(EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique Workbook

6981825-87630020175/9/20170020175/9/201735623502026920001476375203327000-762001813560(EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique Workbook07300(EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique Workbook68389505574030Dee FieldsDee Fields6777105465772511th Annual Recovery Conference11th Annual Recovery ConferenceQuick Guide to the EFT Basic RecipeI. EFT in a NutshellAim EFT at any emotional or physical problem by customizing it with an appropriate Setup affirmation and Reminder Phrase. Be specific when possible and aim EFT at the specific emotional events in your life that might underlie the problem. When necessary, be persistent until all aspects of the problem have vanished. Try it on everything!II. The Basic RecipeWhere in your body do you feel the emotional issue most strongly?Determine the distress level in that place in your body on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is maximum intensity and 0 is no intensity: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0The Setup: Repeat this statement three times, while continuously tapping the Karate Chop point on the side of the hand (large dot on hand diagram below):“Even though I have _______ (name the problem), I deeply and completely accept myself.”The Tapping Sequence: Tap about 7 times on each of the energy points while repeating a brief phrase that reminds you of the problem.Determine your distress level again on a scale of 0 to 10 again. If it’s still high, say: “Even though I still have some remaining _____ (problem), I deeply and completely accept myself.”Repeat from Step 1 till your distress level is as close to 0 as possible.Don’t forget to also use the Movie Technique or the Tell the Story Technique. Get Creative with longer set up phrases; alternating acknowledging the negative emotion and tapping in the desired emotion.Remember you can tap out bad stuff and tap in good stuff See EFT 10-minute tap along video HYPERLINK "" WORKBOOKList of every bothersome specific event you can remember. If you don’t find at least 50 you’re not doing this wholeheartedly. List everything even those events that don’t seem to cause you any current discomfort. The mere fact that you remember them suggests a need for resolution. *Give them titles, like titles of a movie. *Are there separate aspects to any of them? *Develop Affirmation & Reminder Phrase. *Tune into problem & determine Intensity level. *Tap one full round. * Check if intensity is the same. *Make adjustments and tap againFear Thoughts come up? Write it down,?turn it around?with a?positive affirmation and tap it in with EFT. You can say,“Even though I have this fear that something will always go wrong (name the fear), I deeply love and accept myself and I fully appreciate that it is only trying to help me.” Positive Affirmation: I choose to believe that everything will turn out OK and I will be safe. Take a deep breath, hold, and as you breathe out say “Peace.” Remember you can tap out bad stuff and tap in good stuffISSUE TITLEASPECTSAFFIRMATIONINTENSITYe.g. I hate my fatherDad punched me in the kitchen when I was 12“Even though I have this father-punch anger, I completely love & accept myself, and I know I didn’t deserve it.9“Even though ______________________________I choose to forgive myself & him and accept myself anyway 47529752540Blockages I May HaveI don’t believe these treatments will work.I believe EFT works, but not for me.I doubt that EFT will work.Even if EFT does work, I am afraid it won’t last.I don’t trust myself to stay free of these problems from now on.I am afraid that these treatments won’t work.I am afraid that the problem will come back.Here are common dynamics that show up as treatable problems. One needs to be alert to these.I’m afraid to give up my hopelessness, helplessness, fear, dependency, etc.I doubt it will happen.I’m supposed to be rejected.I don’t trust myself to live it out.I’m supposed to be disapproved of.I don’t feel safe with … (whatever the situation is)I have to be perfect about everything.I fear something like this problem will happen again.I doubt that I will really be able to do this.Blockages I May HaveI don’t believe these treatments will work.I believe EFT works, but not for me.I doubt that EFT will work.Even if EFT does work, I am afraid it won’t last.I don’t trust myself to stay free of these problems from now on.I am afraid that these treatments won’t work.I am afraid that the problem will come back.Here are common dynamics that show up as treatable problems. One needs to be alert to these.I’m afraid to give up my hopelessness, helplessness, fear, dependency, etc.I doubt it will happen.I’m supposed to be rejected.I don’t trust myself to live it out.I’m supposed to be disapproved of.I don’t feel safe with … (whatever the situation is)I have to be perfect about everything.I fear something like this problem will happen again.I doubt that I will really be able to do this.Questions to ask myselfWhen did this problem start? What was I doing at the time? What was going on in my life?What does this issue remind me of?What other issues came up?What is my self-talk like?Do I have high or low self-esteemDo I feel I deserve to overcome my problems?Do I feel that I deserve love and happiness?Am I self-confident?Psychological ReversalWhat benefits do you receive from your problem?Does keeping the problem feel safe?Does releasing it feel dangerous? Am I afraid to let it go?Does keeping the problem generate sympathy that I won’t get if I release the problem?Does keeping the problem allow me to avoid unpleasant situations or responsibilities?Does keeping the problem give me financial rewards that I won’t receive without it?Do I feel I don’t deserve to get over the problem?Do I fear that if I get better, something bad will happen?Can I give myself permission to get over this problem?Who will be upset if I get over this problem?Do I care if they get upset, or am I pandering to them?How will getting over this problem change my life?Do I want these changes?Do I believe that I will be able to keep these changes?Memory Jogger for Emotions Associated with BlockagesExamples of what to say when Tapping4076700207010HurtKarate chop point:Even though I have been too embarrassed to admit my hurt, I accept who I am and how hurt I really was by him…Even though I didn’t want to admit I was hurt, so I pretended I wasn’t, I choose to express it now…Even though I felt devastated, I accept who I am and how I feel about it.EYEBROW: I was so hurt by what happenedSIDE OF EYE: I’ve been pretending I wasn’t hurtUNDER EYE: I’ve been so hurt all alongNOSE: I thought I was supposed to forgive himCHIN: But I wasn’t readyCOLLARBONE: I still feel hurtUNDER ARM: I feel hurt by what happenedHEAD: I need to admit my hurtEYEBROW: I was deeply hurt and couldn’t get over itSIDE OF EYE: I kept trying not to be hurtUNDER EYE: It feels so good to say it out loudNOSE: The truth is I’ve never gotten over itCHIN: It feels so good to admit the truthCOLLARBONE: I can finally say it out loudUNDER ARM: I’m ready to release itHEAD: It’s time to release the hurt after all these years.It’s all about relief. Saying well-formed setup phrases allows you to feel more joyful and relaxed, because you are no-longer pretending – putting on a brave face. Acknowledging the pain and tapping on it allows you to release the real pain instead spending all that energy trying not to feel hurt!When you feel relieved, the “stuff” you have “asked for” receives an invitation to show up for you, through many unusual channels. When you use Meridian Tapping to get relief, you instantly vibrate in a better place, and voila,the manifestations start to appear. What stuff? Health, Relationships, money, career opportunities, love, peace, coincidences, guidance, serendipity etc., you name it.00HurtKarate chop point:Even though I have been too embarrassed to admit my hurt, I accept who I am and how hurt I really was by him…Even though I didn’t want to admit I was hurt, so I pretended I wasn’t, I choose to express it now…Even though I felt devastated, I accept who I am and how I feel about it.EYEBROW: I was so hurt by what happenedSIDE OF EYE: I’ve been pretending I wasn’t hurtUNDER EYE: I’ve been so hurt all alongNOSE: I thought I was supposed to forgive himCHIN: But I wasn’t readyCOLLARBONE: I still feel hurtUNDER ARM: I feel hurt by what happenedHEAD: I need to admit my hurtEYEBROW: I was deeply hurt and couldn’t get over itSIDE OF EYE: I kept trying not to be hurtUNDER EYE: It feels so good to say it out loudNOSE: The truth is I’ve never gotten over itCHIN: It feels so good to admit the truthCOLLARBONE: I can finally say it out loudUNDER ARM: I’m ready to release itHEAD: It’s time to release the hurt after all these years.It’s all about relief. Saying well-formed setup phrases allows you to feel more joyful and relaxed, because you are no-longer pretending – putting on a brave face. Acknowledging the pain and tapping on it allows you to release the real pain instead spending all that energy trying not to feel hurt!When you feel relieved, the “stuff” you have “asked for” receives an invitation to show up for you, through many unusual channels. When you use Meridian Tapping to get relief, you instantly vibrate in a better place, and voila,the manifestations start to appear. What stuff? Health, Relationships, money, career opportunities, love, peace, coincidences, guidance, serendipity etc., you name it.-666755588635GRATITUDE:If you want more in your life to be grateful for, focus on the appreciation you already feel for what and who you have in your life. Try a marathon of gratitude tapping and measure how you feel afterwards, and what tail-enders surface. Start by addressing the genuine mood or feeling state you feel right now, then move into appreciation and gratitude.0GRATITUDE:If you want more in your life to be grateful for, focus on the appreciation you already feel for what and who you have in your life. Try a marathon of gratitude tapping and measure how you feel afterwards, and what tail-enders surface. Start by addressing the genuine mood or feeling state you feel right now, then move into appreciation and gratitude.-66675210820Examples of What to Say When TappingTap out the negative emotions and replace them with positive feelings and outcomes. These examples are from Dr. Carl Look who uses a different sequence of tapping; but sequence is not important.447675050800Powerlessness:The feeling of powerlessness is overwhelming and lowers our vibration immediately. Usually it is perceived powerlessness, rather than actual powerlessness, but it’s the feeling that counts, not the reality of the situation! Karate chop point: Even though I have no control in this situation, and it makes me anxious, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway…Even though I feel powerless, AGAIN, I choose to feel calm and peaceful…Even though I feel out of control & powerless, I love and accept all of me anyway.EYEBROW: I feel powerlessSIDE OF EYE: I feel out of controlUNDER EYE: I hate feeling powerlessNOSE: I want more controlCHIN: I’m afraid of what might happenCOLLARBONE: I’m afraid of not having controlUNDER ARM: I want to feel more power in my lifeHEAD: I don’t want to feel so weakEYEBROW: I still feel powerlessSIDE OF EYE: I want to feel strongUNDER EYE: I hate feeling weak and powerlessNOSE: I hate feeling so down about it allCHIN: I want to feel betterCOLLARBONE: I still feel powerlessUNDER ARM: I want to feel betterHEAD: I will consider feeling betterNow you are in a position to take in the gratitude tapping:EYEBROW: I love appreciating who I amSIDE OF EYE: I love receiving what I wantUNDER EYE: I am so grateful for my lifeNOSE: I appreciate all my feelingsCHIN: I feel better alreadyCOLLARBONE: I love feeling so confident and strongUNDER ARM: I love the clarity in my lifeHEAD: I appreciate the guidance I am receiving00Powerlessness:The feeling of powerlessness is overwhelming and lowers our vibration immediately. Usually it is perceived powerlessness, rather than actual powerlessness, but it’s the feeling that counts, not the reality of the situation! Karate chop point: Even though I have no control in this situation, and it makes me anxious, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway…Even though I feel powerless, AGAIN, I choose to feel calm and peaceful…Even though I feel out of control & powerless, I love and accept all of me anyway.EYEBROW: I feel powerlessSIDE OF EYE: I feel out of controlUNDER EYE: I hate feeling powerlessNOSE: I want more controlCHIN: I’m afraid of what might happenCOLLARBONE: I’m afraid of not having controlUNDER ARM: I want to feel more power in my lifeHEAD: I don’t want to feel so weakEYEBROW: I still feel powerlessSIDE OF EYE: I want to feel strongUNDER EYE: I hate feeling weak and powerlessNOSE: I hate feeling so down about it allCHIN: I want to feel betterCOLLARBONE: I still feel powerlessUNDER ARM: I want to feel betterHEAD: I will consider feeling betterNow you are in a position to take in the gratitude tapping:EYEBROW: I love appreciating who I amSIDE OF EYE: I love receiving what I wantUNDER EYE: I am so grateful for my lifeNOSE: I appreciate all my feelingsCHIN: I feel better alreadyCOLLARBONE: I love feeling so confident and strongUNDER ARM: I love the clarity in my lifeHEAD: I appreciate the guidance I am receiving8572598425FearKarate chop point: Even though I’m deeply afraid of what might happen, I accept who I am and how I feel…Even though I live with these fears every day, I am willing to consider relieving them now…Even though I’m afraid not to feel fear, I accept who I am and how I feel.EYEBROW: I’m always afraid of what might happenSIDE OF EYE: What if something bad happens to me?UNDER EYE: I feel the fear in my vibration every dayNOSE: I can feel the fear no matter what I doCHIN: I don’t feel safe unless I’m feeling worriedCOLLARBONE: I’m afraid to let go of my fearUNDER ARM: I don’t know how to feel any other wayHEAD: What if I can’t let go of my fear?Now that you have voiced the real feelings, you can make the easy transition into more positive statements and vibrations. If you find you object to “positive” statements, notice the “tail-enders” (negative inner self-statements that can negate the power of any stated affirmation) surface such as “no I’m not” or “that’s not true” or something else that counters the positive statements.This is good news! You now have more information & targets for tapping. When your tail-enders surface, behappy you are getting to the core issues! But try apositive round first to see where it lands.EYEBROW: I will consider letting go if my fearSIDE OF EYE: I’m afraid to let go of my fearUNDER EYE: I intend to be freer and lighterNOSE: I love feeling peaceful more oftenCHIN: I’m ready to let go of my fearCOLLARBONE: I love feeling grateful about my lifeUNDER ARM: There is so much to feel grateful forHEAD: I appreciate who I am and how I am living00FearKarate chop point: Even though I’m deeply afraid of what might happen, I accept who I am and how I feel…Even though I live with these fears every day, I am willing to consider relieving them now…Even though I’m afraid not to feel fear, I accept who I am and how I feel.EYEBROW: I’m always afraid of what might happenSIDE OF EYE: What if something bad happens to me?UNDER EYE: I feel the fear in my vibration every dayNOSE: I can feel the fear no matter what I doCHIN: I don’t feel safe unless I’m feeling worriedCOLLARBONE: I’m afraid to let go of my fearUNDER ARM: I don’t know how to feel any other wayHEAD: What if I can’t let go of my fear?Now that you have voiced the real feelings, you can make the easy transition into more positive statements and vibrations. If you find you object to “positive” statements, notice the “tail-enders” (negative inner self-statements that can negate the power of any stated affirmation) surface such as “no I’m not” or “that’s not true” or something else that counters the positive statements.This is good news! You now have more information & targets for tapping. When your tail-enders surface, behappy you are getting to the core issues! But try apositive round first to see where it lands.EYEBROW: I will consider letting go if my fearSIDE OF EYE: I’m afraid to let go of my fearUNDER EYE: I intend to be freer and lighterNOSE: I love feeling peaceful more oftenCHIN: I’m ready to let go of my fearCOLLARBONE: I love feeling grateful about my lifeUNDER ARM: There is so much to feel grateful forHEAD: I appreciate who I am and how I am living ................

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