 C

Cabbage rolls

We make them in small rolls which are made from half a cabbage leaf, so that you can eat 10 at once. They are well balanced, not overly fat, eaten with polenta and sour cream.

Ingredients : 1 cabbage (fresh or pickled), 8 slices of bacon (or smoked ham), dill, thyme, savory broth, 1 teaspoon of salt, 150 ml vinegar

Filling: at least 700 grams minced pork (500 gr lean bacon + 200 gr fat) 350 g round grain rice 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon pepper 1 / 4 grated green pepper, 6 gave chopped parsley ,1 medium onion (about 100g), 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tsp paprika ,100 ml tomato sauce

Pieces: 35 Sarmalute (Cabbage rolls)

If the cabbage is fresh scald it in a lot of water with a little vinegar, until the leaves soften a bit as you can roll them. If a pickled cabbage is used as such, it should not be scalded. Unfold the cabbage and then the leaves in the spine area to clean the hard parts. Depending on the size of the cabbage leaves or how big the rolls will be you can leave the leaves in full or tear it in half. In our area the people cook small force-meat rolls. The torn cabbage leaves are chopped.

For the filling use ground meat that contains fat and they will taste better. Chop the meat in the food processor once, it should be very smooth.

3. The little grated onion is fried in 2 tablespoons of oil until soft, remove from heat and mix with 1 teaspoon of paprika.

4. In a large bowl mix all ingredients for filling, including the above onion, chopped parsley and the 100 ml broth(tomato sauce).

5. On the bottom of a saucepan place half of a chopped cabbage, 4 slices of ham and dill.

6. Shape each cabbage roll using a cabbage leaf and a tablespoon of filling. They can form in your hand if you’re experienced or on a plate. Place the leaf on a plate, at one end put a tablespoon of filling. Lift the edge of the opposite end long and roll it over.

7. Place the cabbage roll in a pot, one over the others. There should be about about 35 rolls. Above the rest lay the ham, the remaining chopped cabbage, thyme and pour 150 ml broth(tomato sauce). Place a saucer over the cabbage.

8. In a saucepan heat some water with 1 more tablespoon of salt and then pourthe water over the cabbage rolls until the rolls are perfectly covered with water. * If you use pickled cabbage do not add salt into the water !

9. Simmer on the stove with lid on high heat until beginning to boil and then turn on medium to low, about 45 minutes.

10. Check the rolls to be sure they are cooked before turning off the stove. * Boiling time depends on the size of the rolls * you can cook the cabbage rolls covered about 2-3 hours in oven at 180ºC.



500gr. carne proaspata de porc, taiata bucatele mici,

4 carnati afumati,

150 ml. vin alb,

3-4 catei de usturoi zdrobiti,

150 gr. branza sarata de oaie,

3 oua,



sare , piper

mamaliga : malai, apa, sare.


Intai de toate facem mamaliga care trebuie sa fiarba la foc mic, acoperita 35-40min. timp in care noi ne ocupam de tochitura.

Intr-o tigaie punem carnea sa se prajeasca/rumeneasca , acoperim cu un capac si lasam pe foc mic 3-4min. Cand s-a rumenit , adugam vinul, sare, piper, cimbru si usturoiul pisat.

Lasam inca 20-25min.

Intre timp, taiem carnati bucati potrivite , ii adugam si pe ei in tigaie. Mai lasam pe foc pana se fac si carnati. Pastram preparatul la cald.

In alta tigaie facem ouale ochi.

Se serveste cu gogosari sau castrveti cu .. ceva vin .

Mod de servire: - punem mamaliga in centrul unei farfuri (platou), deasupra ei punem ouale ochii, iar carnea si carnatii de jur imprejur. Radem branza, mai punem si putin piper.



500gr. Fresh pork meat, cut into small pieces,

4 smoked sausages,

150 ml. white wine,

3-4 crushed cloves of garlic,

150 gr. salty sheep cheese,

3 eggs,





polenta: corn, water, salt.

Preparation: First of all we have to boil the polenta over low heat, covered for 35-40min. Meanwhile, we take care of tochitura. We put meat in a pan to fry / brown, cover it with a lid and leave on low heat 3-4min. When its browned, add wine, salt, pepper, thyme and garlic. We leave it for another 20-25min.

Meanwhile, we cut the sausage into equal pieces and add them over the rest of the ingredients in the pan. We may leave the heat up till the sausages are well done. We have to keep it warm. In another pan we fry the eggs. You can serve it with red peppers or pickles ... and .. some wine.

Serving:- put the polenta in the center of a plate (platter), we lay the fried eggs over it and the meat and the sausages around. Finally we grate the cheese more and sprinkle a little pepper.


ALUAT:1kg faina

100g zahar

4 oua

2 lingurite drojdie uscata

350ml lapte

150g unt topit

putina sare

UMPLUTURA:750g branza dulce

3 oua

100g stafide


4-6 linguri zahar


gris cat cuprinde

Facem aluatul si il lasam la crescut. Obtinem un aluat elastic, cu care se lucreaza foarte usor. Taiem aluatul pe lung in doua fasii. Fiecare fasie o taiem in bucati de 2 cm, pe care le intindem cat mai subtiri.

Punem 2 linguri de umplutura de branza pe fiecare bucata si se impacheteaza sub forma de plic si inca o data de la colturile opuse, avand grija sa inchidem bine.

Asezam placintele in tava pe hartie de pergament, le ungem cu ou batut si dam tava la cuptorul pre-incins , la 375F, pana cand sunt bine rumenite.



1kg of flour, 100g of sugar, 4 eggs, 2 teaspoons of dry yeast, 150g melted butter, 350ml milk, salt


750g cottage cheese, 3 eggs,100g of raisins, vanilla, 4-6 tablespoons of sugar, salt, semolina as much as possible.

We make the dough and leave it to rise. We get an elastic dough, which is very easy cook with. Cut the dough into two long strips. We cut each strip into 2 cm pieces and stretch them as thin as we can.

Add 2 tablespoons of the cheese filling and wrap each piece in the form of an envelope and once again from the opposite margins, taking care to fasten them properly. Place the pie on a griddle over waxed paper. Cover the pies with whipped egg and put the griddle into the pre-heated oven at 190°C until well browned.





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