
Curriculum VitaeUpdated 2016HELEN INGRAMProfessor Emeritus, University of California at Irvine4749 East San Francisco Blvd.Tucson, Arizona 85712Cell phone: 949 836 8244; Home phone: 520 327 1845.EDUCATIONPh.D.Public Law and Government, Columbia University, 1967. B.ernment, Oberlin College, 1959.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Emeritus, UC Irvine; continuing appointment in the Department of Planning, Policy and Design, School of Social Ecology, University of California at Irvine. 1995 – 2007Warmington Endowed Chair, University of California at Irvine. Joint appointments with the Departments of Planning, Policy and Design and Criminology, Law and Society in the School of Social Ecology, and the Department of Political Science in the School of Social Sciences.1988 – 1996Director, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona.1979 – 1996Full Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Arizona.Joint appointments with School of Public Administration and Policy, Hydrology and Water Resources, and College of Law.1977 – 1979Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. (on leave from the University of Arizona).1974 – 1977 Director, Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona.1972 – 1977 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Arizona.1972 – 1974 Associate Director, Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona.1969 – 1972Staff Political Scientist/Consultant, National Water Commission, Washington, D.C.1962 – 1969Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of New MexicoMAJOR FIELDS OF INTERESTPublic Policy, Science and Society, Environmental Policy, Transboundary Environmental Policy, Water Resources Policy, Narrative Analysis.HONORS, AWARDS, AND MAJOR OFFICES AND PRESENTATIONSResearch Fellow, The Southwest Center, University of Arizona 2007-presentRecipient, Elinor Ostrom Career Achievement Award, Science, Technology & Environmental Politics Section, American Political Science Association in San Francisco Ca., September 4, 2015. Keynote Speaker: “Public Policy and Democracy: The Elephant in the Corner.” 2nd International Conference on Public Policy, Milan, July 2, 2015.Authors Meet Critics Panel on The Power of Narratives in Environmental Networks, American Association of Geographers, April 8, 2014.Member of the Executive Committee, Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy, University of California.Keynote Address, Special Session XIVth IWRA World Water Conference. September 25-29, 2011. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil.Aaron Wildavsky Award for Enduring Contributions for “Policy Design for Democracy” Public Policy Section of the American Political Science Association, and Policy Studies Organization 2008Chair, Panel on Design Issues for the NOAA Sector Applications Research Program, National Academy of Sciences, 2007Chair, writing committee, Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) 5.3 Product - "Decision Support Experiments and Evaluations using Seasonal to Interannual Forecasts and Observational Data."?2005-2009 Mentor Award, 2007, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association.“Water Sustainability: Policy Innovation and Conditions for Adaptive Learning.” Presentation at the Sustainable Michigan Environmental Program Academy, Dearborn, Michigan, November 18-19, 2005.Member, Board of Electors, James Martin Professorship of Technology and Social Change, Oxford University, 2005.“The Importance of Institutions and Policy in Resolving Global and Regional Water Scarcity.” Presentation at the Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of Sciences, The Role of Science in Solving the Earth’s Emerging Water Problems, Beckman Center of the National Academies, Irvine, California, October 8-10, 2004.Member, Executive Committee, Rosenberg International Forum of Water Policy, and attendee at Fourth Biennial Conference: Lessons in the Management of Transboundary River Basin, September 4-8, 2004.Member, Spain-USA Interacademy Workshop on Water: Opportunities for Collaboration in Research and Education for the Development of a Common Research Agenda. Mallorca, November 20-23, 2003.Keynote Presentation to the Moving Waters Culminating Conference, “A New Discourse for Water Policy.” North Arizona University, September 27, 2002.Address to the Plenary Session of the annual meeting, Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, “Science and Environmental Policy.” Irvine, California, June 19, 2001.Professor Emeritus, University of Arizona.Distinguished Research Associate, Southwest Center, University of Arizona.“Friends of UCOWR” Certificate of Appreciation for vision and leadership in the advancement of water resources education and research, presented by the Board of Directors of Universities Council on Water Resources, 1998.The Aaron Wildavsky Book Award for one of the best policy studies books published since 1975, presented by the Policy Studies Organization, December, 1997.The Thomas R. Dye Service Award, presented by the Policy Studies Organization, December 1997.U.S. recipient of “Frontera” International Excellence Award, Fundación Margarita Miranda de Mascare?as, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, 1995.Harold Laswell Award in recognition of being an outstanding scholar contributing to the understanding of substance and process of public policy, Policy Studies Organization, 1995.The Abel Wolman Distinguished Lecture, sponsored by the Water Science and Technology Board of the National Research Council. “Transnational Water Resources Management: Learning from the U.S.-Mexico Example,” Washington, D.C., November 8, 1993.American Political Science Association National Women’s Caucus, Political Science Honor Roll, Mentors of Distinction, 1991. Wayne S. Nichols Memorial Fund Lecturer, Ohio State University, 1989.Ida Beam Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Iowa, 1987.Iko Iben Award in recognition of promotion, understanding and communication between disciplines involving water resources, American Water Resources Association, 1987.Book Award, Saving Water in a Desert City, Western Agricultural Economics Association, 1985.Alumni Association Faculty Achievement Award, University of Arizona, 1985.Travel Study Award, Ford Foundation, 1977.W. R. Boggess Award, American Water Resources Association, for the most outstanding article published in the Water Resources Bulletin, 1972.PUBLICATIONS—Selected ListingBooksLejano, Raul P., Mrill Ingram and Helen Ingram. 2013. The Power of Narratives in Environmental Networks. Cambridge: MIT Press.Garrido, Alberto, and Helen Ingram. 2011.Water for Food in a Changing World. Oxford: Taylor and Francis Books: Routledge.Whiteley, John M., Helen Ingram, and Richard Perry. 2008. Water, Place and Equity. Cambridge, MIT Press.Meyer, David S., Valerie Jenness and Helen Ingram. 2005. Routing the Opposition: Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 2005. Deserving and Entitled: Social Constructions and Public Policy. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Blatter, Joachim, and Helen Ingram. 2001. Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation. MIT Press.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1997. Policy design for democracy. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.Ingram, Helen, Nancy Laney, and David Gillilan.1995. Divided Waters: Bridging the US-Mexico Border. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.Ingram, Helen, and Steven R. Smith. 1993. Public Policy for Democracy. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. [1996; Repr. Information Agency, New Delhi, India,]Ingram, Helen. 1990. Water Politics: Continuity and Change. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. [1969; repr. The patterns of politics on water resources: The case of New Mexico’s role in the Colorado River Basin bill. (Institute of Government Research) Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.]Brown, F. Lee, and Helen Ingram. 1987. Water and Poverty in the Southwest. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.Ingram, Helen and R. K. Godwin. (Eds.) 1985. Public Policy and the Natural Environment (Vol. 4). In series: Public Policy studies: A Multi-Volume Treatise edited by Nagel, S. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Martin William E., Helen Ingram, Nancy K. Laney, and Adrian H. Griffin. 1984. Saving Water in a Desert City. (For Resources for the Future) Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.Ingram, Helen, Laney Nancy, and John McCain. 1980. A Policy Approach to Political Representation: Lessons from the Four Corners States. (For Resources for the Future). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.Ingram, Helen and Dean Mann. 1980. Why Policies Succeed or Fail (Vol. 8). In series: Sage Yearbooks in Politics and Public Policy. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.Journal ArticlesIngram, Helen. 2016. “? Por Qué No Funciona la Democracia?” Envio , Mrill, Helen Ingram, and Raul Lejano. 2014. “What’s The Story? Creating and Sustaining Environmental Networks.” Environmental Politics 01/2014, DOI, 10.1080/09644016.2014.919717.Brugnach, M. F., and Helen Ingram. 2012. “Ambiguity: the challenge of knowing and deciding together.” Environmental Science & Policy 15(January): 60–71.Lejano, Raul P., and Helen Ingram. 2012. “Modeling the commons as a game with vector payoffs.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 24 (1) 66–89. Laird-Benner, Wendy, and Helen Ingram. 2010. “Desert Network Weavers: Surprising Environmental Successes on the U. S. /Mexico Border.” Environment Magazine 53 (1):7-16Clarke, Jeanne N., and Helen Ingram. 2010. “A Founder: Aaron Wildavsky and the Study of Public Policy.” Policy Studies Journal 38(3): 565-579.Feldman, David, and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Making science useful to decision makers: climate forecasts, water management and knowledge networks.” Weather, Climate and Society 1(1): 9-13.Feldman, David L., and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Multiple ways of knowing water resources: Enhancing the Status of Water Ethics.” Santa Clara Journal of International Law 7(1):1-20.Lejano, Raul P., and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Collaborative networks and new ways of knowing.” Environmental Science and Policy 12(6): 644-652.Lejano Raul P., and Helen Ingram. 2007. “Place-Based Conservations: Lessons from the Turtle Islands.”Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 49(9): 18-27.Ingram, Helen. 2006. “Water as a Multi-Dimensional Value: Implications for Participation and Transparency.” International Environmental Agreements, 6(4): 429-433.Feldman, Martha S., Anne M. Khadamian, Helen Ingram, and Anne S. Schneider. 2006. “Ways of Knowing and Inclusive Management Practices.” Public Administration Review 66(s1, November):89-99. Lach, Denise H., Helen Ingram, and Steve Rayner. 2006.?“Maintaining the Status Quo: How Institutional Norms and Practices Create Conservative Water Organizations.”?Texas Law Review 83(7): 2027-2053.Schneider, Anne L., and Helen Ingram. 2005. “A Response to Peter deLeon.” Public Administration Review 65(5): 638-640. Dimento, Joseph, Helen Ingram. 2005. “Science and Environmental Decision Making: The Potential Role of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Pursuit of Appropriate Information.” Natural Resources Journal 45(2): 283-309. Rayner, Steve, Denise Lach, and Helen Ingram. 2005. “Weather Forecasts are for Wimps: Why Water Resource Managers Do Not Use Climate Forecasts.” Climatic Change 69(2): 197-227.Lach, Denise H., Steve Rayner, and Helen Ingram. 2005. “Taming the waters: Strategies to domesticate the wicked problems of water resource management.” International Journal of Water 3(1): 1-17. Garcia-Acevedo, Maria, and Helen Ingram. 2004. “Conflict in the borderlands.” NACLA Report on the Americas 38(1): 19-24.Ingram, Helen, Anne Schneider, and Bryan Mcdonald. 2004. “The Political Invasion of Science: How Policy Constructs Boundaries and Meanings.” Italian Review of Public Policy 2: 5-28.Bloomquist, William and Helen Ingram. 2003. “Boundaries Seen and Unseen: Resolving Transboundary Groundwater Problems.” Water International 28(2): 162-169.Ingram, Helen, and Bryan McDonald. 2002. “The Precautionary Principle, science wars, and the EarthSummit.” Politics and the Life Sciences [symposium on the legacy of 1992 Earth Summit] 21(2):56-60.Smith, Steven R., and Helen Ingram. 2002. “Rethinking policy analysis: Citizens, Community, and the Restructuring of Public Services.” The Good Society, [symposium on policy analysis for the Good Society] 11(1): 55-60.DiMento, Joseph, Helen Ingram, Richard Matthew, and John Whiteley. 2001. “A Symposium on International Environmental Law: Introduction and Context.” UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 19(1): 1-10.Blatter, Joachim, and Helen Ingram. 2000. “States, Markets, and Beyond: Governance of Transboundary Water Resources.” Natural Resources Journal 40(2): 439-473.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 2000. “Reason and Rationality in Water Politics.” Water Resources Update [Special issue] 116: 50-53.Ingram, Helen. 2000. “Transboundary Groundwater on the U.S. – Mexico border: Is the Glass Half Full, Half Empty, or Even on the Table?” Natural Resources Journal 40(2): 185-188. Ingram, Helen. 1999. “Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Coping with Future Scarcity.” [Comments for a conference on water scarcity in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo drainage basin held in Cuernavaca-Moreles, Mexico. November 10, 1997.] Natural Resources Journal, 39(1): 179-188.Ingram, Helen and Anne Schneider. 1998. “Science, Democracy, and Water Policy.” Water Resources Update 113: 21-28.Smith, Steven R. and Helen Ingram. 1998. “Institutions and Policies for Democracy: A Discussion Paper and Comments.” Policy Currents 8(1): 1-13.Lieberman, Robert C., Helen Ingram, and Anne Schneider. 1995. “Social construction (continued): A response to Robert Lieberman.” American Political Science Review 89 (2): 437-446.Varady, R. G., Helen Ingram, and L. Milich. (with Milich, L. and Varady, R.G.) 1995. “The Sonoran Pimería Alta: Shared environmental Problems and Challenges.” Journal of Southwest 37 (1): 102-122.Ingram, Helen, Lenard Milich, and Robert G. Varady. 1994. “ Managing Transboundary Resources: Lessons from Ambos Nogales.” Environment Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 36 (4): 6-9, 28-38.Ingram, Helen, D. R. White. 2008. “International Boundary and Water Commission: An institutional mismatch for resolving transboundary water problems.” Natural Resources Journal 33(1), 153-175.Schneider, Anne and Helen Ingram. 1993. “The social construction of target populations: Implication for politics and policy.” The American Political Science Review 87(2): 334-347.Ingram, H. 1992. “Politics, Markets, Society, and Water Resources.” Halcyon 14: 57-72.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1991. “The choice of target populations.” Administration and Society 23(3): 333-356.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1990. “Behavioral Assumptions of Policy Tools.” Journal of Politics 52(2), 510-529.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1990. “Improving Implementation Through Framing Smarter Statutes” Journal of Public Policy 10(1): 67-88.Fairfax, A. K. and Helen Ingram. (with Fairfax, A.K.) 1990. “No Theory, No Apology: A Brief Comment on the State of the Art in Natural Resources.” Natural Resources Journal 30(2): 259-262.Ingram, Helen, and Penny B. Mills. 1989. “Reviewing the Book Reviews.” Political Science & Politics, 22 (3): 627-636.Schneider, Anne, and Ingram, Helen. 1988. “Systematically Pinching Ideas: A Comparative Approach to Policy Design.” Journal of Public Policy 8(1): 61-80.Gottlieb, Robert, and Helen Ingram. 1988. “The new environmentalists.” The Progressive 52(8): 14-15. Nunn, Susan C., and Helen Ingram. 1988. “Information, The decision forum and third party effects in water transfers.” Water Resources Research 24(4): 473-480.Ingram, Helen and S. Fiederlein. 1988. “State government officials’ role in U.S.-Mexico transboundary resource issues.” Natural Resources Journal 28(3): 431-449.Ingram, Helen, and Suzanne Fiederlein. 1988. “Traversing boundaries: A public policy approach to the analysis of foreign policy.” Western Political Quarterly 41(4): 725-745.Brown, Lee F. and Helen Ingram. 1987. “The community value of water: Implications for the rural poor in the Southwest.” Journal of the Southwest 29(2): 179-202.Scaff, L.A., and Helen Ingram. 1987. “Politics, Policy, and Public Choice: A Critique and a Proposal.” Policy 19 (4): 613-636.Bradley, Dorotha, and Helen Ingram. 1986. “Science vs. the grass roots: Representation in the Bureau of Land Management.” Natural Resources Journal 21(3) 493-518.Mumme, Stephen P., Helen Ingram. 1985. “Community Values in Southwest Water Management. [In Symposium edited by R. K. Godwin ,H. Ingram. and. D.E. Mann] Water resources and public policy. Policy Studies Review, 5(2): 365-381.Ingram, Helen, Dean E. Mann, Gary D. Weatherford, and Hanna J. Cortner. 1984. “Guidelines for Improved Institutional Analysis in Water Resources Planning.” Water Resources Research 20(3): 323-334.Weschler, L., and Helen Ingram. 1982. “Arizona groundwater reform: The Forces of Change.” The Southwestern Review of Management and Economics 2(3): 13-21.Martin, William E., Helen Ingram, and Nancy K. Laney. 1982. “A willingness to play: Analysis of water resources development.” Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 7(1): 133-139.Ingram, Helen. 1981. “The legislators’ dilemma: Responding to voters’ preferences on energy and environmental issues.” The Southwestern Review of Management and Economics 1(1): 131-146.Schooler, Dean, and Helen Ingram. 1981. “Water resource development.” Review of Policy Research, 1(2): 243-254.Ingram, Helen, and Scott Ullery. 1980. “Policy innovation and institutional fragmentation.” Policy Studies Journal 8(5): 664-682.DuMars, Charles, and Helen Ingram. 1980. “Congressional quantification of Indian reserved water rights: A definitive solution or a mirage?” Natural Resources Journal 20(1): 17-43. Ingram, Helen, N. Laney, and John R. McCain. 1979. “Water Scarcity and the Politics of Plenty in the Four Corners States.” The Western Political Quarterly 32(3): 298-306.Ingram, Helen and John. R. McCain. 1978. “Distributive Politics Reconsidered: The Wisdom of the Western Water Ethic in the Contemporary Energy Context.” Policy Studies Journal 7(1), 48-59. [1979; Repr. In New Dimensions to Energy Policy, edited by Robert Lawrence. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.]Ingram, Helen, Nancy Laney, and John McCain. 1979. “Managing a Limited Resource: The Political Constraints on Water Policy in the Four-Corners States.” Utah Law Review 1979(4): 719-745.Ingram, Helen. 1978. “Future Policy Directions: Challenges for the States.” [An issue devoted to Energy and the Environment, James L. Regens] American Behavioral Scientist 22(2): 311-320.Ingram, Helen. 1977. “Policy implementation through bargaining: The case of Federal grants-in-aid. Public Policy 25(4): 499-526.Ingram, Helen, and J.R. McCain. 1977.” Federal Water Resources Management: The Administrative Setting.” Public Administration Review 37(5): 448-455.Dreyfus, Daniel A., Helen Ingram. 1976. “The National Environmental Policy Act: A view of intent and practice.” Natural Resources Journal 16(2): 243-262. [1985; Repr. “Enclosing the environment: NEPA’s transformation of conservation into environmentalism.” In Natural Resources Journal. edited by C. Kury.]Ingram, Helen, Theodore G. Roefs, and David J. Allee. 1975. “The National Water Commission Report: A review.” Water Resources Research 11(2): 23-29.Ingram, Helen. 1973. “Information Channels and Environmental Decision Making.” Natural Resources Journal 13(1): 169. [1980; Repr. In Special librarianship: A new reader. Eugene B. Jackson. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.]Ingram, Helen. 1973. “The Political Economy of Regional Water Institutions.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(1): 10-18.Ingram, Helen. 1972. “The changing decision rules in the politics of water development.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 8(6): 1177-1188.Ingram, H. 1971. “Patterns of Politics in Water Resource Development.” Natural Resources Journal 291-307. [1975; Repr. In Selected Works in Water Resources Asit K. Biswas. Champaign, IL: The International Water Resources Association.] Ingram, Helen. 1969-70. “A Question of Representation: The Impact of Urban Congressmen Upon Housing legislation.” Journal of Urban Law--University of Detroit 47(1): 85-111.Ingram, Helen. 1969. “The Impact of Constituency on the Process of Legislating.” The Western Political Quarterly 22(2): 265-279.Book ChaptersIngram, H, P. deLeon, A.L.Schneider (2016) Conclusion: Public Policy Theory: The Elephant in the Corner. In Guy Peters and Philippe Zittoun eds. Contemporary Policy Approaches, Theories, Controversies and Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacmillanIngram, H. and A.L. Schneider (2015) Making Distinctions: The Social Construction of Target Populations in F. Fischer, D Torgerson, A. Durnova and M. Orsini eds Handbook of Critical Policy Studies Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar.Schneider, A. L, H. Ingram & P. deLeon (2014) Democratic Policy Design: Social Construction of Target Populations in P. Sabatier and C.M. Weible (eds) Theories of the Policy Process. Boulder: Westview Press pp.105-149.Endter-Wada, Joanna, and Helen Ingram. 2012. “Global Climate Change as Environmental Mega Crisis.” In Megacrises: Understanding the Prospects, Nature, Characteristics and Effects of Cataclysmic Events, edited by Ira Helsloot, Arjen Boin, Brian Jacobs, and Louise Comfort, 300-318. Springfield, Ill, USA: C.C. Thomas.Brugnach, Marcela, and Helen Ingram. 2011. “Rethinking the Role of Humans in Water Management: Toward a New Model of Decision-Making. In Water, Cultural Diversity and Environmental Change: Emerging Trends, Sustainable futures? Edited by B. Rose Johnston, 49-64. Springer, Netherlands. Ingram, Helen. 2011. “Beyond Universal Remedies for Good Water Governance: A Political and Contextual Approach” In Water for Food in an Changing World edited by Alberto Garrido, and Helen Ingram, Oxford and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Books.Lejano, Raul, and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Transcending Multiple Ways of Knowing Water Resources in the United States.” In Water Policy Entrepreneurs: A Research Companion to Water Transitions Around the Globe, edited by D. Huitema, and S. Meijerink, 61-78. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Fairfax, Sally K., Helen Ingram, and Leigh Raymond. 2009. “Historical Evolution and Future of Natural Resources Law and Policy.” In Natural Resources Law and Policy, edited by Lawrence J. MacDonnell and Sarah F. Bates, 3-28. Boulder, Colorado: American Bar Association. Ingram, Helen, John M. Whiteley, and Richard Perry. 2008. “The Importance of Equity and the Limits of Efficiency in Water Resources.” In Water, Place and Equity, edited by John Whiteley, Helen Ingram and Richard Perry, Cambridge: MIT Press.Ingram, Helen, David Feldman, and John Whiteley . 2008. “Water and Equity, in a Changing Climate.” In Water, Place and Equity, edited by J. Whiteley, H. Ingram, and R. Perry, Cambridge: MIT Press. Ingram, Helen, Anne Schneider, and Peter DeLeon. 2007. “Social Constructions and Policy Design.” In Theories of the policy process, edited by P. Sabatier, 1-34. Boulder: Westview Press. Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 2006. “Policy Analysis for Democracy.” In Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, edited by M. Rein, M. Moran and R. Goodin, 169-190. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.Schneider, Anne, and Ingram. 2008. “Public Policy and Democratic Citizenship: What Kinds of Citizenship does Policy Promote?” In Handbook of Public Policy Analysis, edited by F. Fischer, G. Miller and M. Sidney, New York: Marcel Dekker.Ingram, Helen, and L. Fraser. 2006. “Path Dependency and a Droit Innovation: The Case of California Water.” In Punctuated Equilibrium and the Dynamics of U.S. Environmental Policy, edited by R. Repetto, 78-109. New Haven: Yale University Press.Lach, Denise, Helen Ingram, and Steve Rayner. 2006. “You Never Miss the Water till the Well Runs Dry: Crisis and Creativity in California.” In Clumsy solutions for a complex world , edited by M. Verweij and M. Thompson, New York: Palgrave Press.Howe, Charles C., Helen Ingram. 2005. “Roles for the Public and Private Sectors in Water Allocation: Lessons from Around the World. In In Search of Sustainable Water Management: International Lessons for the American West and Beyond, edited by D. Kenney, 49-64. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.Ingram, Mrill, and Helen Ingram. 2005. “Creating Credible Edibles: The Alternative Agriculture Movement and Passage of U.S. Federal Organic Standards.” In Routing the Opposition: Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy edited by D. Meyer, V. Jenness and H. Ingram, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.Ingram, Helen. 2005. “Public Policy and the Social Construction of Deservedness.” In Deserving and entitled: Social constructions and public policy, edited by Helen Ingram and Anne Schneider. 1-34. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 2004. “Policy Design. In Encyclopedia of public administration and public policy edited by J. Rabin, New York: Marcel Dekker. Schneider, Anne, Helen Ingram, and D. Palumbo. 2003. “Theories of Policy-Making. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Government and Politics, Second Edition edited by M. Hawkesworth and M. Kogan, Oxford, UK: Routledge Books.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 2003. “The Pragmatic Policy Analyst.” In Renascent Pragmatism: Studies in Law and Social Science edited by A. Morales, London: Ashgate Press. Levesque, Susan, and Helen Ingram. 2002. “Lessons in Transboundary Resource Management from Ambos Nogales. In Both Sides of the Border: Transboundary Environmental Management Issues Facing Mexico and the US, edited by L. Fernandez and R. Carson, 161-182. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Smith, Steven R., and Helen Ingram. 2002. “Policy Tools and Democracy.” In The New Governance: A Public Management Handbook for the Era of Third-Party Government, edited by L. Solomon, 565-584. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Lach, Denise, Helen Ingram, and Steve Rayner. 2002. “Coping with Climate Variability: Municipal Water Agencies in Southern California.” In Climate, Water and Transboundary Challenges in the Americas, edited by H. Diaz and B. Morehouse, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.Ingram, Helen. 2001. “Water and the Globalizing Economy: The Coming Crisis. In Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities, edited by U. Rosenthal, R.A. Boin, and L. Confort, Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.Blatter, Joachim, Helen Ingram, and Pamela Doughman. 2001. “Emerging Approaches to Comprehend Changing Global Contexts.” In Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation, edited by H. Ingram and J. Blatter, Cambridge: MIT Press.Blatter Joachim, Helen Ingram, and Susan L. Levasque. 2001. “Expanding Perspectives on Transboundary Water. In Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation, edited by H. Ingram and J. Blatter, Cambridge: MIT Press.Perry, Richard, Joachim Blatter, and Helen Ingram. 2001. “Lessons from the Spaces of Unbound Water for Research and Governance in a Globalized World.” In Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation, edited by H. Ingram and J. Blatter, Cambridge: MIT Press.Dimento, Joseph, Helen Ingram, Richard Matthew, and John Whiteley. 2001. “Implementations of the NAFTA Institutions – the Record and the Potential.” In The Protection of the Environment in a Context of Regional Economic Integration, edited by T. Scovazzi, Milan: Giuffrè Editore.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1999. “‘Good’ Public Policy: A Policy Design and Social Construction Perspective.” In Current Public Policy Issues, edited by R.Y. Carter and K.V. Thai, Boca Raton, FL: PrAcademics Press.Ingram, Helen. 1998. “El abastecimiento de agua en las ciudades del desierto: Conflictos entre la sustentabilidad del medio ambiente, los valores de la comunidad y los imperativos económicos.” In Hermosillo y el agua, edited by N. Pineda Pablos, Hermosillo. Sonora, Mexico: El Colegion De Sonora.Ingram, Helen, and F. Lee Brown. 1998. “Commodity and Community Water Values. Experiences from the U.S. Southwest.” In Searching for Equity: Conceptions of Justice and Equity in Peasant Irrigation, edited by R. Boelens and G. Davila, (in Spanish and English). Assen, The Netherland: Van Gorcum.Ingram, Helen. 1997. “Place Humanists at the Headgate.” In Reopening the American west: Environment and Culture in the Western Past and Present, edited by H.K. Rothman, Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.Ingram, Helen, and Mary Wallace. 1997. “An Empire of Liberty: Thomas Jefferson and Governing Natural Resources in the West.” In Thomas Jefferson and the changing west, edited by I.H. Ronda, 93-108. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.Ingram, Helen, Dean Mann, and D. Colnic. 1995. “Interest Groups and Environmental Policy.” In Environmental Politics and Policy: Theories and Evidence, edited by J. Lester, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1994. “Social Constructions and Policy Design: Implications for Public Administration.” In Research and Public Administration. (Vol. 3). edited by J. Perry, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc.Smith, Steven R., and Helen Ingram. 1993. “Public Policy and Democracy.” In Public Policy for Democracy, edited by H. Ingram and S.R. Smith, 1-19. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1993. “Constructing Citizenship: The Subtle Messages of Policy Design.” In Public Policy for Democracy, edited by H. Ingram and S.R. Smith, 68-99. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.Ingram, Helen, Brinton Milward, and Wendy Laird. 1992. “Scientists and Agenda Setting: Advocacy and Global Warming.” In Risk and Society: The Interaction of Science, Technology and Public Policy, edited by M. Waterstone , 33-53. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.Ingram, Helen. 1991. “The Law and Politics of the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam.” In Symposium proceedings on: Colorado River Ecology and Dam Management (Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources), For National Research council and National Academy of Science. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.Ingram, Helen. 1991. “Protecting Transboundary Desert Resources.” In Desert Development Part 2: Socio-Economic Aspects and Renewable Energy Applications. edited by A. Bishay and H. Dregne, n.p. Ingram, Helen. 1990. “Public Involvement in Water Resources Decision-Making in a Climate of Uncertainty.” In Proceedings of a Colloquium: Managing Water Resources in the West Under Conditions of Climate Uncertainty. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.Ingram, Helen, Hanna Cortner, and Mark Landy. 1990. “The Political Agenda.” In Climate change, and U.S. water resources, edited by P. Waggoner, New York: John Wiley and Sons.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1990. “Policy Design: Elements, Premises, and Strategies.” In Policy Theory and Policy Evaluation, Concepts, Knowledge, Causes, and Norms, edited by S.S. Nagel, New York: Greenwood Press.Mann, D., and Helen Ingram, 1989. “Conflict Resolution in a Global Environment.” In Annual Review of Conflict Knowledge and Conflict Resolution. Vol. I., edited by J. Gittler, New York: Garland.Ingram, Helen. 1989. “Implementation: A Review and Suggested Framework.” In Public Administration: The State of the Discipline, edited by N.B. Lynn and A. Wildavsky, 462-482. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House. Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1989. “Interest Groups and Environmental Policy.” In Environmental Politics and Policy: Theories and Evidence, edited by J.P. Lester, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.Scaff, Lawrence A., and Helen Ingram. 1989. “The Influence of Theory on What We See.” In Politics and Public Policy: The Politics of Program Evaluation, Vol. 15, edited by D.J. Palumbo, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.Gottlieb, Robert and Helen Ingram. 1988. “Which Way Environmentalism: Toward a New Democratic Movement.” In Winning America: Ideas and Leadership for the 1990s, edited by M. Raskin and C. Hartman, Boston: South End Press.Martin, William E., Helen Ingram, Dennis Cory, and Mary Wallace. 1988. “Toward Sustaining a Desert Metropolis: Water and Land use in Tucson, Arizona.” In Water and the Arid Lands of the Western United States, edited by M. T El-Ashry and D.C. Gibbons, London: Cambridge University Press.Bradley, Dorotha, and Helen Ingram. 1986. “How Federalism Matters in Natural Resources Policy.” In Ocean Resources and U.S. Intergovernmental Relations in the 1980s: Westview Special Studies in Ocean Science and Policy, edited by M. Silva, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Ingram, Helen, Lawrence Scaff and Leslie Silko. 1986. “Replacing Confusion with Equity: Alternatives for Water Policy in the Colorado River Basin.” In New Courses for the Colorado River: Major Issues of the Next Century, edited by G.D. Weatherford and F.L. Brown, 177-199. Albuquerque, NM: The University of New Mexico Press. [1991; Repr. In A River Too Far: The Past and Future of the Arid West, edited by J. Finkhouse and M. Crawford, Nevada Humanities Committee. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press.]Kenski, Henry. C., Helen Ingram. 1985. “The Reagan Administration and Environmental Regulation: The Constraint of the Political Market.” In Controversies in Environmental Policy, edited by S. Kamieniecki, R. O’Brien and M. Clarke, Albany, NY: SUNY Press.Godwin, Kenneth R., and Ingram, Helen. 1985. “The Physical Environment as a Policy Issue.” In Public Policy and the Natural Environment, edited by R.K. Godwin H.M. Ingram, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Mann, Dean E., and Helen Ingram. 1985. “Policy Issues in the Natural Environment.” In Public Policy and the Natural Environment, edited by R.K. Godwin and H. M. Ingram, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Ingram, Helen, and Kenneth R. Godwin. 1985. “Conservation and the Forces of Change.” In Public Policy and the Natural Environment, edited by R.K. Godwin and H.M. Ingram, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1984. “Preserving the Clean Water Act: The Appearance of Environmental Victory.” In Environmental Policy in the 1980s: Reagan’s New Agenda, edited by N.J. Vig and M.E. Kraft, Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, Inc.Ingram, Helen, and Gary Weatherford. 1984. “Legal-institutional Limits on Water Use. In Managing Security: Water and Agriculture in the West, edited by E.A. Englebert and A. Foley-Scheuring, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1983. “Political Responses to Environmental Scarcity.” In Scarce Natural Resources: The Challenge to Public Policymaking (Sage yearbooks in politics and public policy, Vol. 8), edited by S. Welch and R. Miewald, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1983. “Environmental Protection Policy.” In Encyclopedia of Policy Studies, edited by S.S. Nagel, 125-149. New York: Marcel Dekker.DuMars, Charles, Helen Ingram, Ronald Little, and Bahe Billy. 1982. “The Navajo Indian Irrigation Project: A Study of Legal, Political and Cultural Conflict. In Studies in Water Policy Management, No.2, Water and Agriculture in the US: Conservation, Reallocation, and Markets. edited by G.D. Weatherford, et al., 107-129. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Martin, William E., Helen Ingram, and Nancy K. Laney. 1982. “A Willingness to Play: Analysis of Water Resources Development.” In Studies in Water Policy and Management, No. 2, Water and Agriculture in the US: Conservation, Reallocation, and Markets, edited by G.D. Weatherford, et al, 137-167. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Ingram, Helen. 1982. “Water Rights in the Western States. In Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, 34 (3). Food Policy and Farm Programs, edited by D.F. Hadwiger and R.B. Talbot, Montpelier, VT: Capital City Press.Cortner, Hanna .J., Helen Ingram. 1982. “The Case of the Sagebrush Rebellion. In Energy and the Western United States: Politics and development, edited by J.L. Regens, R.W. Rycroft, and G.A. Daneke, New York: Praeger Publishers.Laney, Nancy ,and Helen Ingram. 1981. “The Disincentives for Policy Leadership in Energy and the Environment: The Structure of Voter Opinion. In Environment, Energy, Public Policy: Toward a Rational Future, edited by R.S. Axelrod, Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books.Ingram, Helen. 1981. “Arizona Groundwater Reform: The Forces of Change.” In Unified River Basin Management--Stage II edited by D.J. Allee, L.B. Dworsky, and R.M. North, Minneapolis: American Water Resources Association.Fairfax, Sally K., and Helen Ingram. 1981. “The United States Experience.” In Project Appraisal and Policy Review (Wiley series on studies in environmental management and resource development), edited by T. O’Riordan and W.R. Derrick Sewell, 29-45. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.Ingram, Helen. 1980. “Policy Failure: An Issue Deserving Analysis.” In Why Policies Succeed or Fail, edited by H.M. Ingram and D.E. Mann, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.Ingram, Helen, John R. McCain, and N. Laney. 1979. “The Responsiveness of State Legislators in the Four Corners Area.” In Energy and Environmental Issues: The Making and Implementation of Public Policy, edited by M. Steinman, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Ingram, Helen, and John R. McCain. 1979. “Distributive Politics Reconsidered—The Wisdom of the Western Water Ethic in the Contemporary Energy Context.” In New Dimensions to Energy Policy, edited by R. Lawrence, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.Ingram, Helen. 1978. “The Political Rationality of Innovation: The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970.” In Approaches to controlling air pollution edited by A.F. Friedlaender, 12-56. Cambridge: The MIT Press.Ingram, Helen. 1978. “Politics of Water Allocation. In Values and Choices in the Development of the Colorado River Basin, edited by D.F. Peterson and A.B. Crawford, Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona. Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1978. “Environmental Policy: From Innovation to Implementation.” In Nationalizing Government: Public Policies in America, edited by T. Lowi, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.Ingram, Helen, and Scott J. Ullery. 1977. “Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making: Substance or Illusion?” In Public Participation in Planning, edited by W.R. Derrick Sewell and J.T. Coppock,. London: John Wiley & Songs.Ingram, Helen. 1976. “The Politics of Information: Constraints on New Sources. In Water Politics and Public Involvement, edited by J.C. Pierce and H.R. Doerksen, Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor Science Publisher, Inc.Selected Research Reports and Professional CommentaryIngram, H. (with D.Feldman, N. Mantua, K. Jacobs, A. Waple contributing editors) 2008 Decision Support Experiments and Evaluations Using Seasonal-to-Interannual Frecasts and Observational Data: A Focus on Water Resources. US Climate Change Science Program 5.3 htttp://Research and networks for decision support, (with Paul Stern eds.) Panel on Design Issues for the NOAA Sectoral Applications Program. Washington DC: National Academies Press, nap.edu 2008 Roles for the Public and Private Sectors in Water Allocation: Lessons from Around the World. (with C. Howe) Prepared for the Natural Resources Law Center Water Conference. University of Colorado School of Law. June 11-14, 2002.Weather Forecasts are for Wimps: Why Water Resource Managers Don’t Use Climate Forecasts (with S. Rayner, D. Lach, and M. Houck) Report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Global Programs, March 2002. Shared Environmental Problems and Challenges (with Robert G. Varady and Lenard Milich). Reprinted in The University Book, October, 1998.Implications for the Rural Poor in the Southwest (with F. Lee Brown). Reprinted in The University Book, October 1998.Institutions & Policies for Democracy: A Discussion Paper and Comments. Policy Currents Newsletter, March 1998.Water and Equity: A Direction for Research. The Common Property Resource Digest, a Quarterly Publication for the Study of Common Property, 43, September 1997.Telepress conference, One Hour From Calcutta, U. S. Information Service, October 1997 and September 1996, Discussion of Indian reprint of book Public Policy for Democracy, Bridging Borders: Empowering Grassroots Linkages (with Robert G. Varady). Arid Lands Newsletter, 39, Spring/Summer 1996.State of the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment (lead author, with members of EPA U.S.-Mexico Border Environmental Plan Public Advisory Committee). Report to the Administrator of EPA, September 1993. Measuring the community value of water: The water and public welfare project (27(42) p. 29 cm). Sponsored by the Udall Center for Studies on Public Policy, the University of Arizona and the Natural Resources Center, the University of New Mexico School of Law. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, 1989.Planning for growth in the Southwest (with W.E. Martin). A statement by the NPA Joint Committee on Long-Range Land-Use Planning. vii. 40. p. ill. maps: 26 cm. Series title: NPA report: #215. Washington, DC: National Planning Association. 1985Management of Arid Lands: An Agenda for Arid Lands Research (with P. Rosenfeld, R. Nichols, and A. Gault). A report prepared under a grant from The National Science Foundation. RFF Discussion Paper D42, Washington, DC: Resources for the Future. 1979Toward a framework for evaluating the impact of procedural change upon policy: The case of the Kaiparowits environmental impact statement (with S.J. Ullery). Los Angeles: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, iv. 56. p. 28 cm. University of California. 1979Institutional fragmentation and policy innovation: The case of federal water pollution control (with S.J. Ullery and B.A. Wright). Project completion report. Tucson, AZ: Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona. i. 316. p. 28 cm. 1975An evaluation of Title III water resources planning grants to states (with M.D. Bradley and D.L. Ingersoll). Washington, DC: U.S. Water Resources Council. 159 p. maps: 28 cm. Prepared for the U.S. Water Resources Council by the Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona. 1973The National Water Commission report: A review (with D.J. Allee and T.G. Roefs). Tucson, AZ: Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona. 27 leaves: 28 cm. Series title: Institute series: No. 14 (University of Arizona, Institute of Government Research). 1973The Authorization and Appropriation Processes in Water Resources Development (with D.J. Allee). Report to the National Water Commission. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service (NTIS). 1972The New England River Basins Commission: A Case Study. Report to the National Water Commission. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service (NTIS). 1971Patterns of politics in water resource development: A case study of New Mexico’s role in the Colorado River Basin bill. [Albuquerque] Division of Govt. Research. University of New Mexico. 96 p. illus., map. 23 cm. Series titles: Publications of the Division of Govt. Research. No. 79. New Mexico University. Division of Government Research Publications. No. 79. 1969MonographsIngram, H. (with Martin, W.E.) (1985). Planning for growth in the Southwest. Monograph for National Planning Association. 215. Washington, DC: National Planning Association.Ingram, H. (with Corner, H.J.) (1975). The Arizona corporation commission and electrical energy policy. Monograph: An Institute of Government Research Publication. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press.Book ReviewsIngram, Helen: Book review of Groenfeldt, D. 2013. Water and ethics: A values approach solving the water crisis. Routledge. Water Alternatives 7(1): 270-272.Ingram, H. (2004). “Bringing society back in: Grassroots ecosystems management, accountability, and sustainable communities” (book review). Environment, 46(5).Ingram, H. (2003). “The land that could be: Environmentalism and democracy in the twenty-first century” (book review). The Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 20(1). Ingram, H. (with B. McDonald) (2002). “The troubled relationship of science to environmental policy: Some mew perspectives” (review essay). Natural Resources Journal, 42(3). Ingram, H. (2002). “Environmentalism unbound: Exploring new pathways of change” (book review). Environment and Behavior, 34 (5).Ingram, H. (2002). “Environmental restoration: Ethics, theory, and practice” (book review). Environment, 44(5). Ingram, H. (2002) “Environmentalism Unbound: Exploring New Pathways of Change” (book review). Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 45(2).Ingram, H. (2002). “Citizens, experts, and the environment: The politics of local knowledge” (book review). Environment, 44(2).Ingram, H. (2001). “Policy entrepreneurs and social choice” (book review). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 11(3).Ingram, H. (2001). “Domestic sources of international environmental policy: Industry, environmentalists, and U.S. power” (book review). Political Studies, 49(1).Other reviews and review essays in numerous publications including Natural Resources Journal, American Political Science Review, Technology Review, State Planning Issues, Arizona Waterline, Water Science, and Technology Newsletter. Environment, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. Other Publications“Climate Change as Environmental Mega Crisis: Domesticated Problems, Patchwork Solutions, Inadequate Incentives”(2009)with Joanna -Wada-Endter, Magazine nationale veiligheid en crisisbeheersing (magazine national security and crisis management). This will be a special issue, in Dutch as in English, September.“Research Agenda for Public Policy and Democracy,” Prepared for the Research Paper Series in Empirical Democratic Theory, Center for the Study Of Democracy University for California, Irvine, 2000. “Foreword.” (1991) In S. Cohen and S. Kamieniecki (Eds.) Environmental Regulation Through Strategic Planning. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. “How Book Reviewers Can Recognize a Classic When They See One.” (1990). PS: Political Science and Politics, 23(4), 576-579.“Does Anybody Win? The Community Consequences of Rural-to-Urban Water Transfers: An ArizonaPerspective” (with Cy R. Oggins). (1990). Udall Center Issue Paper #2. “How Atmospheric Research Changed the Political Climate” (with Carole Mintzer). (1990). Introduction to Udall Center Issue Paper #1, Global Climate Change: The Meeting of Science and Policy, pp.1-11.Fairfax, S.K. & Ingram, H. (Eds.) (1990). Public policy and natural resources. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico School of Law. p. 260-470: port.: 24 cm. Series title: Natural Resources Journal: 30 (2) 0028-0739, p. 259. [Most of these papers grew out of a panel discussion at the 1986 Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California.] “Introduction: Water Resources and Public Policy” (with R. Kenneth Godwin and Dean E. Mann). (1985). In Symposium: Water Resources and Public Policy, R. K.Godwin, H. M. Ingram, and D. E. Mann (Eds.), Policy Studies Review, 5(2), 349 –351. INVITED LECTURE AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSInvited PresentationsInstitutions and politics of the Colorado River. Lecture in the series, “Moving Waters: Colorado River and the West,” San Diego Public Library, April 6, 2002.State of Democracy Lecturer, Syracuse University, Maxwell School, Maxwell Auditorium, November 10, 2000.Public policy and democracy. Presentation to the Political Science Department. University of Washington. May 12, 2000.The policy analyst and the future of American democracy. Presentation to the Center for Public Policy and Administration, University of Massachusetts. Amherst. April 20, 2000.Participant and roundtable: Valuing public actions. American Society of Public Administration Conference San Diego, California. April 2, 2000.Panel Chair and Discussant: Applying and advancing the social construction framework. Western Political Science Association 2000 Annual Meeting. San Jose, California. March 26, 2000.“Changing Patterns of Political and Financial Accountability.” Theme Keynote Address at River Festival Brisbane, The Second International River Management Symposium. Brisbane, Australia, September 29 through October 2, 1999.Planning for Natural Disaster: Unsustainable Development of United States/Mexico Border. Rocky Mountain Research Station, December, 1998Panelist, American Political Science Association Workshop: New Frontiers in Environmental Research. Boston, Massachusetts, September 1, 1998.The 15th Kisiel Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the University of Arizona Department of Hydrology and Water Resources. “The Role of Science in Water Policy,” Tucson, Arizona, April 10, 1996.of Hydrology and Water Resources. “The Role of Science in Water Policy,” Tucson, Arizona, April 10, 1996.Selected Professional Papers Presented Since 1980“The Political Invasion of Science: How Policy Constructs Boundaries and Meanings” (with A. Schneider and B. McDonald). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 2002. “Lessons in Water Allocation: Roles for Government and Markets” (with C. Howe). Presented at conference on Allocating and Managing Water for a Sustainable Future: Lessons from Around the World, Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder Colorado, June 11-14, 2002.“Federal Organic Standards: Opportunity and Ordeal for the Organic Farming Movement” (with M. Ingram).Presented at conference on Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy, January 11-13, 2002. “Falling on Deaf Ears?: Science and Natural Resources Policy.” Presented at the Conference on Organizational Learning: Adaptive Management for Salmon Conservation, Bellevue Washington, December 2-4, 2001.“Coping with climate variability: Municipal water agencies in southern California” (with S. Rayner and D. Lach). Presented at the symposium on Climate, Water, and Transboundary Changes in the Americas, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 16-19, 2000. “The Pragmatic Policy Analyst” (with Anne L. Schneider). Presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Miami Florida, May 26, 2000.“Deliberately Planning for “Natural” Disaster: Unsustainable Development of the United States-Mexico Border.” Presented at the Ninth U.S./Mexico Border States Conference, Tucson, Arizona, June 4, 1998.“Institutions and Policies for Democracy” (with Steven Rathgeb Smith). Presented at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C., August 28-31, 1997.“Social Constructions of Knowledge: Scientific and Professional Policy Designs” (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, August 29-September 1, 1996."Bridging Borders: Empowering Grassroots Linkages" (with Robert G. Varady). Keynote address presented by Helen Ingram at "Bridging Borders: A Cross-Exchange," Puerto Pe?asco, Sonora, January 14, 1994. "Place Humanists at the Headgates." Keynote presentation at "Arizona's Environmental History," at "The Second Opening of the West: Ideas of Nature in Arizona," Prescott, Arizona, November 13, 1993."Water Management: The Colorado River Basin--A Case Study." Presented at the Environmental Grantmakers Association Fall Retreat, Rio Rico, Arizona, September 22, 1993."Rethinking Water 'Rights'." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Law Schools, San Francisco, California, January 5-9, 1993."How Have the Commissions Related to States and Provinces?" Presented for The North American Experience in Managing International River Systems Conference, Bellagio, Italy, December 7-11, 1992."The Universities, Democracy, and Public Policy" (with Robert G. Varady). Presented to The First Richard A. Harvill Conference on Higher Education, Tucson, Arizona, November 23, 1992."Politics, Trade and Water Policy: The U.S./Mexico Relationship." Presented as part of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences Lecture Series, "Borderlands From Frontier to Free Trade." Tucson, Arizona, May 6, 1992."The Sonoran Pimería Alta: Shared Environmental Problems and Challenges" (with Robert G. Varady). Presented at the conference "500 Years After the Meeting of Two Worlds--A Cultural Legacy in Pimería Alta." Nogales, Sonora, January 25, 1992."The Social Construction of Target Population: Implication for Citizenship and Democracy" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 27 - September 1, 1991."The U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission: Expanding State and Local Involvement; Ambos Nogales and The Need For Change" (with David R. White). Presented at the "Tri-National Conference on The North American Experience Managing International Transboundary Water Resources: The Boundary Commissions of Canada, the United States and Mexico." Gasparilla Island, Florida, April 19-23, 1991.“Scientists and Agenda Setting: Advocacy and Global Warming” (with H. B. Milward and Wendy Laird). Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland, October 24-26, 1991."Politics, Markets, and Society in Water Resources." Presented at the Nevada Humanities Conference "The Past and Future of Civilization in the Desert." Las Vegas, Nevada, November 7-8, 1990."The Choice of Target Populations: Electoral and Administrative Perspectives" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the annual conference of the American Political Science Association. Washington, D.C., August 30 - September 3, 1990."Water, The Community and Markets in The West" (with Cy R. Oggins). Presented at the conference Moving the West's Water To New Uses: Winners and Losers, Boulder, Colorado, June 1990."Scientists and Agenda Setting: Advocacy and Global Warming" (with H. Brinton Milward and Wendy Laird). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Newport Beach, California, March 23, 1990."The Trust Doctrine and Community Values in Water" (with Cy R. Oggins). Presented at the (AIDA)/International Association for Water Law III World Conference, Alicante, Spain, December 1989."Reviewing the Book Review" (with Penny Clark). Presented at the American Political Science Association Meeting, August 1989. "Target Populations and Policy Design" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1, 1989."Agenda Setting and Public Policy Related to Global Change" (with Marc Landy and Hanna Cortner). Presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, California, January 1989."Filling Empty Boxes: A Framework for Conceptualizing Policy Design" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, March 11, 1988."Implementation: A Review and Suggested Framework." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 36, 1987."Comparative Policy Modeling: A Methodology for Policy Design" (with Anne L. Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Dallas, Texas, March 1821, 1987."Protecting Transboundary Desert Resources." Presented at the Second International Desert Development Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 2531, 1987."State Government Officials Role in U.S./Mexico Transboundary Resource Issues." Presented at the Conference of Western Attorneys General, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 18, 1986."How Federalism Matters in Natural Resources Policy" (with Dorotha M. Bradley). Presented at the Workshop on Ocean Resources and Intergovernmental Relations in the 1980s, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, September 1213, 1985."A Comparative Analysis of Three Southwestern Indian Communities' Participation in Water Resources Decisionmaking" (with Stephen P. Mumme). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 29September 1, 1985."Empowerment and the Papago [Tohono O'odham] Tribe: Water Politics in Southern Arizona" (with Stephen P. Mumme). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,Washington, D.C., August 30September 2, 1984."Politics, Policy, and Rational Choice: A Critique and Proposal" (with Lawrence A. Scaff). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April 1984."Conservation and the Forces of Change" (with R. Kenneth Godwin). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 1983."Replacing Confusion with Equity: Alternatives for Water Policy in the Colorado River Basin" (with Lawrence A. Scaff and Leslie Silko). Presented at the Colorado River Working Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 23-26, 1983."Single Issues and Agenda Building" (with R. Kenneth Godwin). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, March 27-31, 1980.PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESMajor Appointments and Offices HeldMember, Independent Science Board, California Bay-Delta Authority 2003 –2007Member, Water Management Science Board, California Bay/Delta Authority, 2004-2007 Member, Water Management Science Board, California Bay/Delta Authority, 2004-2007 (science advisory committee for water supply aspects of the California Bay/Delta Authority)Member, Science Review Committee, Environmental Water Account, California Bay/Delta Authority 2001-2004Member, Advisory Board, The Border Ozone Reduction and Air Quality Improvement Program, LASPAU (Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas) at Harvard University 2003-present Member, International Advisory Board, International National Academy of Sciences, 2001- 2004Board of Directors, Utton Transboundary Resources Center, University of New Mexico School of Law, 2000 – present.Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of the University of California, Steering Committee Member, 1997-2002. Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of the University of California, MacArthur Faculty Fellow, 1997-1998.Member of Board of Directors and member of the executive committee LASPAU, Academic and Professional Program for the Americas, Affiliated with Harvard University. 1996 – 2002.Member, National Advisory Committee to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Cooperation, 1994-1997.Appointed one of four U.S. members to the National Research Council Binational Study of “The Use of The Mexico City Aquifer as a Water Supply Resource,” 1992-1995.Chair, Office of Technology Assessment Advisory Panel on “Systems at Risk from Climate Change,” 1992-1993.Chair, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 1992-1993.Member, The Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources; National Research Council, 1990-1993.Member, Committee of Climatic Variability and U.S. Water Resources, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 19861988.Treasurer, American Political Science Association, 19851987.President, Policy Studies Organization, 19851986.Member, Committee on GroundWater Protection, Water Science and Technology Board,National Academy of Sciences, 19841986.Founding member, Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, 1982-1985.President, Western Political Science Association, 1982.Consultant, United Nations University (UNV) Program on Natural Resources, Tokyo. Evaluated UNV programs on arid lands in Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, 1980.Other Offices and AppointmentsMember, Oregon State University Water Resources Program Review, June 25-30, 2004.Advisory Board, California SeaGrant Program, 2004 to present.Scientific Advisory Board, International Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics, 2001 – present.Reviewer, Human Dimensions of Global Change Research Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2000—2001.Executive Committee, UCMEXUS Border Water Project: Water and the Environment along the California /Mexico Border, funded by UC Office of the President, $128,000, 1996-1999.Member, American Political Science Association John Gaus Award Committee, 1996.Section Chair and Program Organizer, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 1993.Chair, Nominating Committee, Western Political Science Association, 1990-1991.Member, Executive Director Search Committee, American Political Science Association, 1987.Member, Executive Council, American Political Science Association, 19831985.Member, Administrative Committee, Executive Council, American Political Science Association, 1984.Program Chair and VicePresident, Western Political Science Association, 1981.Section Chair, Public Policy and Public Administration, Western Political Science Association, 1979.Section Chair, Public Policy, American Political Science Association, 1978.Professional ServiceChair, Wildavsky Book Award Committee, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 2001-2002.Member, External Review Committee, Environmental Studies Department, University of California at Santa Cruz, November, 1998 Member, Selection Committee for the regional program of the Ford/MacArthur Graduate Fellowships in the Social Sciences, 1992-1995.Chair, "Planning Meeting for Managing Water Resources and Water Quality Along the U.S.- Mexico Border," a special session organized by the Water Science and Technology Board of the National Research Council, Tucson, Arizona, September 27, 1993.Member, External Review Committee for the Claremont Graduate School, March 9-12, 1993.Member, External Review Committee for the College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley, January 14-16, 1992.Participant, International Workshop "Assessing Winners and Losers in the Context of Global Warming," Malta, June 15-28, 1990.Member, External Academic Review Team for the Department of Political Science, San Diego State University, April 2-4, 1990.Member, Board of Directors, Universities Council on Water Resources, Inc., 19851988.Member, American Association for Advancement of Science Exchange Delegation to China Association for Science and Technology, Urban Water Problems, August 14September 18, 1987, Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, Qingdao.Member, Mission to the Dominican Republic, Water Management Synthesis II Project, USAID, 1983.Member, Mission to Kenya, USAID grant to strengthen the capacity of the University of Arizona in arid lands, 1975.Public and Community ServiceKeynote speaker, Commencement address, School of Social Ecology, Irvine, CA, June, 1998.Keynote speaker, US/Mexico Border States Conference on Recreation, Parks and Wildlife, Tucson, Arizona, June 4, 1998.Presenter, Conference Hermosillo y el Agua: Infrastructura, Hidraulica, Servicios Urbanos y Desarrollo Sostenible, Hermosillo, Mexico, March 12-13, 1998.Presenter, UC MEXUS Legislative Briefing to the California Congressional Delegation and Staff, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1996.Advisor, Major Exhibition The Oakland Museum is organizing, entitled "Water in California," 1992.Member, Advisory Board, Mott grants to strengthen leadership in low income communities, Tucson Community Foundation, 1991-1992.Review and Editorial ActivitiesChair of Gladys Kammerer Award Committee, American Political Science Association, 1998-1999. Member, Editorial Board, Social Sciences Quarterly, 1996-2002.Member, Board of Contributing Editors, Environment, 1996-present.Book Review Editor, American Political Science Review, 1987-1991.University Service University of California, IrvineMember, Search Committee, Urban Water Resources Center, 2005.Chair, Johnson Endowed Chair in Civic Governance Search Committee, Department of Planning, Policy and Design, 2001-2002.Member, Advisory Committee, Newkirk Center for Science and Society, School of Social Ecology, 2001 - presentMember, Executive Committee, Center for the Study of Democracy, 2001 – presentMember, University of California, Irvine, Committee to review honors and distinguished professors, 2001 - presentMember, Executive Committee, Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, 1996 – present.Member, Executive Committee of Focused Research Group in International Environmental Cooperation 1996 – present.Member, Dean Selection Committee, School of Social Ecology, 1997-1998.Member, University of California Irvine Executive Vice Chancellor Search Committee, 1999Graduate Advisor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, 1997-99University of Arizona Member, Latin American Area Center Director Search Committee, 1995.Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1994-1995.Member, Arizona Board of Regents Implementation Task Force on the Commission on the Status of Women,1990-1991.Member, Search Committee for the University of Arizona President, 1990-1991.Member, Arizona Board of Regents Commission on the Status of Women, 1989-1991.Chair and Member, Faculty Achievement Award Committee, 1986-1987.Member, Committee for Selection of Dean of Agriculture, 19861987.Member, Executive Committee, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19851987.RESEARCH GRANTS (1980 – Present)2004 – 2008Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine. Planning grant on inclusive management practices, with Martha Feldman (UCI, Planning, Policy, and Design). ($2,500)2004 –2008National Institutes for Water Resources and U.S. Geological Survey, “Institutional Re-arrangements: forging “smart use” water policy coalitions at the intersection of geo-technical engineering with urban open space.” ($70,767)2004 – 2008Newkirk Center for Science and Society, University of California, Irvine, “Science and Adaptive Management in the CalFed program.” ($15,000)2000 – 2001Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine, “Social Movements, Public Policy and Democracy,” with Valerie Jenness (UCI, Criminology, Law and Society) and David Meyer (UCI, Sociology).1998 – 1999Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies Grant for Conference on the 3rd Generation of Environmental Law,” with Joseph DiMento (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), Richard Matthew (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), and John Whitely (UCI, Environmental Analysis and Design).1998 – 1999National Science Foundation, “3rd Generation of Environmental Law,” with Joseph DiMento (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), Richard Matthew (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), and John Whitely (UCI, Environmental Analysis and Design). 1998 – 1999National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration Grant, “Deliberations of Water Management Institutions” with Steve Rayner (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Denise Lach (Oregon State University), Mark Houk (George Mason University). ($31,761)1997 – 1998Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation Faculty Research Grant, “Faculty Research on Regional Environmental Cooperation. Testing Models Against Experience in Transboundary Water Resources Management.” ($20,500)1997 – 1998Global Peace and Conflict Studies Faculty Research Grant. ($9,878)1996 – 1999Ford Foundation and Hewlitt Foundation. "Joining Knowledge and Action: Resolving U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Environmental Problems" with Robert Varady and Albert Utton. ($200,000)1996 – 1999Ford Foundation. "Toward a Bioregional, Transboundary Sense of Place: Linking Cultural Diversity with Biodiversity in the Arid U.S.-Mexico Borderlands" with Nancy Laney, Gary Nabhan, and W. David Laird. ($125,000)1994 – 1997Ford Foundation. "Fortifying Transnational Linkages Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: Information-sharing and Environmental Policy" with Robert Varady. ($300,000)1994 – 1996Mott Foundation. "Democratic Institutions, BECC (Border Environment Cooperation Commission), and Environmental Sustainability in the (U.S.-Mexico) Border Region" with Robert Varady. ($185,000)1993Tides Foundation "777 Fund." "Water and the San Xavier District of the Tohono O'odham Nation" with Robert Varady and Carolyn Brickey. ($10,000)1993Ford Foundation/Mexico City. "Inventando Las Fronteras/Inventing the Borderlands" Conference with Margaret Wilder (Assistant Dean, UA Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences), Robert Varady (Associate Director, Udall Center), and Joseph Wilder (Director, UA Southwest Center). ($31,000)1992 – 1995Ford Foundation. The U.S.-Mexico Border Area--A Region Under Stress Coordinating Conference with Robert Varady. ($116,469)1992 – 1994Ford Foundation. Beyond the Udall Center's Ambos Nogales Project: A Handbook on Strategies and Problem-Solving Techniques for the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment with Robert Varady. ($110,100)1989 – 1990Ford Foundation. "U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Water Resources Management," with Robert Varady (Associate Director, Udall Center), Simon Ince (UA Professor, Civil Engineering), Nancy Laney (UA Attorney's Office), Dick Kamp (Project Director, Border Ecology Project), and Roberto Sánchez (Director, Department of Environmental Science, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico). ($125,000)1989 – 1990Arizona Humanities Council. "The Ordeal of U.S. Citizenship: Mexican Migration, Enduring Values, and New Policies," with Judy Lensink (Acting Associate Director, Udall Center). ($7,000)1985 –1987Ford Foundation. To develop a planning study to improve the use of the Salt River PimaMaricopa Indian Community's land and water resources with Roger Fox (UA Department of Agricultural Economics) and Thomas McGuire (UA Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology). ($119,250)1984National Water Well Association. To prepare a handbook on institutional factors affecting groundwater pollution policy, with Mary Doyle (UA College of Law) and Thomas Maddock, III (UA Department of Hydrology). ($102,000)1982 – 1986Ford Foundation, through John Muir Institute for Environmental Studies. To study water reallocation and rural, low income people with interdisciplinary team. ($630,000)1980 – 1981U.S. Water Resources Council, through the John Muir Institution for Environmental Studies. To develop guidelines for improved institutional analysis of water resource problems with Dean Mann and Gary Weatherford. ($19,000)Curriculum VitaeUpdated 2015HELEN INGRAMProfessor Emeritus, University of California at Irvine4749 East San Francisco Blvd.Tucson, Arizona 85712Cell phone: 949 836 8244; Home phone: 520 327 1845.EDUCATIONPh.D.Public Law and Government, Columbia University, 1967. B.ernment, Oberlin College, 1959.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Emeritus, UC Irvine; continuing appointment in the Department of Planning, Policy and Design, School of Social Ecology, University of California at Irvine. 1995 – 2007Warmington Endowed Chair, University of California at Irvine. Joint appointments with the Departments of Planning, Policy and Design and Criminology, Law and Society in the School of Social Ecology, and the Department of Political Science in the School of Social Sciences.1988 – 1996Director, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona.1979 – 1996Full Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Arizona.Joint appointments with School of Public Administration and Policy, Hydrology and Water Resources, and College of Law.1977 – 1979Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. (on leave from the University of Arizona).1974 – 1977 Director, Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona.1972 – 1977 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Arizona.1972 – 1974 Associate Director, Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona.1969 – 1972Staff Political Scientist/Consultant, National Water Commission, Washington, D.C.1962 – 1969Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of New MexicoMAJOR FIELDS OF INTERESTPublic Policy, Science and Society, Environmental Policy, Transboundary Environmental Policy, Water Resources Policy.HONORS, AWARDS, AND MAJOR OFFICES AND PRESENTATIONSRecipient, Elinor Ostrom Career Achievement Award, Science, Technology & Environmental Politics Section, American Political Science Association in San Francisco Ca., September 4, 2015 Keynote Speaker: “Public Policy and Democracy: The Elephant in the Corner.” 2nd International Conference on Public Policy, Milan, July 2, 2015Authors Meet Critics Panel on The Power of Narratives in Environmental Networks, American Association of Geographers, April 8, 2014.Member of the Executive Committee, Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy, University of California.Keynote Address, Special Session XIVth IWRA World Water Conference. September 25-29, 2011. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil.Aaron Wildavsky Award for Enduring Contributions for “Policy Design for Democracy” Public Policy Section of the American Political Science Association, and Policy Studies Organization 2008Chair, Panel on Design Issues for the NOAA Sector Applications Research Program, National Academy of Sciences, 2007Chair, writing committee, Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) 5.3 Product - "Decision Support Experiments and Evaluations using Seasonal to Interannual Forecasts and Observational Data."?2005-2009 Mentor Award, 2007, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association.“Water Sustainability: Policy Innovation and Conditions for Adaptive Learning.” Presentation at the Sustainable Michigan Environmental Program Academy, Dearborn, Michigan, November 18-19, 2005.Member, Board of Electors, James Martin Professorship of Technology and Social Change, Oxford University, 2005.“The Importance of Institutions and Policy in Resolving Global and Regional Water Scarcity.” Presentation at the Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of Sciences, The Role of Science in Solving the Earth’s Emerging Water Problems, Beckman Center of the National Academies, Irvine, California, October 8-10, 2004.Member, Executive Committee, Rosenberg International Forum of Water Policy, and attendee at Fourth Biennial Conference: Lessons in the Management of Transboundary River Basin, September 4-8, 2004.Member, Spain-USA Interacademy Workshop on Water: Opportunities for Collaboration in Research and Education for the Development of a Common Research Agenda. Mallorca, November 20-23, 2003.Keynote Presentation to the Moving Waters Culminating Conference, “A New Discourse for Water Policy.” North Arizona University, September 27, 2002.Address to the Plenary Session of the annual meeting, Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, “Science and Environmental Policy.” Irvine, California, June 19, 2001.Professor Emeritus, University of Arizona.Distinguished Research Associate, Southwest Center, University of Arizona.“Friends of UCOWR” Certificate of Appreciation for vision and leadership in the advancement of water resources education and research, presented by the Board of Directors of Universities Council on Water Resources, 1998.The Aaron Wildavsky Book Award for one of the best policy studies books published since 1975, presented by the Policy Studies Organization, December, 1997.The Thomas R. Dye Service Award, presented by the Policy Studies Organization, December 1997.U.S. recipient of “Frontera” International Excellence Award, Fundación Margarita Miranda de Mascare?as, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, 1995.Harold Laswell Award in recognition of being an outstanding scholar contributing to the understanding of substance and process of public policy, Policy Studies Organization, 1995.The Abel Wolman Distinguished Lecture, sponsored by the Water Science and Technology Board of the National Research Council. “Transnational Water Resources Management: Learning from the U.S.-Mexico Example,” Washington, D.C., November 8, 1993.American Political Science Association National Women’s Caucus, Political Science Honor Roll, Mentors of Distinction, 1991. Wayne S. Nichols Memorial Fund Lecturer, Ohio State University, 1989.Ida Beam Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Iowa, 1987.Iko Iben Award in recognition of promotion, understanding and communication between disciplines involving water resources, American Water Resources Association, 1987.Book Award, Saving Water in a Desert City, Western Agricultural Economics Association, 1985.Alumni Association Faculty Achievement Award, University of Arizona, 1985.Travel Study Award, Ford Foundation, 1977.W. R. Boggess Award, American Water Resources Association, for the most outstanding article published in the Water Resources Bulletin, 1972.PUBLICATIONS—Selected ListingBooksLejano, Raul P., Mrill Ingram and Helen Ingram. 2013. The Power of Narratives in Environmental Networks. Cambridge: MIT Press.Garrido, Alberto, and Helen Ingram. 2011.Water for Food in a Changing World. Oxford: Taylor and Francis Books: Routledge.Whiteley, John M., Helen Ingram, and Richard Perry. 2008. Water, Place and Equity. Cambridge, MIT Press.Meyer, David S., Valerie Jenness and Helen Ingram. 2005. Routing the Opposition: Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 2005. Deserving and Entitled: Social Constructions and Public Policy. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Blatter, Joachim, and Helen Ingram. 2001. Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation. MIT Press.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1997. Policy design for democracy. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.Ingram, Helen, Nancy Laney, and David Gillilan.1995. Divided Waters: Bridging the US-Mexico Border. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.Ingram, Helen, and Steven R. Smith. 1993. Public Policy for Democracy. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. [1996; Repr. Information Agency, New Delhi, India,]Ingram, Helen. 1990. Water Politics: Continuity and Change. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. [1969; repr. The patterns of politics on water resources: The case of New Mexico’s role in the Colorado River Basin bill. (Institute of Government Research) Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.]Brown, F. Lee, and Helen Ingram. 1987. Water and Poverty in the Southwest. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.Ingram, Helen and R. K. Godwin. (Eds.) 1985. Public Policy and the Natural Environment (Vol. 4). In series: Public Policy studies: A Multi-Volume Treatise edited by Nagel, S. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Martin William E., Helen Ingram, Nancy K. Laney, and Adrian H. Griffin. 1984. Saving Water in a Desert City. (For Resources for the Future) Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.Ingram, Helen, Laney Nancy, and John McCain. 1980. A Policy Approach to Political Representation: Lessons from the Four Corners States. (For Resources for the Future). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.Ingram, Helen and Dean Mann. 1980. Why Policies Succeed or Fail (Vol. 8). In series: Sage Yearbooks in Politics and Public Policy. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.Journal ArticlesIngram, Mrill, Helen Ingram, and Raul Lejano. 2014. “What’s The Story? Creating and Sustaining Environmental Networks.” Environmental Politics 01/2014, DOI, 10.1080/09644016.2014.919717.Brugnach, M. F., and Helen Ingram. 2012. “Ambiguity: the challenge of knowing and deciding together.” Environmental Science & Policy 15(January): 60–71.Lejano, Raul P., and Helen Ingram. 2012. “Modeling the commons as a game with vector payoffs.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 24 (1) 66–89. Laird-Benner, Wendy, and Helen Ingram. 2010. “Desert Network Weavers: Surprising Environmental Successes on the U. S. /Mexico Border.” Environment Magazine 53 (1):7-16Clarke, Jeanne N., and Helen Ingram. 2010. “A Founder: Aaron Wildavsky and the Study of Public Policy.” Policy Studies Journal 38(3): 565-579.Feldman, David, and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Making science useful to decision makers: climate forecasts, water management and knowledge networks.” Weather, Climate and Society 1(1): 9-13.Feldman, David L., and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Multiple ways of knowing water resources: Enhancing the Status of Water Ethics.” Santa Clara Journal of International Law 7(1):1-20.Lejano, Raul P., and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Collaborative networks and new ways of knowing.” Environmental Science and Policy 12(6): 644-652.Lejano Raul P., and Helen Ingram. 2007. “Place-Based Conservations: Lessons from the Turtle Islands.”Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 49(9): 18-27.Ingram, Helen. 2006. “Water as a Multi-Dimensional Value: Implications for Participation and Transparency.” International Environmental Agreements, 6(4): 429-433.Feldman, Martha S., Anne M. Khadamian, Helen Ingram, and Anne S. Schneider. 2006. “Ways of Knowing and Inclusive Management Practices.” Public Administration Review 66(s1, November):89-99. Lach, Denise H., Helen Ingram, and Steve Rayner. 2006.?“Maintaining the Status Quo: How Institutional Norms and Practices Create Conservative Water Organizations.”?Texas Law Review 83(7): 2027-2053.Schneider, Anne L., and Helen Ingram. 2005. “A Response to Peter deLeon.” Public Administration Review 65(5): 638-640. Dimento, Joseph, Helen Ingram. 2005. “Science and Environmental Decision Making: The Potential Role of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Pursuit of Appropriate Information.” Natural Resources Journal 45(2): 283-309. Rayner, Steve, Denise Lach, and Helen Ingram. 2005. “Weather Forecasts are for Wimps: Why Water Resource Managers Do Not Use Climate Forecasts.” Climatic Change 69(2): 197-227.Lach, Denise H., Steve Rayner, and Helen Ingram. 2005. “Taming the waters: Strategies to domesticate the wicked problems of water resource management.” International Journal of Water 3(1): 1-17. Garcia-Acevedo, Maria, and Helen Ingram. 2004. “Conflict in the borderlands.” NACLA Report on the Americas 38(1): 19-24.Ingram, Helen, Anne Schneider, and Bryan Mcdonald. 2004. “The Political Invasion of Science: How Policy Constructs Boundaries and Meanings.” Italian Review of Public Policy 2: 5-28.Bloomquist, William and Helen Ingram. 2003. “Boundaries Seen and Unseen: Resolving Transboundary Groundwater Problems.” Water International 28(2): 162-169.Ingram, Helen, and Bryan McDonald. 2002. “The Precautionary Principle, science wars, and the EarthSummit.” Politics and the Life Sciences [symposium on the legacy of 1992 Earth Summit] 21(2):56-60.Smith, Steven R., and Helen Ingram. 2002. “Rethinking policy analysis: Citizens, Community, and the Restructuring of Public Services.” The Good Society, [symposium on policy analysis for the Good Society] 11(1): 55-60.DiMento, Joseph, Helen Ingram, Richard Matthew, and John Whiteley. 2001. “A Symposium on International Environmental Law: Introduction and Context.” UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 19(1): 1-10.Blatter, Joachim, and Helen Ingram. 2000. “States, Markets, and Beyond: Governance of Transboundary Water Resources.” Natural Resources Journal 40(2): 439-473.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 2000. “Reason and Rationality in Water Politics.” Water Resources Update [Special issue] 116: 50-53.Ingram, Helen. 2000. “Transboundary Groundwater on the U.S. – Mexico border: Is the Glass Half Full, Half Empty, or Even on the Table?” Natural Resources Journal 40(2): 185-188. Ingram, Helen. 1999. “Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Coping with Future Scarcity.” [Comments for a conference on water scarcity in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo drainage basin held in Cuernavaca-Moreles, Mexico. November 10, 1997.] Natural Resources Journal, 39(1): 179-188.Ingram, Helen and Anne Schneider. 1998. “Science, Democracy, and Water Policy.” Water Resources Update 113: 21-28.Smith, Steven R. and Helen Ingram. 1998. “Institutions and Policies for Democracy: A Discussion Paper and Comments.” Policy Currents 8(1): 1-13.Lieberman, Robert C., Helen Ingram, and Anne Schneider. 1995. “Social construction (continued): A response to Robert Lieberman.” American Political Science Review 89 (2): 437-446.Varady, R. G., Helen Ingram, and L. Milich. (with Milich, L. and Varady, R.G.) 1995. “The Sonoran Pimería Alta: Shared environmental Problems and Challenges.” Journal of Southwest 37 (1): 102-122.Ingram, Helen, Lenard Milich, and Robert G. Varady. 1994. “ Managing Transboundary Resources: Lessons from Ambos Nogales.” Environment Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 36 (4): 6-9, 28-38.Ingram, Helen, D. R. White. 2008. “International Boundary and Water Commission: An institutional mismatch for resolving transboundary water problems.” Natural Resources Journal 33(1), 153-175.Schneider, Anne and Helen Ingram. 1993. “The social construction of target populations: Implication for politics and policy.” The American Political Science Review 87(2): 334-347.Ingram, H. 1992. “Politics, Markets, Society, and Water Resources.” Halcyon 14: 57-72.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1991. “The choice of target populations.” Administration and Society 23(3): 333-356.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1990. “Behavioral Assumptions of Policy Tools.” Journal of Politics 52(2), 510-529.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1990. “Improving Implementation Through Framing Smarter Statutes” Journal of Public Policy 10(1): 67-88.Fairfax, A. K. and Helen Ingram. (with Fairfax, A.K.) 1990. “No Theory, No Apology: A Brief Comment on the State of the Art in Natural Resources.” Natural Resources Journal 30(2): 259-262.Ingram, Helen, and Penny B. Mills. 1989. “Reviewing the Book Reviews.” Political Science & Politics, 22 (3): 627-636.Schneider, Anne, and Ingram, Helen. 1988. “Systematically Pinching Ideas: A Comparative Approach to Policy Design.” Journal of Public Policy 8(1): 61-80.Gottlieb, Robert, and Helen Ingram. 1988. “The new environmentalists.” The Progressive 52(8): 14-15. Nunn, Susan C., and Helen Ingram. 1988. “Information, The decision forum and third party effects in water transfers.” Water Resources Research 24(4): 473-480.Ingram, Helen and S. Fiederlein. 1988. “State government officials’ role in U.S.-Mexico transboundary resource issues.” Natural Resources Journal 28(3): 431-449.Ingram, Helen, and Suzanne Fiederlein. 1988. “Traversing boundaries: A public policy approach to the analysis of foreign policy.” Western Political Quarterly 41(4): 725-745.Brown, Lee F. and Helen Ingram. 1987. “The community value of water: Implications for the rural poor in the Southwest.” Journal of the Southwest 29(2): 179-202.Scaff, L.A., and Helen Ingram. 1987. “Politics, Policy, and Public Choice: A Critique and a Proposal.” Policy 19 (4): 613-636.Bradley, Dorotha, and Helen Ingram. 1986. “Science vs. the grass roots: Representation in the Bureau of Land Management.” Natural Resources Journal 21(3) 493-518.Mumme, Stephen P., Helen Ingram. 1985. “Community Values in Southwest Water Management. [In Symposium edited by R. K. Godwin ,H. Ingram. and. D.E. Mann] Water resources and public policy. Policy Studies Review, 5(2): 365-381.Ingram, Helen, Dean E. Mann, Gary D. Weatherford, and Hanna J. Cortner. 1984. “Guidelines for Improved Institutional Analysis in Water Resources Planning.” Water Resources Research 20(3): 323-334.Weschler, L., and Helen Ingram. 1982. “Arizona groundwater reform: The Forces of Change.” The Southwestern Review of Management and Economics 2(3): 13-21.Martin, William E., Helen Ingram, and Nancy K. Laney. 1982. “A willingness to play: Analysis of water resources development.” Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 7(1): 133-139.Ingram, Helen. 1981. “The legislators’ dilemma: Responding to voters’ preferences on energy and environmental issues.” The Southwestern Review of Management and Economics 1(1): 131-146.Schooler, Dean, and Helen Ingram. 1981. “Water resource development.” Review of Policy Research, 1(2): 243-254.Ingram, Helen, and Scott Ullery. 1980. “Policy innovation and institutional fragmentation.” Policy Studies Journal 8(5): 664-682.DuMars, Charles, and Helen Ingram. 1980. “Congressional quantification of Indian reserved water rights: A definitive solution or a mirage?” Natural Resources Journal 20(1): 17-43. Ingram, Helen, N. Laney, and John R. McCain. 1979. “Water Scarcity and the Politics of Plenty in the Four Corners States.” The Western Political Quarterly 32(3): 298-306.Ingram, Helen and John. R. McCain. 1978. “Distributive Politics Reconsidered: The Wisdom of the Western Water Ethic in the Contemporary Energy Context.” Policy Studies Journal 7(1), 48-59. [1979; Repr. In New Dimensions to Energy Policy, edited by Robert Lawrence. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.]Ingram, Helen, Nancy Laney, and John McCain. 1979. “Managing a Limited Resource: The Political Constraints on Water Policy in the Four-Corners States.” Utah Law Review 1979(4): 719-745.Ingram, Helen. 1978. “Future Policy Directions: Challenges for the States.” [An issue devoted to Energy and the Environment, James L. Regens] American Behavioral Scientist 22(2): 311-320.Ingram, Helen. 1977. “Policy implementation through bargaining: The case of Federal grants-in-aid. Public Policy 25(4): 499-526.Ingram, Helen, and J.R. McCain. 1977.” Federal Water Resources Management: The Administrative Setting.” Public Administration Review 37(5): 448-455.Dreyfus, Daniel A., Helen Ingram. 1976. “The National Environmental Policy Act: A view of intent and practice.” Natural Resources Journal 16(2): 243-262. [1985; Repr. “Enclosing the environment: NEPA’s transformation of conservation into environmentalism.” In Natural Resources Journal. edited by C. Kury.]Ingram, Helen, Theodore G. Roefs, and David J. Allee. 1975. “The National Water Commission Report: A review.” Water Resources Research 11(2): 23-29.Ingram, Helen. 1973. “Information Channels and Environmental Decision Making.” Natural Resources Journal 13(1): 169. [1980; Repr. In Special librarianship: A new reader. Eugene B. Jackson. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.]Ingram, Helen. 1973. “The Political Economy of Regional Water Institutions.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(1): 10-18.Ingram, Helen. 1972. “The changing decision rules in the politics of water development.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 8(6): 1177-1188.Ingram, H. 1971. “Patterns of Politics in Water Resource Development.” Natural Resources Journal 291-307. [1975; Repr. In Selected Works in Water Resources Asit K. Biswas. Champaign, IL: The International Water Resources Association.] Ingram, Helen. 1969-70. “A Question of Representation: The Impact of Urban Congressmen Upon Housing legislation.” Journal of Urban Law--University of Detroit 47(1): 85-111.Ingram, Helen. 1969. “The Impact of Constituency on the Process of Legislating.” The Western Political Quarterly 22(2): 265-279.Book ChaptersSchneider, A. L, H. Ingram & P. deLeon (2013) Democratic Policy Design: Social Construction of Target Populations in P. Sabatier and C.M. Weible (eds) Theories of the Policy Process. Boulder: Westview Press pp.105-149.Endter-Wada, Joanna, and Helen Ingram. 2012. “Global Climate Change as Environmental Mega Crisis.” In Megacrises: Understanding the Prospects, Nature, Characteristics and Effects of Cataclysmic Events, edited by Ira Helsloot, Arjen Boin, Brian Jacobs, and Louise Comfort, 300-318. Springfield, Ill, USA: C.C. Thomas.Brugnach, Marcela, and Helen Ingram. 2011. “Rethinking the Role of Humans in Water Management: Toward a New Model of Decision-Making. In Water, Cultural Diversity and Environmental Change: Emerging Trends, Sustainable futures? Edited by B. Rose Johnston, 49-64. Springer, Netherlands. Ingram, Helen. 2011. “Beyond Universal Remedies for Good Water Governance: A Political and Contextual Approach” In Water for Food in an Changing World edited by Alberto Garrido, and Helen Ingram, Oxford and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Books.Lejano, Raul, and Helen Ingram. 2009. “Transcending Multiple Ways of Knowing Water Resources in the United States.” In Water Policy Entrepreneurs: A Research Companion to Water Transitions Around the Globe, edited by D. Huitema, and S. Meijerink, 61-78. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Fairfax, Sally K., Helen Ingram, and Leigh Raymond. 2009. “Historical Evolution and Future of Natural Resources Law and Policy.” In Natural Resources Law and Policy, edited by Lawrence J. MacDonnell and Sarah F. Bates, 3-28. Boulder, Colorado: American Bar Association. Ingram, Helen, John M. Whiteley, and Richard Perry. 2008. “The Importance of Equity and the Limits of Efficiency in Water Resources.” In Water, Place and Equity, edited by John Whiteley, Helen Ingram and Richard Perry, Cambridge: MIT Press.Ingram, Helen, David Feldman, and John Whiteley . 2008. “Water and Equity, in a Changing Climate.” In Water, Place and Equity, edited by J. Whiteley, H. Ingram, and R. Perry, Cambridge: MIT Press. Ingram, Helen, Anne Schneider, and Peter DeLeon. 2007. “Social Constructions and Policy Design.” In Theories of the policy process, edited by P. Sabatier, 1-34. Boulder: Westview Press. Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 2006. “Policy Analysis for Democracy.” In Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, edited by M. Rein, M. Moran and R. Goodin, 169-190. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.Schneider, Anne, and Ingram. 2008. “Public Policy and Democratic Citizenship: What Kinds of Citizenship does Policy Promote?” In Handbook of Public Policy Analysis, edited by F. Fischer, G. Miller and M. Sidney, New York: Marcel Dekker.Ingram, Helen, and L. Fraser. 2006. “Path Dependency and a Droit Innovation: The Case of California Water.” In Punctuated Equilibrium and the Dynamics of U.S. Environmental Policy, edited by R. Repetto, 78-109. New Haven: Yale University Press.Lach, Denise, Helen Ingram, and Steve Rayner. 2006. “You Never Miss the Water till the Well Runs Dry: Crisis and Creativity in California.” In Clumsy solutions for a complex world , edited by M. Verweij and M. Thompson, New York: Palgrave Press.Howe, Charles C., Helen Ingram. 2005. “Roles for the Public and Private Sectors in Water Allocation: Lessons from Around the World. In In Search of Sustainable Water Management: International Lessons for the American West and Beyond, edited by D. Kenney, 49-64. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.Ingram, Mrill, and Helen Ingram. 2005. “Creating Credible Edibles: The Alternative Agriculture Movement and Passage of U.S. Federal Organic Standards.” In Routing the Opposition: Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy edited by D. Meyer, V. Jenness and H. Ingram, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.Ingram, Helen. 2005. “Public Policy and the Social Construction of Deservedness.” In Deserving and entitled: Social constructions and public policy, edited by Helen Ingram and Anne Schneider. 1-34. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 2004. “Policy Design. In Encyclopedia of public administration and public policy edited by J. Rabin, New York: Marcel Dekker. Schneider, Anne, Helen Ingram, and D. Palumbo. 2003. “Theories of Policy-Making. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Government and Politics, Second Edition edited by M. Hawkesworth and M. Kogan, Oxford, UK: Routledge Books.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 2003. “The Pragmatic Policy Analyst.” In Renascent Pragmatism: Studies in Law and Social Science edited by A. Morales, London: Ashgate Press. Levesque, Susan, and Helen Ingram. 2002. “Lessons in Transboundary Resource Management from Ambos Nogales. In Both Sides of the Border: Transboundary Environmental Management Issues Facing Mexico and the US, edited by L. Fernandez and R. Carson, 161-182. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Smith, Steven R., and Helen Ingram. 2002. “Policy Tools and Democracy.” In The New Governance: A Public Management Handbook for the Era of Third-Party Government, edited by L. Solomon, 565-584. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Lach, Denise, Helen Ingram, and Steve Rayner. 2002. “Coping with Climate Variability: Municipal Water Agencies in Southern California.” In Climate, Water and Transboundary Challenges in the Americas, edited by H. Diaz and B. Morehouse, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.Ingram, Helen. 2001. “Water and the Globalizing Economy: The Coming Crisis. In Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities, edited by U. Rosenthal, R.A. Boin, and L. Confort, Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.Blatter, Joachim, Helen Ingram, and Pamela Doughman. 2001. “Emerging Approaches to Comprehend Changing Global Contexts.” In Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation, edited by H. Ingram and J. Blatter, Cambridge: MIT Press.Blatter Joachim, Helen Ingram, and Susan L. Levasque. 2001. “Expanding Perspectives on Transboundary Water. In Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation, edited by H. Ingram and J. Blatter, Cambridge: MIT Press.Perry, Richard, Joachim Blatter, and Helen Ingram. 2001. “Lessons from the Spaces of Unbound Water for Research and Governance in a Globalized World.” In Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation, edited by H. Ingram and J. Blatter, Cambridge: MIT Press.Dimento, Joseph, Helen Ingram, Richard Matthew, and John Whiteley. 2001. “Implementations of the NAFTA Institutions – the Record and the Potential.” In The Protection of the Environment in a Context of Regional Economic Integration, edited by T. Scovazzi, Milan: Giuffrè Editore.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1999. “‘Good’ Public Policy: A Policy Design and Social Construction Perspective.” In Current Public Policy Issues, edited by R.Y. Carter and K.V. Thai, Boca Raton, FL: PrAcademics Press.Ingram, Helen. 1998. “El abastecimiento de agua en las ciudades del desierto: Conflictos entre la sustentabilidad del medio ambiente, los valores de la comunidad y los imperativos económicos.” In Hermosillo y el agua, edited by N. Pineda Pablos, Hermosillo. Sonora, Mexico: El Colegion De Sonora.Ingram, Helen, and F. Lee Brown. 1998. “Commodity and Community Water Values. Experiences from the U.S. Southwest.” In Searching for Equity: Conceptions of Justice and Equity in Peasant Irrigation, edited by R. Boelens and G. Davila, (in Spanish and English). Assen, The Netherland: Van Gorcum.Ingram, Helen. 1997. “Place Humanists at the Headgate.” In Reopening the American west: Environment and Culture in the Western Past and Present, edited by H.K. Rothman, Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.Ingram, Helen, and Mary Wallace. 1997. “An Empire of Liberty: Thomas Jefferson and Governing Natural Resources in the West.” In Thomas Jefferson and the changing west, edited by I.H. Ronda, 93-108. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.Ingram, Helen, Dean Mann, and D. Colnic. 1995. “Interest Groups and Environmental Policy.” In Environmental Politics and Policy: Theories and Evidence, edited by J. Lester, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1994. “Social Constructions and Policy Design: Implications for Public Administration.” In Research and Public Administration. (Vol. 3). edited by J. Perry, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc.Smith, Steven R., and Helen Ingram. 1993. “Public Policy and Democracy.” In Public Policy for Democracy, edited by H. Ingram and S.R. Smith, 1-19. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.Ingram, Helen, and Anne Schneider. 1993. “Constructing Citizenship: The Subtle Messages of Policy Design.” In Public Policy for Democracy, edited by H. Ingram and S.R. Smith, 68-99. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.Ingram, Helen, Brinton Milward, and Wendy Laird. 1992. “Scientists and Agenda Setting: Advocacy and Global Warming.” In Risk and Society: The Interaction of Science, Technology and Public Policy, edited by M. Waterstone , 33-53. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.Ingram, Helen. 1991. “The Law and Politics of the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam.” In Symposium proceedings on: Colorado River Ecology and Dam Management (Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources), For National Research council and National Academy of Science. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.Ingram, Helen. 1991. “Protecting Transboundary Desert Resources.” In Desert Development Part 2: Socio-Economic Aspects and Renewable Energy Applications. edited by A. Bishay and H. Dregne, n.p. Ingram, Helen. 1990. “Public Involvement in Water Resources Decision-Making in a Climate of Uncertainty.” In Proceedings of a Colloquium: Managing Water Resources in the West Under Conditions of Climate Uncertainty. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.Ingram, Helen, Hanna Cortner, and Mark Landy. 1990. “The Political Agenda.” In Climate change, and U.S. water resources, edited by P. Waggoner, New York: John Wiley and Sons.Schneider, Anne, and Helen Ingram. 1990. “Policy Design: Elements, Premises, and Strategies.” In Policy Theory and Policy Evaluation, Concepts, Knowledge, Causes, and Norms, edited by S.S. Nagel, New York: Greenwood Press.Mann, D., and Helen Ingram, 1989. “Conflict Resolution in a Global Environment.” In Annual Review of Conflict Knowledge and Conflict Resolution. Vol. I., edited by J. Gittler, New York: Garland.Ingram, Helen. 1989. “Implementation: A Review and Suggested Framework.” In Public Administration: The State of the Discipline, edited by N.B. Lynn and A. Wildavsky, 462-482. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House. Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1989. “Interest Groups and Environmental Policy.” In Environmental Politics and Policy: Theories and Evidence, edited by J.P. Lester, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.Scaff, Lawrence A., and Helen Ingram. 1989. “The Influence of Theory on What We See.” In Politics and Public Policy: The Politics of Program Evaluation, Vol. 15, edited by D.J. Palumbo, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.Gottlieb, Robert and Helen Ingram. 1988. “Which Way Environmentalism: Toward a New Democratic Movement.” In Winning America: Ideas and Leadership for the 1990s, edited by M. Raskin and C. Hartman, Boston: South End Press.Martin, William E., Helen Ingram, Dennis Cory, and Mary Wallace. 1988. “Toward Sustaining a Desert Metropolis: Water and Land use in Tucson, Arizona.” In Water and the Arid Lands of the Western United States, edited by M. T El-Ashry and D.C. Gibbons, London: Cambridge University Press.Bradley, Dorotha, and Helen Ingram. 1986. “How Federalism Matters in Natural Resources Policy.” In Ocean Resources and U.S. Intergovernmental Relations in the 1980s: Westview Special Studies in Ocean Science and Policy, edited by M. Silva, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Ingram, Helen, Lawrence Scaff and Leslie Silko. 1986. “Replacing Confusion with Equity: Alternatives for Water Policy in the Colorado River Basin.” In New Courses for the Colorado River: Major Issues of the Next Century, edited by G.D. Weatherford and F.L. Brown, 177-199. Albuquerque, NM: The University of New Mexico Press. [1991; Repr. In A River Too Far: The Past and Future of the Arid West, edited by J. Finkhouse and M. Crawford, Nevada Humanities Committee. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press.]Kenski, Henry. C., Helen Ingram. 1985. “The Reagan Administration and Environmental Regulation: The Constraint of the Political Market.” In Controversies in Environmental Policy, edited by S. Kamieniecki, R. O’Brien and M. Clarke, Albany, NY: SUNY Press.Godwin, Kenneth R., and Ingram, Helen. 1985. “The Physical Environment as a Policy Issue.” In Public Policy and the Natural Environment, edited by R.K. Godwin H.M. Ingram, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Mann, Dean E., and Helen Ingram. 1985. “Policy Issues in the Natural Environment.” In Public Policy and the Natural Environment, edited by R.K. Godwin and H. M. Ingram, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Ingram, Helen, and Kenneth R. Godwin. 1985. “Conservation and the Forces of Change.” In Public Policy and the Natural Environment, edited by R.K. Godwin and H.M. Ingram, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1984. “Preserving the Clean Water Act: The Appearance of Environmental Victory.” In Environmental Policy in the 1980s: Reagan’s New Agenda, edited by N.J. Vig and M.E. Kraft, Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, Inc.Ingram, Helen, and Gary Weatherford. 1984. “Legal-institutional Limits on Water Use. In Managing Security: Water and Agriculture in the West, edited by E.A. Englebert and A. Foley-Scheuring, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1983. “Political Responses to Environmental Scarcity.” In Scarce Natural Resources: The Challenge to Public Policymaking (Sage yearbooks in politics and public policy, Vol. 8), edited by S. Welch and R. Miewald, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1983. “Environmental Protection Policy.” In Encyclopedia of Policy Studies, edited by S.S. Nagel, 125-149. New York: Marcel Dekker.DuMars, Charles, Helen Ingram, Ronald Little, and Bahe Billy. 1982. “The Navajo Indian Irrigation Project: A Study of Legal, Political and Cultural Conflict. In Studies in Water Policy Management, No.2, Water and Agriculture in the US: Conservation, Reallocation, and Markets. edited by G.D. Weatherford, et al., 107-129. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Martin, William E., Helen Ingram, and Nancy K. Laney. 1982. “A Willingness to Play: Analysis of Water Resources Development.” In Studies in Water Policy and Management, No. 2, Water and Agriculture in the US: Conservation, Reallocation, and Markets, edited by G.D. Weatherford, et al, 137-167. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Ingram, Helen. 1982. “Water Rights in the Western States. In Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, 34 (3). Food Policy and Farm Programs, edited by D.F. Hadwiger and R.B. Talbot, Montpelier, VT: Capital City Press.Cortner, Hanna .J., Helen Ingram. 1982. “The Case of the Sagebrush Rebellion. In Energy and the Western United States: Politics and development, edited by J.L. Regens, R.W. Rycroft, and G.A. Daneke, New York: Praeger Publishers.Laney, Nancy ,and Helen Ingram. 1981. “The Disincentives for Policy Leadership in Energy and the Environment: The Structure of Voter Opinion. In Environment, Energy, Public Policy: Toward a Rational Future, edited by R.S. Axelrod, Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books.Ingram, Helen. 1981. “Arizona Groundwater Reform: The Forces of Change.” In Unified River Basin Management--Stage II edited by D.J. Allee, L.B. Dworsky, and R.M. North, Minneapolis: American Water Resources Association.Fairfax, Sally K., and Helen Ingram. 1981. “The United States Experience.” In Project Appraisal and Policy Review (Wiley series on studies in environmental management and resource development), edited by T. O’Riordan and W.R. Derrick Sewell, 29-45. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.Ingram, Helen. 1980. “Policy Failure: An Issue Deserving Analysis.” In Why Policies Succeed or Fail, edited by H.M. Ingram and D.E. Mann, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.Ingram, Helen, John R. McCain, and N. Laney. 1979. “The Responsiveness of State Legislators in the Four Corners Area.” In Energy and Environmental Issues: The Making and Implementation of Public Policy, edited by M. Steinman, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Ingram, Helen, and John R. McCain. 1979. “Distributive Politics Reconsidered—The Wisdom of the Western Water Ethic in the Contemporary Energy Context.” In New Dimensions to Energy Policy, edited by R. Lawrence, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.Ingram, Helen. 1978. “The Political Rationality of Innovation: The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970.” In Approaches to controlling air pollution edited by A.F. Friedlaender, 12-56. Cambridge: The MIT Press.Ingram, Helen. 1978. “Politics of Water Allocation. In Values and Choices in the Development of the Colorado River Basin, edited by D.F. Peterson and A.B. Crawford, Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona. Ingram, Helen, and Dean E. Mann. 1978. “Environmental Policy: From Innovation to Implementation.” In Nationalizing Government: Public Policies in America, edited by T. Lowi, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.Ingram, Helen, and Scott J. Ullery. 1977. “Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making: Substance or Illusion?” In Public Participation in Planning, edited by W.R. Derrick Sewell and J.T. Coppock,. London: John Wiley & Songs.Ingram, Helen. 1976. “The Politics of Information: Constraints on New Sources. In Water Politics and Public Involvement, edited by J.C. Pierce and H.R. Doerksen, Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor Science Publisher, Inc.Selected Research Reports and Professional CommentaryIngram, H. (with D.Feldman, N. Mantua, K. Jacobs, A. Waple contributing editors) 2008 Decision Support Experiments and Evaluations Using Seasonal-to-Interannual Frecasts and Observational Data: A Focus on Water Resources. US Climate Change Science Program 5.3 htttp://Research and networks for decision support, (with Paul Stern eds.) Panel on Design Issues for the NOAA Sectoral Applications Program. Washington DC: National Academies Press, nap.edu 2008 Roles for the Public and Private Sectors in Water Allocation: Lessons from Around the World. (with C. Howe) Prepared for the Natural Resources Law Center Water Conference. University of Colorado School of Law. June 11-14, 2002.Weather Forecasts are for Wimps: Why Water Resource Managers Don’t Use Climate Forecasts (with S. Rayner, D. Lach, and M. Houck) Report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Global Programs, March 2002. Shared Environmental Problems and Challenges (with Robert G. Varady and Lenard Milich). Reprinted in The University Book, October, 1998.Implications for the Rural Poor in the Southwest (with F. Lee Brown). Reprinted in The University Book, October 1998.Institutions & Policies for Democracy: A Discussion Paper and Comments. Policy Currents Newsletter, March 1998.Water and Equity: A Direction for Research. The Common Property Resource Digest, a Quarterly Publication for the Study of Common Property, 43, September 1997.Telepress conference, One Hour From Calcutta, U. S. Information Service, October 1997 and September 1996, Discussion of Indian reprint of book Public Policy for Democracy, Bridging Borders: Empowering Grassroots Linkages (with Robert G. Varady). Arid Lands Newsletter, 39, Spring/Summer 1996.State of the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment (lead author, with members of EPA U.S.-Mexico Border Environmental Plan Public Advisory Committee). Report to the Administrator of EPA, September 1993. Measuring the community value of water: The water and public welfare project (27(42) p. 29 cm). Sponsored by the Udall Center for Studies on Public Policy, the University of Arizona and the Natural Resources Center, the University of New Mexico School of Law. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, 1989.Planning for growth in the Southwest (with W.E. Martin). A statement by the NPA Joint Committee on Long-Range Land-Use Planning. vii. 40. p. ill. maps: 26 cm. Series title: NPA report: #215. Washington, DC: National Planning Association. 1985Management of Arid Lands: An Agenda for Arid Lands Research (with P. Rosenfeld, R. Nichols, and A. Gault). A report prepared under a grant from The National Science Foundation. RFF Discussion Paper D42, Washington, DC: Resources for the Future. 1979Toward a framework for evaluating the impact of procedural change upon policy: The case of the Kaiparowits environmental impact statement (with S.J. Ullery). Los Angeles: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, iv. 56. p. 28 cm. University of California. 1979Institutional fragmentation and policy innovation: The case of federal water pollution control (with S.J. Ullery and B.A. Wright). Project completion report. Tucson, AZ: Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona. i. 316. p. 28 cm. 1975An evaluation of Title III water resources planning grants to states (with M.D. Bradley and D.L. Ingersoll). Washington, DC: U.S. Water Resources Council. 159 p. maps: 28 cm. Prepared for the U.S. Water Resources Council by the Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona. 1973The National Water Commission report: A review (with D.J. Allee and T.G. Roefs). Tucson, AZ: Institute of Government Research, University of Arizona. 27 leaves: 28 cm. Series title: Institute series: No. 14 (University of Arizona, Institute of Government Research). 1973The Authorization and Appropriation Processes in Water Resources Development (with D.J. Allee). Report to the National Water Commission. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service (NTIS). 1972The New England River Basins Commission: A Case Study. Report to the National Water Commission. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service (NTIS). 1971Patterns of politics in water resource development: A case study of New Mexico’s role in the Colorado River Basin bill. [Albuquerque] Division of Govt. Research. University of New Mexico. 96 p. illus., map. 23 cm. Series titles: Publications of the Division of Govt. Research. No. 79. New Mexico University. Division of Government Research Publications. No. 79. 1969MonographsIngram, H. (with Martin, W.E.) (1985). Planning for growth in the Southwest. Monograph for National Planning Association. 215. Washington, DC: National Planning Association.Ingram, H. (with Corner, H.J.) (1975). The Arizona corporation commission and electrical energy policy. Monograph: An Institute of Government Research Publication. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press.Book ReviewsIngram, Helen: Book review of Groenfeldt, D. 2013. Water and ethics: A values approach solving the water crisis. Routledge. Water Alternatives 7(1): 270-272.Ingram, H. (2004). “Bringing society back in: Grassroots ecosystems management, accountability, and sustainable communities” (book review). Environment, 46(5).Ingram, H. (2003). “The land that could be: Environmentalism and democracy in the twenty-first century” (book review). The Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 20(1). Ingram, H. (with B. McDonald) (2002). “The troubled relationship of science to environmental policy: Some mew perspectives” (review essay). Natural Resources Journal, 42(3). Ingram, H. (2002). “Environmentalism unbound: Exploring new pathways of change” (book review). Environment and Behavior, 34 (5).Ingram, H. (2002). “Environmental restoration: Ethics, theory, and practice” (book review). Environment, 44(5). Ingram, H. (2002) “Environmentalism Unbound: Exploring New Pathways of Change” (book review). Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 45(2).Ingram, H. (2002). “Citizens, experts, and the environment: The politics of local knowledge” (book review). Environment, 44(2).Ingram, H. (2001). “Policy entrepreneurs and social choice” (book review). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 11(3).Ingram, H. (2001). “Domestic sources of international environmental policy: Industry, environmentalists, and U.S. power” (book review). Political Studies, 49(1).Other reviews and review essays in numerous publications including Natural Resources Journal, American Political Science Review, Technology Review, State Planning Issues, Arizona Waterline, Water Science, and Technology Newsletter. Environment, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. Other Publications“Climate Change as Environmental Mega Crisis: Domesticated Problems, Patchwork Solutions, Inadequate Incentives”(2009)with Joanna -Wada-Endter, Magazine nationale veiligheid en crisisbeheersing (magazine national security and crisis management). This will be a special issue, in Dutch as in English, September.“Research Agenda for Public Policy and Democracy,” Prepared for the Research Paper Series in Empirical Democratic Theory, Center for the Study Of Democracy University for California, Irvine, 2000. “Foreword.” (1991) In S. Cohen and S. Kamieniecki (Eds.) Environmental Regulation Through Strategic Planning. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. “How Book Reviewers Can Recognize a Classic When They See One.” (1990). PS: Political Science and Politics, 23(4), 576-579.“Does Anybody Win? The Community Consequences of Rural-to-Urban Water Transfers: An ArizonaPerspective” (with Cy R. Oggins). (1990). Udall Center Issue Paper #2. “How Atmospheric Research Changed the Political Climate” (with Carole Mintzer). (1990). Introduction to Udall Center Issue Paper #1, Global Climate Change: The Meeting of Science and Policy, pp.1-11.Fairfax, S.K. & Ingram, H. (Eds.) (1990). Public policy and natural resources. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico School of Law. p. 260-470: port.: 24 cm. Series title: Natural Resources Journal: 30 (2) 0028-0739, p. 259. [Most of these papers grew out of a panel discussion at the 1986 Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California.] “Introduction: Water Resources and Public Policy” (with R. Kenneth Godwin and Dean E. Mann). (1985). In Symposium: Water Resources and Public Policy, R. K.Godwin, H. M. Ingram, and D. E. Mann (Eds.), Policy Studies Review, 5(2), 349 –351. INVITED LECTURE AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSInvited PresentationsInstitutions and politics of the Colorado River. Lecture in the series, “Moving Waters: Colorado River and the West,” San Diego Public Library, April 6, 2002.State of Democracy Lecturer, Syracuse University, Maxwell School, Maxwell Auditorium, November 10, 2000.Public policy and democracy. Presentation to the Political Science Department. University of Washington. May 12, 2000.The policy analyst and the future of American democracy. Presentation to the Center for Public Policy and Administration, University of Massachusetts. Amherst. April 20, 2000.Participant and roundtable: Valuing public actions. American Society of Public Administration Conference San Diego, California. April 2, 2000.Panel Chair and Discussant: Applying and advancing the social construction framework. Western Political Science Association 2000 Annual Meeting. San Jose, California. March 26, 2000.“Changing Patterns of Political and Financial Accountability.” Theme Keynote Address at River Festival Brisbane, The Second International River Management Symposium. Brisbane, Australia, September 29 through October 2, 1999.Planning for Natural Disaster: Unsustainable Development of United States/Mexico Border. Rocky Mountain Research Station, December, 1998Panelist, American Political Science Association Workshop: New Frontiers in Environmental Research. Boston, Massachusetts, September 1, 1998.The 15th Kisiel Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the University of Arizona Department of Hydrology and Water Resources. “The Role of Science in Water Policy,” Tucson, Arizona, April 10, 1996.of Hydrology and Water Resources. “The Role of Science in Water Policy,” Tucson, Arizona, April 10, 1996.Selected Professional Papers Presented Since 1980“The Political Invasion of Science: How Policy Constructs Boundaries and Meanings” (with A. Schneider and B. McDonald). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 2002. “Lessons in Water Allocation: Roles for Government and Markets” (with C. Howe). Presented at conference on Allocating and Managing Water for a Sustainable Future: Lessons from Around the World, Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder Colorado, June 11-14, 2002.“Federal Organic Standards: Opportunity and Ordeal for the Organic Farming Movement” (with M. Ingram).Presented at conference on Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy, January 11-13, 2002. “Falling on Deaf Ears?: Science and Natural Resources Policy.” Presented at the Conference on Organizational Learning: Adaptive Management for Salmon Conservation, Bellevue Washington, December 2-4, 2001.“Coping with climate variability: Municipal water agencies in southern California” (with S. Rayner and D. Lach). Presented at the symposium on Climate, Water, and Transboundary Changes in the Americas, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 16-19, 2000. “The Pragmatic Policy Analyst” (with Anne L. Schneider). Presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Miami Florida, May 26, 2000.“Deliberately Planning for “Natural” Disaster: Unsustainable Development of the United States-Mexico Border.” Presented at the Ninth U.S./Mexico Border States Conference, Tucson, Arizona, June 4, 1998.“Institutions and Policies for Democracy” (with Steven Rathgeb Smith). Presented at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C., August 28-31, 1997.“Social Constructions of Knowledge: Scientific and Professional Policy Designs” (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, August 29-September 1, 1996."Bridging Borders: Empowering Grassroots Linkages" (with Robert G. Varady). Keynote address presented by Helen Ingram at "Bridging Borders: A Cross-Exchange," Puerto Pe?asco, Sonora, January 14, 1994. "Place Humanists at the Headgates." Keynote presentation at "Arizona's Environmental History," at "The Second Opening of the West: Ideas of Nature in Arizona," Prescott, Arizona, November 13, 1993."Water Management: The Colorado River Basin--A Case Study." Presented at the Environmental Grantmakers Association Fall Retreat, Rio Rico, Arizona, September 22, 1993."Rethinking Water 'Rights'." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Law Schools, San Francisco, California, January 5-9, 1993."How Have the Commissions Related to States and Provinces?" Presented for The North American Experience in Managing International River Systems Conference, Bellagio, Italy, December 7-11, 1992."The Universities, Democracy, and Public Policy" (with Robert G. Varady). Presented to The First Richard A. Harvill Conference on Higher Education, Tucson, Arizona, November 23, 1992."Politics, Trade and Water Policy: The U.S./Mexico Relationship." Presented as part of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences Lecture Series, "Borderlands From Frontier to Free Trade." Tucson, Arizona, May 6, 1992."The Sonoran Pimería Alta: Shared Environmental Problems and Challenges" (with Robert G. Varady). Presented at the conference "500 Years After the Meeting of Two Worlds--A Cultural Legacy in Pimería Alta." Nogales, Sonora, January 25, 1992."The Social Construction of Target Population: Implication for Citizenship and Democracy" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 27 - September 1, 1991."The U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission: Expanding State and Local Involvement; Ambos Nogales and The Need For Change" (with David R. White). Presented at the "Tri-National Conference on The North American Experience Managing International Transboundary Water Resources: The Boundary Commissions of Canada, the United States and Mexico." Gasparilla Island, Florida, April 19-23, 1991.“Scientists and Agenda Setting: Advocacy and Global Warming” (with H. B. Milward and Wendy Laird). Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland, October 24-26, 1991."Politics, Markets, and Society in Water Resources." Presented at the Nevada Humanities Conference "The Past and Future of Civilization in the Desert." Las Vegas, Nevada, November 7-8, 1990."The Choice of Target Populations: Electoral and Administrative Perspectives" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the annual conference of the American Political Science Association. Washington, D.C., August 30 - September 3, 1990."Water, The Community and Markets in The West" (with Cy R. Oggins). Presented at the conference Moving the West's Water To New Uses: Winners and Losers, Boulder, Colorado, June 1990."Scientists and Agenda Setting: Advocacy and Global Warming" (with H. Brinton Milward and Wendy Laird). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Newport Beach, California, March 23, 1990."The Trust Doctrine and Community Values in Water" (with Cy R. Oggins). Presented at the (AIDA)/International Association for Water Law III World Conference, Alicante, Spain, December 1989."Reviewing the Book Review" (with Penny Clark). Presented at the American Political Science Association Meeting, August 1989. "Target Populations and Policy Design" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1, 1989."Agenda Setting and Public Policy Related to Global Change" (with Marc Landy and Hanna Cortner). Presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, California, January 1989."Filling Empty Boxes: A Framework for Conceptualizing Policy Design" (with Anne Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, March 11, 1988."Implementation: A Review and Suggested Framework." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 36, 1987."Comparative Policy Modeling: A Methodology for Policy Design" (with Anne L. Schneider). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Dallas, Texas, March 1821, 1987."Protecting Transboundary Desert Resources." Presented at the Second International Desert Development Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 2531, 1987."State Government Officials Role in U.S./Mexico Transboundary Resource Issues." Presented at the Conference of Western Attorneys General, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 18, 1986."How Federalism Matters in Natural Resources Policy" (with Dorotha M. Bradley). Presented at the Workshop on Ocean Resources and Intergovernmental Relations in the 1980s, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, September 1213, 1985."A Comparative Analysis of Three Southwestern Indian Communities' Participation in Water Resources Decisionmaking" (with Stephen P. Mumme). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 29September 1, 1985."Empowerment and the Papago [Tohono O'odham] Tribe: Water Politics in Southern Arizona" (with Stephen P. Mumme). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,Washington, D.C., August 30September 2, 1984."Politics, Policy, and Rational Choice: A Critique and Proposal" (with Lawrence A. Scaff). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April 1984."Conservation and the Forces of Change" (with R. Kenneth Godwin). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 1983."Replacing Confusion with Equity: Alternatives for Water Policy in the Colorado River Basin" (with Lawrence A. Scaff and Leslie Silko). Presented at the Colorado River Working Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 23-26, 1983."Single Issues and Agenda Building" (with R. Kenneth Godwin). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, March 27-31, 1980.PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESMajor Appointments and Offices HeldMember, Independent Science Board, California Bay-Delta Authority 2003 –2007Member, Water Management Science Board, California Bay/Delta Authority, 2004-2007 Member, Water Management Science Board, California Bay/Delta Authority, 2004-2007 (science advisory committee for water supply aspects of the California Bay/Delta Authority)Member, Science Review Committee, Environmental Water Account, California Bay/Delta Authority 2001-2004Member, Advisory Board, The Border Ozone Reduction and Air Quality Improvement Program, LASPAU (Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas) at Harvard University 2003-present Member, International Advisory Board, International National Academy of Sciences, 2001- 2004Board of Directors, Utton Transboundary Resources Center, University of New Mexico School of Law, 2000 – present.Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of the University of California, Steering Committee Member, 1997-2002. Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of the University of California, MacArthur Faculty Fellow, 1997-1998.Member of Board of Directors and member of the executive committee LASPAU, Academic and Professional Program for the Americas, Affiliated with Harvard University. 1996 – 2002.Member, National Advisory Committee to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Cooperation, 1994-1997.Appointed one of four U.S. members to the National Research Council Binational Study of “The Use of The Mexico City Aquifer as a Water Supply Resource,” 1992-1995.Chair, Office of Technology Assessment Advisory Panel on “Systems at Risk from Climate Change,” 1992-1993.Chair, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 1992-1993.Member, The Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources; National Research Council, 1990-1993.Member, Committee of Climatic Variability and U.S. Water Resources, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 19861988.Treasurer, American Political Science Association, 19851987.President, Policy Studies Organization, 19851986.Member, Committee on GroundWater Protection, Water Science and Technology Board,National Academy of Sciences, 19841986.Founding member, Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, 1982-1985.President, Western Political Science Association, 1982.Consultant, United Nations University (UNV) Program on Natural Resources, Tokyo. Evaluated UNV programs on arid lands in Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, 1980.Other Offices and AppointmentsMember, Oregon State University Water Resources Program Review, June 25-30, 2004.Advisory Board, California SeaGrant Program, 2004 to present.Scientific Advisory Board, International Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics, 2001 – present.Reviewer, Human Dimensions of Global Change Research Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2000—2001.Executive Committee, UCMEXUS Border Water Project: Water and the Environment along the California /Mexico Border, funded by UC Office of the President, $128,000, 1996-1999.Member, American Political Science Association John Gaus Award Committee, 1996.Section Chair and Program Organizer, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 1993.Chair, Nominating Committee, Western Political Science Association, 1990-1991.Member, Executive Director Search Committee, American Political Science Association, 1987.Member, Executive Council, American Political Science Association, 19831985.Member, Administrative Committee, Executive Council, American Political Science Association, 1984.Program Chair and VicePresident, Western Political Science Association, 1981.Section Chair, Public Policy and Public Administration, Western Political Science Association, 1979.Section Chair, Public Policy, American Political Science Association, 1978.Professional ServiceChair, Wildavsky Book Award Committee, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 2001-2002.Member, External Review Committee, Environmental Studies Department, University of California at Santa Cruz,November, 1998 Member, Selection Committee for the regional program of the Ford/MacArthur Graduate Fellowships in theSocial Sciences, 1992-1995.Chair, "Planning Meeting for Managing Water Resources and Water Quality Along the U.S.- Mexico Border," a special session organized by the Water Science and Technology Board of the National Research Council,Tucson, Arizona, September 27, 1993.Member, External Review Committee for the Claremont Graduate School, March 9-12, 1993.Member, External Review Committee for the College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley, January 14-16, 1992.Participant, International Workshop "Assessing Winners and Losers in the Context of Global Warming," Malta, June 15-28, 1990.Member, External Academic Review Team for the Department of Political Science, San Diego State University, April 2-4, 1990.Member, Board of Directors, Universities Council on Water Resources, Inc., 19851988.Member, American Association for Advancement of Science Exchange Delegation to China Association forScience and Technology, Urban Water Problems, August 14September 18, 1987, Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, Qingdao.Member, Mission to the Dominican Republic, Water Management Synthesis II Project, USAID, 1983.Member, Mission to Kenya, USAID grant to strengthen the capacity of the University of Arizona in arid lands, 1975.Public and Community ServiceKeynote speaker, Commencement address, School of Social Ecology, Irvine, CA, June, 1998.Keynote speaker, US/Mexico Border States Conference on Recreation, Parks and Wildlife, Tucson, Arizona, June 4, 1998.Presenter, Conference Hermosillo y el Agua: Infrastructura, Hidraulica, Servicios Urbanos y Desarrollo Sostenible, Hermosillo, Mexico, March 12-13, 1998.Presenter, UC MEXUS Legislative Briefing to the California Congressional Delegation and Staff, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1996.Advisor, Major Exhibition The Oakland Museum is organizing, entitled "Water in California," 1992.Member, Advisory Board, Mott grants to strengthen leadership in low income communities, Tucson Community Foundation, 1991-1992.Review and Editorial ActivitiesRecent manuscript reviewer for MIT Press, University of Arizona Press, University of Kansas Press, Stanford UniversityPress, Journal of Policy Administration and Management Joint editor with Anne Schneider, State University of New York book series “Public Policy”, sponsored by APSA Policy Section, 1998.Chair of Gladys Kammerer Award Committee, American Political Science Association, 1998-1999. Member, Editorial Board, Social Sciences Quarterly, 1996-2002.Member, Board of Contributing Editors, Environment, 1996-present.Associate Editor, Political Science and Public Administration, Natural Resources Journal, 19721996.Chair, Editorial Board, Policy Currents, Public Policy Section Newsletter, American Political ScienceAssociation, 1990-1995.Book Review Editor, American Political Science Review, 19871991.University Service University of California, IrvineMember, Search Committee, Urban Water Resources Center, 2005.Chair, Johnson Endowed Chair in Civic Governance Search Committee, Department of Planning, Policy and Design, 2001-2002.Member, Advisory Committee, Newkirk Center for Science and Society, School of Social Ecology, 2001 - presentMember, Executive Committee, Center for the Study of Democracy, 2001 – presentMember, University of California, Irvine, Committee to review honors and distinguished professors, 2001 - presentMember, Executive Committee, Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, 1996 – present.Member, Executive Committee of Focused Research Group in International Environmental Cooperation 1996 – present.Member, Dean Selection Committee, School of Social Ecology, 1997-1998.Member, University of California Irvine Executive Vice Chancellor Search Committee, 1999Graduate Advisor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, 1997-99University of ArizonaMember, Latin American Area Center Director Search Committee, 1995.Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1994-1995.Member, Arizona Board of Regents Implementation Task Force on the Commission on the Status of Women,1990-1991.Member, Search Committee for the University of Arizona President, 1990-1991.Member, Arizona Board of Regents Commission on the Status of Women, 1989-1991.Chair and Member, Faculty Achievement Award Committee, 1986-1987.Member, Committee for Selection of Dean of Agriculture, 19861987.Member, Executive Committee, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19851987.RESEARCH GRANTS (1980 – Present)2004 – 2008Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine. Planning grant on inclusive management practices, with Martha Feldman (UCI, Planning, Policy, and Design). ($2,500)2004 –2008National Institutes for Water Resources and U.S. Geological Survey, “Institutional Re-arrangements: forging “smart use” water policy coalitions at the intersection of geo-technical engineering with urban open space.” ($70,767)2004 – 2008Newkirk Center for Science and Society, University of California, Irvine, “Science and Adaptive Management in the CalFed program.” ($15,000)2000 – 2001Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine, “Social Movements, Public Policy and Democracy,” with Valerie Jenness (UCI, Criminology, Law and Society) and David Meyer (UCI, Sociology).1998 – 1999Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies Grant for Conference on the 3rd Generation of Environmental Law,” with Joseph DiMento (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), Richard Matthew (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), and John Whitely (UCI, Environmental Analysis and Design).1998 – 1999National Science Foundation, “3rd Generation of Environmental Law,” with Joseph DiMento (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), Richard Matthew (UCI, Urban and Regional Planning), and John Whitely (UCI, Environmental Analysis and Design). 1998 – 1999National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration Grant, “Deliberations of Water Management Institutions” with Steve Rayner (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Denise Lach (Oregon State University), Mark Houk (George Mason University). ($31,761)1997 – 1998Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation Faculty Research Grant, “Faculty Research on Regional Environmental Cooperation. Testing Models Against Experience in Transboundary Water Resources Management.” ($20,500)1997 – 1998Global Peace and Conflict Studies Faculty Research Grant. ($9,878)1996 – 1999Ford Foundation and Hewlitt Foundation. "Joining Knowledge and Action: Resolving U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Environmental Problems" with Robert Varady and Albert Utton. ($200,000)1996 – 1999Ford Foundation. "Toward a Bioregional, Transboundary Sense of Place: Linking Cultural Diversity with Biodiversity in the Arid U.S.-Mexico Borderlands" with Nancy Laney, Gary Nabhan, and W. David Laird. ($125,000)1994 – 1997Ford Foundation. "Fortifying Transnational Linkages Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: Information-sharing and Environmental Policy" with Robert Varady. ($300,000)1994 – 1996Mott Foundation. "Democratic Institutions, BECC (Border Environment Cooperation Commission), and Environmental Sustainability in the (U.S.-Mexico) Border Region" with Robert Varady. ($185,000)1993Tides Foundation "777 Fund." "Water and the San Xavier District of the Tohono O'odham Nation" with Robert Varady and Carolyn Brickey. ($10,000)1993Ford Foundation/Mexico City. "Inventando Las Fronteras/Inventing the Borderlands" Conference with Margaret Wilder (Assistant Dean, UA Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences), Robert Varady (Associate Director, Udall Center), and Joseph Wilder (Director, UA Southwest Center). ($31,000)1992 – 1995Ford Foundation. The U.S.-Mexico Border Area--A Region Under Stress Coordinating Conference with Robert Varady. ($116,469)1992 – 1994Ford Foundation. Beyond the Udall Center's Ambos Nogales Project: A Handbook on Strategies and Problem-Solving Techniques for the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment with Robert Varady. ($110,100)1989 – 1990Ford Foundation. "U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Water Resources Management," with Robert Varady (Associate Director, Udall Center), Simon Ince (UA Professor, Civil Engineering), Nancy Laney (UA Attorney's Office), Dick Kamp (Project Director, Border Ecology Project), and Roberto Sánchez (Director, Department of Environmental Science, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico). ($125,000)1989 – 1990Arizona Humanities Council. "The Ordeal of U.S. Citizenship: Mexican Migration, Enduring Values, and New Policies," with Judy Lensink (Acting Associate Director, Udall Center). ($7,000)1985 –1987Ford Foundation. To develop a planning study to improve the use of the Salt River PimaMaricopa Indian Community's land and water resources with Roger Fox (UA Department of Agricultural Economics) and Thomas McGuire (UA Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology). ($119,250)1984National Water Well Association. To prepare a handbook on institutional factors affecting groundwater pollution policy, with Mary Doyle (UA College of Law) and Thomas Maddock, III (UA Department of Hydrology). ($102,000)1982 – 1986Ford Foundation, through John Muir Institute for Environmental Studies. To study water reallocation and rural, low income people with interdisciplinary team. ($630,000)1980 – 1981U.S. Water Resources Council, through the John Muir Institution for Environmental Studies. To develop guidelines for improved institutional analysis of water resource problems with Dean Mann and Gary Weatherford. ($19,000) ................

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