When I was Growing Up

When I was Growing Up

(imitating the poem of the same title by Nellie Wong)

Write a poem that describes what or who you longed to be when you were growing up. It could be simply that you wished to be taller, or smarter, or funnier. It could also be something deeper where you longed to be of a different culture or background or some other major aspect of your identity.

Each stanza should give concrete details and descriptive imagery to describe the ways and in which you longed to be ________.

Follow the instructions and requirements below to complete your poem.


1. Four stanzas

a. Stanza 1 (3-5 lines)

I know now that once I longed to be _____________.

People told me that _________________________


And I believed _____________________________


b. Stanza 2 (3-5 lines)

When I was growing up, I felt_______________

And _________________________________

I thought _____________________________


c. Stanza 3 (3-5 lines)

When I was growing up, I desired ____________


but no matter ___________________________

I could not _____________________________

d. Stanza 4 (6 lines)

When I was growing up, people would __________


I felt ____________________________________


I know now that once I longed to be _____________.

If only I was _________________ to be just ______.

3. Use 2 of the following literary devices:

• Alliteration

• Color imagery

• Personification

• Metaphor or simile

4. Preferably free verse.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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