
Study Guide Final Exam semester 1 HollyWorld Religions: Vocabulary:MonotheisticHinduismCaste SystemEnlightenmentSiddhartha GautamaNirvana ReincarnationWhich holy city do Muslims, Christians, and Jew share?Which religious book is considered holy only when written in Arabic?What does it mean if someone is polytheistic or monotheistic?How old was Jesus when he began his public ministry?Which literary work do Muslims consider to be the best example of poetry and writing? What is the Hebrew holy book called?What were the men who followed Jesus called?Who made the very first covenant between himself and God?How many times days are Muslims called to prayer?Chapter 12-East Asian Empires Vocabulary: Marco PoloKublai KhanWu ZhaoTang TaizongSamuraiWhat types of tributes did the Mongols demand from the Koryu Dynasty?How large had the populations of China reached by the time the Song dynasty came to an end?Chinese and Korean characters were the basis for a phonetic language under this kingdom?How did the Gentry’s achieve their social status in China?What two religions did Indian missionaries bring to Southeast Asia?Where did the “Great Silk Roads” link China to?Which geographic feature is Korea located on?How did China Change under the rule of General Taizu?How long had it been before the Yuan Dynasty re-unified China?What were some of the important technological inventions developed during the Song Dynasty?How many harvests could Chinese farmers produce with the introduction of Vietnamese rice?On how many sides is a peninsula surrounded by water? Chapter 13: European Middle Ages Vocabulary: Feudalism . Vassal . Manor . Crusade . BubonicPlague. Hygiene. Epidemic Medieval Turmoil . NationalismWho serves as the head of the Catholic Church?Who was located at the top of the Feudal System?What was the purpose of epic poetry?What were the qualities of an Ideal Knight?Who were the three masters an chivalrous knight was required to serve?What were the three social classes in medieval Europe?What happened as a result of the Treaty of Verdun?What were some of the achievements of Germanic Monks during the medieval ages?What were Troubadours best known for?How were Scholastica and Benedict related?Chapter 14: The Formation of Western Europe During which crusade did Saladin take control of Jerusalem? Following her capture by the English what happened to Joan of Arc?During what period in history was Western Europe considered in the “Dark Ages”? How many kids set out during the children’s crusade?What was the most significant change in banking during the Middle Ages?Which event marked the end of the Middle Ages?During which crusade did the Christians capture Jerusalem?What were some of the advantages of using the three fields system?What effects did the Black Plague have on Europe?What was the biggest change in warfare developed during the Hundred Years’ War?Chapter 17: European Renaissance and Reformation : Vocabulary: Renaissance.Utopia.Humanism.95 Theses.Patrons. Protestants. Predestination. Secular. Vernacular. PerspectiveWhat is Leonardo da Vinci best known for creating?What were the focuses of the Jesuit Order?Who brought Protestantism back to England by creating the Anglican Church?Who invented the printing press? What was the first book produced on the modern printing press?What were the major restrictions placed on Catholic priests? What was the Greek translation for Utopia?What was someone called if they financially supported the arts?Why did King Henry divorce his 1st wife?Name some of the best known Renaissance artists? What were Renaissance women encouraged to do? What were some of the main teachings of Martin Luther?What were the three main advantages that made it possible for Italy to become the birth place of the Renaissance?Chapter 18: The Muslim World ExpandsHow old was Babur when he took control of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan?Which religion did Ghazis fight to protect and expand?Where did the Mughals come from?Who were the Janissaries and how many soldiers served under the sultan?Which religion was Akbar’s “Divine Faith” viewed as offensive to?Who was the Taj Mahal built to honor?Which Ottoman leader renamed Constantinople Istanbul?Chapter 19: Europeans Explore the East The Treaty of Tordesillas split territories located in which ocean between the Spanish and the Portuguese? Which country was Christopher Columbus trying to reach when he set out in 1492? Where did he actually end up?What were some of the technological advantages developed for sailing during the age of exploration?What were some of the spices in high demand following the crusades?Who was the most powerful trading company during the 1600’s?Which Portuguese explorer brought back 60 times the cost of the voyage in cargo?How much cheaper could Portuguese traders bring products back by bypassing the Muslim-Italian trading empire?What new type of sails did the Caravel incorporate in an attempt to improve sailing?Chapter 20: The Atlantic World What were some of the major impacts of the slave trade?If you’re Mestizo that means you’re a mix of which two races?What is a favorable balance of trade?Which disease decimated Native populations during the 1600’s?Which conquistador was responsible for conquering the Incans in 1532?Which conquistador was responsible for conquering the Aztecs in 1521?Chapter 20: The Atlantic World (Cont)Which countries colonies made it the most powerful nation during the 1600’s?According to which system a countries power is determined mainly by it’s wealth?The spread of Islam led to the increase in this?Where did European powers turn to when the numbers of Native slaves began to dwindle? What was the second leg of the Triangular Trade called?Which cash crop financially saved the colony of Jamestown? How many slaves had been transported to the “New World” by the time slavery ended in 1870?What was the major accomplishment of Magellan’s crew?What were the names of the three ships given to Columbus on his 1st journey?What was the nickname given to Metacom?What percentage of slaves died while traveling the “Middle Passage”?Section 1: Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism Vocabulary:-Phillip II-Absolute MonarchDevine RightWhich Spanish ruler took control of Portugal’s holdings in Africa, India, and the East Indies?What was the main focus of El Greco’s paintings?What influential book did Miguel de Cervantes publish in 1605?What was the main focus of Diego Velazquez?What three areas did Philip II take control of after he inherited the Spanish throne?As a result of Spain’s failure to become self sufficient they had to buy a majority of their products from the following countries? What was the main subject of Rembrandt van Rijn’s paintings?Briefly describe the personality traits of Philip II?How many ships were part of the Dutch Trading Empire?Section 2: The Reign of Louis XIVVocabulary: -Skepticism -Cardinal Richelieu -Edict of Nantes Who is considered the most powerful ruler in France’s history?What were the three things Jean Baptiste Colbert believed would help France become self sufficient?By 1660 what had the population of France grown to?How did most people describe Henry IV?Prior to the War of Spanish Succession who had Charles II promised his throne to?What was the main point of the Treaty of Utrecht?What were some of the negative aspects of Louis XIV’s legacy?Which dynasty did Henry IV become the king of in 1589?Name the reasons why the French army was superior to the other European nations?Why was England considered a “big winner” during the War of Spanish Succession? In order to smooth over tensions with the French people Henry IV converted to this religion?Section 3: Central European Monarchs Clash Which Central European Monarch encouraged religious tolerance, legal reform and felt a king should act like a father to his people?What were three of Frederick “The Great’s” passions in life?Who was Persia’s main ally during the Seven Years’ War?What were the major agreements reached in the Peace of Westphalia?What happened to Frederick’s best friend after they tried to run away?Where were the battles of the Seven Years’ War fought?What were the main causes of the Thirty Years’ War?How did the economic opportunities differ for serfs in Central and Western Europe? Section 4: Absolute Rulers of Russia Vocabulary: -Ivan The Terrible -Westernization -Boyars Who is known as Russia’s greatest reformer?What two periods can you divide Ivan’s rule into?What was Peter’s long visit to Western Europe called?What were the major religious differences existed between Europeans and Russians?List the ways in which Peter tried to westernize Russia?What were some of the major events that occurred during Ivan’s “bad period”?Section 5: Parliament Limits the Power of English Monarchy Vocabulary: -Habeas Corpus Which English ruler did Oliver Cromwell capture in 1647?What was unique about Charles I death?Why was the time period under Charles II considered the time of Restoration?What were the supporters of King Charles called during English Civil War?What was the major role of the cabinet in England?Chapter 22Matching Terms:Geocentric Theory- Heliocentric Theory- Scientific Revolution- Scientific Method- The Enlightenment- Social Contract- Philosphes-Baroque Art-Neoclassical Art-Enlightened Despots-Section 1: The Scientific RevolutionWhat was the name of the theory created by Aristotle in which the Earth was the center of the universe?What were some of Galileo’s ideas contained in Galileo’s Starry Messenger? What are the four steps of the Scientific Method?After getting hit in the head with an apple Isaac Newton created this theory?What does a mercury barometer measure?Name some of the important scientific inventions and discoveries attributed to the period of Enlightenment. According to Boyle’s Sceptical Chymist what are the world’s four main elements?Section 2: The Enlightenment in Europe Who created the theory of social contracts? Life, Liberty and Property are part of John Locke’s? Section 2:The Enlightenment in Europe (continued)What did Mary Wollstonecraft believe the women would become if they had an education?Who did Voltaire target with his satirical writings? In which areas were new discoveries made that added to the legacy of the Enlightenment?Which French Baron devoted his life to the study of political liberties? Section 3:The Enlightenment Spreads Vocabulary: Baroque ArtNeoclassical ArtEnlightened Despots What type of information did Diderot’s Encyclopedia?Who were the three influential classical musicians we discussed who used a lighter more elegant style of music?Name the three Enlightened Despots we discussed?What were Frederick II’s major enlightened accomplishments?Who was considered the most radical of all the enlightened reformers?Into which European nation did Catharine the Great expand Russia’s territory?What happened as a result of the serf uprising in Russia (1773)? ................

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