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CC0/Ingo Joseph/Pixabay You finally made it. You made the transition to Google Play Store. Getting used to a new system is exciting and sometimes challenging, as you learn where to find what you need. Fortunately, once you complete the download process, you will fill your smartphone or tablet with all your favorite apps. Find the Google Play Store app To find the Google Play Store on your device, go to the App section on your device. In some cases it is as simple as crawling upwards from the bottom of the screen. If your device does not have this option, find the triangle icon in your apps. Touch it to open Google Play Store directly on the device. To use this service you need a Gmail account. The app will connect to your e mail account, which simplifies the backup of apps, photos, videos and other files in Google's cloud storage system. This is particularly useful if you are someone who loves getting the most recent devices. You can access your Google account and access previously downloaded apps and saved files. There are several ways to find apps to install on your device. You can search for apps by name or type or try an app that the store suggests for you. If you know the name of the app you are looking for, such as Twitter, Spotify or your bank, enter the name in the search bar at the top of the screen. Choose the app you want from the list. If you are looking for a generic app, such as a messaging app, type that sentence in the search box. Google Play will give you a list of different apps that are tagged to meet your search criteria. When you see someone you think you are interested, click on it to download the app. Google sometimes offers you tips for apps you think you like. You can check them by touching them for download. Installing apps After clicking on the button to select the app, Google Play shows you on the app, including its creator, related, related tags, reviews from other users and a green button that says "Install". Press that button and the device automatically downloads and installs it until there is no storage space available. How to Update Apps You should keep the apps installed until today. From time to time, developers send notifications when they have updated their applications. These updates range from fixing bugs in the way the app works to adding new features. Some apps update themselves, but others require your permission to complete. Keeping these updates up to date ensures that you always have the latest version of the app that the developer supports. To find out if your downloaded apps have updates, open your Google Play Store. Click on the three lines in the upper-left corner of the screen and locate the "My Apps & Games" section. You'll see three cards. The first tab takes you to a list of your applications sorted by ?recently updated? and ?update?. From here, you can update all applications or choose which applications to update individually. How to Uninstall Apps Sometimes you accidentally download an app that you don't want or need or want to erase some space on your device. When this happens, you need to know how to uninstall the applications you have downloaded. On many phones, you can do this directly on the phone interface without going into the Google Play Store. If you prefer to do this in the Google Play Store, open it. Locate the app using the search bar at the top of the screen. Tap the app and find the button to uninstall it. You will need to confirm this step to indicate that you want to uninstall the app. Don't worry, though. You can go back and download it in the future if you need it. More information about QUESTIONS New bits of found by XDA Developers shows Google is working on in-app reviews. When the feature is enabled, it may allow users to leave reviews without having to leave the app. As with all APK ripping, the feature could launch at any or be completely demolished. People on XDA-Developers have discovered a new feature that Google is working on, will allow you to leave app reviews without having to leave them. The discovery came after disconnecting the latest version 15.9.21 of the Play Store that was uploaded to Apkmirror this week. After shredding the APK, a new activity called "" was discovered. With text strings like "inappierwdialog" and "inappierwattivit?", alluding to a new functionality that could allow users to leave a vote during the app. Along with the new activity, were three new layout files named: in_app_review_dialog_fragment in_app_review_dialog_rate_review_dialog_rate_review_Dialog_thank_you_layout However, since the above layout files are currently empty, trying to run the new activity simply reveals a send button. To find out how the new feature will look and work, we'll have to wait on Google to compile the rest of the code. It's something that probably won't happen as long as new in-app reviews are released to the public. I'm sure we've all gotten these pop-ups before in an app that asks you to leave a review. And like me, you've probably fired them more often. Part of the reason is because tapping the review button will take me out of the app and to the Play Store. Changing the workflow to allow a user to leave the review in that dialog without having to switch to another app would give you fewer circles to skip, and might increase the likelihood of someone leaving a review. To an app developer, which could be invaluable. Think about how many times you've left a good review versus how many times you've left a bad one. Unhappy customers are always the noisiest. Any changes that might bring More positive reviews of the apps is sure that it is welcomed by the community of developers. Right now, it is uncertain when or if the function could ever go live. Apk Teaterdowns damagea look at what you are working on behind the scenes, but these features do not always make the final cut. For now, we will just have to wait and see if Google releases this feature and how it will appear at the time of release. How to get a refund on Google Play

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