
Name |Dmitriev, Mikhail V | |

|Year of birth |1958 |

|Qualification |University professor |

|Degree and field |PhD, in Moscow Lomonosov State University. |

| |Dissertation: The Reformation Movements in the Ukrainian-Belorussian Lands of the |

| |Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Second Half of the 16th and the First Half of the 17th|

| |Century |

| |Habilitation, in Moscow Lomonossov State University, 2001 |

| |Dissertation: Kievan Metropolinate in the second half of the XVIth century and the genesis of |

| |the Church Union of Brest (1595-1596). |

|Present job; position |Recurrent Visiting Professor, CEU |

| |Full professor, Moscow Lomonossov State University |

|Highest academic degree |2001 – Habilitation, Moscow Lomonosov State University. |

| |1984 – PhD, in Moscow Lomonosov State University. |

|Teaching activity (courses |Moscow Lomonossov University: |

|taught, time spent in |Poland, 1000 –1800 (1984-1995, 1998, 2000- 2009) |

|education |Christianity and Society in the European East, 1500-1700 (MA and PhD seminar, 1988 –2009) |

| |Sources for Poland’s history (1984-1995, 1998, 2000- 2009) |

| |Medieval Russia (1989) |

| |Medieval West (1985-1988) |

| |Introduction to the Ukrainian History (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009) |

| |Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Catholic Reform in Europe (2000, 2002, 2004, 2007) |

| |Orthodoxy and Judaism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th –17th Centuries ( 2002, 2003) |

| |Ethnicity, Christianity and Protonationalism in Eastern Europe, XIVth – XVIIth Centuries (2003, |

| |2004, 2006) |

| |Christianity and Culture in Poland, 1400 –1700 (2001) |

| |Orthodox and “Latin” Cultures in Europe: common and different (2008,2009) |

| | |

| |Central European University: |

| |Does Eastern Europe Exist? Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus’,1500-1800 (MA, 2002, |

| |2003) |

| |Russia and Poland, XVIth – XVIIIth Centuries: Two Types of Evolution in Comparison (MA , 2004) |

| |To Live, To Believe, To Die and to Hate in the East of Europe: Historical Anthropology of |

| |Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus’, XVIth – XVIIIth Centuries (MA, 2005) |

| |Poland, Russia, Ukraine in Comparison, 1500-1800 (MA, 2006) |

| |Contested Identities in Contingent Borderlines (Poland, Russia, Ukraine), XVIth through XIXth |

| |centuries (along with Ya. Hrytsak, MA, 2007 -2010 |

| |Eastern Europe: Experience of Accommodating Ethnic, Cultural and Religious Differences. Middle |

| |Ages –XVIIIth Century (PhD, 2003) |

| |Impact of Orthodox and Western Christianity on the Eastern European Societies (Poland, Russia, |

| |Ukraine, Belarus’), XIth through XIXth Centuries. (PhD, 2004) |

| |Confession, Ethnicity, and Proto-nationalisms in the Long Run Perspective: Russia, Poland and |

| |France Compared, 1450 – 1850 (PhD, 2005, 2006) |

| |Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, 1500-1800: Societies, Cultures, Religion in Comparison (MA, |

| |CEU, 2002) |

| |Theories of Nationalism and their East European Applications (along with Ya. Hrytsak, PhD, 2009,|

| |2010 |

| | |

| |University of Alberta, Canada: |

| |Medieval and Imperial Russia (1996/97, 1999/2000) |

| |Eastern and Central Europe, 1500 - 2000 (1996/97, 1999/2000) |

| |Christianity and Society in Russia, 1400-1700 (1993) |

| |Orthodoxy and “Latin Christianity” in the East of Europe, 1400-1700 (2000) |

| |Muscovite Russia: Society, State, Religion (1995) |

| |Intelligentsia, Revolution, Religion in Russia, 1800-1917 (1993, 1995) |

| |Soviet Society (1995) |

| |Soviet and Post-Soviet Political Thought and Practices (1996, 1999) |

| |University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon: |

| |Muscovite Russia: society, state, culture, 1500-1700 (Paris I Sorbonne-Panthéon, 1994) |

| |Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, 1600-1850 (Paris I Sorbonne-Panthéon, 1997-1999) |

| |Confessions and Cultural Identities in Europe: East and West, 1500 -1700 (Paris I Sorbonne |

| |–Panthéon, 1997-1999, PhD seminar, along with N. Lemaitre) |

| |Eastern and Western Christianity in the East of Europe, 1400-1700 (Paris I Sorbonne -Panthéon, |

| |1999, MA seminar) |

| | |

| |University Montpellier III: |

| |Continuity, Ruptures and Revolutions in the East and in the West of Europe, XVIth –XVIIIth |

| |Centuries (MA/PhD courseUniversity of Montpellier III, 2004) |

| |Orthodox Culture of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus’ in the Early Modern Period (MA/PhD course, |

| |University of Montpellier III, 2004) |

| |Vienna University |

| |Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Catholic Reform in Slavic Countries (MA/PhD course,1992, in |

| |German) |

| | |

| |up |

|Selected works published in |Dmitriev M.L’Europe ”latine” et l’Europe “orthodoxe”: dimensions d’alterité // Revue |

|the past five years |historique. T. CCCXI (2009), № 3. P. 645-670 |

|pertaining to courses taught |Dmitriev M. What was not understood by Martin Gruneweg in the Orthodox Culture of Eastern |

| |Europe? // Martin Gruneweg (1562 - nach 1615). Ein europäischer Lebensweg. Herausgegeben von A. |

| |Bues. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009. S. 213-239 |

| |Dmitriev M. Western Christianity and Eastern Orthodoxy // The Cambridge History of Christianity.|

| |Vol. VI. Reform and Expansion, 1500 -1660. Edited by R. Po-Chia Hsia. Cambridge University |

| |Press, 2007. P. 321-342, 666-672 (bibliography). |

| |Dmitriev M.V. Historische Voraussetzungen und die Genese der Union von Brest: Fakten und |

| |Deutungen //Ostkirchliche Studien, 56 (2007), Heft 2. S. 322-342 |

| |Dmitriev M.V. De l'Union de Brest à l'émergence de l'"ombre russe" en Europe de l'Est au XVIIème|

| |siècle? //L'ombra della Russia sull'Europa Centro-Orientale. Storia, letteratura e altre cose. |

| |Atti del Colloquio Internazionale (San Martino al Cimino, 14-17 giugno 2006). A cura di Gaetano |

| |Platania.Viterbo: Sette Città, 2007. P. 31-69 |

| |Dmitriev M. Vivre la différence dans l’Empire orthodoxe des premiers tsars : musulmans, païens |

| |et tolérance à la moscovite, 1550-1700 // Vivre dans la différence, hier et aujourd’hui. Actes |

| |du colloque, Nîmes, 24-25 novembre 2006. Publiés par G. Audisio et Fr. Pugnière. Avignon : A. |

| |Bathélemy, 2007. P. 121 -134 |

| |Dmitriev M.V. La perception et l’image du judaisme en Russia Orientalis à la fin du XVème – |

| |XVIème siècles (remarques préliminaires) // Les Eglises et le Talmud. Ce que les Chrйtiens |

| |savaient du judaпsme (XVIe – XIXe siиcles. Sous la dir. de D. Tollet. Paris: Presses de |

| |l’Universitй Paris Sorbonne, 2006. P. 15-34 |

| |Dmitriev M.V. Die Sicht des Judaismus im Russland des 16. Jahrhunderts // Christen und Juden im |

| |Reformationszeitalter. Herausgegeben von R. Decot und M. Arnold. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von |

| |Zabern, 2006 (=Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte. Beiheft 72). S. |

| |217-235 |

| |Dmitriev M. Le confessionel et l’ «ethnique» dans la construction des discours proto-nationaux |

| |en Russie Moscovite aux XVIe - XVIIe siecles // Istina, L (2005), pp. 137-162 |

|The five most important |Books published: |

|publications if different |Between Rome and Constantinople. Genesis of the Church Union of Brest (1595-1596). Moscow: |

|from the previous |Moscow Lomonosov University Press, 2003 (in Russian: Mezhdu Rimom i Konstantinopolem. Genesis |

| |Brestskoj cerkovnoj unii 1595-1596 godov) |

| |Dissidents russes. II. Matvej Baskin. Le starec Artemij. Baden-Baden: V. Koerner-Verlag, 1999 |

| |(=Bibliotheca dissidentium. Répértoire des non-conformistes religieux des seizième et |

| |dix-septième siècles. Vol. XX. Ed. par A. Séguenny) (in French) |

| |Dissidents russes. I. Feodosij Kosoj. Baden-Baden: V. Koerner-Verlag, 1998 (=Bibliotheca |

| |dissidentium. Répértoire des non-conformistes religieux des seizième et dix-septième siècles. |

| |Vol. XIX. Ed. par A. Séguenny) (in French) |

| |Orthodoxy and Reformation. Movements of Religious Reforms in the East Slavic Lands of the |

| |Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second part of the XVIth century.Moscow: Moscow Lomonosov |

| |University Press, 1990 (in Russian: Reformacionnye dvizhenija v vostocnoslavjanskikh zemljakh |

| |Reci Pospolitoj vo vtoroj polovine 16 veka). |

| | |

| |Editor and co-editor: |

| |Être catholique, être orthodoxe, être protestant. Confessions et identités culturelles en Europe|

| |médiévale et moderne. Études réunies et publiées par Marek Derwich et Mikhaïl V. Dmitriev. |

| |Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 2003. |

| |Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rites grec et latin. Approche comparative. Actes|

| |du colloque organisé les 14-15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris).Textes |

| |réunis par M. Dmitriev, D. Tollet et E. Teiro. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2003. |

| |Fonctions sociales et politiques du culte des saints dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin au |

| |Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne. Approche comparative. Sous la dir. de M. Derwich et M. |

| |Dmitriev. Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 1999 |

| |Moines et monastères dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin. Études publiées par J.-L. |

| |Lemaitre, M. Dmitriev et P. Gonneau. Genève, 1996. |

| | |

|Academic administrative work,|Fellowships and large grants from: Austrian Ministry for Education and Researh (1991-1992); |

|memberships, international |Maison des sciences de l’Homme (Paris, in 1991-1992, 1994, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2005), University |

|relations |Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne (1994, 1997-1999, 2000-2004, 2010), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes |

| |(2000, 2002, 2006), University Montpellier III (2004-2005, 2006, 2008, 2009); University of |

| |Maine, France (2009), Institute for European History (Mainz, Genmany, 1993), OSI (RSS grant |

| |1997-1998), CEU research grant, 2004-2005, Russian State Foundation for Humanities (1998); |

| |Stuart Ramsey Tompkins Visiting Professorship, University of Alberta, Canada, 1993, 1995, |

| |1996-1997, 1999 – 2000. |

| | |

| |Coordinator and participant in long run international research projects: |

| |(A) International research development program «The Impact of Orthodox and Western Christianity |

| |on Societies: A Comparative Historical Approach» (since 1993). |

| |Initiator, coordinator, participant. |

| |Main sponsoring institutions: Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris); Moscow Lomonosov State |

| |University; Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris); Academy of Sciences of Russia, since |

| |1994; University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon; University of Wroclaw (Poland); University of |

| |Alberta (Canada); University Paris-IV Sorbonne; Institut für europäische Geschichte (Mainz, |

| |Germany); Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies, Central European University; University |

| |Montpellier III. |

| |Four books and many articles have been published in 1995-2008 last and two new books are in |

| |preparation. |

| |Books published: |

| |Moines et monastères dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin. Approche comparative. Études |

| |publiées par J.-L. Lemaitre, M. Dmitriev et P. Gonneau. Genève: Librairie Droz, 1996. |

| |Fonctions sociales et politiques du culte des saints dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin au |

| |Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne. Approche comparative. Sous la dir. de M. Derwich et M. |

| |Dmitriev. Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 1999 |

| |Être catholique, être orthodoxe, être protestant. Confessions et identités culturelles en Europe|

| |médiévale et moderne. Études réunies et publiées par Marek Derwich et Mikhaïl V. Dmitriev. |

| |Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 2003.. |

| |La frontière entre les chrétientés grecque et latine au XVIIème siècle. De la Lithuanie à |

| |l’Ukraine subcarpathique. Ed. by D. Tollet and M. Dmitriev =Special issue of: XVIIème siècle. |

| |2003. N 3. (Juillet-Septembre 2003, 55ème année). |

| | |

| |(B) International research project “Toleration and Persecution. Christian Attitudes to Jews and |

| |Judaism in “Latin” and “Orthodox” Christendom. Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives” (since |

| |1997). |

| |Initiator, coordinator, participant. |

| |Sponsered by: Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes |

| |(Paris), Moscow Lomonosov State University, University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon, University |

| |Paris-IV Sorbonne (Centre d’études juives), University of Alberta (Canada), Institut für |

| |europäische Geschichte (Mainz, Germany). |

| |Many articles and the first book resulting from this project have been published. |

| |Book published: Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rites grec et latin. Approche |

| |comparative. Actes du colloque organisé les 14-15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme |

| |(Paris).Textes réunis par M. Dmitriev, D. Tollet et E. Teiro. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, |

| |2003. |

| |Book in print: Christianity and Judaism in the Orthodox cultures of Eastern Europe. Middle Ages |

| |– XIXtn century. Ed. by M. Dmitriev. Moscow: INDRIK, 2010 |

| | |

| |(C) International research project “Confessiones et Nationes. Christianity and discourses of |

| |protonational identities in Europe. Middle Ages –Modern period” (since 2003). |

| |Initiator, coordinator, participant. |

| |Main sponsoring institutions: Center for Ukrainian and Belorussian Studies, Faculty of History, |

| |Moscow Lomonossov State University; Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris); Centre Franco-Russe|

| |en sciences humaines et sociales, Moscou; Institute for Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of |

| |Sciences; University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon; University Montpellier III; Central European |

| |University, Budapest. |

| |This project aims to undertake a consistently comparative analysis of links between confessional|

| |peculiarities of Byzantine-Orthodox and “Latin” religious traditions, on the one hand, and |

| |discourses of ethnic/proto-national identities in cultures of Europe, on the other hand, in |

| |Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. |

| |The first book resulting from this project was published in 2008: Religion et ethnicité dans la |

| |formation des identités nationales en Europe. Moyen Age – Epoque moderne. Actes du colloque |

| |franco-russe. Moscou, les 10 et 11 septembre 2004. Sous la dir. de Mikhail V. Dmitriev. |

| |Moscow: INDRIK, 2008 (in Russian). |

| |The book “Confessiones et Nationes. Christian Traditions and Protonational Discourses in Europe”|

| |is supposed to be published in 2010. |

| | |

| |(D) International research project “Ukraine and Russia: History and Image of History” (since |

| |2005) |

| |Initiator, coordinator, participant. |

| |Sponsored by: Moscow Lomonossov University; Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Slavic |

| |Studies; Institute for European Studies); Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Ukrainian|

| |History); “Russkiy Mir” Foundation |

| | |

| |Two books are in preparation: |

| |1) Orthodoxy in Ukraine and Russia, XVth – XVIIth centuries: common and different. |

| |2) Russia and Ukraine: History and Image of History. XVIIth – XXth centuries. |

| |Academic director of OSI/HESP Regional seminar for excellence in teaching „Comparative History |

| |of Europe’s Religious Traditions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Middle Ages – XXth century” |

| |(2008-2010) |


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