<<20120314>> Archived distributions can be retrieved at; <;. This archive includes a html version of this list distribution and its MS/WORD version with its filename as “year-month-date.doc.” You can also access all of its attachments, if any.Mr. Dariusz Jack Slawiec, M.Sc.Global Solar Thermal & PV Energy ConsortiumWarsaw, Poland eConsortium of high-tech developers, integrators, inventorsphone +48 600 733322 (EU)Global Mobile 2D Codes Worlds (GM2DBW) Mobile Money Transfer Micro-Payments Micro-Loans Micro-Credits USSD Gateway SMS Gateway.Global Mobile Money HUB (GMMH) MOO2009 Conference - ?-- about Dr. Takeshi Utsumi -- about GLOSAS -- about Peace Gaming ?-- about FiberAfrica ?-- about Peace Prize ?-- about Martti AhtisaariReferences:(a) (20120227) Initiating GEWS/GUS projects in Poland(b) (03/06/06) Gigabit satellite over South Asia and the Pacific Darius:(1) Many thanks for your msg (ATTACHMENT I below).(2) One of my friends in Japan is the Honorary Ambassador of Kiribati to Japan.Through his introduction, I once received a very cordial letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Island which indicated his strong interest in our GUS project.(3) Late fall of 1999, I was invited to deliver my keynote speech at a conference held at the University of South Pacific in Fiji, when they inaugurated the University South Pacific Network (USPNet) to connect over a dozen islands via INTELSAT, which was financed by the Japanese government; <; Since this is mainly narrow band connection, you may consider WINDS of the JAXA (NASA equivalent of Japanese government), which can deliver 2.5 Gbps, though you may need high-gain dish antenna (see also Reference (b) above) and may need to consider the latency problem, compared with the case of using ultra high-speed optical submarine cable along the periphery of Africa — the deployment of such a cable among those small island countries in the South Pacific may be too expensive and hence out of question, -- except Fiji, which is a relay point of very high speed optical fiber submarine cable between Hawaii and New Zealand/Australia; <; Wishing you a very good luck to your new endeavor.Best, TakATTACHMENT I From: Darius Jack <>Subject: Re: (20120227) Initiating GEWS/GUS projects in PolandDate: March 14, 2012 12:18:12 PM EDTTo: Tak Utsumi <takutsumi@>, gu-new <gu-new@friends->Cc: Tak Utsumi <takutsumi0@>Reply-To: Darius Jack <>Hello Tak,Thank you for your kind mail.I got involved in new energy technologies for Small Island States projects ?(Nauru, Tuvalu, Kiribati just to mention few).Please let me know if you plan to cover this region with your GUS/GEWS.Darius******************************************************************************** Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman, GLOSAS/USA ??????????????????????????** (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A.) ?????????** Laureate of Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education ??????????** Founder and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of ????????????????????????** ??Global University System (GUS) ???????????????????????????????????????????** 43-23 Colden Street, #9L, Flushing, NY 11355-5913, U.S.A. ??????????????????** Tel: 718-939-0928; Skype: utsumi ???????????????????????????????????????????** Email: takutsumi0@, Web: ??** U.S./IRS Employer ID: 11-2999676 <; ???????????????** New York State Tax Exempt ID: 217837 <; ???????????** Google Profiles <; ????******************************************************************************** ................

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