Health Consequences of the Trump Doctrine??Fact sheet, August 2020?COVID-19The United States’ COVID-19 mortality rate (deaths per million of population) is currently in 206th place out of 215 countries, at the bottom tier of protecting citizens from dying.South Korea and the United States both had their first reported COVID-19 infection on January 19, 2020. South Korea immediately started large-scale testing, contact tracing, and quarantining. The United States did little until March 15, beyond imposing a couple of partial travel bans. As of August 3, South Korea had 301 deaths and 6 deaths per million of population. The United States had 158,375 deaths and 478 deaths per million of population. THE ENVIRONMENTOn February 16, 2017 President Trump repealed The Stream Protection Rule, which meant that coal companies would now be freer to dump their waste into rivers and streams and polluted and poisoned water would now be flowing into the homes of American citizens.On June 19, 2019, President Trump repealed the Clean Power Plan. According to his own EPA scientists the Clean Power Plan could prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths annually as well as 90,00 asthma attacks in children over a decade. Trump ignored their warnings.On April 16, 2020, President Trump revised The Mercury and Air Toxic Standards. The government now would no longer be able to count the reduction of smog and soot as a benefit of regulating power plants. These changes would allow more soot and air pollutants, more mercury, and more respiratory illnesses. Mercury damages the brains of fetuses and babies and increases the likelihood of heart attacks in adults. There is no known safe level of exposure.A study in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) concluded that 80,000 deaths and more than one million people with respiratory problems every decade would be collateral damage from Trump’s consistently anti-environmentalist agenda. CLIMATE CHANGEOn March 31, 2020, President Trump announced his rule to roll-back automobile fuel efficiency standards. His new rule would allow over a billion tons more carbon dioxide into the air. His scientists told him that there was bad science in his new rule. He ignored them.In 2018, scientists and agencies in the Trump government issued a report stating that unchecked global warming could both cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars annually and damage the health of all of us. President Trump’s response: “I don’t believe it.”For more information download a free PDF of GUT FIRST, SCIENCE SECOND at or purchase a Kindle e-Book for $2.99 or a paperback from Amazon or bookstores for $5. ................

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