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How to Publish

Your Creative Writing

in Literary Journals

6th Edition

Emily Harstone

Authors Publish

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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................. 7

Chapter 1: Why You Should Submit to Literary Journals ........ 11

Chapter 2: How to Know Your Work is Ready to Submit ....... 16

Chapter 3: The Basics of Submitting ........................................ 21

Chapter 4: Six Tips for Submitting Your Work........................ 26

Chapter 5: How to Submit Your Poetry for Publication ........... 35

Chapter 6: Print versus Online Journals.................................... 40

Chapter 7: Three Things I Wish I Knew When I Was First

Submitting to Literary Journals ................................................ 47

Chapter 8: How to Choose Where to Submit Your Work ........ 52

Chapter 9: Good Literary Journals for Unpublished Writers.... 58

Chapter 10: Beginner Mistakes You Can Avoid Making ......... 80

Chapter 11: Three Obvious Mistakes New Poets Make ........... 90

Chapter 12: What to Expect After You Submit ........................ 94

Chapter 13: Literary Journals That Pay Writers ....................... 99

Chapter 14: Literary Journals That Publish Genre Writing .... 106

Chapter 15: How to Find Literary Journals ............................ 117

Chapter 16: Paying to Submit ................................................. 124

Chapter 17: Are Contests Worth the Fee? .............................. 128


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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