Pine Bluffs, Wyoming

July 5, 2011

Regular Meeting

Town of Pine Bluffs

Laramie County, Wyoming

Present: William Shain, Mayor; Tom Mohren, Council Member; Mike Ragsdale, Council Member; Mark Fornstrom, Council Member; Alan Curtis, Council Member.

Staff: Alex Davison, Attorney; Rene Baker, Carleen Graves, Deputy Clerk.

Mayor Shain called the meeting to order at 7:30 with all members present. Guests were welcomed and the assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve the agenda with additions, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion passed unanimously with 5 ayes.


Councilman Curtis moved to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2011 Regular meeting and Councilman Ragsdale seconded, motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.


With no discussion Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve all voucher presented for payment, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously.

|Advanced Air |Repairs at Commerce Bldg |$3,326.90 |

|Allways | |Repairs dumster bottoms & misc. |$6,178.08 |

|Antonio Serrano |Contract Labor |$90.00 |

|Associated Pool Supply |Supplies |$2,003.82 |

|Associated Pool Supply |Supplies |$215.07 |

|Bryan Cushing |Repairs |$123.75 |

|Cams Cable |Advertising |$79.90 |

|Cams Cable |Advertising |$10.05 |

|Cash Wa Dist |C. Center Supplies |$537.70 |

|Cash Wa Dist |Supplies |$537.70 |

|Cresent Electric |Lights |$1,822.16 |

|Dustin Lee |Mowing |$700.00 |

|Eastern L.C. Landfill |Garbage |$2,987.50 |

|FVC | |Fuel |$594.07 |

|Green Acres |Tree purchase |$285.00 |

| | | | |

|Indoff | |Reciep-t Books |$158.00 |

|Kriz Davis | |Supplies |$355.36 |

|Leonard Anderson |WAMPA meeting |$80.00 |

|Meridian Trust |Supplies |$336.57 |

|NCPERS | |Insurance |$208.00 |

|Normont | |Electric supplies |$35.70 |

|Northwest |Water |$359.39 |

|Northwest |Water |$770.74 |

|Paetec | |Phone Charges |$47.97 |

|Patton & Davison |General Civil |$360.00 |

|Petty Cash |Postage |$38.59 |

|Pine Bluffs Auto |Parts and Supplies |$854.18 |

|PNC Finance |Loan Payment |$7,425.53 |

|Postmaster |Stamps |$510.00 |

|Rene` Baker |Cleaning |$100.00 |

|RT Comm. |Services |$2,672.20 |

|RT Comm. |Services |$1,481.40 |

|RT Comm. |Phone Charges |$108.29 |

|Sinclair | |Fuel |$1,739.53 |

|Sonja Carlson |Reimburse |$259.59 |

|Star Herald |Avertising |$21.01 |

|Subway | |Ambulance Training |$62.03 |

|Texas T. Market |Archaeology |$1,175.93 |

|Titan Machinery |Maintenance |$89.70 |

|Tribune Eagle |Advertising |$18.45 |

|Verizon | |Phone Charges |$43.01 |

|Wyoming Security |Alarm service |$438.24 |

| | | |$39,530.50 |


Mitch Mosser asked the Council to consider trading landscaping and maintenance of the RV Park for rent.


Councilman Curtis moved to approve the following building applications: Jeff Weller, 507 Walnut, Fence; Alvin Milton, 505 Beech, Fence; Steve Buresh, 706 Beech, Fence. Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.


Chris Lidstone addressed the council on the Sewer, Deep Well and Pine Bluffs Water Projects.

Date of completion for the Sewer Replacement project was May 16, 2011 with a one year warranty which is from May 16, 2011 – May 16, 2012. Change Order #4 was presented to council from Aztec requesting additional $5,549.58 due to a replacement of a contractor. After discussion Councilman Curtis made a motion to approve Change Order #4. Motion dies due to lack of a second.

Grease traps for current restaurants not being used correctly by the amount of grease in the new sewer lines. John Goin with Lidstone and Associates will check with owners about this matter.

Proposal of the Deep Well Project will begin late summer early fall to get well #9 on line.

Pine Bluffs water project is funded by 6th penny money and discussion was held about additional funding resources. Chris will get grant applications together for Base Bid 1 and 4 for council approval.

Commission/Department Reports

Councilman Curtis reported on the weed control. Daniel Curtis has completed 14 of the 20 hours until next fall. He also reminded the Council that the EMT Directives were included in the Ambulance Service information and that they take a look at them.

Councilman Ragsdale has looked at the alley between Stephens and Stoetzel and he thinks that if it is looped around it should work. Also the curb and gutter at City Park could be redone leaving the diagonal sidewalk down the middle of the park alone. Consideration of tree safety is a main concern.

Councilman Fornstrom would like to see upkeep on the courts be done. The new Police Vehicle is in Cheyenne getting outfitted and should be completed in 3 – 4 days. The old cruiser will be available for use by the town. Councilman Ragsdale has bid back on a wall at the courts, maybe school will split cost with town.

Councilman Mohren reported that the refrigerator at the Daycare is not working properly and Julie will get it fixed.

County Commissioner Troy Thompson apologized for the miscommunication on the deadline for SLIB Money projects.

Request for open container was presented by Carrie Barbour for wedding reception. Councilman Fornstrom moved and was second by Councilman Curtis to approve request. Motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.

Rick Lara, owner of property at 206 Walnut, questioned about placing trailer house on this property. Council asked deputy clerk to research minutes of original Council and past meetings ref this property.

Interviews have continued to replace City Clerk/Treasurer/Administrator Position. Councilman Fornstrom motioned to offer the position to Karen Miller with a second from Councilman Ragsdale. Motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.


In accordance with §16-4-405 Councilman Fornstrom moved to convene into Executive Session at 8:55 p.m., Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.


Councilman Fornstrom moved to reconvene into Regular Session and Adjournment at 9:40 p.m. Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.


William Shain, Mayor



Carleen Graves, Deputy Clerk


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