Imperialism NotesName:Imperialism Defined - Imperialism: The policy by one nation to attempt to create an ___________________________ by dominating other nations economically, __________________________________, culturally, or militarily. Imperialism is very similar to colonialism, with one major 024384000___________________________________: colonial powers settle the countries of which they gain control, while imperial _____________________________ do not. 1800’s imperialism was spurred in large part by the __________________ Revolution. The Industrial Revolution – The Industrial ____________________________ began in Great Britain in the mid-18th century Throughout most of the 19th century, Great Britain experienced unprecedented ______________________ resulting from its position as the world’s first industrialized ________________________. It also soon became the world’s _________________________________ nation. 01397000By the middle of the 1800’s, industrialization had spread across Europe and the United States, aided by the development of _____________ that brought __________________ to new factories and transported their finished goods to world markets.289623520574000Economic Motives - Industrialized nations sought: - ____________ materials - Natural ______________________________ - A _______________ labor supply - New _________________________________ for manufactured goods Economic motives provided perhaps the __________________________ impetus for imperialism. Nations strove to control other nations because they hoped to _____________________ their own economies, acquire raw materials, possibly obtain new sources of ___________________, and/or gain new marketplaces for their products. Africa became one of the main __________________ of raw materials for industrializing nations. 309562512700000Technological Advances - The steam _______________ - Better _______________________________ - Increased ____________________________ - Improvements in ___________________________________ Developments in technology ____________________________ colonial expansion and exploration as well. The steam engine revolutionized ______________________________, powering both seagoing vessels and land vehicles, such as trains. Advances in transportation and communication allowed for _______________________ exploration of more remote regions of the world. ! Other innovations, such as the ____________________________, provided vast improvements in long-distance communication. 9525016954500The Maxim Gun Changes in weaponry gave European countries an ______________________________ over native populations. In 1885, the Maxim gun was invented; it could fire ___________ rounds per minute. -457200-32385000The British ______________ began using the guns in 1889. Exploration British missionary and ________________________ David Livingstone (1813–1873) was one of the first Europeans to travel across the continent of __________________. His explorations _______________________ the way for Europeans to chart the interior of the “Dark Continent.” By the second half of the 1800s, _____________________________ had a good idea of the vast -35242531369000_____________________ resources that Africa harbored. Ideological Motives - A desire to “________________________” non-Europeans also spurred the development of imperialism - Social ______________________________ All European nations who _______________________________ in imperialistic activities during this time period supported missionary _________________________ in one way or another. In addition, a belief in the superiority of the white _____________ produced the idea that whites had a responsibility to civilize non-whites. Although the term “survival of the fittest” gained greater fame when ___________________ Darwin used it in his discussion of __________________________ ______________________________ in The Origin of Species. The late 19th century saw the rise of a _______________________________ known as “Social Darwinism,” which used the principle of natural selection to explain the need for stronger countries to _______________________ weaker ones. Ideological motives both rationalized and provided a measure of ___________________________________ for European imperialism. The White Man’s Burden” By Rudyard Kipling Take up the ____________________ Man’s burden— Send forth the best ye ___________________— Go, bind your sons to exile 384810016319500To serve your captives’ need; To wait, in heavy _________________________, On fluttered folk and wild— Your new-caught _______________________ peoples, Half-devil and half-child. Take up the White Man's burden— In patience to __________________, To veil the threat of terror And check the show of pride; By open speech and ________________________, An hundred times made plain, To seek another's _______________________ And work another's gain. In this poem, British ____________________ Rudyard Kipling urged “civilized” nations to extend their __________________________ over those who were “half-devil and half-child." Nationalism – 1800’s _________________________ changes _______________ lost control of countries and were replaced by elected officials that represented the people and their deep pride for who they were.Allegiance changed to _______________, rather than to a monarchThe Role of the “____________________” changed as they could now have freedoms like:Voting, Ability to receive an ________________,the establishment of a “________________” and new higher paying jobs because of industrialization-66675016319500Nationalism Cont’ New Unified Nations emerged to change the Politics of EuropeTwo major unification movements occurred, creating the nations of ________________________________ out of what had been loose agglomerations of semi-independent states. New sources of national pride sprang up as a result, and lower classes became aware of their political might. In addition, _______________________________________ of the Industrial Revolution had led to major improvements in weaponry, and many were itching to _____________________________________________ muscle. Imperialism provided an outlet for both nationalism and ________________________ (building up a countries military). If a nation could increase its imperial possessions, it would elevate the standing of all its citizens among the peoples of Europe. -83820033401000The Scramble for Africa Begins - Belgium as a country was founded in 1839 and its new King, King Leopold II believed that the acquisition of overseas _________________________ was essential in his quest to define his country’s future, yet he was never quite able to get the support of his government or his __________________________ to participate in colony building. Thus, in 1876 he ____________________________ his own holding company and hired Henry Morton Stanley to establish a colony in the __________________. The Berlin Conference - A conference was established in Berlin, Germany to establish a set of agreed-upon rules regarding the _______________________________ among the major powers for colonies in __________________ At the conference, European powers agreed on a set of rules governing imperial ambitions in Africa:The area along the Congo River was to remain under the control of ____________________.No nation could stake a claim on the continent without ________________________.Territory could not be claimed by a country unless it was occupied by the country.European Control of Africa - By 1914, only __________ African nations remained __________________________Liberia and _________________ By 1914, the British had control of close to 30% of the _____________________________ of the continent of Africa, the French had 15%, Germany and __________________________ each had -80010032067500just under 10%, and Italy had 1%. Cecil Rhodes He was a British imperialist who made huge profits from Africa’s natural resources including _____________________. Made so much money he started a scholarship in his name “_______________________”The cartoon in this slide, titled “The Rhodes Colossus: striding from Cape Town to Cairo,” appeared in Punch magazine in December of 1892. Rhodes intended to _____________________________________from Cairo to Cape Town with the intention of making England the dominant force in Africa.Positives of Imperialism in Africa - Europeans had a quest to control ________________________ like copper, tin, rubber, and coal. As a result the _____________________ (roads, bridges, railroads) were built.Positives Building of railroads, _______________, bridges, telephone/ telegraph health care and _________________These improvements in infrastructure not only helped Europeans ___________________________ Africa’s natural resources, but also allowed for greater political control over African peoples and countriesDirect vs. Indirect Rule - European nations chose one of two ___________________________ paths when it came to colonial rule: - Indirect rule: colonies were given a degree of leeway in government matters and ______________________________________________- Example: ______________________ Direct rule: the colony was directly __________________________________ by the colonizing countryExample: _______________________ South Africa – The______________________ first arrived on the Cape of Good Hope in the late 1600’s century.Europeans soon began to settle on the Cape, taking land and moving the natives out or forcing them into ___________________________.-8286758001000Diamonds and Gold In 1814 The ______________________________________ South Africa and tried to push the Dutch out. Many small wars were fought over control of the Cape. The ________ led by Shaka Zulu, were a mighty African kingdom who fought both the Dutch and British for the areas in South Africa they were defeated not by military tactics but rather ______________________________________.In 1867, ____________________ were discovered in South Africa; in 1886, gold was discovered.Most of the Diamonds were discovered in Dutch (Boer) held territory, and the British wanted to get their hands on them. Disagreements over claims eventually ______________________.The Boer War, 1899–1902 Dutch and British troops fought for control of the Cape and the vast resources there.Hundreds of thousands of British troops were sent to defeat the Boers and after three years of fighting the __________________________________________________________________. The British then established the Republic of South Africa in 1910 with an exclusively _____________________ run government. China In the 1700s, China enjoyed a favorable ________________________________________They would send tea, silk and porcelain to European countries in exchange for silver. When other countries like Britain wanted to trade with them_______________ was the other thing China wanted in return. The British not having a large supply of silver then looked to a good they could exchange with the Chinese, ___________________.-7715259906000The Power of Opium By 1779, the British East India Company was importing _______________________________Within a generation, _____________________________ in China became widespread consuming as much as 80% of the population because of its cheap price and ease of acquiring. 44354756667500The Chinese government tried to stop the Opium trade by _______________________, the British did not follow the new law and the Chinese then destroyed thousands of chest of opium, __________________________ between the countries. The Opium War: 1839–1842 and Treaty of Nanjing Britain, with its powerful navy, occupied several Chinese ports, during the war including ____________________________. British armies also met with success, coming within miles of Peking( Beijing), the Chinese capital. In 1842, the Chinese conceded and Britain ______________________________________________________.The Treaty of Nanjing was signed and Britain gained Control of Hong KongThe right to trade in five major citiesThe ______________________________ in China The Open Door Policy After the Opium War, ______________________________________________ The United States did not have a large trade base in China, so they supported opening China to all countries who wanted to trade, not just Britain. This policy was known as the “________________________________” policy formulated by U.S. Secretary of State John HayNo nations formally accepted Hay’s proposal, but they didn’t counter the Open Door policy’s provisions eitherThe Boxer Rebellion, 1899 In response to the European presence in China, __________________________________ groups emerged and organized in the hopes of removing foreign ____________________________ from the country. ! One group named the “Harmonious Fists” (called the “Boxers” by Europeans) attacked _________________________ missionaries, Chinese Christians, and government officials they held responsible for allowing Europeans to dominate China. ! In mid-1900, close to 150,000 ________________________ occupied Beijing. ! An international force composed of European, American, and _____________________________ soldiers occupied Beijing and defeated the Boxers. -762000000The Boxer Protocol - China was ___________________________ to sign the Boxer Protocol - Required to pay damages to _______________________ - Forced to allow foreign soldiers to live in ________________________________ ! The Boxer Protocol was signed on _____________________________ 7, 1901. The Russo-Japanese War - 1904–1905 - Japan and ___________________ fought for control of Manchuria a part of northern China- Japan won easily; Russia was _____________________________ 46024806350000The United States and Hawaii By the early 1800s, the United States was also on its way to becoming a ___________________________________________ nation. Later in the 19th century, America would enter into its own period of imperialism.______________________ was an Independent kingdom in the Pacific Ocean-809625105219500In the 1800s, American missionaries arrived, followed by those seeking economic opportunities. Among the first and most successful American companies in Hawaii was the __________________________________________________. With the aid of a wealthy American businessman, a coup overthrew Queen Liliuokalani in 1894, and Hawaii became a republic. The Spanish-American War The United States with a taste for Imperialism went after other island nations like Cuba who were ruled by the ___________________. With the “fake” explosion of the boat ______________________ in Cuba the war started. The war was one sided with an easy ______________________. The United States gained control of Spanish colonies in the Pacific and the Caribbean, most notably _________________, Puerto Rico, and the PhilippinesThe Legacy of Imperialism - _____________ War I - Third-World _______________________________ 42957757620000World War I __________________________ was clearly a contributing cause of World War I. The___________________________ for overseas possessions often brought European powers into conflict. Britain and France had vied for control of areas in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent and felt threatened by __________________ for this control.Many of the “_____________________________” that historians often cite as a premier cause of World War I actually came about as a result of conflicts over imperialism.Third-World Nationalism The rise of _____________________________ in Europe was largely a 19th-century phenomenon, and it contributed to the spread of imperialism. ! Before falling under European control, many Third World peoples had set ________________________ boundaries and drawn their sense of identity from shared tribal or _______________________ traits; for them, the concept of “nation” didn’t really exist. That began to change under _____________________________. European powers created _________________________ borders almost arbitrarily, often forcing ethnic groups with no common language or _________________________—and sometimes a shared history of conflict—to live together under the same _______________________ authority. In addition, the area was home to ___________________________ of smaller ethnic groups. Nearly all these ethnic groups ____________________________ having these artificial boundaries forced upon them. This shared discontent and ________________________ resentment of European occupiers created an incipient sense of nationalism among these __________________________ peoples. The Legacy of Imperialism ! Although many colonies __________________________ from the improvements imperialism brought in infrastructure, schooling, and __________________ care, political instability and economies lacking in diversity ___________________________ to plague many former colonies. Many nations in ________________ have experienced (and continue to experience) civil war resulting in large part from the _________________________ boundaries that remained after they had won their independence from former _________________________ powers. 436245023114000Most colonies had little ____________________________ with self-rule; when independence came, political instability often followed. When ________________________ was achieved, many times it came because a dictator had seized control of the country. Imperialism more or less ________________________ the “Third World,” and many of the problems that these countries experience today stem from the __________________ of imperialism. ................

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