June 15, 2015 – 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice

Womack Building

Columbus, NC


PRESENT: Chair Pack, Vice-Chair Holbert, Commissioner Bradley, Commissioner Gage and Commissioner Gasperson. Also in attendance were County Manager Pittman, County Attorney Berg, Clerk to the Board Fehrmann, media and citizens.

1. Call to Order of the Public Hearing on the Proposed Polk County Sign Ordinance Text Amendment – Chair Pack called the meeting to order. The purpose of the public hearing was to receive public comment on a proposed Polk County Sign Ordinance Text Amendment. Cathy Ruth, Planner, informed the Board that Midway Baptist Church requested the county amend Section 3.5.7, Regulation of Institutional Signs, to accommodate a new sign on the church’s property. The section at issue regulates signs erected by schools, churches, hospitals, governmental entities, and other public institutions. The public hearing was advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.

2. Citizen Comments – Midway Baptist Church representative Jeni Evans spoke in support of the sign ordinance text amendment.

3. Commissioner Comments – There were none.

4. Adjournment – Commissioner Gage moved to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

5. Call to Order of the Regular Meeting – Chair Pack called the regular meeting to order.

6. Invocation – Commissioner Gage gave the invocation.

7. Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Gasperson led the pledge.

8. Approval of Agenda – County Manager Pittman asked that the following budget amendments be added to Agenda Item 20.a.: 1) Budget Amendment #16, Jail, Inmate Medical Expenses, Contingency/Fund Balance, $43,353. 2) Budget Amendment #17, Sheriff, Salary, Appropriate Fund Balance/Transfer, $41,727 – To appropriate General Fund Balance for the estimated funds needed for the Sheriff salary line due to comp time payouts to current and departing officers [also transfers fuel budget excess to salary]. 3) Budget Amendment #20, Meeting Place, IPDC Grant, Addition, $10,159 – To increase revenue and expense for additional grant funds to be used to purchase furniture, food carriers, and a sound system. Vice-Chair Holbert moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Commissioner Gage and the motion carried unanimously.

9. Consent Agenda

A) Approval of the May 29, 2015, special meeting minutes, and the June 1, 2015, public hearing and regular meeting minutes.

Commissioner Gage moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

10. Citizen Comments – Ms. Evans spoke again in support of the sign ordinance text amendment. Clint Blanton thanked the Board for being financially supportive of the Polk County Library. Michael Veatch inquired about the depth of dredging planned for Lake Adger, and about how often the county meets with the Lake Adger Homeowners Association and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.

11. Proposed Polk County Sign Ordinance Text Amendment for Vote – Commissioner Gage moved that the written recommendation of the Planning Board regarding Plan Consistency be made a part of the record of this proceeding, that the Commissioners find that the proposed ordinance, “Polk County Sign Ordinance; Amendments presented on June 15, 2015” is neither consistent nor inconsistent with the 20/20 Vision Plan, that the Commissioners find the proposed Amendment is both reasonable and in the public interest, and that the ordinance be adopted effective this day, June 15, 2015, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

12. Presentation of Plaques to Retiring DSS Employees – Lou Parton, DSS Director, made the presentation to the following four retiring DSS employees: Sara Stevenson, Food & Nutrition Services Lead Worker, retiring after 9.5 years with the department; Dorothy Staley, Family & Children’s Medicaid Lead Worker, retiring after 16 years with the department; Dyane Williams, Child Welfare Worker, retiring after 21 years with the department; Rose (Jackie) Johnson, Social Work Supervisor, retiring after 34 years with the department. A copy of the presentation is hereby incorporated by reference into these minutes.

13. Reappointment of the County Tax Administrator – Vice-Chair Holbert moved to reappoint Melissa Bowlin as the Tax Administrator for a two year term, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

14. 2017 Reappraisal of Polk County Real Property for Vote – Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the proposal by Wampler Eanes Appraisal Group in the amount of $332,330.45 to perform the 2017 reappraisal of Polk County real property, as recommended by Tax Administrator Melissa Bowlin, seconded by Vice-Chair Holbert and the motion carried unanimously.

15. Presentation of Potential Future Locations of Major County Water Trunk Lines – Dave Odom of Odom Engineering presented a map of the proposed layout of future water trunk lines, a copy of which is hereby incorporated by reference into these minutes. Mr. Odom said that since the water systems of the Columbus, Saluda and Tryon have sufficient supplies, elevations, and pressures – either individually or in a combination of the systems – to supply water to the southwestern portion of the county, he focused on the central and northwestern part of the county in developing the map. Mr. Odom said that given a central waterline already traverses the middle of the central and northwestern parts of the county, he recommends the installation of an inter-connectable loop water trunk line system, comprised of a western and an eastern corridor, encircling the county. This type of system is designed to provide for future water demand as the county grows. The major trunk lines would come in at two points – one would begin on Jackson Grove Rd., about a mile off the Inman-Campobello Water District (ICWD) 20” water main, and the other would begin on Solen Williams Rd., where another ICWD 20” water main is located.

16. FY 2015/16 Polk County Annual Budget – Budget work sessions were held on May 18, 2015, and May 19, 2014. The budget public hearing was held on June 1, 2015. Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, reported that two changes had been made to the recommended budget. One change was regarding line item descriptions for the Transportation Department’s Administration budget, which had to be changed to match those of the state. The other change was an addition of a $26,000 project to the 911 budget as a result of notice of the actual 911 revenues received on June 1, 2015.

Chair Pack noted that the amount the County Manager is authorized to approve for individual transfers between funds, when necessary or appropriate to adjust for over or under receipts or expenditures, was increased from $5,000 to $7,500. Chair Pack further noted that the County Manager is also now authorized to modify the budget for additional funding from any Federal or state program previously approved by the Board, and for pass through monies from other sources, provided no local funding is stipulated, without a report being required.

Commissioner Bradley moved to increase the Tryon Fire District tax rate from the County Manager recommended 1.5-cent to 2-cents, seconded by Commissioner Gage and the motion carried 3-2 (Gasperson and Holbert opposed).

County Manager Pittman clarified that his recommend Economic Development budget did not include the full-time position requested by the department and the Economic & Tourism Development Board; the Economic Development Director’s position remains a contracted one.

Commissioner Bradley moved to adopt the FY 2015/16 annual budget, seconded by Commissioner Gage. Commissioner Gasperson read the following statement, and asked that it be included verbatim in the minutes: “I wish to note that County Manager and staff worked diligently on the 2015-16 Budget Ordinance. In my opinion, this budget conforms to the directions given by those in the majority on this Board. I'm hopeful that as we move forward, the next Budget Ordinance (that will be voted on in June of next year) will take corrective action to reverse, what I believe to be, an unsustainable trend that has developed over the last 3 years. The first red flag that I am worried about is the dramatic drop in the Rainy Day fund. One year ago this fund was above 40%. It will likely be well under 25% at the end of this month. We should never become complacent about keeping a healthy Rainy Day fund balance. Let's remember it only 15 years ago when our County had a Rainy Day fund balance of 0% and the State was ready to come in and take over our finances. A second red flag for me is, for the third year in a row, balancing the budget has required an increasingly large transfer of taxpayer money from the Rainy Day fund. And this is despite taking an aggressive approach on projecting revenues. In my opinion, it's far wiser to take a conservative approach when projecting revenues and to refrain from using Rainy Day Funds to balance the budget. A third red flag I see is the continuation of greatly underfunding our Capital Reserve Fund. This budget has only set aside $50,000 for dam repairs. That number should be $200,000 and there is no money being set aside for other capital projects that we know are coming, such as a new jail. Finally, I hope that the Budget Ordinance that will be voted on in June of 2016 will be much closer to my vision, which is: Polk County government should be effective, efficient and small.”

Chair Pack stated that in 2009 the county’s fund balance was 25.1%, versus an estimated current 2015 fund balance of 23.5%. Chair Pack thanked the staff for all their hard work on the budget.

With a motion and a second on the floor, the motion passed 4-1 (Gasperson opposed).

17. Polk Fresh Foods Grant Agreement – Commissioner Gage moved to approve the FY 2015/16 Polk Fresh Foods Grant Agreement in the amount of $30,000, and further moved to authorize County Manager Pittman to sign the agreement on behalf of the county, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

18. Budget Amendments – Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, presented the budget amendments. 1) Vice-Chair Holbert moved to approve BA #15, Maintenance, Contingency, $22,000 – To increase Maintenance Building Repair and Capital for new air conditioning units for the tag and tax office, seconded by Commissioner Gage and the motion carried unanimously. 2) Commissioner Gage moved to approve BA #19, EMS, Addition, $15,600 – To increase revenue and expense for providing service to Tryon Equestrian Properties, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously. 3) Vice-Chair Holbert moved to approve BA #108, Water Enterprise Fund, Transfer, $32,980 – To transfer fund balance from the Water Enterprise Fund to pay for the sewer maintenance paid to James & James that is now a function of General Fund utilities since the Water Enterprise Fund is inactive, seconded by Commissioner Gage and the motion carried unanimously.

19. July-December 2015 Regular BOC Meeting Schedule for Vote – Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the meeting schedule for the remainder of the calendar year, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

20. Manager’s Report – 1) The Hwy. 9/Sunny View waterline project is 96% complete, and is expected to be finished Jul 1, 2015. 2) The June 6, 2015, Tryon Equestrian Governor’s Cup event, attended by Governor Pat McCrory and other state and local officials, was a huge success and attracted a crowd of approximately 11,000. Participation by county employees and local volunteers was much appreciated, and fundamental to the event’s success.

20.a.Budget Amendments – Ms. Hughes presented the budget amendments. 1) Commissioner Bradley moved to approve BA #16, Jail, Inmate Medical Expenses, Contingency/Fund Balance, $43,353 – To cover unanticipated jail inmate medical expenses, seconded by Commissioner Gage and the motion carried unanimously. 2) Commissioner Gage moved to approve BA #17, Sheriff, Salary, Appropriate Fund Balance/Transfer, $41,727 – To appropriate General Fund Balance for the estimated funds needed for the Sheriff salary line due to comp time payouts to current and departing officers [also transfers fuel budget excess to salary], seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously. 3) Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve BA #20, Meeting Place, IPDC Grant, Addition, $10,159 – To increase revenue and expense for additional grant funds to be used to purchase furniture, food carriers and a sound system, seconded by Commissioner Gage and the motion carried unanimously.

21. Volunteer Boards for Vote – Christine Mariotti was appointed to the Appearance Commission by unanimous vote; Neal Barton and Paul Weidman were appointed to the Board of Adjustment by unanimous vote; Charles Fousek was appointed to the Council on Aging by unanimous vote; Sharon Capps was appointed to the Home & Community Care Block Grant Committee by unanimous vote; Ray Williams was appointed to the Isothermal Community College Board of Trustees by unanimous vote; Michael Stone was appointed as the Planning Board Alternate at Large by a 4-1 vote (Gasperson voted for David Smith); Charles Fousek and Kathleen Kent were appointed to the Transportation Advisory Board by unanimous vote; Ray Williams was appointed as the Tryon Planning Board Alternate ETJ by unanimous vote.

22. Volunteer Boards for Review – One application for the Adult Care & Nursing Home Care Advisory Board was reviewed.

23. Commissioner Comments – Commissioner Gage expressed his appreciation for all the organizations that helped the recent Polk County High School graduates. Commissioner Gasperson thanked everyone for coming out. Commissioner Bradley congratulated the recent Polk County High School graduates. Vice-Chair Holbert thanked the Board as well as county staff for their hard work during the budget process. Chair Pack thanked the retiring DSS employees for their many years of dedicated service, and again thanked staff for their hard work on the budget.

24. Closed Session – Commissioner Gage moved to enter into closed session for the purpose of attorney-client privilege, G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3), seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

25. Return to Open Session – Commissioner Gage moved to return to open session, seconded by Vice-Chair Holbert and the motion carried unanimously.

26. Adjournment – Vice-Chair Holbert moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.



__________________________ __________________________

Beth Fehrmann Tom E. Pack

Clerk to the Board Chair


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