
What name was Caesar Augustus born with? How did he get the name Augustus and what does it mean?How did the Triumvirate raise money for Rome?How long did Caesar Augustus rule over the Roman Empire?Why was Emperor Augustus important to the Romans?What was the Pax Romana and how long did it last? Who is credited for starting this time period?What happened to sick babies in ancient Roman towns?How did adults eat their meals? How did children eat? How did slaves eat?What was daily life like for girls in Rome? For boys?How did Romans show gratitude for their meals?What type of building was Rome known for being the first to invent? What was it called?What was the Forum?What were Rome’s major accomplishments? Explain each one.Who was Spartacus? How did he end up as a Roman gladiator?Why were the patricians afraid of Spartacus?What happened to Spartacus’s slave army?Who led the early Roman Senate? What are the Twelve Tablets of Law?What was the Struggle of the Orders?What was the order of the Roman Empire’s social hierarchy?Who was Julius Caesar?When was Julius Caesar born?What social class was Julius Caesar born into to?Who did Julius Caesar marry?What two things was Julius Caesar “great” at doing?What three territories did Julius Caesar conquer for Rome?Why was Julius Caesar popular with the people?Which river did Julius Caesar cross with his army after he was ordered not to? What did his actions lead to?What major accomplishments was Julius Caesar known for while he was dictator?How did Julius Caesar meet his demise?What was the Ides of March?What happened to the people of Pompeii involving Mt. Vesuvius?Which bodies of water surround the Italian peninsula? How did Barbarian invasions lead to the fall of Rome?Who was Emperor Diocletian and how did he contribute to the fall of the Roman Empire?How is slave labor connected to Rome’s economy? How did each one contribute to the fall of Rome?What happened when Rome over-expanded its territorial control?How did military overspending play a role in the fall of Rome?How was the Roman government corrupt? What role did the Praetorian Guard play in this corruption?How did the Huns contribute to the Germanic tribal takeover of Rome? How did the rise of Christianity lead to the fall of Rome? How did it threaten the government?What happened to the strong Roman legions that had once conquered so many territories for Rome? What is the order for Hindu’s Caste System? How has the Caste System impacted people’s lives?How many gods to Hindu’s believe in?What are the names of the three main gods of Hinduism? What role does each one play?What are the basic beliefs of Hinduism?What is the name for the oldest scriptures and the basis for Hinduism?What is one of the most recognized symbols of Hinduism?What Hindu symbol is the most misunderstood?What is the name for the Hindu temple?Why are cows considered a sacred animal for Hindus?Why is the Ganges River considered to be sacred for Hindus?What is reincarnation?What are the basic beliefs of Buddhism?Who is Siddhartha Gautama? How did he receive the name “Buddha”?What are the names of Buddhism’s holy books?What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism?What is the Eightfold Path according to the Buddhist religion? What are the three mindful practices of Buddhism?What are the 5 Precepts of Buddhism?What are the four sects of Buddhism? Where is each one located? ................

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