
MIGRANTS: NO FAKE NEWSMIGRARTIright782320MigrArti is an initiative launched by MIBACT (Ministry for National Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism) in 2016 for the promotion of cinema and theatricalprojects. Thanks to the allocation of important resources, the project contributed to the disclosure of the cultures of populations migrated in Italy, to help the development, of the intercultural comparison and dialogue, A lot of associations responded to the call, some for theatre, dance, music and others for cinema. It’s emerged a great attention for these themes, on the whole national territory. In fact, for the second edition of this year, the winning projects have given life to 36 initiatives for live shows and 12 for cinema. The 12 reviews will primarily be held in Lazio, in Lombardia and in Piemonte. The most represented communities are those of Senegal, Morocco, Camerun, Romania, China and Tunisia.“With MigrArti– Minister Franceschini declared – we are trying to fill a guilty delay and to encourage the knowedge of many and different cultures that live in Italy. For those, like me, who take care of the culture of the country, it is a duty and an opportunity to be interested in it and to enhance all the cultures of the nation. MigrArti has the credit to let emerge the extraordinary vitality of the migrant communities in Italy. We are in a very difficult moment, crossed with old and new fears that can be faced and overcome only through the comparison and the mutual knowledge made possible by these kind of initiatives. MigrArti– Minister Franceschini concluded – supports the meeting and the exchange, and gives Italians the possibility to overcome the cultural block. For this reason , this positive experience will continue in the future”.This is an extraordinary opportunity of artistic and cultural “contamination” and an unique project in EuropeLEGAL RIGHTS. The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for refugees) was created in 1950, in the second postwar period, by the United Nation General Assembly. Its objective was to protect and support refugees giving them a material assistance and finding a solution to their dramatic situation. In the following years was also signed the Geneva Convention that in its first part gives the definition of refugees, and in the second determines the rights that the signer states have to provide them. Another very important international European Union law is the Dublin Treaty. This particular convention, come into force in 1997, establishes the immigrants’ right to present an asylum request to the first EU country that they reach. The subject matter dealt in these conventions is the asylum right. When we talk about asylum right we mean a juridical concept. Thanks to this right countries, and authorities in general, can safeguard people that escape from their.original country because persecuted for political, religious reasons or for warlike problems. In Italy the asylum right is regulated by the tenth article of Italian Constitution. In fact it is compliant to rules and international conventions. An immigrant that has got limited democratic liberties guaranteed by the Italian Constitution can achieve the asylum right in the Republic’s territory. right38735IMPACT AND ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES OF IMMIGRATION:The transfer of people across countries is known as immigration. Immigration is the expression of the free will of movement guaranteed by many laws.Immigration laws that facilitate the displacement of people between two countries are very efficient and necessary in many cases since as almost everything, this phenomenon has its pros and cons.First, positive aspects1. Cultural exchange: Immigration also involves cultural exchange or interaction between different cultures. This is also an opportunity for interaction with people from different countries. People of different backgrounds can join and share their lifestyle.2. New opportunities for education and job: People can exchange different knowledge and experiences. This opens new doors and opportunities for education and job for many people.3. Population distribution: Migration of people from an overpopulated country to another less populated also contributes to a better distribution of the population and resources. 4.Economic Growth: Immigration is also a global marketplace. It offers a new perspective of social and economic growth. Supporters of migratory phenomena are of the opinion that it also promotes global prosperity.Second: negative aspects of immigrationOverpopulation, because immigration can cause this phenomenon as leaving other countries on the one side causing the excessive exploitation of the other and its natural resources Other negative aspects are the bad living conditions of immigrants about wage (low salaries and precarious rights) and about accommodation (high purchase and rent prices, unhealthy and overcrowding conditions ). Some immigrants don’thave the right medicines in their country, so they can bring contagious diseases because their health is weaker than ours.For the International Monetary Fund , the increase of immigration wiil have a positive effect and also a big help for the countries with a high immigration rate. For example Germany, Sweden and Australia who welcomed more than one million refugees in 2015, have the chance that their GDP might increase in 2017 for the growth of population and workforce . As long as the European governments guaranteee a good integration in the national economy and job market, the refugees’ presence will be a positive thing for the European economical condition.THE HUMANITARIAN CORRIDORS AND MARE NOSTRUMThe humanitarian corridors are self-financed projects realized by Sant’Egidio community and evangelical churches. Their principal purposes are:Avoid journeys on barges on the Mediterranean sea to preserve people’s safetyGrant a legal access in Italy and afterwards allow migrants in vulnerable conditions, such as victims of persecutions, violences and tortures, to ask for the asylum applicationThe humanitarian corridors when the refugees arrive in Italy, welcome them in homes or safe places. They favour their integration, helping them to find a job, sending their children to school and teaching them Italian.Sant’Egidio community, evangelical churches, Tavola Valdese, and Italian government send the volunteers to contact the refugees and if they present asylum applications, afterwards the Home Office (Ministero dell’interno) can realese humanitarian visa.Since february 2016 have already arrived 900 migrants and the program expects 1000 migrants in the next two years. The Italian initiative wants to avoid new sea tragedies.On the 3 October 2013 there was the “tragedy of Lampedusa” a dramatic shipwreck of a Libyan boat, more than 360 persons lost their lives .Following this tragedy, the Italian government guided by Enrico Letta, decided to authorize the operation “Mare nostrum”. It was a humanitarian and military mission to help and save the migrants, trying to avoid other tragic events in the Mediterranean sea. The operation Mare nostrum started on 18 October 2013 in the Channel of Sicily because of the flow of migrants.It had a dual mission: to guarantee the safeguard in the sea and to tackle the illegal traffickers of migrants.The operation finished on 31 October 2014 when the new mission Triton started1276357620In Italy, controversy continues on the ONG while in the sea continues the migratory bargaining boats desperately seeking to reach Europe. Only in 2017, between Italy, Spain and Greece, 43,357 people arrived. All numbers of migrations in the Mediterranean.Photographs of the migrants who died in the shipwreck in front of Lampedusa on 3 October 2013 (Photo Riccardo De Simone)IUS SOLI AND IUS CULTURAEleft1497330Lately in Italy we have been talking about this new law passed by the Low Chamber in 2015. The law expands the criteria for obtaining Italian citizenship concerning children born in Italy from foreign parents. The supporters are most of the “Partito Democratico”, while the opponents are of the “Lega Nord” and “Forza Italia”.The law (Ius Sanguinis) currently used, was approved in 1992 and provides that an Italian child who has at least one of the two Italian parents, can be an Italian citizen while a child born in Italy who has foreign parents can only apply for citizenship after 18 years. In that period of time he has to reside in Italy legally and uninterruptedly. The new law introduces new criteria to get citizenship before the age of 18: “Ius Soli Temperato” and “IusCulturae”. The “Ius Soli” provides that people born in a certain State should automatically obtain a citizenship, as in the UnitedStates. This is not possible in any EU State. The “Ius Soli Temperato” is present in the law at the Senate and states that a child born in Italy becomes automatically an Itlian citizen if one of the two parents has been legally a resident in Italy for at least five years.The other way to get an Italian citizenship is the “Ius Culturae”, which is based on the Italian school system. It stipulates that foreigners 18 years old born in Italy, or arrived before 12 years of age, may only apply for citizenship if they have attended Italian schools for 5 years and passed at least one school cycle. Foreigners who are between the ages of 12 and 18 will be able to obtain citizenship after having passed a school cycle and having lived for six years in Italy. It is absurd that in a country like Italy, children born, raised and who have participated in school life as any Italian citizen, can not yet receive citizenship before the age of 18, despite they are perfectly integrated into Italian society and have attented an educational course like any Italian citizen. Many politicians as Graziano Delrio (Italian minister) and many members of the parliament are battling for these ideals through hunger strike and going against those who are opposing this bill.By class 2i, Liceo Morgagni, Rome, Italy. Editing Federico Bernoni ................

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