February 16, 2016 Newsletter

Regular Noon Meeting

Ron Brohammer, President called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM at the Shirkey Golf Club.

The Song: Bill Dooley

The Pledge: Troy Pyle The Invocation: Ed Hughes

We greeted each other. Ron told jokes. There were three guests today: Amy Klintworth and Tracy Sherwood Probation Officers, and Haley Williams from the Parks and Recreation Department.

Mac Proffitt did the Sergeant at Arms report: Several dollars were put in for missed meetings and birthdays. Ed Hughes is celebrating his 50th Wedding Anniversary. A few paid for missing the Chili/Soup Luncheon.

Haley Williams talked about the Easter Egg Hunt to be held Saturday, March 26, 2016 at Maurice Roberts Park. Hunt times for students in grades 2-4 will be at 9:00 AM. 1st grade and younger will hunt for eggs at 10:00 AM. If we have inclement weather, the festivities will be moved to the Richmond City Gym at 205 Summit Street. There will also be Face Painting, cake walks, a bounce house, and a visit from the Easter Bunny from 8:30-10:15 AM. We had $100 earmarked for them in our budget, so John wrote them a check.

Sara Seidel passed out a flyer about an upcoming concert at the Farris Theater. The group is called Teacher’z Pet. They will be at the Farris Theater (301 W. Main St, Richmond, MO,) on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 8:00 PM. For more information call the theater at 816-776-6684 or go to .

Club Achievements/Announcements: Bill Dooley explained that Club Counselors are needed to help other Kiwanis Clubs. They will train you to do it. Let Bill know if you are interested.

Old Business:

Key Club meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7:10 AM. Josh McCray, Key Club sponsor, and Adrrienne Rendon, a Key Club member were at the Chili/Soup luncheon. We were glad to have their help. Key Club has not talked about a Trivia Night yet. We asked them about it in December. Chances don’t look good in their wanting to help.

Chili/Soup Luncheon: We think it went pretty well. If you have not sent John Richardson a check to cover your cost of the five tickets, please send him your check for $35.00 as soon as possible. It will help him to have totals and not have to worry about late money coming in. Our projected profit is $2,400.00, counting the money for the placemats.

Placemats cost $56.84 for 300. Tabers printed the placemats and the tickets. 21 businesses had their card put on the placemat and there were ten line donations. The profit from placemats is $478.16.

Tickets have been passed out to sell for $7.00 a piece. Each member is responsible for selling five tickets or giving them away. Each member will need to turn in $35.00 to cover the cost of the tickets.

Sara had three ads that ran in the paper. The Chamber of Commerce had the info. The info was also on Face book and our Kiwanis website. Bill Dooley e-mailed the information to other Kiwanis Clubs in the area inviting them to attend and we had a couple come from Carrolton as well as North Kansas City.

Next time we could use more containers for take-out desserts, and more boxes to carry each order. We cold also use a couple of Sharpies to mark the boxes of the carry out orders.

The Chamber of Commerce Business Expo will be held at the Middle School on Saturday, March 12, 2016. It is a chance for local businesses and organizations to share information about their group. Sara Seidel and Rochelle McCaulley will help Ron Brohammer with the running of the booth. Barb and Bill will get pictures of Kiwanis, membership information, the banner, and magnets to them for the event. They will need a table to set it on. The Middle School might have one, or you may need one from home. Let them know if you have time and would be willing to help sit at the table and talk about our club.

Kansas City Royals Tickets Raffle: We are raffling off 4 tickets to a Royals Game on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in April or May 2016. Cost for a ticket is $1.00 or 6 tickets for $5.00. We will pick the winner on March 15, 2016 at our meeting.

Jim Rippy is in charge of the Star Award. The person has been selected.

New Business:

Trivia Night: Bill and Barb have not set up a date for Trivia Night yet. Key Club has not discussed it yet. Chances are not good that they would be interested in helping.

MO-ARK Midwinter Conference will be in Jefferson City February 26 and 27, 2016. It is at the Capital Plaza Hotel. Please let them know soon if you are interested in attending. They have a block of rooms set aside for us. There are other events going on, and they need whatever rooms we are not using.

Program Chair for February: Brian Bush

Amy Klintworth was our guest speaker. She is a private Probation Officer, working with people who are charged with misdemeanors. (Tracy Sherwood works with people who have


President: Ron Brohammer

Pres Elect: Don Kerin

Vice Pres: Earl Sheehy

Secretary: Barb Dooley

Treasurer: John Richardson

Past President: John Richardson

Lt. Governor: Bill Dooley


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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