
1. What struck you the most about this reading? 2. On pg. 57-59, the authors layout the positive uses for video games. Discuss these and the application of these concepts. Are there other positive benefits they do not discuss that you think are positives?3. Pg. 59-60: The conditions of “pathological” video game play include the following:- Preoccupation with the game- Increased time playing needed to get the same enjoyment- Repeated failures to cut back on time playing- Playing longer than one intended at any one time- Jeopardizing relationships/jobs/school productivity etc.- Lying about amount of time playing - Using VG’s as an escape from real world problems- In particular in kids and teens: Fatigue, decreased motivation to do other tasks, declining grades, isolation from friends/family, dropping out of other activities etc.Do you agree with these symptoms/conditions as being legit and/or problematic? Discuss. Can you relate this to other behavioral activities? Discuss4. Pg. 59-63 lay out the harmful effects of video games, including the argument that playing video games has a casual effect (also pg. 68) on increased levels of aggression. Discuss and evaluate these. Are there any negative effects that you disagree with and/or are there any they did not list that you think should be included?5. I found Fig. 3 on pg. 67 to be rather shocking. Discuss the application and significance of these findings. 6. The authors discuss the learned nature of violence and aggression a lot. Discuss the connections to other aspects of psychology we’ve previously discussed including Bandura, Vygotsky, Bruner etc. 7. Discuss the short term and long term effects of exposure to violence according to these authors ................

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