|Lesson 1: Step 1: |

|Country |

|Step 1 Analysis Questions: |

|How do you suppose living conditions differ between the country furthest along in the demographic transition compared to the country earliest|

|in the transition? How would living conditions in these two countries affect both birth and death rates? |

|Think of three social factors that contribute to lower birth rates in the countries farther along. How might these social conditions be |

|encouraged to emerge in less developed countries? |

|In general, how do the concepts of "early, middle, and late demographic transition" map to the concepts of "first, second, and third world |

|countries"? |

|Lesson 1: Step 2: Demographic Transition |

|Country |Shape of Pyramid: 2005 |Shape of Pyramid: Simulation: 2050 |

|USA | | |

|China | | |

|Egypt | | |

|India | | |

|Italy | | |

|Mexico | | |

|Nigeria | | |

|Step 2: Analysis Questions: |

| |

|How does the shape of the population pyramid differ from most developed to least developed country? |

|Those in the population who are in the "prime of life" (roughly aged 20-60, depending on local conditions), support the populations younger |

|and older than themselves. How might this impact the quality of life in countries with the various shapes of demographic pyramids? |

| |


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