
Title I Parent and Family EngagementPolk County Public Schools2018-2019 Polk County Public TITLE I Schools Dundee Ridge Middle Academy School Compact for LearningDistrict and School-based Title I Parent and Family Engagement Programs in Polk County Public Schools will strive to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS in order to create real family engagement for every child, every family, every teacher, every day.This compact outlines how the parents/family, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. By linking learning, the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help our students achieve the state’s high standards for the school year.We will support learning in the following ways;Staff ResponsibilitiesParent/Family ResponsibilitiesStudent ResponsibilitiesCurriculum-High AcademicsProvide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the students to meet the State's academic standards Reinforce what your child is learning in school by reviewing and helping with homework and utilizing resources that are sent home with your student.Strive for academic success by being a participant in your own educational goals.Monitoring Student ProgressSend reports to parents on their child's progress as related to Florida High Academic Achievement Standards in reading, writing and math.Regularly monitor your child's progress in school by contacting staff and using school Parent Portal. Monitor your progress in school by communicating with your teachers and by using the school Student Portal. Partnership -Be InvolvedStaff will be available for pre-arrange consultations before school or during teacher planning.Participate in decision making about your child's education and leadership opportunities at school by attending school events, workshops and meetings when appropriate.Encourage parents to communicate with teachers and to support you with your munication -Stay InformedRegularly communicate with parents about student progress through conferences, parent-teacher meetings, progress reports and other available means.Be actively involved in your child's education by keeping lines of communication open between home and school.Take all notices and information you receive at school to your parents or the adult responsible for you.Learning EnvironmentTackle any obstacles to help our students succeed.Talk to your child each day about school and homework; set high expectations for their academic achievement.Respect yourself, the school and others by demonstrating professional behavior and a positive attitude. Set high expectations for yourself.Please visit our school’s website for additional information, including curriculum and instruction; test dates; staff contact information; Title 1 resources; and other important dates. you do not have access to our website please visit the front office for printed information or call the front office at (863) 419 - 3088.Visit the polk- website for important information. (Type in the keyword in the search box.)PARENT PORTALVOLUNTEERINGPARENT CENTERS FLORIDA STANDARDSTESTINGOnline Free/Reduced lunch application (keyword Nutrition) or call 534-0588Signatures: Parent/Guardian ____________________ Student____________________________ Teacher____________________________This compact was discussed on___________.Optional for secondary ................

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