
Forum: General Assembly 2 Topic: Resolving the Issue of Global Waste on the Planet and in Outer-Space Submitted by: Russian Federation Co-submitters: India, Iran, Indonesia, Djibouti, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kenya, USAGeneral Assembly 2,Following the purposes and fundamentals of the Charter of the United Nations,Aware of the massive amount of trash (2.12 billion tons) are dumped every year,Emphasizing the rate at which the waste is produced is far more than the rate at which it is being treated,Keeping in mind that the overwhelming amount of untreated waste continues to collect in our landscapes, bodies of water and in outer-space,Further recognizing the waste is also damaging and polluting the environment of our planet and outer-space if not being treated well,1. Encourages all member states to help to establish International Disposal Management Committee(IDMC) to draft international policies regarding trash disposal on the planet:a) ? Introduce the trash disposal quota for member states based on their population and economic situation, and territorial area,i. Reduce the trash disposal quota for all member states according to the technological development, such as the recycling technologies, ii. Fine nations that exceed their quota, iii. Convene biennial meeting regarding the distribution of trash disposal quota,b)? Innovate new recycling facilities with the aid of technologically developed nations,c) ? Help Less Economically Developed Nations(LEDCs) to develop trash classification and disposal systems;2. Requires all member states to collect additional per unit taxes from plastic manufacturing companies to:a) ? Generate revenues for IDMC to conduct research regarding trash disposal,b)? Provide subsidies to firms that produce plastic-replacement-materials,c) ? Discourage the production of plastic materials;3. Recommends member states to educate citizens the harmfulness of trash pollution through means such as but not limited to:a) ? All More Economically Developed Nations(MEDCs) to utilize digital media to publish information include but not limited to,Online news articles regarding the damages caused by unregulated trash disposal,Public Service Announcement(PSA) on social media to encourage trash classification and recycling,Documentaries about trash pollution on television channels,PSAs on digital billboard at business districts,b)? all LEDCs to utilize traditional media to publish information include but not limited to,PSA posters regarding trash classification in neighborhood,Stories about the harmfulness of trash pollution on radio channels,????????????????iii.? ? ? News reports about the negative impact of trash pollution on paper mediaHaving an environment day fair in cities; all member states to strengthen the education system in order to help citizens to have a better understanding on the environmental issues, include such measure but not limited to:Distribute booklets in secondary schools based on the reading level of students,Add environmental science into secondary schools’ curriculum,Ask all universities to require students to have 40 hours of environmental volunteer work in order to graduate,Educate students about trash classification and basic recycling knowledge;4. ?Urges all nations to implement trash classification and recycling among all citizens, through such measure include but not limited to:a) Ask citizens in cities to use measures include but not limited to:Use separate recycle trash can,Put deposit on plastic, glass, and paper material,Establish trash recycling stations in urban and suburban area,Ask citizens in rural area to use measures include but not limited to:Forbid farmers from burning straw, especially in LEDCs,Refrain factories and families to dump wastes in water stream,Creating organic trash fermentation centers to prevent eutrophication while create,Support trash recycling companies through measures include but not limited to:Provide tax exemption and per unit subsidies,Giving free technical support and consulting,Encourage investment toward recycling businesses;5. ?Asks all member states with space power to enhance the algorithm of space projects and artificial satellites in order to reduce debris from space crashes and accident through means include but not limited to:Fine nations that created debris in outer space by accidents caused by human error,Devoting funds from national space administrations, such as NASA and Russian Federal Space Agency(ROSCOSMOS), to enhance algorithm and quality examination of the project,Ask all member states that are developing space power to be supervised and helped by nations with strong space power,Banned all space rocket launches with no specific research purpose;6. ?Further recommends all member states to reduce the time length that astronauts stay in space to:Reduce the number of space accidents caused by fatigue operations,Minimize trash produced by astronauts’ daily life on space,c) ?Reduce the total weight of spacecraft to minimize the damage from a crash. ................

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