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Referral Revenue ScriptIntroduction:Earn money by starting your own convertiblelink shortening service.Allow members to shorten links & earn money, and keep a share of the profit. Member will shorter the URL and publish in the websites. The URLshortener includes a complete publisher and advertiser system, campaigns, referrals, withdrawals, API, translation andBank Transfer integration.User Function:PublishersPublishers or Userand you can earn money by showing ads when users click on shortened links. Every thousand clicks the user can earn.Ability to change the CPM (Cost Per Mille, thousands) for each country like each country the user can able to change the cost of the each ads on difference country. It will be shown on the campaignsDifferent ad types:Interstitial Full page adsBanner 728×90, 468×60 & 336×280PopupNo ad will work as redirect service Publishers have access to a powerful dashboardView the Total view of overall ads they have publishedView Total earnings from their adsView Referral EarningsView Average CPMStatistics sorted by Month & YearAuto-generated line graphsCan view, edit, and hide linksHow the Advertising System works? The publisher will publish their ads by creating the ads in campaigns pagePublished can create campaigns for the below advertisements:Interstitial Full page ads on the website ,Banner with following size: (728×90, 468×60 & 336×280) on the website andPopup.Publisher can select campaigns target sources of their ads likeDesktop,Mobile/tablets and All sources.Publisher can pause, resume and monitor their campaigns of the ads they have postedwhenever they wantsHere are the some of the criteria visitors will meet the following:Ads will run in 24 hours time frame There is not using of the Ad blocker extensionsThey will have JavaScript enabledThey will have Cookies enabledThe visitor must view the website at least 5 seconds.How to create the ads: While click on the createInterstitial or create Banner the user should fill the appropriate fields and submit the and need to purchase the Advertising Ratesbefore post their ads.Advertising RatesWorldwide country (all countries) 1 USD for 1000 visitors (it is managed by the admin)Canada 4 USD for 1000 visitors (it is managed by the admin)UK 5 USD for 1000 visitors (it is managed by the admin)USA 5 USD for 1000 visitors (it is managed by the admin)Payment gatewaysHere are the some of the payment gateways used:PayPalStripePayzaSkrillBitcoin – CoinbaseBitcoin – CoinPaymentsWebMoneyPerfect MoneyPAYEERWallet MoneyBank TransferWithdrawal systemPublisher will able to use the withdrawal option to withdraw their earnings from the ads they have posted.Publishers can withdraw their earned profits using PayPal, Payza, Skrill, Bitcoin, WebMoney, Wallet Money and Bank Transfer.Publishers can withdraw amount only after minimum balance in the wallet Referrals systemThe referral program is a great way to spread the word of this service. Publisher can able to share the service to their friends by share the URL in the Referral menu in the dashboard. By share the URL the publisher can able to earn 20 % of their (Friends) earnings. Members systemShow how the member system works?After registration the activation mail can be sent to the user for verification purposeForget option is used in the systemAllow users to change their email addressUsers can add add their billing information like first name, last name, address, country, city, state and phone number on the user profile pageFeature on used in URL shortener Tools:Here is some of the feature in the URL Shortener like:Quick Link: Everyone can use the shortest way to shorten link it is user friendlyMass Shrink: Enter up to 20 URLs (one per line) to be shrunk and added to your account and it can be share.Full Page Script: If you have a website with 100’s or 1000’s of links you want to change over to short shown the option in the toolsDevelopers API: For developers prepared API which returns responses in JSON format.Bookmarklet: It will help publisher to create the short link easierAdmin Function:Administration panelEasily accessible & make users adminsView site statistics on the dashboardAdmin can able to view the statistics like:Owner earningsPublisher EarningsReferral EarningsTotalviewWith graphical representation of the statistics of their earningsHow the admin will earn?While user posting the ads user should be pay the cost for publishing the amount in Advertising Rates.Reports:In the report it will show all the list of Advertise, list of countries and referral data. And along with the search filter on it. Manage link: Admin can able to view all linksAdmin can able to hide linksAdmin can able to inactive linksCampaigns:Admin can view the list Advertise post by the userAdmin create their own ads like (Interstitial, Banner & Popup) and can manages the others user ads.Interstitial Page Ad: This ad will be displayed between logo and counter.Banner 728×90Banner 468×60Banner 336×280Banner size can be managed by the admin .Withdraws:Admin can able to view the list of withdrawal from the userAdmin will give the approval payment status of the withdrawal , status link (pending, Approval, complete, cancelled)Membership:Admin can able to manage the membership in the system link:ProfessionalPrimaryFreeInvoice:List of payment details for the ads the user have paid will be shown in the Invoice after the payment the admin will click as (Mark as paid).Payment method:Admin can able to manage the payment type:Currency codeWallet settingsPay pal settingsStripe settingsPayza SettingsSkrill SettingsBitcoin ProcessorWebmoney SettingsPerfect Money SettingsPayeer SettingsBank Transfer SettingsWithdrawal methods:Admin can able to set the Minimum Withdrawal Amount and enable and disable the paymenet gateways if they want.Social link:Ability to ad Facebook Page URLAbility to ad Twitter Profile URLAbility to ad Google Plus URLSMTP email supportGeneral settingsAdd your website logo in two versionsEnable/Disable Account Activation by EmailEnable/Disable advertising featuresChange Referral Percentage earningAbility to add Head Code into front area pagesAbility to add Head Code into Auth pages like signin, sinup, forgot password pagesAbility to add Head Code into member areaAbility to add Head Code into admin areaChange website name & descriptionAdmin can manage the page and blogCan manage the testimonialsCaptcha systemThe captcha system (Google) will be work only the after the registration of website. Here admin can able to enable and disable the captcha system Enable/Disable CaptchaEnable/Disable on Short Links PageEnable/Disable on Signup FormEnable/Disable on Forgot Password Form ................

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