
September 2017 – May 2018

Nine 5-Hour Sessions will be Provided Monthly

Polk County River Place – 2309 Euclid Ave.

Des Moines, Iowa

This seminar will benefit therapists, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health professionals, substance abuse counselors, and other professionals who work with people addressing sexual abuse issues.

IBTSA is offering the 45-hour professional certification training in 9 five-hour monthly sessions beginning in September 2017 and ending in May 2018. Participants must commit to attending all 9 sessions to receive credit for the Preservice. Those who do not need the full preservice for certification may attend any of the training days for 5 ceu’s toward recertification.

IBTSA Continuing Education Credits (CEU’s)

Certificates of attendance. Approved for 45 hours.

Certificates for each session will be provided. Those who are working toward initial certification must participate in all nine sessions and provide the nine (9) certificates of completion in order to receive credit for the Preservice requirement.

The nine Pre-service Sessions will be provided from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm on the following days with the exception of the March 15 Session which has been extended to 4:30 to cover all the material to be presented.

September 21 December 14 March 15

October 12 January 18 April 19

November 16 February 15 May 17

COST: $100 for the full Preservice or $20 per Session

LOCATION: Polk County River Place

2309 Euclid Ave.

Des Moines, IA 50310-9915

All nine sessions will be held at this location.



For participants who have previously paid the registration fee to attend the entire Pre-service but could not attend all nine sessions, you may attend any session you missed at no cost. You must complete the attached registration form and indicate the session/s you will attend in order to receive your certificate. If you are not sure at this time you must e-mail “ibtsainfo@” at least a week in advance of the session you plan to attend.

Please note that IBTSA may be restructuring the Preservice and the format/sessions may change in the fall of 2018. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you complete all of the sessions this year. For those of you who have missed in the past, these sessions need to be completed this year to achieve full credit for the IBTSA Preservice.



The training program is 45 hours consisting of the following 9 segments across nine days.

• IBTSA General Information, Legal Issues & Characteristics of Sex Offenders

• Staff Issues

• Comprehensive Assessment

• Best Practices in Treatment

• Special Populations

• Juvenile Issues

• Victim Focus

• Supervision and Technology

• Sex Offender Re-entry

Each segment will be presented by one or two facilitators utilizing didactic instruction, video, role play, case presentations, group exercises and group discussions. Information will be provided in a variety of formats, e.g., verbal, written, case example, etc., to address the different learning styles of the participants. Because the training participants are adults who have accumulated a wide range of life experience and knowledge, theories and concepts will be presented in a manner to draw out this knowledge and experiences relevant to the topic. The material will be goal oriented, relevant and practical and it will be important for the participants to take an active role in the learning process.



This training program is based upon the National Institute of Corrections training program entitled “Sex Offender Treatment Skills for Correctional Professionals” from U.S. Department of Justice. IBTSA adapted this program for sex offender treatment providers in Iowa. This training program is intended to provide information on evidenced based practices to establish a basic set of competencies for professional certification in the provision of services to sexual abusers. The overall goal of this program is to prevent sexual abuse by providing training and education, with a core focus on victims, so that high quality services can be provided to sexual abusers. McGrath and Cumming (2004) indicate that sex offender service provision is not linear. Instead, services are better viewed as interrelated with one area having the ability to impact any or all other areas. Therefore, even though the training will be presented in a linear fashion focusing on Victim Impact, Sex Offender Characteristics, Assessment, Treatment, and Supervision, these areas will be integrated so that the participant has a “big picture” concept of sexual abusers, while also focusing the underlying details. It is important to note that although this training addresses many of the key areas in sex offender service provision, it is only an overview. More in-depth training is recommended as one continues to gain experience in working with people who have committed sexual offenses.


An academic degree in behavioral or medical science does not necessarily guarantee sufficient training or competency in psychotherapy, counseling, or assessment of sexual deviancy, recidivism risk or sex offending issues. The establishment of basic competencies in sexual abuser service provision and a system of voluntary professional certification, assures the opportunity for continued growth and development in sexual abuse service provision. This certification effort benefits:

The Victim

Ensures that the priorities of intervention are the safety of the community and the victims, prevention of further victimization and restoration of the physical and emotional integrity of the victims and families.

The Abuser

Ensures competent professional counseling, assessment and supervision are received for the protection of the victim (s) and community.

The Professional

Provides a respected professional credential, which is based on education, training, and experience. Members my list IBTSA certification on their resume. However, certification does not imply that IBTSA endorses the member’s views, opinions, practices or professional competencies.

The Profession

Provides a method whereby professional standards are establish and maintained.



9:00-9:30 History of Sex Offender Treatment in Iowa Tony Tatman

9:30-12:00 Characteristics of Sex Offenders/Typology Tony Tatman

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-2:00 Characteristics of Sex Offenders/Typology

2:00-3:30 Legal and Ethical Issues-Civil Commitment Clint Frederiksen

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Anne Brown

October 12, 2017 STAFF ISSUES

9:00-12:00 Managing Job Impact/Secondary Trauma Sara Beth Schurr

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-3:30 Group Facilitation Sara Nelson

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Sara Beth Schurr


9:00-10:15 Risk Assessment Randy Cole

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-12:00 Integrating Polygraph with Treatment Diana Danielson/Randy Cole

12:00-1:15 LUNCH

1:15- 2:15 Comprehensive Psychosexual Assessment Tony Tatman/Becky DeCarlo

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-3:30 Assessment Continued

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Randy Cole

December 14, 2017 Best Practices in Treatment

9:00-10:30 Documentary and Discussion Malinda Lamb

10:3010:45 Break

10:45-12:00 Evidence Based Practices & Incorporating Assessment into Practice

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-2:00 Evidence Based Practices & Incorporating Assessment into Practice

2:00-3:30 Self-Regulation and Good Lives Model – Brian Nissen

Application to Juvenile Population

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Brian Nissen


9:00-10:30 Geriatric/Dementia Issues Jim Varland/

Ashley Lappe

10:45-12:00 Intellectual Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders (ID/ASD) Jessica Romine

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-2:00 Mental Illness and Sex Offenders Sara Beth Schurr

2:15-3:30 Female Sex Offenders Wendy McGinnis/Sara Beth Schurr

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Sara Beth Schurr

February 15, 2018 JUVENILE ISSUES

9:00-10:15 Sexual Offender Registry Cheryl Nolan

• When required, when deferred

• Tiers

• Restrictions

• Process of registering

• Ongoing requirements

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-11:15 Differences between Juvenile and Adult Offenders Tonna Lawrenson

• Differences in profiles, recidivism

• Developmental considerations

• Developmental delays

11:15-12:00 Juvenile Risk Assessment Brian Nissen

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00pm Best Practices Nate Desy

• Safety Plans, Supervision, Restrictions

• Focus on transition to adulthood, discharge of case

• Discussion of victims in the home

2:15- 3:30 Use of Pornography by Adolescents Tonna Lawrenson

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Brian Nissen

March 15, 2018 VICTIM FOCUS

9:00–10:00 Victim Services in the DOC Institutions (Registration/Notification) Mary Roche

10:00-11:30 Victim Services in Community Based Corrections Chris Baker

11:30-12:30 LUNCH

12:30-4:30 Victim Impact Vicki-Lynn Anderson

NOTE: The time on this session has been extended to cover all the material.

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Mary Roche


9:00-10:00 Continuity of Care/Aftercare Programming Michael Klobnak/

Russ Goebel

10:15-11:30 Sex Offenders and Technology

11:30-12:30 LUNCH

12:30-3:30 Supervising Sex Offender’s Use of Technology Dan Newby

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Carl Brack



Each Panel Member will have 20 minutes to cover the various aspects of sex offender release/re-entry: their role in re-entry planning & how they work with the barriers encountered with release planning i.e. how do officers/counselors decide who they will accept, reject, etc

▪ Clint Frederiksen - Civil Commitment Unit (CCUSO)

▪ Chelsea Wilder - Newton Correctional Facility Sex Offender Treatment Program

▪ Scott Jones & Ty Castle - Fifth Judicial District (Urban)

▪ Judy Barton - Second Judicial District Probation Officer (Rural)

▪ Michelle Reese - Residential staff person

▪ Val DuFoe and Chris Arenas - Juvenile Court Services (Juvenile Re-entry)

▪ Andrea Muelhaupt - Board of Parole (how Board makes release decisions on work release, parole, etc.)

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-3:30 Re-entry Scenarios Activities (approx 45 minutes each)

▪ Clint Frederiksen, CCUSO - will provide an example of a CCUSO Transitional Release to RWS case for participants to work through

▪ Chelsea Wilder, Newton - will provide an example of prison release to parole for participants to work through.

▪ Michelle Reese – will provide an example of community release from probation/parole for participants to work through

▪ Val DuFoe and Chris Arenas - Juvenile Court Officers - will provide an example of a juvenile returning to the community for participants to work through

Board Member On-Site Coordinator: Diana Danielson


Vicki-lynn Anderson

Vicki-lynn Anderson joined IowaCASA in July 2013 to help with training needs of the Coalition across the state. Having worked in the Violence Against Women field for over 20 years in both the Midwest and her native Canada, she brings with her a unique perspective and a passion for social justice. Vicki-lynn’s experience includes working in the fields of both domestic violence and sexual assault as a volunteer coordinator, SART responder/coordinator and trainer. Before coming to IowaCASA, Vicki-lynn worked as a prevention educator in a dual domestic/sexual assault program in western Iowa.

Chris Arenas

Chris Arenas is a JCO III in the 6th Judicial District graduated from Mount Mercy College in 1994 with a degree in Criminal Justice.  He began work with Juvenile Court Services in 1998, working initially in Tama and Linn Counties and currently assigned to Johnson County.  He is one of the 6th District Specialized Sex Offender Officers. 

Chris Baker, M.A.

Chris Baker is an executive officer and the victim-offender services coordinator for the Eighth Judicial District Department of Correctional Services. In addition to working closely with the district's sex offender treatment program, he is a trainer, facilitator, and mediator with 20 years of experience.

Randy E. Cole, B.A.

Mr. Cole is a Certified Master Trainer for the Static ’99 (99-R), Stable and Acute 2007 risk assessment instruments. He also is a national consultant for the Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM), providing training on a national basis since 2004. Mr. Cole’s past work included: Supervisor of the Sex Offender Unit and Polygraph Examiner with the 6th Judicial District DCS, State of Iowa. Mr. Cole has an A.A. Degree in Human Services. He has a B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice. Mr. Cole has direct work experience in field supervision, residential services, and special services. Mr. Cole is a current member of various professional organizations, to include the American Polygraph Association, Iowa Board for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (IBTSA), Iowa Corrections Association (ICA), American Correctional Association (ACA), and the American Probation/Parole Association (APPA).

Diana Danielson, B.A.

Diana Danielson is a Probation and Parole Officer with the 7th Judicial District, Department of Correctional Services. Her Bachelor’s degree is in Psychology from the University of Iowa. She began her work in corrections as a work release counselor, and then moved into the field of sexual offender management as the Department of Correctional Services began to develop specialized caseloads in the late 1980’s. She co-facilitated the 7th District’s sexual offender treatment groups in tandem with a contracted therapist. She recently completed polygraph training and while no longer facilitating treatment groups, now works to provide those who do, with information gained thru polygraph examination. In addition to carrying a caseload and conducting polygraphs, she also completes Presentence Investigations on persons with a sex offense, completes reports regarding the sexual offender registry modification process and serves as a resource for the new staff who now facilitate the treatment groups. Diana is a current member of IBTSA, ATSA and the APA.

Nate Desy

Nate is a Juvenile Court Placement Officer in Pottawattamie County positioned in the 4th Judicial of Iowa.  He received a Degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology from Iowa State University in December of 2006.  He has worked with the Southern and Northern District Federal Probation Offices and has worked with “Hope House Residential”, a work release correctional facility in Coralville, Iowa where he also became a qualified Battered Education Program (BEP) facilitator for men and women who have been convicted of domestic violence. In 2010, Nate and his family moved back to his hometown, Denison, Iowa, where he obtained a supervisory position at the Denison Job Corps facility.   In April of 2013, he was offered a Juvenile Court Officer Position from the 4th Judicial District and has worked with the State of Iowa since.     

Valerie Dufoe, LISW 

Valerie Dufoe is a Juvenile Court Officer for the 6th Judicial District, Juvenile Court Services in Cedar Rapids Iowa.  She has her Bachelor's degree in Social Work from the University of Northern Iowa and her Master's Degree in Social Work from the University of Iowa.  She has been employed by Juvenile Court Services since August 1996, with previous employment as a Child Protective Service worker through the Department of Human Services.  She is one of four probation officers in her district who specialize in juvenile sex offender cases. 

Clint Frederiksen, MS Clinical Psychology

Mr. Frederiksen serves at the Civil Commitment Unit for Sexual Offenders in Cherokee, Iowa as the primary therapist for the Transition Release Program, as well as providing a wide-range of services for his clients. In addition to offering group and individual therapy for the patients. Mr. Frederiksen works in conjunction with various Judicial Districts throughout Iowa to create comprehensive treatment plans for patients that have been granted “Release With Supervision” status through the court system. Each of these plans must comply with Iowa Code §229A and have court approval prior to implementation. He currently resides in Cherokee, Iowa with his wife and two children. With 9 years of mental health experience, he looks forward to continuing his career in Iowa as the CCUSO program experiences growth and new found challenges in working with the sex offender population.

Russ Goebel

Russ Goebel is employed as an Intensive Probation/Parole Officer, Sex Offender Specialist, for the State of Iowa. He has been employed with the State of Iowa for over twenty 25 years. He is certified by the Iowa Board for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers as a sex offender treatment provider, level two and is also an IBTSA board member. He has been involved in the treatment of sex offenders for twenty one years. He obtained his degree in Human Services from Buena Vista University in 1989. He retired as a Master Sargent from the Iowa Army Guard following a four year tour in the United States Marine Corps.

Mr. Goebel is an affiliate member of the Iowa Internet Crimes against Children Task Force. He has been to several ICAC trainings sponsored by ICAC, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

He believes that we must be proactive and educate children, parents, and communities in order to combat the exploitation of vulnerable people. Mr. Goebel is a survivor of sexual abuse. His journey from victimization to treatment of sex offenders has been both interesting and challenging. He is passionate about protecting the community and helping offenders overcome their offending behaviors.


Malinda Lamb is the currently the Clinical Services Director for the Sixth Judicial District Department of Correctional Services (DCS). Through her current position she is actively involved in the development, implementation and administrative functions of treatment and specialized programming within the judicial district. Malinda received her PhD in Social Work from the University of Missouri-Columbia in May 2005, with the emphasis in mental health. She is a Licensed Independent Social Worker (LISW), a Certified Criminal Justice Professional (CCJP) and an International Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (IAADC) and a Sex Offender Treatment Professional I (SOTPI).  Malinda also maintains membership in several professional associations and has also been active in other community and agency organizations, boards and committees.

Tonna Lawrenson, MS, LMHC, SOTPII

Ms Lawrenson is the treatment coordinator for Woodward Academy, a boy’s residential treatment center with specialized programming for adolescent sex offenders. Over the past 11 years she has worked directly with the adolescent sex offender population as well as addressing the victim within the victimizer.

Wendy McGinnis

Wendy McGinnis is a psychologist at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women, who works with the incarcerated female sexual offender population.  Along with the Re-Entry Coordinator, she facilitates the treatment and programming of female sex offenders.  Because the overall number of female sex offenders is small nationwide and because evidence-based research regarding treatment is almost non-existent, she has interests that involve treatment and outcomes for female sex offenders as well as recidivism rates in this very small population of sexual offenders.  

Brian Nissen

Mr. Nissen currently facilitates sex offender programing at the State Training school as well as providing out-patient programing in Waterloo.  He has worked for the past 13 years primarily in the field of sexual offender treatment with adolescent males including programing for offenders with special needs such as learning and behavioral challenges, and offenders with mental health issues.  Mr. Nissen has worked to develop new programing for agencies including Lutheran Services in Iowa and Four Oaks of Iowa related to out-patient services in the Waterloo area. 

Cheryl Nolan, Program Planner II

Cheryl Nolan has 32 years with the Iowa Department of Public Safety, and joined the Sex Offender Registry in November of 2003. She has testified in court as an expert in Chapter 692A. She has served as a law enforcement instructor for the Department of Public Safety and the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. Early in her career she was a communication specialist on the state and county level. She provided significant contributions with the design, function, implementation and training on an electronic database that is currently in use for registration and tracking of sex offenders in Iowa in addition to integration efforts of automated information exchanges between the Iowa Dept of Corrections, and the Iowa Sex Offender Registry databases. She regularly assists the Scott County Sex Offender Task Force during enforcement projects to complete registrations while the officers are on the streets making compliance checks. She provides vital documents for court proceedings to law enforcement officers and county attorneys. She routinely coordinates with the United States Marshal Service, US Attorneys’ Office, and US Probation in the Northern and Southern districts of Iowa. Cheryl disseminates daily bulletins from National Center of Missing and Exploited Children. She has presented for and addressed addressed legal groups from Drake University, real estate groups, Homes & Services for the Aged, and at medical professional conferences. Her primary duty at the sex offender registry is to review persons who have been registered for 10 years to ensure they have met all of the registration requirements prior to expiration, document the results and supply appropriate notifications to the registrants.  

Dan Newby

Dan has worked for the 4th District for almost 11 years assigned to the High Risk Unit. He is a member of the Metro Area Fugitive Task Force. Dan has conducted numerous trainings on computer field searches and has performed numerous computer scans for clients. He has also served as an expert witness.

Michelle Reese

Michelle Reese is a Probation/Parole Officer III for the Sixth Judicial District, DCS. She received her BA in Criminal Justice Administration from Mt. Mercy University in 1992. Early in her career, she was employed as a Dane County Deputy Sheriff in Madison, WI, and then as the Family Violence Victim Assistant Coordinator in Dubuque, Iowa. She has been employed by the Sixth Judicial District, DCS since August 1999. In 2008, she set her professional sights on having a specialized caseload of adult sex offenders.  Michelle received her Sex Offender Treatment Professional Level l Certification issued by IBTSA in March 2013. Michelle’s caseload consists of sex offenders who live in a residential placement. She does extensive work with offenders on the obstacles and barriers they face as they reintegrate into society.

Mary Roche

Mary Roche is the Director of Victim Programs for the Iowa Department of Corrections and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor.  She has previous experience in victim advocacy for sexual and domestic assault victims, providing family and individual counseling, and training/experience in crisis intervention/trauma response.

Jessica Romine, LMSW

Jessica is a Kansas native who has been working at Civil Commitment Unit for Sexual Offenders (CCUSO) in Cherokee, IA since 2016. She is the developer and primary therapist for the Bridges Program at CCUSO which provides treatment for CCUSO patients with intellectual disabilities. Jessica received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Emporia State University and received her Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Kansas.  She began her work at Larned State Hospital in Larned, KS working with acute mental health patients and within the Sexual Predator Treatment Program (SPTP). She currently resides in Cherokee, IA with her fiancé and enjoys returning to the Kansas City metro for various sporting events. 

Sara Beth Schurr MS

Ms. Schurr has worked as a psychologist at the Mt. Pleasant Correctional Facility in the Sex Offender Treatment Program since 1998. Prior to this position, she worked as a staff psychologist for the Iowa Residential Treatment Center in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and as an in-home Family Centered Therapist for children and families with sexual abuse crises for both Alternative Services, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Young House Family Services, Burlington, Iowa. She has been a board member for the Iowa Board for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers since 1996--serving on the certification committee, professional development committee, rural treatment provision committee, and risk assessment committee. She served as president of IBTSA in 2006-2007. She is currently certified as a clinical member with the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) and by the Iowa Board for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (IBTSA) as an SOTP-II.

Tony Tatman

Dr. Tatman received his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Western Michigan University and Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. He is a licensed Psychologist, Health Services Provider, Marriage and Family Therapist, and Mental Health Counselor in the State of Iowa. Dr. Tatman is the Clinical Services Manager and Psychologist for the Iowa Department of Correctional Services, 5th Judicial District where he supervises, and provides clinical services for, the District’s Sex Offender Treatment Program.  Dr. Tatman has worked in private practice providing treatment and evaluations for convicted sexual offenders, as well as forensic evaluations for individuals at various phases in the legal process. Dr. Tatman has served as an expert witness on sex offender treatment and assessment issues. He has published multiple articles in the field of psychology, marriage and family therapy, multicultural issues, and assessment.

Chelsea Wilder, B.A.

Chelsea Wilder is a Correctional Counselor at Newton Correctional Facility.  She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology with a minor in Psychology from the University of Northern Iowa in 2011.  She began her work in corrections in 2012 at Fort Dodge Correctional Facility as a Correctional Officer.  She currently holds a Special Needs Caseload, facilitates Special Needs SOTP treatment, and coordinates with the community in regards to re-entry of Special Needs Sex Offenders into society. 


Sex Offender Treatment Professional Certification Training

September 2017 – May 2018

Polk County River Place

2309 Euclid Ave., Des Moines, IA 50310-9915

(Please register your name as you wish it to appear on your certificate.)

Registration Fee: $100 or $20/session Make check payable to: IBTSA

Name Agency

Address Title

E-Mail Work Phone

Please complete form and mail or e-mail information to:

Anne Brown

Department of Corrections, 510 East 12th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319

Phone (515) 725-5729 FAX (515) 725-5798

E-mail: anne.brown@

Check Those That Apply

Registration for Entire Preservice ($100) ______

Registration for the following Sessions ($20/session)

September 21, 2017 _______

October 12, 2017 _______

November 16, 2017 _______

December 14, 201 _______

January 18, 2018 _______

February 15, 2018 _______

March 15, 2018 _______

April 19, 2018 _______

May 17, 2018 _______


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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