NationalTrackingPoll#210162 January15-17,2021 ...

National Tracking Poll #210162 January 15-17, 2021

Crosstabulation Results


This poll was conducted from January 15-17, 2021, among a national sample of 1993 Registered Voters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Registered Voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Table Index

1 Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President? . . . . . . 3 2 Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President? . . . . 7 3 Table POL11: As you may know, the Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power

to impeach the president. Once a president is impeached by the House of Representatives, the Senate has the sole power to legally try the president and, if convicted, remove the president from office.Earlier this week, the House of Representatives impeached President Trump for inciting insurrection. Do you approve or disapprove of the House of Representatives impeaching President Trump? . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 Table POL12: Now that the House of Representatives has impeached President Trump, would you approve or disapprove of the Senate convicting President Trump and removing him from office? . . . . 15 5 Table POL13: Which of the following is closest to your opinion, even if none is exactly right? . . . . . . 19 6 Table POL14_1: Based on what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following handled the impeachment proceedings into President Trump? Democrats in Congress . . . . . . . . 23 7 Table POL14_2: Based on what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following handled the impeachment proceedings into President Trump? Republicans in Congress . . . . . . . 27 8 Table POL14_3: Based on what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following handled the impeachment proceedings into President Trump? President Donald Trump . . . . . . . 31 9 Table POL14_4: Based on what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following handled the impeachment proceedings into President Trump? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 10 Table POL14_5: Based on what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following handled the impeachment proceedings into President Trump? Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 11 Table POL14_6: Based on what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following handled the impeachment proceedings into President Trump? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi . . . . . 43 12 Table POL14_7: Based on what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following handled the impeachment proceedings into President Trump? President-elect Joe Biden . . . . . . . 47 13 Table POL15: As you may know, some say the Senate is hoping to convict President Trump on impeachment charges so that they can then permanently disqualify him from holding political office again with a simple majority vote.Knowing this, do you approve or disapprove of the Senate convicting President Trump? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 14 Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


National Tracking Poll #210162, January, 2021 Table Q172

Crosstabulation Results by Respondent Demographics

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?


Strongly Approve

Somewhat Approve

Somewhat Disapprove

Registered Voters Gender: Male Gender: Female Age: 18-34 Age: 35-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ GenZers: 1997-2012 Millennials: 1981-1996 GenXers: 1965-1980 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 PID: Dem (no lean) PID: Ind (no lean) PID: Rep (no lean) PID/Gender: Dem Men PID/Gender: Dem Women PID/Gender: Ind Men PID/Gender: Ind Women PID/Gender: Rep Men PID/Gender: Rep Women Ideo: Liberal (1-3) Ideo: Moderate (4) Ideo: Conservative (5-7) Educ: < College Educ: Bachelors degree Educ: Post-grad Income: Under 50k Income: 50k-100k Income: 100k+

24% (480) 30% (280) 19% (200) 19% (95) 21% (64) 25% (184) 30% (137) 11% (24) 23% (118) 25% (121) 27% (198) 5% (46) 16% (83) 55% (351) 8% (28) 4% (18) 22% (60) 9% (23) 60% (192) 51% (159) 7% (44) 16% (87) 48% (328) 26% (325) 20% (93) 23% (62) 24% (242) 24% (142) 25% (96)

15% (306) 17% (161) 14% (145) 15% (75) 14% (43) 17% (120) 15% (68) 11% (23) 16% (82) 16% (79) 16% (112) 6% (54) 18% (91) 26% (162) 10% (36) 4% (18) 18% (49) 17% (42) 24% (76) 27% (86) 5% (34) 16% (91) 25% (168) 15% (191) 14% (64) 19% (51) 14% (139) 17% (101) 17% (67)

11% (222) 11% (106) 11% (116) 16% (80) 12% (37) 10% (74) 7% (30) 19% (39) 14% (74) 10% (51) 8% (55) 10% (81) 15% (76) 10% (65) 12% (42) 8% (39) 14% (36) 16% (40) 9% (27) 12% (37) 9% (56) 15% (81) 10% (70) 11% (138) 11% (51) 12% (33) 10% (105) 11% (66) 13% (50)

Continued on next page

Strongly Disapprove

47% (940) 39% (367) 54% (573) 46% (229) 48% (145) 47% (341) 49% (226) 54% (114) 42% (214) 47% (233) 49% (351) 77% (646) 48% (247) 7% (47) 68% (233) 83% (413) 42% (112) 54% (135) 7% (22) 8% (25) 79% (512) 51% (280) 15% (101) 45% (565) 55% (258) 44% (117) 49% (498) 46% (272) 44% (170)

Don't Know / No Opinion

2% (45) 2% (19) 2% (26) 5% (23) 5% (14) 1% (6) 1% (2) 5% (11) 4% (21) 2% (9) 1% (4) 2% (16) 4% (19) 1% (9) 1% (5) 2% (11) 4% (10) 4% (10) 1% (4) 2% (5) 1% (4) 3% (14) 2% (12) 3% (34) 1% (6) 2% (5) 3% (28) 2% (11) 1% (6)

Total N

1993 933 1060 501 303 726 464 211 509 493 720 843 517 633 344 499 267 249 321 312 650 553 679 1254 471 268 1012 592 389


Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?


Strongly Approve

Somewhat Approve

Somewhat Disapprove

Registered Voters Ethnicity: White Ethnicity: Hispanic Ethnicity: Black Ethnicity: Other All Christian All Non-Christian Atheist Agnostic/Nothing in particular Something Else Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic Evangelical Non-Evangelical Community: Urban Community: Suburban Community: Rural Employ: Private Sector Employ: Government Employ: Self-Employed Employ: Homemaker Employ: Student Employ: Retired Employ: Unemployed Employ: Other Military HH: Yes Military HH: No RD/WT: Right Direction RD/WT: Wrong Track Trump Job Approve Trump Job Disapprove

24% (480) 28% (444) 17% (33) 8% (21) 12% (15) 30% (300) 13% (16) 10% (9) 17% (77) 23% (79) 15% (22) 34% (204) 24% (163) 18% (110) 23% (203) 32% (166) 26% (170) 23% (32) 24% (39) 24% (27) 14% (14) 27% (142) 19% (41) 16% (15) 29% (99) 23% (381) 39% (186) 19% (294) 61% (480)

-- (0)

15% (306) 17% (274) 12% (24) 7% (17) 12% (15) 18% (183) 16% (20) 7% (6) 11% (49) 14% (49) 18% (26) 18% (110) 16% (110) 16% (95) 13% (118) 18% (94) 15% (95) 21% (30) 19% (32) 16% (19) 11% (11) 16% (81) 12% (26) 15% (14) 18% (61) 15% (245) 25% (119) 12% (188) 39% (306)

-- (0)

11% (222) 11% (178) 16% (30) 10% (26) 14% (18) 11% (107) 13% (16) 3% (3) 12% (53) 12% (42) 13% (19) 12% (75) 10% (68) 13% (79) 11% (96) 9% (46) 16% (101) 12% (17) 14% (22) 7% (8) 7% (7) 7% (38) 9% (20) 10% (9) 8% (26) 12% (196) 9% (43) 12% (179)

-- (0) 19% (222)

Continued on next page

Strongly Disapprove

47% (940) 43% (695) 50% (96) 68% (172) 57% (73) 39% (384) 55% (68) 80% (69) 58% (261) 46% (158) 51% (74) 34% (202) 48% (331) 49% (290) 51% (454) 38% (197) 42% (271) 43% (62) 41% (67) 52% (59) 64% (60) 49% (258) 54% (117) 50% (46) 43% (147) 48% (794) 24% (112) 55% (828)

-- (0) 81% (940)

Morning Consult Table Q172

Don't Know / No Opinion

2% (45) 1% (22) 5% (9) 7% (17) 5% (6) 1% (13) 3% (4) -- (0) 3% (14) 4% (13) 3% (5) 2% (12) 2% (12) 4% (23) 1% (13) 2% (9) 1% (7) 1% (1) 3% (5) 1% (1) 4% (4) 1% (4) 6% (14) 9% (8) 2% (6) 2% (39) 3% (14) 2% (31) -- (0) -- (0)

Total N

1993 1612 193 253 128 988 124

87 454 341 146 604 683 597 884 512 644 143 165 113

95 523 218 92 338 1655 474 1519 786 1162


National Tracking Poll #210162, January, 2021 Table Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?


Strongly Approve

Somewhat Approve

Somewhat Disapprove

Registered Voters Trump Job Strongly Approve Trump Job Somewhat Approve Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove Trump Job Strongly Disapprove Favorable of Trump Unfavorable of Trump Very Favorable of Trump Somewhat Favorable of Trump Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump Very Unfavorable of Trump #1 Issue: Economy #1 Issue: Security #1 Issue: Health Care #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security #1 Issue: Women's Issues #1 Issue: Education #1 Issue: Energy #1 Issue: Other 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 2020 Vote: Other 2020 Vote: Didn't Vote 2018 House Vote: Democrat 2018 House Vote: Republican 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 2016 Vote: Other 2016 Vote: Didn't Vote Voted in 2014: Yes Voted in 2014: No

24% 100%

-- -- -- 60% 2% 91% 15% 3% 1% 26% 45% 10% 23% 23% 19% 20% 21% 4% 56% 2% 20% 5% 56% 5% 53% 6% 16% 27% 20%

(480) (480)

(0) (0) (0) (462) (18) (413) (49) (6) (12) (202) (103) (35) (65) (19) (13) (13) (30) (38) (401) (1) (40) (35) (326) (36) (350) (6) (87) (322) (157)

15% --

100% -- --

34% 3% 6% 75% 13% 1% 19% 19% 11% 12% 9% 25% 10% 7% 6% 28% 17% 17% 7% 25% 5% 27% 11% 16% 14% 17%

(306) (0)

(306) (0) (0)

(265) (38) (29) (236) (28) (10) (146) (44) (41) (34) (7) (18) (6) (11) (59) (204) (9) (35) (49) (146) (32) (179) (12) (84) (172) (134)

11% -- --

100% -- 3%

17% -- 6%

72% 5% 13% 7% 14% 7% 10% 12% 12% 7% 10% 10% 21% 18% 8% 8% 7% 9% 17% 18% 8% 16%

(222) (0) (0)

(222) (0) (21)

(195) (1)

(20) (148) (46) (100)

(17) (50) (20) (8) (9) (8) (10) (99) (75) (12) (36) (59) (47) (48) (61) (17) (96) (94) (128)

Continued on next page

Strongly Disapprove

47% -- -- --

100% 2% 78% 2% 2% 9% 93% 39% 27% 63% 55% 54% 35% 57% 63%

80% 4% 42% 38% 80% 9% 81% 9% 63% 46% 49% 44%

(940) (0) (0) (0)

(940) (13)

(914) (8) (5) (18)

(896) (300)

(61) (228) (153) (45) (24) (37) (92) (809)

(31) (24) (76) (596) (54) (566) (61) (64) (247) (597) (343)

Don't Know / No Opinion

2% (45) -- (0) -- (0) -- (0) -- (0) 1% (8) 1% (10) -- (2) 2% (6) 3% (6) -- (4) 2% (16) 1% (3) 2% (7) 3% (7) 4% (3) 8% (6) 1% (1) 2% (2) 1% (12) 1% (10) 18% (10) 6% (13) 1% (10) 1% (8) 2% (13) 1% (7) 3% (3) 4% (23) 2% (22) 3% (23)

Total N

1993 480 306 222 940 769 1174 453 316 206 968 764 228 360 279

83 69 66 145 1017 721 56 199 749 581 695 658 102 536 1207 786



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