GENERAL MEETING March 17, 2016

Members Present:

William “Ski” Zagorski – Sec/Treas Mattie Atkinson – SPC Floodplain Don Pullin – Refugio Co

Stan Upton – Refugio Co. Ricardo Ortiz – Chemours Leroy Moody – Board Missy Beck – SPC Safety Stefani Steel – CCMC Macy Culpepper – SPC EM

Ann Bryan – SPC E911 Jason Burnell – RTFC RJ Thomas – CBCOG

Will Nichols – Cheniere Energy JoAnn Ehmann – IOB Charles Troglen – Oxy

Nancy Cisneros – US Coast Guard Howard Gillespie – IOB Clara Rieder – SP PHEP

John Metz – NWS Tommy Sanchez – Sinton VFD

I. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes: The meeting was held in Sinton, Texas at the San Patricio County Civic Center. Secretary/Treasurer William “Ski” Zagorsk called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. He said Brandon is out sick and Rick had to go to another meeting. He thanked everyone for coming today.

II. Executive Report: Ski said they met earlier at the executive meeting and approved several items. The first is they voted to cancel the Appreciation Dinners. Seventy five RSVP’d, ninety meals were ordered and only forty five showed up. The people we put this on for do not attend. A lot of time and money go into putting this on. The second item they approved is to have only two executive meetings a year. One in March to approve the budget and one in November to appoint subcommittee chairs. However an executive meeting can still be called at any time as deemed by the executive members. The general meetings will still be held bimonthly at 1:00. The last item they approved was the propsed budget. There were a few changes and they will drop the cost of the Appreciation Dinner.

III. Financial Report: Ski said there is $30,363.68 in the bank. Three more contributions were received this morning and are not yet reflected on the financial report. They are not expecting a donation from Sherwin as they are in trying times but they have been outstanding partners.

IV. Subcommittee Reports:

1. Communications – Leroy Moody – said the tower is up and operational.

2. Exercise & Design – Rickey McLester Jr. – was not present. Ski said Rickey had his drill on the 17th and he will get a written report out by the next meeting. Howard Gillespie said they were there and it was good for them. RJ Thomas said Ingleside participated as well. Ski said Industry participated. They have radios in the plants they can call into our Sheriff’s Department on the fire channel. They are willing to do this for the new industries but they will have to purchase their own radios.

3. Hazard Analysis & Vulnerability – Rick McLester – was not present. Ski said in regards to updating the Mitigation Action Plan, Aransas County has hired a firm to do theirs, San Patricio County is going out for request for bids and Refugio County is using Grantworks. Rick McLester will be updating the LEPC brochures and working on getting them printed.

4. Health & Medical – Stefani Steel – snakes are coming out so be careful. If you are bit please do not bring the snake into the ER. All ER’s down here carry the anti-venom. Ski said Dr. Mobley reported at Commissioners Court they had six cases of TB last year but most of them are HIV patients.

5. Public Information & Awareness – Brandon Luttrell – was not present. Ski said they have not done any Shelter in Place programs this year and there is nothing scheduled. It is a fantastic program and everything needed for the program is in the trailer, even the Wally Wise Guy costume and HazMan Suit. At the Executive meeting Ricardo Ortiz said he would take possession of the trailer. Ski said they will take inventory of what is inside, clean it up, replace the lock and replenish it with new brochures and coloring books. 6. Resource & Funding – Fred Nardini – was not present. Ski said the Tier II Contribution request letters went out two weeks ago and contributions have started coming in. 7. Training –William Zagorski – Said he would let Mattie report. Mattie said next week on the 23rd there will be a Coastal Resilience Planning meeting in Portland. You must RSVP for this. If you need more information she can email you the details. Mattie said the other thing she would like to talk about is the LEPC will be providing lunch for John Metz Hurricane Messaging Workshop. She asked John to give more details. John said it will be on May 26th and it will be held at the Portland Civic Center. It will run from 9:00 am – 12 pm and 1:00 pm – 5pm. They will cover hurricane related products and the media will be invited. Ski said this will show you how the NWS interconnects with Emergency Management. RJ Thomas said two years ago the Portland Fire Department started putting together a Decontamination Trailer. Portland’s manpower has dropped so the trailer was relocated to the Ingleside VFD. The trailer was from an anonymous in kind donation. The LEPC provided funds for some of the equipment in the trailer. After two years they had their first drill. Corpus has two full Decons and several entry teams. Ski said they started this up because of the white powder incident at the courthouse several years ago because we did not have a decon trailer. RJ said it has worked out very well.

V. Action Items: There were no Action Items.

VI. Special Topics: There were no Special Topics.

VII. Next Meeting Schedule: The next LEPC meeting will be May 19, 2016.

VIII. Public Comments: John Metz said we will have some strong thunder storms after midnight Friday night with a strong cold front coming in on Saturday.

IX. Adjourn: With no further business Ski made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was 2nd by Mattie Atkinson. Ski adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.

William E. Zagorski Sr. - LEPC Secretary/Treasurer




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