


TIME: 3 Hours CLASS: IX M.M: 80

General Instructions:

• There are 27 questions in all.

• Marks for each question are indicated against it.

• All questions are compulsory.

• Write the same question number as given in the question paper while answering a question in your answer sheet.

• Answers to questions of 1 mark should not exceed 20 words.

• Answers to questions of 3 marks should not exceed 60 words each.

• Answers to questions of 5 marks should not exceed 100 words each.

• Maps should be neatly filled and attached inside the answer sheet.


Q1. In which year was the Suez canal opened? (1)

Q2. Name two countries of the world with non-democratic form of government. (1)

Q3. Categorise the following into fixed and working capital-

a) cotton seeds to a cotton farm b)threshing machine (1)

Q4. Name two states which first tried the modern farming methods in India. (1)

Q5. Give two examples of tertiary activities? (1)

Q6. Which incident marked the beginning of the Second World War? (1)

Q7. Who wrote ‘what is the third estate’ an influential pamphlet? (1)

Q8. Differentiate between Peninsular rivers and Himalayan rivers with examples. (3)

Q9. Explain the types of tectonic plates responsible for the formation of relief features of India. (3)

Q10. Keeping in mind the basic features of democracy can you say that India is a democratic country. Explain by stating three main features of a democratic form of government. (1+2=3)

Q11. India’s constitution was drawn under very difficult circumstances. Describe any three of them. (3)

Q12. Compare the freedom struggle of South Africa with Indian National Movement with regard to important leader, year of independence and political party formed. (3)

Q13. Describe three problems created due to unequal distribution of land in India. (3)

Q14. Farm labourers are considered poor. Analyse three reasons for the same. (3)

Q15. Differentiate between the two types of unemployment in rural India. (3)

Q16. List three measures taken by Indian government to improve literacy condition in India. (3)

Q17. Analyse the impact of US economic crisis of 1929 on Germany. (3)

Q18. List three changes made by the Robespierre government after the abolishment of monarchy. (3)

Q19. Define the term drainage basin. Explain the course of river Indus under following headings-

a) origin b) length c) any two tributaries d) Indian state drained by this river (1+4=5)

Q20. Explain the longitudinal division of Himalayas in India. How are they further divided on the basis of regions from west to east. (3+2=5)

Q21. How were elections held in Mexico till 2000? State one reason if they were democratic or non- democratic. (4+1=5)

Q22. With reference to the Indian constitution answer the following questions- (1+1+3=5)

a) When was it adopted?

b) When was it enforced?

c) Define three basic principles on which it is built.

Q23. What is human capital formation? How does it help the nation to become rich and developed? Give an example of such a nation. (2+3=5)

Q24. Americans bailed Germany out of the economic crisis in 1923. But the support was soon withdrawn. In light of this fact, describe how Americans helped Germany at the time of crisis and give reason for its withdrawl. (5)

Q25. Compare the political and socio-economic condition of France before and after the revolution. (5)

Q26. On a political map of India identify and mark the following- (3)

a) Latitudinal extent of Indian mainland

b) Southern part of western coast

c) East flowing river flowing through Tamil Nadu

Q27. On a political map of the world identify and mark the following- (2)

a) Nation invaded by Germany in 1939

b) Two country under the slogan ‘one people, one empire, one leader’



TIME: 3 Hours CLASS: IX M.M: 80

General Instructions:

• There are 27 questions in all.

• Marks for each question are indicated against it.

• All questions are compulsory.

• Write the same question number as given in the question paper while answering a question in your answer sheet.

• Answers to questions of 1 mark should not exceed 20 words.

• Answers to questions of 3 marks should not exceed 60 words each.

• Answers to questions of 5 marks should not exceed 100 words each.

• Maps should be neatly filled and attached inside the answer sheet.


Q1. In which year ‘Indira Point’ was submerged under sea water? (1)

Q2. Name two biggest democratic countries of the world. (1)

Q3. Categorise the following into fixed and working capital-

a) transportation cost b) a frying pan in a tea stall (1)

Q4. Mention two ways of increasing production from the same land. (1)

Q5. Give two examples of primary activities? (1)

Q6. Which three nations signed the Tripartite Pact? (1)

Q7. Who wrote ‘Marseillaise’ the national anthem of France? (1)

Q8. Differentiate between Perrenial rivers and Seasonal rivers with the help of examples? (3)

Q9. Justify the value of diverse physical features of India by giving suitable examples. (3)

Q10. How are elections in India different from that of Mexico? (3)

Q11. India’s constitution is both rigid and flexible. Analyse this feature of Indian Constitution with the help of an example. (3)

Q12. Compare the freedom struggle of South Africa with Indian National Movement with regard to leadership , political party and ruling policy adopted by the Britishers. (3)

Q13. Mention three problems caused by modern farming in India. (3)

Q14. Capital is basic need of agriculture. How is it arranged by the farmers? (3)

Q15. Explain three consequences of Unemployment in India. (3)

Q16. List three measures taken by Indian government to improve Health conditions in India. (3)

Q17. Do you agree that Treaty of Versailles was harsh and humiliating? Give three reasons for your answer. (3)

Q18. Compare the condition of women before and after the revolution in France. (3)

Q19. Define the term drainage. Explain the course of river Brahmaputra under following headings-

a) origin b) names by which it is known in Tibet and Bangladesh

c) any two tributaries d) two Indian states drained by this river (1+4=5)

Q20. ‘The Northern Plains are generally described as flat land with no variations in its relief. It is not true.’ Mention the aea of Northern Plains and support the statement by explaining division of northern plains in India (1+4=5)

Q21. How are elections held in China? State one reason if they are democratic or non- democratic. (5)

Q22. With reference to the Constituent Assembly answer the following questions- (1+1+3=5)

a) Who was it’s president?

b) When was its first meeting held?

c) As a member of it, what was the contribution of BR Ambedkar in making of the Indian constitution?

Q23. What is Human capital? How is it superior from other factors of production? List two measures to improve it. (1+2+2=5)

Q24. Hitler promised a strong nation and restoration of dignity of German people. In light of the fact, explain how Hitler reconstructed economy and foreign policy of Germany. (2+3=5)

Q25. Compare the socio-political and economic condition of France before and after the revolution. (5)

Q26. On a political map of India identify and mark the following- (3)

a) Longitudinal extent of Indian mainland

b) Southern part of eastern coast

c) East flowing river flowing through Orissa

Q27. On a political map of the world identify and mark the following- (2)

a) Nation invaded by Germany in 1939

b) Two countries under the slogan ‘one people, one empire, one leader’


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