Basketball 3R Matrix.docx

-11429947625Three Rivers Basketball ExpectationsHome GamesAway GamesPracticeLocker RoomTeam MatesRespectfulcharacterized by or showing politeness or kindnesssynonym: courteousShow appropriate enthusiasm Respect visiting team, coaches, and spectatorsUse appropriate language and voice levelRespect school propertyUse please and thank youUse appropriate language and voice levelUse appropriate language and voice levelRemain quiet during instruction and allow others the opportunity to learn Follow directionsPlace garbage in the trash canUse appropriate language and voice levelRespect school property and respect others privacyUse please and thank youUse appropriate language and voice levelShow gratitudeResponsibleaccountable for something within one's power synonym: competentBe on time and be preparedSit in appropriate areas and remain seatedTake ownership of your schoolKeep the bus clean Place garbage in the trash canKeep remarks and gestures positive and politeKeep the gym clean Place garbage in the trash canStay in designated areasKeep your personal material safeKeep your locker cleanKeep your practice gear cleanBe honestAlways show your best attitudeBe positive toward all playersResilientspringing back; rebounding; recovering synonym: flexible24 hour rule win or loseStrive to do what is rightExpect to be successful24 hour rule win or loseStrive to do what is rightExpect to be successfulShow concern for othersDedicate yourself to being on timeReport problems to staffBe determined to be ready to go Report problems to staffStrive to keep a clean and tidy lockerReport problems to staffIf you have trouble understanding, let someone knowAsk for help ................

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