
This educational Podcast from Steve Hargadon's interview with Larry Cuban , author of the book "Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom", Sept 7, 2006 Is certainly outdated in terms of technology shelf-life and computers in the classroom. However, some of the information is still relevant today! The discussion presents ideas and focuses on the future of computers and technology in the classroom.

Important issues:

• Parents belief, "Parents expect technology integration in the classroom" Keyboard skills and spreadsheets for business use.

• Respect of technology from all users

• Hyped up expectations continue with introduction of new innovations.

• Blaming teachers that do not integrate is unfair to teachers.

• Prepare kids for "labor market" by using laptops.

• One to One computing- laptop for every child

• Adopted/implemented technology in the classroom:

1. long history of not implementing

2. Teachers now use computers at home but not for instruction

3. Student computer use for games and not educational tools

• Teaching and Learning is more than testing it is also social and civic learning

• 10 -12% use computers daily in classroom (2006)- Low estimate for 2010

• Integrate computers naturally in the classroom can become an interactive tool for classroom integration

• PowerPoint and Software integration and no talk of web 2.0 tools for innovative implementation

• Expense of computers and total equipment at this time (2006) is difficult to rational into the k-12 classroom

• Must find a niche in the classroom

• KinderCare debate pressuring schools to be up-to-date with computers in the classroom with integration of lessons

• Linux (FREE OPEN SOURCE Operating system)reduced the cost of machines in classroom- more bang for the buck!

• Not all schools created equally- religious, public, private, schools with other values

• Students that come to class are "technological savvy" this has always existed in all schools.

• Teachers should make use of these "technology savvy "students

• Market driven society play major role in selling technology ideas and needs of technology to increase Us Market share with help from vendors- evaluate use in classroom

• Blogs and wikis will be adopted by teachers and students to share ideas and classroom goals/ not an important integration in 2006

• Integration can/should and will be integrated in all classrooms in near future

• Teacher to teacher mentoring, utilization and creative use in all classes and learning new practices and integration.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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