How to starbucks frappuccino bottle


How to starbucks frappuccino bottle

Starbucks offers several bottled drinks that you can buy at grocery stores and other retailers so you can quench your craving without having to head to the drive-thru. They offer everything from iced mochas to coffee, cold brews, and even frappuccinos. But what if we told you, you were enjoying one of those drinks completely wrong! Have you ever asked yourself why you were drinking a melted frappuccino in a bottle? After all, it's not labeled as an iced coffee or iced latte. Well get ready friends, this is one of the best hacks ever! A TikTok user just discovered that you can actually turn the bottled Frappuccino into the frozen blended beverage you have come to know and love by simply tossing it in the freezer! The revelation was discovered on TikTok and since then many TikTok users like @naatalie_lee have put it to the test. And guess what, it works! So here's how it works. You simply need to put the Frappuccino bottle in the freezer and wait a few hours. Take the bottle out of the freezer give it a shake and voila, you'll have a perfectly blended iced Frappucino! Other TikTok users explained you can also pour the drink into a blender, add ice and blend to create a perfectly blended Frappuccino. Either way, both options sound way better than drinking the melted Frappucino out of the bottle. Best life hack ever! Source: Nor Gal / After discovering, loving, then becoming totally addicted to Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino drinks, I quickly realized that I was spending way too much money on these delicious caffeinated beverages. They average about $2.50 each, and I was drinking one every morning before work, which was really starting to add up.So I decided I was just going to start making them myself. I was shocked when I realized how easy it was to replicate. It only takes about ten minutes to make, using things I already had in my kitchen.To make these drinks, you'll need the following items...Coffee makerPitcherMeasuring cupsMeasuring spoonsEmpty Starbucks Frappuccino bottles (optional)If you don't have a pitcher, you can use an empty milk jug to mix everything together. You don't have to have the empty bottles for the drinks, but it does complete the experience.1/3 cup coffee grounds1 cup waterBrew your coffee once like normal. When it's done, you'll have about 2/3 cup of brewed coffee.Pour the brewed coffee back into the coffee maker where you would normally pour the water, and brew it again using the same grounds. This will give you about 1/2 cup of coffee with a more concentrated coffee flavor.1/2 cup brewed coffee4 cups milk1/2 cup sugar1 tsp vanillaMix all of your ingredients together in a pitcher, and stir well.If you don't have empty bottles, just stick the pitcher in the fridge to cool down.If you have the empty bottles, fill them up and put them in the fridge. They'll get cold faster when bottled individually as opposed to the entire pitcher at once. One batch makes about 4 bottles. I only had 3 bottles, so the rest went into a travel mug and popped in the fridge.Make sure to mix well before drinking, because the sugar tends to settle at the bottom of the pitcher or the bottles.Once it's cold, enjoy your Frappuccino! I know I'll be enjoying it just a little bit more, knowing I'm not paying $2.50 a pop anymore! Combine all of the ingredients in a pitcher or covered container. Stir or shake until the sugar is dissolved. Chill and serve cold. Makes 24 ounces (2 1/2 servings).Tidbits: To fake espresso with a drip coffee maker and standard grind of coffee: Use 1/3 cup ground coffee and 1 cup of water. Brew once, then run coffee through the machine again, with the same grounds. Makes about 1/2 cup fresh espresso to use in the above recipe. Run a pot of water through the machine, without grounds, to clean. Pectin is a natural thickener found in fruits that is used for canning. You can find it in the supermarket near the canning supplies. It is used in this recipe to make the drink thicker and creamier, and can be found in the original recipe. It does not add to the flavor and can be excluded if you don't care about replicating the texture of the original. To make the "Mocha" variety: Add a pinch (1/16 teaspoon) of cocoa powder to the mixture before combining. naatalie_lee/TikTok With many Starbucks locations across the country closed during the coronavirus pandemic, your best bet if you want to satisfy your Frappuccino-craving is one of those bottled Starbucks Frapps they sell at the grocery store. The iconic coffee roastery has sold these bottled iced drinks for years and thanks to a viral TikTok video, the whole world just learned that we've been drinking these store-bought Frappuccinos wrong this whole time. To be fair, I've always wondered why Starbucks called them bottled Frappuccinos when they look at taste like, well, an iced latte or a chilled coffee. They aren't icy or blended like the Frappuccino you'd get at your local Starbucks because apparently you aren't supposed to drink them straight out of the fridge, you're supposed to freeze it first. @naatalie_leestarbucks frappuccino ##starbucks ##coffee ##tasty ##yummy ##frappuccino ##starbucksrecipe original sound ? naatalie_lee TikTok user @Naatalie_lee walked us through her bottled Frapp tutorial which includes freezing the drink for a "few hours" before consuming. After she took the drink out of the freezer, it still looked like iced coffee, until she shook it. Yes, that's right, you're supposed to freeze the bottle then shake it. Shaking is the key element here. This bottled version of the drink has been around since the mid '90s and we can't believe it took us this long to realize we've been drinking it all wrong for years. Once you shake the frozen bottle, it'll look like you just blended it with ice like they do at Starbucks. Once you shake it up, throw a straw in there and you're good to go. Bonus points if you want to top it off with whipped cream and chocolate sauce like the real thing. @martabarczokYasss! ##frappuccino ##sturbuckschallenge ##starbuckfrappuccino ##coffee ##fyp ##dlaciebie ##viral original sound ? foodies You can also pour the cold un-frozen version in the blender with some ice, but the freezer and shake method is a lot easier. Based on social media posts alone, this new hack looks like it's replacing the whipped coffee trend everyone was doing at the start of quarantine. Starbucks reached out to Scary Mommy and noted that for safety reasons, they "do not recommend freezing Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino as this may cause the glass bottle to crack." So, freeze at your own risk! Most Starbucks stores in the UK have been shut for some time, which means the secret menu and drinks piled high with cream and syrup have been off the cards. But that doesn't mean you can't have yourself a delicious Frappuccino from the brand, in the form of one of their bottled drinks. A TikTok by Natalie Lee that went viral recently has absolutely blown our minds, after she put the bottles in the freezer to make them into Frappuccinos. While the milky drinks were tasty on their own, they didn't have the icy hit of the ones you buy in a coffee shop. All Natalie did to turn them frosty, though, was pop the bottle in the freezer for a couple of hours. Although initially it came out looking like liquid, after a quick shake, it had turned into the Frappuccino we know and love. Natalie's TikTok has now racked up over 950,000 views and 200,000 likes. Commenters were shocked that they'd spent their whole lives enjoying the chilled bottled drinks without knowing they could be levelled up so easily. But as it turns out, it's not exactly a hack, and certainly isn't recommended by the coffee chain. We contacted Starbucks for comment, and they said: We love seeing the creative at-home recipes that our customers come up with, like the drink you've mentioned! For the safety of our customers, we do not recommend freezing Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino as this may cause the glass bottle to crack. `We encourage customers looking for a cool and creamy drink to pour their Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino over ice, or shake with ice in a cocktail shaker and pour into a chilled glass.' This is the `make a sandwich toastie with an iron' hack all over again. Do you have a story to share? Get in touch at MORE : Mum shares hack to fold baby grows quickly for easy storage MORE : Designers create home-grown biodegradable face mask made from bacteria The lifestyle email from FixGet your need-to-know lifestyle news and features straight to your inbox.Not convinced? Find out more @naatalie_lee/TikTok Every so often, we all realize that we've been using a product completely wrong for years and are mind-blown when we figure out its intended use. This, friends, is another one of those times. The bottled Starbucks Frappuccinos you've been drinking straight out of the fridge aren't called "bottled chilled lattes" or "cold mochas" for a reason. They actually turn into the iced blended Starbucks drinks you've come to know and love...if you freeze them. This content is imported from TikTok. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. TikToker @naatalie_lee put this revelation to the test. She heard on TikTok, of course, that you're actually supposed to put Starbucks' bottled Frappuccinos in the freezer for them to turn into, you know, a Frappuccino. She tried it with a bottle of the vanilla-flavored Frappuccino by putting it in the freezer for a few hours. When she pulled it out, it still looked like liquid. Once she shook it, though, it turned into a blended iced drink. Yes, folks! We have looked like straight fools this entire time drinking melted Frapps. In the comments, TikTok users said they were always so confused as to why the drink was called a Frappuccino when they drank it like chilled coffee. Someone who claimed to be a Starbucks employee said they didn't even know about this. We all accepted it for what it was and never questioned it. This is definitely not the first and certainly not the last time we'll do that. It's fine, though, because now we know about this one! This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at

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