What are the political motives for imperialism


What are the political motives for imperialism

The industrial revolution of the 19th of the 19th of the 1900s sermets a need for natural resources to transport the newly invented machines and. Resources such as coal, iron and rubber were in high demand. Some nations did not have a wealth of raw materials and looked to other countries and countries to find them. Expansion outside its borders also allowed a country to penetrate foreign markets that it needed to sell its industrial goods. Traditional industries were supplanted when production and markets were relocated abroad. One such company, the British East Indian Company, became highly profitable by taking natural resources in India and selling goods in markets around the world. Imperialism was also influenced by nationalism, a sense of pride in agricultural life. People were proud of their growing countries and their achievements. A famous proverb from that time was the sun never goes on the British Empire, meaning that the British Empire was so large that there was always an area where the sun shone. This created a sense of competition between European countries to show their power and prestige around the world. This competition has already ignited heated tensions between European countries, and conflicts have begun to spread. Imperialism is not only political and economic, but also cultural. When the European powers took over foreign countries, they felt superior to the natives. They looked down on them and said they had to bring Western culture and civilize and educate the wild population. This has often been referred to as the White Man's Burden. Religion was an important part of imperialism. Christian missionaries wanted to convert the natives to Christianity and also called for an end to the slave trade in the hope of liberating Africa so that it could become a Western civilization. Five motives for imperialism Various motives cause the rich to extend their dominion over other countries or territories. These include economic, exploratory, ethnocentric, political and religious motives. Economic: Imperial governments and/or private companies under these governments were looking for ways to maximize profits. Economic expansion required cheap labor, access to or control of markets to sell or buy products, and natural resources such as precious metals and land; Governments have met these demands by hooks (tribute) or crooks (looting). After the advent of the Industrial Revolution, dependent colonies often supplied European factories and marketed the raw materials they needed to produce products. Imperial merchants often built trading posts and warehouses, created and sought control of strategic choking points, such as the Suez Canal in Egypt (which allows boats to shorten thousands of kilometers of travel time between Asia and Europe). Imperial powers often competed with each for the best potential resources, markets, and best trade. Exploration: Imperial nations or their citizens wanted to explore areas that Unknown. Sometimes they did so for the purposes of medical or scientific research. At other times, they did it for the feeling of adventure. Without exception, the imperial explorers tried to discover, map and claim territory before their imperial competition did so, partly for national and personal glory, and partly to serve the imperialist goal of expansion. Ethnocentric: Imperial nations sometimes believed that their cultural values or beliefs were superior to other nations or groups. Imperial conquest, they believed, would bring a successful culture to the inferior people. In the late 19th century, for .B, European powers clung to the racist belief that inferior races should be conquered in order to civilize them. The Europeans acted on their ethnocentrism, the belief that one race or nation is superior to others. Politically, patriotism and growing imperial power drove countries to compete with others for supremacy. It is a question of national pride, prestige and security. Empires sought strategic territory to ensure access for their navies and armies around the world. The Empire must be defended and, even better, expanded. Political motives were often triggered in response to perceived threats to the security or prestige of imperial power or its citizens abroad. Religious: During imperial expansion, religious people sometimes set out to convert new members of their religion and thus their empire. Christian missionaries from Europe, for example, founded churches in conquered areas in the 19th century. In doing so, they also spread Western cultural values. Typically, missionaries spread the language of the imperial nation through educational and religious interactions, although some missionaries helped preserve indigenous languages. British missionaries accused of stopping the slave trade in the 19th century, while others, such as French missionaries in Vietnam during the same period, demanded that their country take over a nation. Primary Source Directions: Explore this gallery of twelve primary source images of maps, displays, sketches, and photographs. What imperial motifs do you see in each picture? Which subject is most often depicted in these pictures? Why could this motif be depicted more often? < > >

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