Tenth Annual

Valkyrie Invitational Drill Meet

17 January 2009

Valkyrie Honor Guard, AFROTC

Louisiana Tech University

Ruston, Louisiana


Purpose of SOP

Applicable Service Manuals

Events 3

Penalties 4

The Competition 5

Weapons 7

Judging 8

Overall 9

Inspection 10

Regulation Drill 12

Exhibition Drill 14

Tandem Exhibition Drill 16

Color Guard 17

Regulation Drill Down 19

Physical Fitness Competition 20

Appendixes 22


The purpose of this SOP is to standardize the rules for the Tenth Annual Valkyrie Invitational Drill Meet (VIDM 10) to be held on 17 January 2008.


The following drill manuals will be used during the competition:

1) Naval Units: Current Drill and Ceremonies Manual

2) Army Units: Current Drill and Ceremonies Manual

3) Air Force Units: AF Drill and Ceremonies Manual AFI 36-2203

4) Marine Corps Units: Current Drill and Ceremonies Manual


1) Inspection (T w/a and T w/o)*

2) Regulation Drill (T w/a and T w/o)*

3) Exhibition Drill (T w/a and T w/o)*

4) Color Guard (Pro and Challenger Cup)

5) Tandem Exhibition Drill

6) Physical Fitness Competition

Additional Competition:

1) Overall

2) Regulation Drill Down

* Note: T w/a= Team with arms, T w/o= Team without arms


1) Any act that is in violation of this SOP’s regulations will be punished by loss of points and/or disqualification from competition as decided by the Drill Meet Commander.

2) Teams not at the prescribed area of competition at the time they are scheduled to compete will be penalized 10 points per minute past a five-minute window. After that time, the team will be disqualified for that event. This is only applicable if the team was at fault for the delay and no other arrangements were made. Teams will not compete earlier than the given time unless authorized by the Drill Meet Commander.

3) Excessive piercing in uniform will not be tolerated (see AFI 36-2903 Chapter 2, p. 93, Table 2.5). Cadets wearing said piercing will first be asked to remove piercing. If piercing is not removed, team will be penalized 50 points of each individual committing the infraction.

4) A penalty of 1 point will be deducted from the team score for each second over or under the maximum/minimum time limits specified for each event. This penalty is not to exceed 50 points.

5) A penalty of 10 points will be deducted for each movement added, omitted, or out of sequence, in Regulation Drill and Color Guard. There is no maximum for penalty points in this area. The exception to this rule is calling an “understood” command. If questions arise, the Drill Meet Commander will address them.

6) A penalty of 10 points will be deducted for each dropped weapon or prop (i.e. rifle, saber, guidon, etc.) A dropped weapon or prop is defined as any weapon or prop that unintentionally touches the ground. There is no maximum for penalty points in this area. If a drop or the appearance of a drop is planned in the sequence, the officials must be notified in order for the team to not be penalized.

7) A penalty of 5 points will be deducted for each uniform item dropped during all events except inspection. There is no maximum for penalty points in this area.

8) Penalization in an event will result if a team competes with less people than the minimum required for that event unless a waiver has been granted by the Drill Meet Commander due to injury or other previous agreement.

9) Wearing metal taps on the gym floors, whether competing or not, will result in a 5-point penalty deducted from the school’s overall score for each instance.

10) All other point deductions are discussed in the event descriptions.



1) Overall Competition will determine the best overall team in all events with the exceptions of Tandem Exhibition Drill and Regulation Drill Down.

2) If a last minute injury or accident occurs and a team is unable to field the minimum size required, the Drill Meet Commander may authorize that team to march with a missing person. Any other team with less than the minimum number will be penalized unless prior agreements have been made.

3) Team/Flight Sgt, Guides, and/or Guidon Bearers are optional. For Regulation Drill and Inspection, these members must be incorporated in the team according to the applicable drill manual. These members are considered part of the team for meeting the minimum number of marching members, grading by the judges, boundary violations, and timing.

4) The order of competition will be determined at least one week prior to competition and will be sent out to each participating team. Teams may request general drill times. Requests for times must be made to the Drill Meet Commander prior to 12 December 2008.

5) Each event allows for a specific number of cadets that can compete on two separate teams. Cadets may not compete twice as commander in any event. If a cadet is to compete twice in an event, the Drill Meet Commander must be notified by 4 January 2007 in order to schedule competition times accordingly.

6) The Drill Meet Command Post will have the official time schedule with all updated times. Each team will be responsible for knowing their competition times.

Categories of Competition:

1) Teams With Arms (M-l, M1903, M-14, M-16, or equivalent). This includes teams drilling with mock weapons (other weapons will be accepted).

2) Teams Without Arms. This includes teams drilling with sabers.

3) All teams will compete in either the With Arms or Without Arms categories. There are no senior, junior, male, or female categories.

Individual Trophy Breakdown:

1) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Overall

1) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Inspection (T w/a, T w/o).

2) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Regulation (T w/a, T w/o).

3) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Exhibition (T w/a, T w/o).

4) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Regulation Drill Down.

5) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Tandem Exhibition Drill.

6) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Color Guard. (Two Series)

7) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Physical Fitness.

8) There will also be more specific awards and recognition within some phases.



1) Weapons to be used in the Team With Arms competition will be rifles comparable in size and weight to the M-1, M-14, M-16, or Springfield M1903. Lightweight rifle props will be considered weapons and teams using these will compete in the Teams With Arms category.

2) No penalty points will be assessed for demilitarized weapons. If the bolts are inoperable, the team will execute a modified "Inspection Arms." The command of recovery will be either "PORT ARMS", or "READY, PORT ARMS" before proceeding.

3) The commander may use a saber, sword, pistol, or rifle. The use of a saber, sword, pistol, or rifle by the commander adds the responsibility of using the item correctly in accordance to the applicable drill manual. Any failure to use one of these items correctly will result in point deduction. If the commander carries a saber or sword, the use of a scabbard and any associated equipment is required.

4) Props that may be used in the Team Without Arms category include sabers, guidons, pistols, or any other approved items.


1) Weapons used by teams will be under the control of the team commanders. Any compromise of safety or security will result in disqualification from the applicable phase(s) of the drill meet.

2) Any weapon that is operational (i.e. not demilitarized) will be kept under lock and key at all times except when actually being used in drill. A storage facility will be made available upon written request only. Requests to use operational weapons must be submitted by 6 Jan 2009.

3) In case a weapon or prop breaks during any event, a designated person may bring a replacement onto the drill area and exchange it. However, there cannot be any delay in the flow of the drill, and the timekeepers will not stop the clocks.

4) Fixed bayonets will not be allowed at any time during the competition.

5) Neither blank nor live ammunition will be used. Use of ammunition or other pyrotechnic devices will result in disqualification of the unit from all events.

6) No cadet shall be lifted above ground level. A 10 point per person penalty will be accessed.



1) All judges will be members of the Valkyrie Honor Guard or AFROTC Detachment 305 at Louisiana Tech. Officers or noncommissioned officers of the United States Armed Forces or Reserve Components may also be used as judges.

2) Head judges and inspecting judges are authorized to deduct points for uniform discrepancies.

3) Official time and scorekeepers will be up to the head judge’s decision.

4) Specific judging criteria are located in each event description.

5) The decision of the judges will be final.


1) In the event of a tie for the Overall awards, the team with the highest Color guard score will be declared the winner. If a tie still remains, the team with the highest Inspection score will be declared the winner.

2) In event of a tie in any single event, the team with the highest head judge’s score for that event will be declared the winner. If the head judge scores are the same, then the total score given by the field judges for “Overall Impression” will be used to break the tie.



1) The Overall Competition will be a comprehensive ranking of all schools entered into the competition.

2) The winners of the Overall Award will be determined by the combined totals from Exhibition Drill, Regulation Drill, Inspection, Color Guard, and Physical Fitness.

3) Minimum marching team size is 9 members. The judges will consider the commander as well as the other team members in determining violation of time limits and boundaries.

4) The commander will be included as part of the team for the purposes of beginning and ending time and considering boundary violations.

5) If the unit is entering more than one team to compete in the same event, only one of these teams will be used in the calculation of the Overall total. The team competing for overall will be designated the number one team.



1) The Inspection will be the first event for the competition for Overall. Inspection will be held in the designated inspection area and will last for approximately 10 minutes.

2) All teams must enter the drill area as prescribed in the appropriate appendix.

3) The team commander will bring the team into the inspection area when signaled by the head judge or the official team escort. The commander will bring the team to drill center and prepare his team for inspection. After the team is formed and aligned, the commander will formally report-in.

4) The commander will re-form the team at the end of the inspection and then a formal report-out is required.

5) Inspection Teams of 9 to 16 members (plus commander) may be entered for each unit in each With and Without Arms categories. Only three cadets from each school may compete twice in this event.

Area of Drill:

1) The drill area for Inspection will be 45x45 feet. The boundaries will be visibly marked. A 10-point penalty for each command that takes at least one member of the team out of bounds will be assessed. Boundary violations include stepping on or over the lines.

2) The team will wait outside of the boundaries prior to the inspection as indicated in Appendix 3B.

3) The team will be moved entirely off of the drill area after the head judge dismisses the team


1. The head judge will evaluate the commander as well as the team as a whole. Inspecting judges are not authorized to touch team members unless they expressly ask permission. However, the judges will be authorized to take weapons for inspection.

2. The team will be judged from the time the team marches onto the drill area until the team is completely off the drill area.

3. Questions asked by the judges will cover drill and weapons. Teams may also be asked questions concerning, but not limited to: Commander-in-Chief, Chiefs of Staff, Service Secretaries, and their respective Chains of Command. Current events of national and international scope may also be asked, as well as questions about each team’s respective school. The purpose of the questioning is to evaluate awareness and military bearing of the individual team members. Answers should be given in a military manner respective of each team’s particular service.

4. Judging criteria will also include the condition of the weapons used (i.e. free of rust/corrosion, clean slings, and polished wood), the condition and appearance of each uniform (i.e. shined chrome/brass, ironed shirts and pants, shined shoes, and serviceability of overall uniform), personal appearance (to include haircut and shave), and precision of movements (i.e. inspection arms and order arms).

5) In the event of a tie in this category, the commander’s score will be used.

6) The commander’s score will count twice that of a normal member in the formation.

7) For fairness, only 9 members will be counted. If more than 9 members are inspected, the members to be counted will be chosen at random after completion of that team’s inspection.

Regulation Drill


1. Each team will execute the sequence of movements specified in Appendices 1 or Appendices 2 for their category. These are the only movements allowed. Teams must use the equivalent commands specified in their respective manuals. There will be ten penalty points for each movement added, omitted, or out of sequence. There will a judge assigned with Appendices 1 and Appendices 2 whose sole purpose is to identify any commands given incorrectly or out of sequence.

2. The team commander may not use notes or receive coaching while the team is on the drill area, to include cadence called from off of the drill area. Any team found in violation will be disqualified from Regulation Drill.

3. All teams must enter the drill field from the head judges right as prescribed in the appropriate appendix.

4. The team commander will bring the team onto the Regulation Drill Field when signaled by the head judge. The commander will bring the team to the drill center.

5. Failure to report-in or report-out will result in a penalty of 25 points

6.) The size for the team will be 9 to 16 members plus a commander. There is a maximum size of 16 members due to boundary restrictions. Only 3 cadets will be allowed to compete twice in this event.


1. Team With Arms: 3 to 5 minutes, Team Without Arms: 3 to 5 minutes

2. A 1-point penalty for each second over or under the time limit will be assessed. (Maximum of 50 points)

3. The timing will begin when the first team member crosses the Regulation Drill boundary line. Note: The commander does not march onto the field to request permission to enter the drill field

4. Timing will end when the last member of the team crosses the Regulation Drill boundary line.

5. There will be both minimum and maximum time whistles for this event. The first whistle will indicate the minimum time and the second whistle will indicate maximum time.

Area of Drill:

1. The field for Regulation Drill will be 30x30 yards for teams with arms and 90x75 feet for teams without arms. The boundaries will be visibly marked. A 10-point penalty for each command that takes at least one member of the team out of bounds will be assessed. Boundary violations include stepping on or over the lines.

2.) The head judge will signal the commander when to enter the drill area.



1) Exhibition Drill will be limited only by the ingenuity of the participating teams.

2) The team commander may not use notes or receive coaching while his team is on the field. Any team found in violation will be penalized.

3) Teams are permitted to enter the field from any direction they chose; however, they must be facing front when they report in/out.

4) The team commander will bring the team onto the field when signaled by the head judge.

5) Lights, fireworks, or pyrotechnics are expressly prohibited. Music or any other external means of keeping cadence will not be allowed.

6) Dancing is prohibited. Dancing during Exhibition Drill will be seen as highly unprofessional and a loss of military bearing. It will receive severe penalization.

7) Any special effects requests must be submitted to the Drill Meet Commander before 6 Jan 2009.

8) The size of the team will be 9 to 16 members. Only 3 cadets will be allowed to compete twice in this event.


1) Team With Arms: 5 to 8 minutes

2) Team Without Arms: 5 to 8 minutes

3) A 1-point penalty will be assessed for each second over or under the prescribed time limits.

4) The timing will begin when the first team member enters the drill area and will end when the last team member departs.

5) There will be both minimum and maximum whistles for this event.


1) The exhibition field will be 90 x 75 feet for teams with arms and 90x75 for teams without arms. The boundaries will be visibly marked. A 10-point penalty will be assessed for each boundary violation.

2) The judges will consider use of the field, originality, variety, degree of difficulty, dress and cover, overall precision, timing, military bearing, and overall impression.

3) The commander will be judged on discipline, reporting in/out, precision, and control of the formation.

4) Penalties for dropped items include weapons at 10 points each and uniform items at 5 points each.

5) The judging will be mostly subjective for this phase of competition and the decision of the judges will be final.



1) The Tandem Exhibition Team will be composed of two armed members meeting the requirements for an armed team as mentioned before.

2) The performance must meet the guidelines set forth for armed exhibition drill.

3) Tandem Exhibition will not count for the Overall Award, but will receive its own recognition.

4) The team must report in and report out. Failure to meet this requirement will result in penalization.

5) The team will enter the drill area when signaled by the head judge or the official escort.

6) The size of the drill area will measure 45 x 45 feet. A 10-point penalty will be assessed for each boundary violation. A boundary violation is either team member stepping on or over the preset boundary lines.


1) 3 to 5 minutes.

2) Timing will begin when the first member enters the drill area and will end when the last member departs the drill area.

3) A 1-point penalty will be assessed for each second over or under the allotted time.

4) There will be both minimum and maximum time whistles for this event.


1) The judges will follow the same guidelines set forth for exhibition drill.

2) The judges will consider originality, variety, degree of difficulty, precision, military bearing, and overall impression.



1) Each team will execute the sequence of movements specified in Appendix 4. These are the only movements allowed. Teams must use the equivalent commands specified in their respective drill manuals. There will be 5 penalty points assessed for each movement added, omitted, or out of sequence. There will be a judge assigned with Appendix 4 whose purpose will be to identify any commands given incorrectly or out of sequence.

2) The Color Guard commander may not use notes or receive coaching while his team is on the field. Only 1 cadet can compete twice in this event.

3) If questions arise regarding which movements you should use, contact the VIDM commander prior to the event. If you use incorrect movements, points will be deducted.

4) The Color Guard commander will bring the team onto the field within a five-minute window of the scheduled time. Failure to do so will result in points deducted.

5) The entire sequence is conducted within the boundaries of the field.


1) Maximum time limit will be twelve minutes.

2) A one-point penalty for each second over the time limit will be assessed.

3) Timing will begin when the first member crosses the boundary to the drill area.

4) Timing will end when the Color Guard commander gives the command to dismiss the Color Guard.

5) When the maximum time is reached, a whistle will sound.

Area of Drill:

1) The drill area used for Color Guard will measure 45x45 feet, visibly marked. There is a five-point penalty for each boundary violation. Boundary violations include stepping on or over the boundary line.

2) All commands in the given sequence are to be given on the field.


1) The judges will consider overall military bearing, precision of movements, dress, cover, interval, and hesitation / anticipation of commands.

2) Penalties for dropped objects include 10 points for each weapon and five points for each uniform item. Fifty points will be assessed for any part a flag touching the ground at any time.



1) The Drill Down competition will be held immediately before the awards ceremony at the completion of the Drill Meet.

2) There is no limit to the number of individuals that each unit is permitted to enter. The drill down competition will be held as an unarmed block of cadets.


1) Judges will eliminate competitors until a winner is determined. Judges will consider military bearing, precision of movements, and overall impression.

2) Once an individual executes a movement, he must remain at that position. Any individual who moves without a command will be automatically eliminated.

3) If an individual is tapped by a judge, he/she is eliminated. Arguments will not be tolerated, when tapped the cadet will exit the area in a military fashion.

4) To avoid questions in judging, all movements will be in accordance with US Air Force Instruction 36-2203.



1) The physical fitness competition will be an Air Force four-event physical fitness test. Each physical fitness team will have five members, which may be composed of male, female, or both.

2) The events will be standing long jump, sit-ups, push-ups, and a 200-yard dash, in that order.

3) The events will be completed in 12 minutes. There is no prescribed time between events, only that they are all completed in twelve minutes or less.

4) Each team member will receive his/her own score. The team score will be the total score of all team members.

5) Each school participating in this event will need to fill out the wavier in appendix 8 and turn it in during registration.


1) The first event is the standing long jump. The cadet will stand behind the start line and leap forward, both feet leaving the ground at the same time. The distance will be measured from the point of contact closest to the start. Two jumps may be made, the better will be chosen.

2) The second event is the sit-ups. Hands will be crossed the chest touching the collarbone at all times. Knees will be bent with feet no further than shoulder width apart. Touch either elbow to a knee. Cadets can rest in the up position only. This will be a timed exercise of two minutes.

3) The third event is the push-ups. Body will be kept straight with hands no further than shoulder width apart. The body will be lowered until the upper arm breaks parallel and then raised until arms are fully extended. Cadets can rest in the up position only. This will be a timed exercise of two minutes.

4) The last event is shuttle-run. This event consists of running 2 laps on the measured intramural center track. Runners will each complete 200 yards (2/18th of a mile) on the track.

Appendix 1


1. Present Arms / Colors Report In 19. Forward March

2. Order Arms / Colors 20. Halt

3. Parade Rest 21. Order Arms / Colors

4. Attention 22. Parade Rest

5. Carry Colors 23. Attention

6. Forward March 24. Carry Colors

7. Reverse March 25. Reverse March

8. Forward March 26. Forward March

9. Left Wheel March 27. Eyes Right

10. Forward March 28. Ready Front

11. Right Wheel March 29. Reverse March

12. Forward March 30. Forward March

13. Right Wheel March 31. Mark Time March

14. Forward March 32. Halt

15. Left Wheel March 33. Present Arms / Colors

16. Halt 34. Report Out

17. Forward March

18. Mark Time March

• This is the required sequence of movements. Teams are expected to follow the respective drill and ceremonies manuals. Teams may add commands in order to comply with those manuals.

• Timing starts when the first person enters the field and ends when the last command is given.

• The team will begin with the colors in the carry position.

Appendix 2


1. Fall In

2. Report In

3. Port Arms

4. Right Shoulder

5. Left Shoulder

6. Present Arms

7. Order Arms

8. Parade Rest

9. Attention

10. Port Arms

11. Right Face

12. Forward March

13. Right Flank March

14. Left Flank March

15. Column Right March

16. Forward March

17. To The Rear March

18. To The Rear March

19. Column Right March

20. Forward March

21. Eyes Right

22. Ready Front

23. Column Right March

24. Forward March

25. Change Step March

26. Column Right March

27. Forward March

28. Halt

29. Left Face

30. Right Step March

31. Halt

32. Present Arms

33. Report Out

Appendix 3


1. Fall In

2. Report In

3. Open Ranks March

4. Ready Front

5. Close Ranks March

6. Present Arms

7. Order Arms

8. Parade Rest

9. Attention

10. Left Face

11. About Face

12. Forward March

13. Right Flank March

14. Left Flank March

15. Column Right March

16. Forward March

17. To The Rear March

18. To The Rear March

19. Column Right March

20. Forward March

21. Eyes Right

22. Ready Front

23. Column Right March

24. Forward March

25. Change Step March

26. Column Right March

27. Forward March

28. Halt

29. Left Face

30. Right Step March

31. Halt

32. Report Out

Appendix 4


[pic] [pic]

Appendix 5

Inclement Weather Plan (Now an Indoor Meet)


1) For better planning, VIDM is now a fully indoor meet.

2) All events are moved inside Lambright Intramural center.

3) The utmost care will be taken to protect the gym floors

4) Refrain from unnecessary tapping on the gym floor with weapons.

5) Field sizes will be adjusted to accommodate all events indoors.

6) Metal taps will be removed from shoes so not to scratch gym floors.

Appendix 6

Directions from I-20

- Exit Interstate at Exit 84 (Cooktown Rd)

- Drive South and take a Left into the Intramural center (Can unload there but parking

will be in back lot as it was last year)

- There will be a cadet to direct you where to park

Directions from Hwy 167

- Enter Ruston

- Take a Left on Hwy 80 (there will be a Rite Aid to your Left)

- Pass the dorms and University buildings

- Take a Right on Tech Drive at the traffic light

- Drive North until you can see the football stadium

- Take a Right into the Intramural center parking lot

- There will be a cadet to direct you where to Park


Appendix 7

Physical Fitness Wavier

Please fill out completely and clearly. Cadets will not be able to compete in the physical fitness competition until this form is completed and turned into the registration desk.

School___________________________ Branch______________

Unit #_____________ Instructor_______________________



Phone #______________ E-mail__________________________

All cadets competing in the physical fitness competition for our school are physically and mentally capable for this event and understand that they are competing at their own risk. In the event of an accident, I know and understand that Louisiana Tech University, AFROTC, Detachment 305, and the Valkyrie Honor Guard are not liable for any injuries or damages.

Signed__________________ Date_________________


Indoor Track – Physical Fitness

Located above Weight Room


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