
Dear All,It is a statutory obligation that schools provide swimming on the curriculum for all children, but this is usually only during KS2.? Due to our onsite pool facility, all Colleton pupils from Foundation to Year 6 are able to benefit from curriculum swimming during the summer term without having to?pay to go to a local pool.? We would like to ask each family to make a voluntary contribution of ?25 to become a member in order to cover the cost of curriculum swimming for the Summer 2018 season.The school swimming pool was built by the Colleton CSA/PTA in 1975.? Today it is run and financially maintained by the Colleton PTA for the benefit of the Colleton School pupils and their families.? Having a pool onsite saves time and costs as it means our children don’t have to travel to receive curriculum swimming lessons.? We do all we can to keep pool maintenance costs down (including cleaning and staffing the pool ourselves) and we believe that ?25 is a fair and reasonable donation from each family to help run the pool.? We appreciate your support and voluntary contribution.Families who become members of the Colleton Swimming Pool receive additional benefits and will be able to:Swim during Monday-Friday out-of-school-hours, weekends and holidaysParticipate in the Summer Crash courses Rent the pool for Private HireIt is anticipated that as a minimum, the pool will be open every day after school between 3.30pm and 4.30pm during the summer term.? To view when the pool is open, members will be able to access the Pool Calendar and sign up for swimming sessions (all detailed in the attached ‘Colleton School Pool flyer’ – available on the website and hardcopies in the school office – perfect for pinning to the fridge as a reminder!).? IMPORTANT POOL RULES FOR OUT-OF-SCHOOL-HOURS SESSIONSThe pool will not open unless one Lead Spotter (resuscitation trained) and one Assistance Spotter (competent swimmer) are present.All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times (except Yr5 & Yr6 children with permission. Only Yr5 & Yr6 pupils can swim without an adult present.? The parent/ guardian must give their consent for this on the membership form and provide emergency contact details.One adult may be responsible for up to three children from Foundation to Year 4Pre-school children must be accompanied in the water by an adult at all times.Any misbehaviour in the pool area will not be tolerated. If a Spotter deems a child’s behaviour to be unacceptable then the child may be removed from the pool and the parent contacted.REGISTERING AS A MEMBER:There are 2 ways in which you can register as a member:Complete the form online using this link: (), and submit your payment via PayPal using the new Colleton PTA email address as the account to pay: ColletonPTA@. This can be done via the school website from next week, or via the PayPal website directly. Please state your eldest child’s name as reference in the ‘add note’ section of the PayPal transaction.Collect a paper version of the form from the office, and submit with either cash or a cheque (made payable to The Colleton School Association) and return in an envelope labelled ‘Colleton Pool Membership’If you have any queries regarding payment please email thecolletonpool@hotmail.co.uk and one of the pool committee will be happy to help.PRIVATE POOL HIRE (flyer attached)As a member you can hire the entire pool for your own private use. The Hire costs just ?25 for 90 minutes and can be booked during the following times:Term-time week days: 5-6.30pmWeekends and school holiday week days: 11-12.30pm, 12.30-2.00pm and 5-6.30pmFurther information on the pool can be found on the school website under ‘Colleton School Association, Swimming Pool Zone’.Finally, a couple of dates for your diaries – save the date of our pool opening celebrations/party for the week beginning 21st? May, and take a note of the Summer Crash Courses on offer to members below.SUMMER CRASH COURSES (flyer attached)Following their huge success last year and the year before, if you would like your child to learn, or continue to improve their swimming ability over the summer break, Vikki Martin from Castle Royle will once again be running 2 x 1 week crash courses on the following dates. Please note that places fill up very quickly, so for more information contact Vikki at vikki.martin@ or call 07796 544460. Course 1:? 30th July to 3rd August ?Course 2:? 6th August to 10th August.Keep your fingers crossed that this wonderful weather continues and we look forward to welcoming you and your families to the pool this season! With best wishes ................

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