
-31115448945Dear families,Happy Monday! Thank you so much for all the lovely emails, and Tweets we have been receiving from you sharing your learning and all the activities you have been enjoying. It is great to see so many children using the learning grids, but most importantly, it is amazing to see so many people taking time out to look after their mental wellbeing too.We are all very proud of you, and as ever we are here to continue to support you during these very strange and often tricky times.We continue to hope you are all staying safe and healthy!Miss Duff and Mr Pritchard00Dear families,Happy Monday! Thank you so much for all the lovely emails, and Tweets we have been receiving from you sharing your learning and all the activities you have been enjoying. It is great to see so many children using the learning grids, but most importantly, it is amazing to see so many people taking time out to look after their mental wellbeing too.We are all very proud of you, and as ever we are here to continue to support you during these very strange and often tricky times.We continue to hope you are all staying safe and healthy!Miss Duff and Mr Pritchard632650514478000613346519685Follow us on Twitter!@DuddyP2 It’s been really exciting to be in touch with more of our families thanks to Twitter.If you’re not on Twitter, you should still be able to read our Tweets by visiting DuddyP20Follow us on Twitter!@DuddyP2 It’s been really exciting to be in touch with more of our families thanks to Twitter.If you’re not on Twitter, you should still be able to read our Tweets by visiting DuddyP2P2 Home Learning Newsletter and Grid 4th May 202061334652806700WebsiteMore resources and links are being added to the website every day. Remember to check out ‘Happy News’ while you are there!00WebsiteMore resources and links are being added to the website every day. Remember to check out ‘Happy News’ while you are there!-311151026160Keep in touch!Thanks so much for all the emails letting us know what you are getting up to. We are always here to do whatever we can to support you and your family while the school is closed.Do not hesitate to get in touch.Email Mr Pritchard: stephen.pritchard@duddingston.edin.sch.ukEmail Miss Duff: kristina.duff@duddingston.edin.sch.uk We are both regularly monitoring our emails.0Keep in touch!Thanks so much for all the emails letting us know what you are getting up to. We are always here to do whatever we can to support you and your family while the school is closed.Do not hesitate to get in touch.Email Mr Pritchard: stephen.pritchard@duddingston.edin.sch.ukEmail Miss Duff: kristina.duff@duddingston.edin.sch.uk We are both regularly monitoring our emails.-311152919730Find lessons from our fantastic Music teacher at mrcraigheadmusic184794772. Or get inspired to stay active by following our equally fantastic PE teacher on Twitter @MrsLeggatt_PE. 0Find lessons from our fantastic Music teacher at mrcraigheadmusic184794772. Or get inspired to stay active by following our equally fantastic PE teacher on Twitter @MrsLeggatt_PE. Home learning grid for school closure Primary 2week beginning 20th April 2020Writing ReadingNumberUsing question marks (?) and exclamation marks (!)Choose an activity sheet under the P2 tab: mild-medium, orspicy. You might want to start with the mild one and moveon if you find it too easy.Can you put in full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to make the sentence correct? Or perhaps you could create your own sentences too!You can either:- print it out and write your sentences down;- edit it on the computer;- or, copy it out into your jotter with question marks, fullStops and exclamation marks added.Don’t forget the ‘Question Words’ we have learnt-including What, Why, Where, When and How.Free reading resourcesCan you complete the daily challenge on BBC Bitesize Daily lessons?There is a fab free short story read every day by CBBC presenters and lots of lovely activities, you can try at home. Miss Duff’s favourite story so far was ‘Daisy and the Trouble with Life’ by Kes Gray. Follow the link below to enjoy it too. Keep trying to encourage your child to read aloud to you daily (whole stories, words, websites, bits of recipes) or perhaps they could read to a family member via video chat!Domino SumsChoose 2 dominoes and add the dots. Write the sum!How did you work it out? Did you see any number patterns, e.g. doubles?Doubles Rap! Join in with the doubles rap on You Tube! Can you say the answers before they appear on the screen? Topmarks-Daily TenCan you complete a Topmarks Daily Ten challenge, focusing on Addition or Subtraction.You could start on Level 1, and as you become more confident you could challenge yourself by moving onto Level 2. SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths/NumeracyRevise ‘Tricky Words.’Can you revise some of our tricky words from last term.You could choose one column for the week, or challenge yourself with completing two.MildMediumSpicySoFindWaterTwoOnlyWouldWhoWhat ShouldWhyOverCouldAnyKindWhereVeryEveryCan you complete one of the following activities:Silly sentences: Write silly sentences using a spelling word in each sentence.Hidden Words: Draw and colour a picture, hide your spelling words inside your picture. Show the picture to a grown up or friend to see if they can find all the words.Telephone words: Write your words in a list. Look at a phone keypad. Translate each letter into numbers on the key pad to create a secret code!Sumdog spelling is still availableGet in touch if you have lost your log in details!Can you complete the ‘What am I’ game below?Perhaps you could play with a grown up, listen carefully to the clue. You could tell them the answer, you could draw it, or, as an extra challenge, have a go at writing the word.What am I?I grow on trees.I am red.I am crunchy.What am I?I grow on trees.You have to peel me to eat me.I am often turned into juice.My name is also a colour.What am I?I have seeds on the outside.I am eaten in the summer.I am soft and red.What am I?I am a cold drink.I come in different flavours.I am made with milk and ice cream.Last week, we looked at 2D shapes. So, guess what’s coming next.3D ShapeCan you learn to explain the difference between 2D and 3D shapes?Can you collect some good examples of 3D shapes from around your house.Can you find out what a face, an edge and a vertex are?Can you create an interactive way to share what you have learned about 3D shapes?There are some more supporting documents and worksheet activities under the P2 tab.Something fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectPlay!I’m sure you have not forgotten the value of play for your children. It is more important now than ever!Here are some ideas:Find a way to engage in sensory play, e.g. through sand/water or with playdough. Only engage in messy play if will not cause you unneeded stress.Plan to dress up together. Create costumes with what you can find around the house.If you are working, could you set up a den to work in with your child for the morning or afternoon?Imaginative play – use old boxes and clothes to play pirates, farmers, fairies, police, superheroes, etc.Remember, there are some resources to support parents in guiding and facilitating play under the P2 tab. Learn to join in with some tricky household jobsHave a go at trying these tasks independently to start with. How much can you do by yourself?Parents, remember to only give wee prompts if really needed – our best learning can come through failing first time!Change your beddingPillow cases may be a good place to start!Writing a shopping listCan you find a way to make sure that you don’t miss anything you need?Reorganise a bookshelf or DVD collectionColour order? Theme? Size? Alphabetically?Fix something broken or take something apart and put it back together again!Create a problem to go in next week’s problem solving box! Don’t forget to send it to us!**BREAKING NEWS**BRAND NEW TOPIC ANNOUNCED FOR DUDDINGSTON P2!This term, we would have been studying Space as our topic.Two simple questions for this week:What do you already know about Space?This could be anything. Find a way to record everything you know about Space and send it to us. A poster, some writing, a voice memo, a spider diagram…Whatever floats your boat… (or launches your rocket!)What would you like to find out?Send us your questions – what are you interested in learning and what do you want to find out?We’ll look at your responses before planning for next week.Look out for some extra space stuff rocketing your way via Learning Journals!Religious & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/DramaIt is officially Spring! Miss Duff’s favourite time of the year.Can you find out some fun facts about Mayday?Please find the PowerPoint with some fun facts on our P2 page.Perhaps you could write or draw some of the facts you have learnt?Can you make your own maypole and dance around it?Can you create a flower crown and crown someone May King or Queen?Here’s a great song to help you revise your French numbers to 20. watch?v=dhj9SqrIZqIHere’s a song to help you revise the months.watch?v=qHFapUrSuVMHere’s a lovely song to help you practice greetings.watch?v=NXkJ88ygPY0Can you create a French calendar?Can you tell someone your birthday in French?Mon anniversaire est le… [number] [month](My birthday is the… [number] [month])Can you say the birthdays of people in your family in French?Have you managed to use the free LuvLingua app to practice French yet? Can you let us know if it’s useful?Keep referring to previous Home Learning Grids for suggestions of what you might focus on, if it has been helpful.Still lifeP2a were practising their still life drawings before we closed.Look at the document under the P2 tab to explore some famous ‘Still Life’ art works.Find an interesting object in your house and take time to complete as accurate a drawing as you can.Remember:OBSERVE – look at the object carefullyDRAW WHAT YOU SEE – not what you think you see.SKETCH – press gently with your pencil and use lots of small pencil marks to draw.Mr. Pritchard is going to try a still life 5-day challenge. Keep an eye on Twitter, @DuddyP2, to see how he gets on!Can you get a grown-up to have a go too?MusicRemember, you can also visit Mr Craighead’s blog for some special music lessons for P1 and P2. Just go to: mrcraigheadmusic184794772.Health & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesQuestionsWe have thought about our strengths and been developing our skills through our Respect Yourself resilience topic.This week, we are going to think about two ways to show respect to ourselves and look after our mental health.Positive Affirmations BooksMake a mini-booklet filled with calming images you have drawn, cut from magazines or newspapers or found on the internet. Include some positive words and phrases.Thinking about SleepSleep is really important for our health. Mr Pritchard has been staying up too late! Can you give him some advice to help him enjoy going to bed on time and getting to sleep?a videoa postera bookletPEKeep tuning in to Joe Wicks at 9am. bit.ly/39vFoaBCheck out Active Schools’ alphabet challenge.ActiveSchoolsEDTry something different with Cosmic Yoga. bit.ly/3dL2r4zGet dancing with Zumba Kids on GoNoodle. bit.ly/3aBWi8TStargazingIf you are out of bed when it dark outside, and it is clear, see what you can find in the night sky.Things to spot:The MoonThursday 7th May is the next full moon.Can you track it as it grows through the week?VenusWill be visible for a few hours after sunset. Usually near the moon.Apps like ‘Skyview’ can support you in identifying stars, planets and constellations using a smartphone.The aim here is to inspire a sense of wonder and interest in the night sky. If it is not possible for the children to see the night sky – for obvious bed-time reasons! – please use the resources and links below to help. Have a play around with your location and the time. Do the stars look different in Australia? Why?mission_pages/hubble/multimedia/index.htmlEnjoy and discuss this collection of amazing space photos.We would love to hear from you all.What have you been learning?What’s your proudest achievement this week?What does your learning space look like?Send us an emailkristina.duff@duddingston.edin.sch.ukstephen.pritchard@duddingston.edin.sch.ukor Tweet to@DuddyP2Remember to share your Happy News with Miss Smith if you want it shared on the school website. ................

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