
 Extra Points Options for ZoologyBelow are several options which you can complete to earn extra points. You can do the option more than once. For example. Option 1 is to post 5 websites and summaries. You can post 20 websites with summaries to get all 20 points. 1) Post 5 new website links per unit in the discussions section in Canvas that are relevant to the unit we are in and write two sentences about what you liked about each website. (5 pts). To get points you need the link for the website and 2 sentences which explain what is helpful about the website. 5 links and 10 sentences. You will not get credit for already posted websites. 2) Watch a TED video about a Zoology concept. . Write a summary at least 1/2 page. Describe what was discussed. (5 pts)3) Outline the current section in book. (5 pts)4) Visit the websites from other student’s posts and add two additional helpful things from each website. You need to repost 5 links in discussion and an additional helpful things about each website. Maybe describe a pro and con. (5 pts)5) Ask a serious question about cell structure which you are not sure about. Or comment in discussions by appropriately answering another students question on a Zoology topic. (5 pts)6) Turn in a signed syllabus of the class with working email of parents (5 pts)7) Create a video tutorial for other students that is at least 3 minutes in length. Describe an objective and explain it in depth. Note: the video should include your voice and be created by you. While you do not need to be in the video, You can use video recording devices on phones, laptops etc. Please be sure that material presented is appropriate for the objective. (5 pts) 8) Watch an episode from Netflix or Hulu on a biology topic. Episodes can include from the following series: Life, The Blue Planet, The life of Mammals, The life of Birds, and the Rise of the Animals: Triumph of the Vertebrates, or Planet Earth. Write a paragraph summary of what the episode was about. (5 pts)You can earn up to 20 points per unit. Points earned will be added to PowerSchool as extra points earned. If you have an idea for extra points which is related to our school subjects, let Mr. Walker know. There is no extra credit offered, only extra points. ................

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