The Earth Through Time, 10th Editionby Harold L. LevinChapter 4—Rocks and Minerals: Documents that record Earth’s HistoryMultiple Choice QuestionsSelect the best answer.1.What message can minerals provide about the history of the Earth?a. Color.b. Streak.c. Paleomagnatism.d. Age of the Earth.e. Both c. and d.2. Which of the following is not a mineral?a. Glass.b. Quartz.c. Orthoclase.d. Mica.e. All of the above.3. To qualify as a mineral which of the following must be true?a. Naturally occurring.b. Inorganic.c. Crystalline.d. Specific chemical composition.e. All the above.4. Why should color be used in conjunction with other physical property to identify a mineral?a. The shape of a mineral can change its color.b. Trace impurity in a mineral can influence the color.c. Some minerals do not have color.d. Color is not a physical property of a mineral.e. Both a. and d.5.What is the term for the quality of reflected light off a mineral surface?a. Color.b. Streak.c. Hardness.d. Luster.e. Density.6. Which of the following is a unit of density?a. Grams/meter cubed.b. Meter cubed/gram.c. Gallon/slug.d. Pound/inch.e. Kilogram/centimeter squared.7.What is the most common group of minerals in the Earth’s crust?a. Carbonates.b. Evaporites.c. Silicates.d. Natives.e. Sulfates.8. What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust?a. Iron.b. Silicon.c. Calcium.d. Potassium.e. Oxygen.9. What the name of the most common mineral group in the Earth’s crust?a. Quartz.b. Mica.c. Olivined. Feldspar.e. Amphibole.10. Why are some varieties of quartz called chert?a. Color.b. Sub-microscopic crystal size.c. Igneous origins.d. Metamorphic origins.e. Both c. and d.11.Which feldspar mineral contains potassium?a. Orthoclase.b. Plagioclase.c. Quartz.d. Biotite.e. Augite.12.Micas are characterized by which of the following physical properties? a. Cleavage.b. Color.c. Density.d. Luster.e. Hardness.13. The difference between diorite and andesite isa. texture.b. mineral composition.c. lack of crystals.d. silica content.e. texture and composition.14.Which of the following minerals belongs to the ferromagnesian group?a. Augite.b. Orthoclase.c. Quartz.d. Olivine.e. Both a. and d.15.Which of the following minerals is common in the upper mantle? a. Biotite.b. Orthoclase.c. Quartz.d. Muscovite.e. Olivine.16.A mineral in the discontinuous side of Bowen’s reaction series isa. olivine.b. plagioclase.c. pyroxene.d. hornblende.e. All but b.17.The mineral pair calcite and aragonite are chemically identical, but structurally different. What is the name for this type of mineral pair? a. Matched.b. Polymorph.c. Monomorph.d. Symetric.e. none of the above.18.The magma generated by partial melting basalt is called _________.a. Basalt.b. Andesite.c. Gabbro.d. Granite.e. Rhyolite.19.What is the name of the rock type formed from a molten state?a. Rock gypsum.b. Metamorphic.c. Sedimentary.d. Igneous.e. Conglomerate.20.What process is required to convert an igneous rock to sediment?a. Metamorphism.b. Weathering.c. Lithification.d. Melting.e. Solidification.21.Rock groups are organized based on their origins while individual rocks are identified by ________ and composition.a. Mineralogy.b. Pressure.c. Temperature.d. Texture.e. Melting.22. Carbonate spheres in limestone form a texture called __________.a. carbonate clasts.b. carbonate spar.c. o?lites.d. micrite.e. fossils.23. Plutonic rocks form ____________ crystals. a. Invisible.b. Pink.c. Visible.d. Round.e. Square.24. What is the name of the igneous texture containing no minerals?a. Course grained.b. Fine grained.c. Porphyritic.d. Vesicular.e. Glass.25. As magma cool along the discontinuous branch of the Bowens’ Reaction Series which mineral will form after hornblende?a. Quartz.b. Olivine.c. Boitite.d. Plagioclase.e. Clay.26.Which of the following rock types has the highest viscosity as a melt?a. Basaltb. Rhyolitec. Gabbrod. Andesitee. Schist27.How could igneous activity play a role in mass extinction events?a. Emission of ash, CO2, and other gasesb. Formation of mountainsc. Creation of ocean basinsd. Lava flowse. None of the above28.Sediments are converted into rocks by a process called ________.a. Igneous intrusion.b. Lithification.c. Evaporation of sea water.d. Transport of sediments.e. Weathering of rocks.29.Bedded chert deposits are associated with ___________.a. Evaporites.b. Volcanic activity.c. Metamorphism.d. Mountain building.e. Trapped sea water.30.One of the principle features of sedimentary rocks is _________.a. being green in color.b. being hard.c. Iron formations.d. Quarts.e. Layers.31.What rock type will be produced by the residual solid left behind after the chemical weathering of feldspar?a. Arkose.b. Quartz sandstone.c. Shale.d. Chert.e. Greywacke.32.Sedimentary rocks form on the Earth’s surface. As a consequence they are important in the recording of the ____________ of the Earth.a. Core temperature.b. Age.c. Greenstone.d. Paleoclimates.e. Grade of metamorphism.33. The formation of metamorphic rocks takes place while in the ___________.a. Molten state.b. Solid state.c. Liquid state.d. Gaseous state.e. Vapor state.34.Metamorphic rocks that have experienced primarily heat and not pressure are called ______.a. Regional metamorphism.b. Spatial metamorphism.c. Contact metamorphism.d. Elevated metamorphism.e. Reduced metamorphism35. Metamorphic rocks possessing a foliated texture have what characteristic?a. Equal sized minerals.b. Random distribution of mineral shapes.c. Visible minerals.d. All the same minerals.e. Parallel mineral alignment36.Which of the following metamorphic rocks possesses black and white banding?a. Hornfels.b. Greenstone.c. Mica schist.d. Marble.e. Gneiss37.Metamorphic rocks that form from the alteration of limestone are _____.a. Quartziteb. Marblec. Greenstoned. Slatee. Phyllite38.Calk is composed of _____________.a. Trapped sea water.b. Marine plankton.c. Clam shells.d. Fragments of basalt.e. Vertebrate fossils.39.Which of the following are favorable conditions for carbonate deposition?a. Cold shallow seas.b. Cold deep oceans.c. Warm shallow seas.d. Turbulent seas.e. Streams and rivers.40.Many regionally metamorphosed rocks were once ____________.a. Roots of tall mountains.b. Shallow basins.c. Open plains.d. Volcanoes.e. All the above.Answers to Questions1.c11.a21.d31.c2.a12.a22.c32.d3.e13.a23.c33.b4.b14.e24.e34.c5.d15.e25.c35.e6.a16.e26.b36.e7.c17.b27.a37.b8.e18.b28.b38.b9.d19.d29.b39.c10.b20.b30.e40.a ................

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