
| |

|Florida Election Results Summary |

|XML Schema Reference |

|Version 3.0-S |

|Effective July 2015 |

| |

Table of Contents

Overview 3

Elements: FloridaElectionResultsSummary 3

Element: Owner 4

Element: ReportTime 5

Element: GroupMap 5

Element: Group 5

Element: PartyMap 6

Element: Party 6

Element: Election 7

Element: ContestList 8

Element: Contest 8

Element: ContestGroup 9

Element: Candidate 10

Element: CandidateGroup 11

Simple Types Defined: 11

Appendix A 16



This document contains XML Schema references for the following schemas.

XML Schemas

|Name |Description |

|FloridaElectionResultsSummary | Election results files for summary totals |

Elements: FloridaElectionResultsSummary


|Name |Description |Required |

|Owner |Identifies who produced the file; the software version and |Required |

| |the xml version | |

|ReportTime |Identifies the time the report was generated |Required |

|GroupMap |Contains all the groups (ballot types) |Required |

|Group |Identifies the groups (ballot type) |Required |

|PartyMap |Contains all the parties in an election |Required |

|Party |Identifies party information |Required |

|Election |Identifies election information |Required |

|ContestList |Contains all the contests in an election |Required |

|Contest |Identifies the contest information |Required |

|ContestGroup |Identifies the contest group types |Required |

|Candidate |Identifies the contest candidates or retention/amendment |Required |

| |choices | |

|CandidateGroup |Identifies the candidate group types |Required |

Element: Owner (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|id |FIPSnum |Yes |See SimpleType definition |

|name |xs:string (restriction)|Yes |Vendor Application Name and version number |

|xmlversion |VersionXML |Yes |DOS XML version (3.0-S) |

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

|Component |Type |Occurs |Description |

|ReportTime |xs:dateTime |1..1 | |

|GroupMap |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..1 | |

|PartyMap |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..1 | |

|Election |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..1 | |


Element: ReportTime (Required)

Referenced By

• Element Owner


Element: GroupMap (Required)

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

|Component |Type |Occurs |Description |

|Group |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..* | |

Referenced By

• Element Owner


Element: Group (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|id |xs:integer |Yes |Number assigned by tabulation system |

|groupType |GroupTypeCode |Yes |“TV” = Total Votes |

| | | |“ED” = Election Day |

| | | |“EV” = Early Voting |

| | | |“AV” = Absentee |

| | | |“PV” = Provisional |

| | | |“OT” = Other (i.e. Oversea Absentee Votes; Unscanned Ballots; |

| | | |etc) |

|name |NameDesc |Yes |Description/Name of Group |

|equipmentType |NameDesc |Yes |Description/Name of Equipment |

Referenced By

• Element GroupMap


Element: PartyMap (Required)

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

|Component |Type |Occurs |Description |

|Party |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..* | |

Referenced By

• Element Owner


Element: Party (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|id |xs:integer |Yes |Number assigned by tabulation system; must be unique |

| | | |within element PartyMap |

| | | |0 = non-party (used in general elections for the |

| | | |contest party id) |

|abbrv |xs:NCName |Yes |State assigned 3 character code |

|name |NameDesc |Yes |Party Description |

|partyBallotsCast |xs:integer |No if general; Yes if|Ballot Cast for Party |

| | |primary | |

|partyRegistration |xs:integer |No if general; Yes if|Party Voter Registration from book closing |

| | |primary | |

|partyCastPercentage |Percentage |No if general; Yes if|(partyBallotsCast/partyRegistration) * 100 |

| | |primary | |

Referenced By

• Element PartyMap


Element: Election (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|id |xs:integer |Yes |Six digit number consisting of the election date in |

| | | |the format YYMMDD |

|electionName |NameDesc |Yes |Election Name or Code |

|electionTitle |NameDesc |Yes |Election description |

|resultsType |ResultsTypeCode |Yes |“T” = Test Results; |

| | | |“U” = Unofficial; |

| | | |“1” = 1st Set Unofficial Canvass; |

| | | |“2” = 2nd Set Unofficial Canvass; |

| | | |“O” = Official Canvass Results |

|totalBallotsCast |xs:integer |Yes |Total Ballots Cast |

|totalRegistration |xs:integer |Yes |Total Voter Registration from book closing |

|totalCastPercentage |Percentage |Yes |(totalBallotsCast/totalRegistration) * 100 |

|totalPrecincts |xs:integer |Yes |Total number of election day precincts |

|precinctsReported |xs:integer |Yes |Number of election day precincts reporting |

|precinctsReportedPercentage |Percentage |Yes |(precinctsReported/totalPrecincts) * 100 |

|groupReporting |xs:boolean |Yes |"1" for report all groups |

|absenteesCompleted |VoteGroupStatus |Yes |"N" for not processed, |

| | | |"P" for in process, |

| | | |"Y" for completed |

|earlyVotingCompleted |VoteGroupStatus |Yes |"N" for not processed, |

| | | |"P" for in process, |

| | | |"Y" for completed |

|precinctsCompleted |VoteGroupStatus |Yes |"N" for not processed, |

| | | |"P" for in process, |

| | | |"Y" for completed |

|provisionalsCompleted |VoteGroupStatus |Yes |"N" for not processed, |

| | | |"P" for in process, |

| | | |"Y" for completed |

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

|Component |Type |Occurs |Description |

|ContestList |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..1 | |

Referenced By

• Element Owner


Element: ContestList (Required)

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

|Component |Type |Occurs |Description |

|Contest |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..* | |

Referenced By

• Element Election


Element: Contest (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|id |xs:integer |Yes |Number assigned by tabulation system; must be unique within element |

| | | | |

|altId2 |AlternateId |Yes |State assigned contest number (0 if contest does not have a state |

| | | |assigned number) |

|partyId |xs:integer |Yes |As defined in element party for all primary contests; if contest |

| | | |(i.e. general partisan race) is not associated with a defined party |

| | | |then use negative one (-1) |

|title |NameDesc |Yes |Contest Description |

|voteFor |xs:integer |Yes |Number of candidates to vote for |

|regVoters |xs:integer |Yes |Number of registered voters at book closing |

|ballotsCast |xs:integer |Yes |Number of ballots cast |

|castPercentage |Percentage |Yes |Ballots Cast / Registered Voters |

|writeinVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Number of write-in votes |

|overVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Number of overvotes |

|underVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Number of undervotes |

|totalPrecincts |xs:integer |Yes |Total number of election day precincts |

|precinctsReported |xs:integer |Yes |Number of election day precincts reporting at file creation time. |

| | | |(Used to report precincts reporting) |

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

|Component |Type |Occurs |Description |

|Candidate |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..* | |

|ContestGroup |xs:anyType (restriction) |1..* | |

Referenced By

• Element ContestList


Element: ContestGroup (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|groupId |xs:integer |Yes |As defined in element |

|ballotsCast |xs:integer |Yes |Ballots Cast for group for contest |

|totalVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Total votes for group for contest |

|writeinVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Write-in for group for contest |

|overVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Overvotes for group for contest |

|underVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Undervotes for group for contest |

Referenced By

• Element Contest


Element: Candidate (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|id |xs:integer |Yes |Number assigned by tabulation system; must be unique within element |

| | | |; if tabulation system does not assign a unique number for |

| | | |OverVotes and UnderVotes then use 901 and 902 respectively |

|altId2 |AlternateId |Yes |State assign candidate number (0 if contest does not have a state |

| | | |assigned number)’ WriteIns = 900, |

| | | |OverVotes = 901 and UnderVotes = 902 |

|pos |xs:integer |Yes |Position on the ballot |

|name |NameDesc |Yes |Candidate name or retention/amendment choice |

|partyId |xs:integer |Yes |As defined in element ; if ballot item (i.e. For or Against |

| | | |Amendment/Retention; WriteIns; OverVotes; UnderVotes) is not associated|

| | | |with a defined party then leave blank |

|votes |xs:integer |Yes |Total votes for candidate in the contest |

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

|Component |Type |Occurs |Description |

| CandidateGroup |xs:integer (extension) |1..* | |

Referenced By

• Element Contest


Element: CandidateGroup (Required)


|Name |Type |Required |Description |

|groupId |xs:integer |Yes |As defined in element |

|ballotsCast |xs:integer |Yes |Ballots Cast for group for candidate |

|totalVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Total votes for group for candidate |

|writeinVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Write-in for group for candidate |

|overVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Overvotes for group for candidate |

|underVotes |xs:integer |Yes |Undervotes for group for candidate |

Referenced By

• Element Candidate


Simple Types Defined:

Simple Type: VersionXML


|Value |Description |

|3.0-S |Summary Results Version 3.0-S effective July 2015 |


Simple Type: AlternateId


• Length of value must be greater than or equal to 0.

• Length of value must be less than or equal to 22.


Simple Type: NameDesc


• Length of value must be greater than or equal to 0.

• Length of value must be less than or equal to 75.


Simple Type: Percentage


• The value must be greater than or equal to 0.0.


Simple Type: ResultsTypeCode


|Value |Description |

|T |Test Results |

|U |Unofficial Results |

|1 |1st set of Unofficial Canvass Results |

|2 |2nd set of Unofficial Canvass Results |

|O |Official Canvass Results |


Simple Type: GroupTypeCode


|Value |Description |

|TV |Total Votes |

|ED |Election Day |

|EV |Early Votes |

|AV |Absentee Votes |

|PV |Provisional Votes |

|OT |Other Votes (i.e. Overseas Absentee Votes; Unscanned Ballots; etc) |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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