2016-2017 Polk County Public TITLE I Schools

Title I Parent and Family

Engagement Polk County Public


2016-2017 Polk County Public TITLE I Schools

R.E.A.L. Academy

School Compact for Learning

District and School-based Title I Parent and Family Engagement Programs in Polk County Public Schools will strive to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS in order to create real family engagement for every child, every family, every teacher, every day.

This compact outlines how the parents/family, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic


By linking learning, the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help our students achieve the state's high standards for the school year.

We will support learning in the following ways;

Staff Responsibilities

Parent/Family Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

PROVIDE a supportive, safe and

effective learning environment in

Access websites like CPALMS

which students receive high quality


content and instruction.

training - and PREPARE for learning each day by

CurriculumHigh Academics

PROMOTE family involvement by providing informative activities and

use Parent Portal PROMOTE learning at home by

having the correct materials for class and by completing homework and projects on time.

sharing information on activities at our making sure my student has suitable

District Regional Parent Informational time and place for homework.

Resource Centers (PIRC).

Monitoring Student Progress

REASONABLE access to staff for conferencing about your student's grades and credits. Contact Guidance at 863-413-2430.

REPORT on student progress by facilitating Parent and Student Portal participation,parentteacher conferences, interims, report cards, student agenda, email.

Regularly check my student's progress on parent portal, interims, and report cards, student agenda.

REINFORCE learning through active participation in Parent information activities and parent conferences as well.

RESPECT myself, all school staff and others by being courteous, cooperative and positive in my actions.

RESPECT all school property.

Partnership Be Involved

Communication Stay Informed

INFORM parents and guardians of opportunities to volunteer and participate in their student's activities.

INVITE parents and guardians to participate in the School Advisory Council and other important school leadership committees at flexible meeting dates and times.

DEMONSTRATE strategies and provide activities and resources to parents that will assist them in supporting learning at home.

INCREASE involvement in my student's school by attending Orientation, Open House, Annual Title I Meeting and other school-sponsored activities.

INPUT give my input on the parentschool compact and in other decision making.

DEVOTE time each day to talk about school with my student and ask open ended questions regarding progress in specific classes.

INTEGRITY means that I do my own work honestly and at the highest quality possible.

DEPENDABILITY in all actions means that I take responsibity for my attendance, behavior and academic progress and that others can count on me to complete your my work.

Learning Environment

ENCOURAGE students to attend school and be on time every day.

EFFECTIVELY communicate by providing timely notifications of activities to parents and students through school website, newsletters, email.

EXPECT good behavior, quality school work, school involvement and citizenship from my student by setting an example for my student to follow.

ENGAGE in learning by arriving to class on time and by turning off all electronic devices unless the device is used for instruction.

ENCOURAGE my student to participate in more school activities.

Please visit our school's website for additional information, including curriculum and instruction; test dates; staff contact

information; Title 1 resources; and other important dates. R.E.A.L. Academy's website is currently under construction and

when it is completed, we will inform you of this.

If you do not have access to our website please visit the front office for printed information or call the front office at 863-413-2837

Visit the polk- website for important information. (Type in the keyword in the search

box.) ? PARENT PORTAL ? VOLUNTEERING ? PARENT CENTERS or PARENT UNIVERSITY ? FLORIDA STANDARDS ? TESTING ? Online Free/Reduced lunch application (keyword Nutrition) or call 534-0588


Parent/Guardian ____________________ Student____________________________ Teacher____________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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