|WEEK | |

|1 |Select book for Book Report. Begin the Reading and Writing assignments in the textbook. |

|2 |Continue reading Book Report book. Continue the Reading and Writing assignments in the textbook. |

|3 |Continue reading Book Report book. Continue the Reading and Writing assignments in the textbook. |

|4 |Complete the Book Report. Continue the Reading and Writing assignments in the textbook. |

|5 |Begin Biography and Play. Complete the Reading and Writing assignments in the textbook. Call the schedule Oral Reading |

|6 |Complete Biography, Play and Oral Reading. |


|19-29 |The mother and daughter are both very strong characters. Design a chart that compares the personality traits of these two characters in the |

| |story. |

|32 |Complete the Words to Know |

|41-48 |Write 2 or more pages continuing the story, starting where the author left off. Maintain the mood of the story and include dialogue and |

| |descriptive images. |

|50, 64 |Complete the Words to Know |

|68-79 |Write a script for a public-service announcement on South African television that encourages you South African’s to go to school. Use elements |

| |of the story in your message. |

|82 |Complete the Words to Know |

|84-89 |Write a character description of your ideal teacher. What qualities would they possess? What traits would not help as your teacher? Would |

| |this be everybody’s ideal teacher or just yours? |

|91 |Complete the Words to Know |

|111-119 |Examine the painting Working Woman on page 111. What qualities of this painting are also present in “Everyday Use”? |

|124-130 |Create a landscape painting or drawing of one of the scenes described in this story. Try to capture the mood of the scene. |


|132 |Complete the Words to Know |

|140-148 |Create a chart. On one side list how women can serve by fighting. On the other side list how women can serve by raising children. |

|150, 163 |Complete the Words to Know |

|182-194 |Write an additional scene for this play. Think creatively of a way to continue these characters lives. Include both dialogue and stage |

| |directions |

|197 |Complete the Words to Know |

|199-208 |Write a description, in either poetry or prose, of an athlete in action. Use vivid similes, as Kinsella does in his story. |

|210 |Complete the Words to Know |

|221-229 |Write a short essay describing the effectiveness of a boycott. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of protest? |

|231, 247 |Complete the Words to Know |

|249-251 |Write a fable or parable that illustrates Forster’s theme about tolerance. |


|253 |Complete the Words to Know |

|262-263 |Write a 2-3 page short story about the lives of the people in the photo. |

|266-280 |Do you think governments should be able to compel citizens to fight in wars? Write one page on this topic and support your view with evidence |

| |from the story and from your personal feelings. |

|283 |Complete the Words to Know |

|284-294 |Describe the satirical elements used by Mishima in The Pearl. What elements of this society is he ridiculing? |

|296, 302 |Complete the Words to Know |

|308-313 |Imagine that you are one of the soldiers who helped liberate the camp at the end of WWII. Write an eyewitness account of your experience. |

|314 |Research the Nobel Prize. When and where did it start? What is the purpose of the prize? Do you feel Wiesel’s acceptance speech is |

| |appropriate considering the Nobel’s purpose? |

|317-319 |Write a poem entitled, “The Women Who Are Poets in My Land,” using the lives of women in the United States. Then write a brief comparison of |

| |Dimitrova’s poem and yours. |


|329 |Complete the Words to Know |

|330-339 |Write a one-page essay about the needs of society versus the needs of individuals. Think about the reason why the Japanese Americans were |

| |interred and what affect it had on the people. |

|355-367 |What values do you think are most important for people to consider when they choose a mate? Are these the same traits they look for in friends?|

|371-372 & |Compare and contrast each of the speaker’s attitudes toward love. Which of their ideals of love is the most modern? Which is the most old |

|377-378 |fashioned? Use examples from the poems. |

|382-391 |Create an information flyer such as you might find in a vet’s office or at the pet store entitled, “How to Care for a Dog.” Make it |

| |professional looking and interesting to read, as well as informative. |

|395 |Complete the Words to Know |

|397-409 |Rethink 3-6 |

|410 |Complete the Words to Know |

|420-421 |Try Your Hand 1-3 |


|430-437 |Write the wife’s letter that Henry has treasured. Incorporate the details about the letter’s content that the story provides. |

|440 |Complete the Words to Know |

|444-445 |Create a vocabulary comparison chart. Select 30 words from the poem and then write their Spanish counterpart. |

|453-457 |Imagine that the husband decides to defend himself at his trial. Write his opening statement before the jury. |

|459 |Complete the Words to Know |

|461-470 |Rethink 2-3 |

|472 |Complete the Words to Know |

|474-485 |Write a three-page sequel to The Bear set at the wedding reception of these two people. Create appropriate dialog and action for all the |

| |characters attending. |

|487 |Complete the Words to Know |



Read a book and write an informative opinion paper.

1. Read a book of fiction or non-fiction that is at least 100 pages long.

2. Possible books might include, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, The Forever War by Joe Haldeman, The Ladies of Missolonghi by Colleen McCullough, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane, A Separate Peace by John Knowles, Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende, Animal Farm by George Orwell, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, O Pioneers by Willa Cather, or All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot.

3. Write a paper describing why you feel this was a well written, or poorly written piece of work.

a. 4 – 5 pages long, double-spaced, typed, plain font, not greater than 12 point.

b. Support your opinion with material from the book.

c. Examine concepts such as, characters, plot, action, climax and conclusion of the story.


Write a 3-4 page biography about someone important to you.

1. Select a person that is important in your life. He/she does not have to be a famous person, though you might select an author or humanitarian that has influenced you. You might want to select someone that you know personally.

2. Research that person’s life. Interview people or read about them in the library. You might want to do some research on-line.

3. Include a bibliography at the end of your paper; include the names of people you interviewed. You should have a minimum of three resources.

4. Your biography should include interesting facts, dates, and quotes.

5. The final portion of the paper will be a description of why you selected this person and how he/she has influenced you in particular.

PLAY (Read pages 796 – 803 to help you with this assignment)

Write a short play based on a fairy tale.

1. Select a fable or fairy tale that you enjoy. The library has many books that will help you to choose one.

2. Write 4 – 15 pages long depending on the amount of dialog you use and how well it is developed

3. Use single spacing

4. Put a line of space between different characters dialog and whenever you change location in your play

5. Use the following guidelines for your play:

a. Define and describe your characters with a character roll call on the first page

b. Define and describe the settings where the action of the play opens on the first page

c. Use dialogue between the characters to show character development

6. Your final page will be a double spaced description of the fairy tale you chose and how you went about converting it into a play.


Prepare an oral reading 2-4 minutes long

1. You may select any reading or readings from the textbook between pages 1-509 or you may select a reading from your Book Report book.

a. You will give a brief explanation of why you chose your selection. Why did it appeal to you? What did it mean to you?

b. You will make your presentation with feeling. Your goal is to draw in and interest the audience with your voice, inflection, and tone. Make the audience feel why you like this particular piece so much.

2. Make an appointment to present your material at the Outside Independent Study program.


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