
World War IIWhich country did President Franklin Roosevelt want to provide weapons to under the Lend-Lease Act?What political group was in power in Germany during World War II?Which country was Britain at war with during the Battle of Britain?What political group put up the Berlin Wall after World War II?AlliesAxisInvasion of PolandOne week after signing the Nazi-Soviet Pact, Germany invaded western and declared war on GermanyInvasion of Poland, Video NotesWhich nation pledged to defend Poland if they were invaded?Hitler took a risk invading Poland, hoping that Britain and France would not declare war. Did Britain and France declare war?What did the Polish invasion prove for the first time?Winston Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain as Prime Minister of BritainRussia attacked the eastern half of PolandGermany used a “blitzkrieg” strategy meaning “ warfare”Combined and Within a month, Germany and Russia had PolandDescribe the invasion of Poland.AirplanesBlitzkriegBritainConqueredEasternFranceGermanyNazi-Soviet PactPolandRussiaTanksWesternFrance SurrendersGermany’s next target was .Maginot Line - France built a series of defensive fortifications which stretch 200 miles across the border of France and Germany, designed protect against a German invasion 1940 – Germany avoided the Maginot Line by moving through instead, using tanks and airplanesBelgium was heavily forestedMiracle at DunkirkLike World War I, German troops moved quickly through and .German army French and British troops against the English Channel at DunkirkDunkirk – French town along the English ChannelEvacuation of Dunkirk, Video NotesWhat types of boats were used during the evacuation of Dunkirk?How many men were evacuated at Dunkirk?What happened to the Allies weapons during the evacuation of Dunkirk?Within a few weeks of the evacuation at Dunkirk, France surrendered. Of the European countries that held out against Nazi Germany, which country was the last to hold out against Germany?The evacuation of Dunkirk of thousands of soldiers and provided a morale boost… temporarilyOn June 17 1940, France (less than two weeks after Dunkirk) On June 10, Mussolini declared war on France and Britain (one week before France surrendered) Describe the Battle of France.BelgiumBoatsBritainDunkirkEnglish ChannelEvacuationFranceMaginot LineQuicklySurrenderTanks and airplanesWeapons and suppliesBattle of BritainAfter France surrendered, only remained against GermanySince Britain possessed a strong , Hitler chose not to invade Britain (same as Napoleon)Germany decided to use the German air force (Luftwaffe) to bomb Britain insteadBattle of Britain, Video NotesWho was targeted during the bombing on London?How many German bombers were present in a single wave?How many people were killed during the 3 months of German bombing?Describe the morale of the British during the blitzes on London.German bombing raids focused on .Britain used radar and good intelligence to hold off German air raidsAfter several months, Hitler ended his attacks on London and decided to invade the Soviet Union instead (Operation Barbarossa)Meanwhile, Churchill (Prime Minister of Britain) rallied the free world against GermanyU.S. begins to selling and supplies (not troops) to help Britain and othersArsenal for Democracy – provided financial aid, supplies and weapons to those who fought against Germany, Italy and JapanDescribe the Battle of Britain.AirplanesBombing raidsBritainCiviliansFranceGermanyInvadeLuftwaffeNavyRadarRAF (Royal Air Force)Soviet UnionHitler Attacks StalinOperation BarbarossaAfter several months, Hitler abandoned his attacks on Britain and focused his attention on the Despite the Nazi-Soviet Pact, Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941 using 3 million soldiersSoviet Union was (once again) unprepared for warNot completely Most of its top officers were during the Great PurgeSoviets used “Scorched Earth Policy”Scorched earth policy – burning crops and destroying all buildings and equipment while retreatingGermany gained a lot of territory, capturing the Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic before winterGermany, unprepared for the winter, was forced to while thousands United States Joins the WarAfter the Battle of Britain, U.S. became more involved in World War II, sending supplies to Britain and ChinaIn July 1941,?U.S. stopped providing On December 7, 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor (U.S. naval base in Hawaii)On December 8, U.S. on Japan as well as Germany and ItalyAttack on Pearl Harbor, Video NotesWhich country attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941?What was the U.S. stance on the war before the bombings on Pearl Harbor?What did the Japanese attacks at Pearl Harbor attempt to accomplish?How did U.S. respond to the bombings on Pearl Harbor?Battle of StalingradFollowing the unsuccessful attack at Moscow and Leningrad, Germany attacked Russia again in 1942. This time Germany decided to attack Stalingrad. This attack turned into the decisive battle of World War II.This battle ended the German offensive and destroyed much of the German army. On August 23, 1942, at 6:00 pm the German Luftwaffe dropped 1,000 bombs on Stalingrad. These raids were very destructive. Many buildings were made out of wood. On one raid, 600 planes killed approximately 40,000 civilians. When German forces entered the city, the ruins impeded the German advance. The Battle of Stalingrad soon turned into an urban war, as many Russians surprisingly survived the German bombings. Fighting was brutal and neither side made any significant gain. Germans and Russians fought for a matter of yards. Battles were fought on the streets, in houses and even in the sewer. Russia benefited from excellent snipers. The most decorated sniper was Vasily Zaytsev. Zaytsev was credited with killing 242 Germans. Germany benefited from the superior Luftwaffe. The Luftwaffe made thousands of attack a day. Unable to stop these German attacks, the Russian troops stayed very close to German troops. Here, German troops would also be killed any attack.In order for Russian reinforcements to arrive, they would have to cross the Volga River. At this time, the Germans controlled the Volga River. There was so much bloodshed during the Battle of Stalingrad that the Volga River often appeared red. By now, the Germans occupied 90% of the city.As the war progressed, the two sides began fighting very close to one another, causing hand to hand combat to become common. Tanks could not maneuver through the ruins and supplies of ammunition began to run dry. On November 24, 1942, German General Paulus was cut off from supply lines. General Paulus could have saved his army by retreating. However, Adolf Hitler refused to let General Paulus and his troops retreat. Winter was approaching and the reinforcements Hitler promised did not arrive. Winter was approaching and the reinforcements Hitler promised did not arrive. Temperatures dropped to below -30 degrees Celsius. To make matters worse, the German army did not even have winter clothing. Food and supplies for the German army ran low. German soldiers slaughtered their own horses for food. Later when conditions became worse the soldiers dug up the bones to eat. On the other end, Russians began eating paint and cooked leather from such things as suitcases.Paulus disobeyed Hitler and refused to commit suicide. Roughly 100,000 German soldiers were taken prisoners. Many of these soldiers were sent to Russian labor camps where many either froze or starved to death. Russia had defeated Germany. The Battle of Stalingrad was a major victory for the Soviets. A counterattack launched by the Russian would push the Germans out of Russia and eventually all of the way to Berlin.Battle of the StalingradBy 1942, Germany did not have the strength and resources to launch another attack as large as Operation Barbarossa. What did the Germans aim to capture at the Battle of Stalingrad?What did the Germans see when they entered Stalingrad?As Soviets began to run low on ammunition, what did the Soviets begin to hurl at the Germans in order to conserve ammunition?Some historians believe that Hitler ordered the taking of Stalingrad simply because of the ____ and Hitler's hatred of Stalin.Stalingrad was Russia's center of communication and ____ in the south.Individual streets were fought over using ____ combat.Hitler refused to let Paulus break out of the Soviet trap. What did Germany have to face as a result?Germany invaded the Soviet Union again late in the summer of 1942Originally, Germany’s goals were to disrupt and cut off suppliesOn July 3, 1942, Hitler demanded that Germany also take over the city of StalingradOn August 23, 1942, Germany invaded StalingradBoth Germany and Soviet Union fought over Stalingrad for symbolic value (based on the of the city)Germany began the invasion by using the Luftwaffe to the cityThe ruins from the bombings made it difficult for weapons (including tanks) and supplies to Stalingrad hid in the rubble, inflicting casualtiesVasily Zaytsev – Soviet sniper who?had 225 confirmed kills?at Stalingrad3 months into the battle, Germany had captured % of StalingradGermany pushed the Soviets against the banks of the Volga RiverSoviets struggled to send , and across the Volga riverLuftwaffeIceStalin gave orders for officers to shoot anyone who retreatedBoth sides fought an urban war, fighting in the streets, houses and even the sewerBoth sides were without and supplies as winter approachedEventually, the German commander went against Hitler’s orders and After Stalingrad, the Soviets began to Germany on the eastern frontSoviets pushed the German army all the way back to Describe the Battle of Stalingrad.Food and shelterHand-to-handLuftwaffeName of the cityOilfieldsRuinsSnipersStalingradSurrenderVolgaWeaponsWinterNorth Africa CampaignAs the Soviets fought Germany on the eastern front, Britain and U.S. fought Germany (Afrika Korps) and Italy in North AfricaIn the end, were pushed out of North Africa, retreating to ItalyItalian CampaignOn July 10, 1943, the Allies invaded the island of , using amphibious and airborne landingsAxis forces evacuated the island and retreated to mainland ItalyAs a result of the invasion of Sicily, was overthrown from power in ItalyOn September 3, 1943, Allies landed in southern Italy (the toe) and Italy agreed to an (agreement to end fighting)After Italy attempted to exit the war, Hitler sent German troops to fight against the AlliesBattle of NormandyOn June 6, 1944, the Allies invaded France along the beaches of Normandy in Northern FranceThis became known as D-DayDue to Operation Fortitude, Germany believed that an attack was coming at Germans were surprised by the attack and Allies were met with minimal resistance aside from and refused to send necessary reinforcementsThe Battle of Normandy ended in disaster for Germany.Allied forces quickly moved through France toward GermanyOn August 25, 1944, was liberatedDescribe the Battle of Normandy.CalaisD-DayDisasterFranceGermanyJune 6, 1944NormandyOmaha BeachOperation FortitudeParisReinforcementsSurpriseBattle of the BulgeIn December 1944, Germany launched a massive counterattack, known as the Battle of the BulgeGermany was able to delay the Allied advance, but was to break through enemy linesGermany was on the decline, facing round-the-clock bombings and assassination attemptsBy March, Britain and the United States had entered German territory from the .The Soviet Union closed in on Berlin from the Battle of BerlinBy the time the Soviet Union entered the German capital of Berlin, Germany was completely Berlin was left to be defended by the police, World War I veterans and the Hitler YouthAs Soviet troops fought their way into the city, Hitler in an underground bunkerOn May 7, 1945 Germany .The war in Europe officially ended the next day, known as V-E Day (Victory in )LabelAustriaBelgiumBritainCzechoslovakiaFranceGermanyItalyPolandSoviet UnionSpainDrawMaginot LineLightly Shade/OutlineGerman max advancementLocateAuschwitzBattle of BerlinBattle of the BulgeCalaisBattle of Britain (London)D-Day (Normandy)ParisInvasion of SicilyBattle of StalingradNorth Africa (Tunisia)Pacific TheatreFollowing the defeat of Germany, America began focusing more on America began an “island hopping” strategy.Island-hopping—Attacking strategically important islands, while bypassing more heavily defended Japanese islands.Most of the Japanese navy and air force had been destroyedHowever, the Japanese still possessed over 2 million menAs U.S. approached mainland Japan, each battle seemed to result in the loss of more American lives than the previous battleAt Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Japanese had shown that they would rather fight to the death than By 1944, the Japanese had begun using kamikaze pilots.Kamikaze—Pilots who purposely crashed their airplanes into American warshipsAmerican officials estimated that invading Japan would result in over one million casualtiesJuly 1945, Allied scientists successfully tested the first atomic bomb, allowing America another way to win the war.At the Potsdam Conference, the U.S. demanded that Japan or face “utter and complete destruction”After Japan refused to surrender, Truman authorized the use of the atomic bomb against Japan.On August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Japan at Hiroshima and NagasakiOn August 9, 1945 the Soviet Union declared war on JapanOn August 14, 1945 Japan This became known as V-J Day (Victory in ) ................

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