
Example method to quickly make publication quality bars chartsExcel analysis: The blue coordinate target either the WT vs mutant &/or the control vs the treatmentMean: =AVERAGE(J200:J213)Standard error: =(STDEV((J200:J213))/(SQRT(COUNT((J200:J213)))))N= =COUNT(J200:J213)GenotypeTotal Root LengthWTMutant 10.1Col-0142.79mean247.6714286263.1369231Col-0214.11standard error17.5785968416.16136662Col-0366.37N=1413Col-0239.15Col-0312.67Col-0278.71Col-0284.83Col-0147.43Col-0262.23Col-0253.18Col-0154.52Col-0231.07Col-0273.95Col-0306.39M10.1283.89M10.1256.67M10.1229.73M10.1316.81M10.1285.1M10.1147.43M10.1262.23M10.1253.18M10.1154.52M10.1343.3M10.1294.03M10.1317.46M10.1276.43This can be easily plotted using the online Plotly tool: need to sign in using facebook or google if you wish…240030085725Click on the fork and edit buttonClick on the view data grid to observe their data layout.-1143005842000Then click on the NewGrid button to create your own.1028700-635000Here’s an example I made to plot the M10.1dataYou will need to click on the asymmetric error bars button to add that extra option. 0362902500-114300857250080010021780500Then click on the Bar Chart button to create the graph and the plot tab to view it1371600279654000240030034823400041148003368040003657600108204000194310066040000Give the graph a title then label the X and Y-axis.Adjust the size of the text (you might want to name the genotype?).Export it as a high resolution PNG file and import into your presentation, report or poster.Here is an example of the raw R equations that this website uses…Bar Chart with Error Bars # Learn about API authentication here: # Find your api_key here: (plotly) trace1 <- list( x = c("Trial 1", "Trial 2", "Trial 3"), y = c(3, 6, 4), name = "Control", error_y = list( type = "data", array = c(1, 0.5, 1.5), visible = TRUE ), type = "bar" ) trace2 <- list( x = c("Trial 1", "Trial 2", "Trial 3"), y = c(4, 7, 3), name = "Experimental", error_y = list( type = "data", array = c(0.5, 1, 2), visible = TRUE ), type = "bar" ) data <- list(trace1, trace2) layout <- list(barmode = "group") response <- py$plotly(data, kwargs=list(layout=layout, filename="error-bar-bar", fileopt="overwrite")) url <- response$url Example graph ................

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