
Mrs. Freeman’s

First Grade Handbook


2014 – 2015

East Elementary


School starts at 8:35 (Wednesday 9:05) and is dismissed at 3:30 for car riders, and 3:35 and 3:50 for bus riders. If you will be bringing your child to school, he/she will be allowed in the halls at 8:15 to get breakfast and go to class. There is no supervision of students before 8:15.

**Late arrival/Early Checkout: If your child comes to school late, be sure to sign them in at the office so that it will not be counted as a full day absence. If your child needs to leave early, you must sign them out at the office.


If your child has to miss school, please send a note letting me know the reason for the absence. I will allow him/her to make up the work he/she missed. A doctor’s excuse is handy when your child has to miss school and goes to the doctor. I understand that some days have to be missed, but try to keep absences to a minimum. We cover a lot of skills each day in first grade and you don’t want your child to get behind.


Please make sure any changes to your child’s afternoon transportation schedule are made in writing. If I do not receive a note from you, your child will go home as usual. This is school policy.


Our lunch will be from 12:02-12:27 p.m. Please send your child’s money in an envelope, with their name on it, the amount on the outside, and its purpose. Your child is responsible for getting their money to the office when they bring it in.

** If your child does not like the main course on the menu, please send their lunch that day. Menus can be accessed on our district website.

Library Books

Your child will start brining home library books from our school sometime soon. These are for you to read at home and can be used to fulfill their reading requirement for homework each night and other library/school programs. Even though your child is able to read some of the books themselves, it is still good for them to hear books being read to them. This is an important part of literacy development.

* These books are property of the school. If one is lost, misplaced, or damaged you will be responsible for its replacement.

Book Orders

I will send home book orders periodically. These book orders offer children’s books at very affordable prices. Ordering is completely optional, however the more books our class purchases, the more points we earn for classroom books and materials. If you do purchase books, please send money in with the order and please send checks made payable to the book club we are ordering from. Do not send cash. I will also send home additional information with each flyer that will allow you to shop and pay for books online if you would like to do so. Books normally arrive within 2 weeks after the order is placed.


All money sent to school needs to be in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and purpose. That will help to ensure that all money is spent only on what it was intended to be used for.

**Restroom & Water Breaks**

As a class we will take many restroom and water breaks throughout the day. If a student needs to use the restroom outside of the scheduled break he or she may do so only in emergency instances.

**Please let me know immediately about any health issue that would cause a frequent use of the bathroom (urgency, frequency, up set stomach, etc).

Box Tops

Our class will collect box tops from General Mills products.  You will find Box Tops on hundreds of your favorite General Mills and participating products.  Your participation will help our school earn cash to purchase equipment and materials for our school and our students.  You can have family members and friends join in the fun, too.  You may send box tops to school with your child at any time.


Children are not allowed to bring toys to school. They may get lost or broken. Any exceptions will be in writing from the teacher.


Many children do not remember what they brought to school. Please help them (and me) by labeling everything! All clothing, backpacks, lunchboxes, jackets, etc. should be labeled clearly with your child’s name.

Computer Lab

We will be visiting the computer lab once a week. Please be sure to send in head phones for your child as we will use them during this time.


Please inform the teacher if your child has any allergies or serious medical conditions. If your child needs medicine administered at school, you will have to have a doctor fill out a medicine authorization form, available in the office, before we can administer the medicine. This includes prescription or over the counter medicine. Only the nurse may administer medications, so please do not put medicine in your child’s backpack.

Allergies and Food Restrictions:

Please let me know as soon as possible if your child has any food allergies or food restrictions for health or religious reasons.  If we are having treats, I would like to know so I can look at the ingredients in the treat to be sure your child can safely enjoy the treat.  It is very important that I have this information, and that you have shared it with the school nurse so your child is safe at school.

***Due to increasing numbers of students with food allergies, parents are strongly encouraged to send pre-packaged foods for snack, parties, and special events. Pre-packed foods are labeled with ingredient listings that allows for identification of allergens such as milk, eggs, wheat, dyes, soy and nuts. If your child has a food allergy or food restricts for health or religious reasons, please let me know as soon as possible. We have a nut allergy in our classroom this year. Please keep that in mind when bringing in a treat for our class.

Phone Numbers

We need a phone number for each child. If you do not have a phone, give the number of a friend or relative. Emergency numbers are very important. If you change phone numbers, please ensure that the school has the new number.

Classroom Parties

We will be having a Winter Party and a Valentine Party. I will send home information about these prior to the event. Parents are encouraged to help with these events.

Celebrating Birthdays

We love to celebrate birthdays here at school but they must be kept simple. We can have birthday celebrations towards the end of our school day. Store bought cookies, cupcakes, or some other small treats work the best. I am usually very flexible but occasionally there may be a conflict in our schedule, so please let me know as soon as possible if you plan to send treats. If a child is having a party at home, invitations may be sent out from school if the child will be inviting either the whole class or at least all students of the same sex. Please place the invitations in the take home folder and I will place them in the backpacks of the students who are invited. If only select students are being invited, please mail the invitations from home, so that there will not be any hurt feelings at school. As you well know, children of this age find it very upsetting to be "left out". This is the best way to avoid the birthday party "blues". Thank you for your cooperation with this.


Good communication between parents and teachers is vital to your child’s academic success. Communication will include parent-teacher conferences. I will schedule a conference with everyone during the first semester. Also, I will schedule conferences as needs arise throughout the year. Parents may request a conference at any time. If you need to speak with me during the day, please call the school and leave a message. I will return your call during my planning period. I also check my e-mail daily, so feel free to e-mail me at

*A newsletter will be sent home. This will include skills and concepts we are learning in class as well as school and PTA information. Please check your child’s Tiger Folder daily for newsletters, notes home, lunch and behavior calendars.

Safari Folder

The Safari folder will be sent home and should be returned daily. This is an excellent place for you to put any notes to me or for me to correspond with you. Any assigned homework will be sent throughout the week and is expected to be returned the next day. This folder is to be your child’s responsibility. They will need to remember to take it home each night and return it to school the next day. It is a good idea to return the folder to their backpack so they won’t forget to bring it back. It is important that it is checked by an adult nightly.

Reading Logs

A monthly reading log will be in your child’s Safari Folder. To fulfill the requirements of this log your child will need to read for 20 minutes a night for at least 5 nights a week. Please fill out the date, amount of time read, and sign or initial the sheet. The returned and completed reading log will earn your child a reward. I will be collecting the logs at the end of each week. You may use library books, any books from home, or the reading book to fulfill this requirement.


I will email information about the class each week. You can check the email to ensure your child is completing the correct assignments at home. I will also post important upcoming dates and deadlines. If you’d prefer a print out of the email, please let me know and I will place it in the Safari folder each week.


We read a story a week together as a class during reading.  Each story includes vocabulary words.  A list that includes all vocabulary words for the story will be sent home in the weekly newsletter. Please practice these words with your child during the week. 

**Some great ways to practice are by making flashcards, using them in sentences, drawing pictures to go with the words, and writing a story using the words.


Spelling will begin immediately at the start of the school year. The spelling list will be sent home in the newsletter email. Students will be tested on the words on Friday. Challenge words will also be provided for extra practice. Please help your child practice the words as often as needed.

Parent Volunteers

If you would like to volunteer in our classroom, please let me know and complete the volunteer form on the district website. I welcome volunteers in our classroom.

Parent Communication

Student progress is communicated through parent-teacher conferences, written reports and PowerSchool. Parent-teacher conferences are held in the fall of each school year. This conference is a very important part of the school year and parent participation is expected. By attending a parent-teacher conference, your child will see the importance you have placed on education and how valuable it is to obtain a good education. Written reports can include; report cards, progress reports, missing assignment notifications, notes to parents, assignment returned with parent signatures and emails. PowerSchool, is a web-based student information system (SIS) that simplifies data-driven decision-making by providing real-time information to parents over the Internet. You are welcome to call or e-mail me anytime during the school year to request additional conferences. On occasion, I may also call or e-mail you regarding your child’s progress. Report cards will be used to report student progress quarterly. Progress reports will be sent home mid quarterly.

How to Contact Mrs. Freeman

Parents I believe in direct communication with you concerning your child. Please feel free to call to discuss your student’s progress in class. Conferences may also be scheduled before or after school hours.

Mrs. Emily Freeman

1st Grade Teacher

East Elementary

1501 State Road F

Waynesville, MO 65583

School Main Number

(573) 842-2150


Specials Schedule

We will have the same special area class every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Fridays will be a combination of either a special area class on a rotation or a PBS assembly.

Monday: Library/Counselor (Mrs. Swenson/Ms. Caffey)

Tuesday: PE/Music (Coach Knipe/Mrs. Martin)

Wednesday: Art (Mrs. Allen)

Thursday: Music/PE (Mrs. Martin/Coach Knipe)

*On days that our class is attending P.E. please provide appropriate shoes so your child can participate safely.*


Weather permitting, students will have an outside recess. Recess will be indoors if it is lightning, raining, or if the temperature or wind-chill is 30 degrees or below. All students should be dressed appropriately for the season.


I promote a positive atmosphere in our classroom by modeling appropriate behaviors, having class meetings, and setting limits/classroom rules. Children are responsible for the choices they make in their behavior. When the choices they make are not acceptable, they will be given a consequence. Some consequences may include: discussion, time-out, making a plan, missed recess, visiting a buddy room, going to the office, calling home or sending a note home. I expect your child to be respectful (to me, themselves and others), responsible for their behavior choices, be kind and safe. If unacceptable behavior occurs consistently, I will talk with you about a daily behavior system to help get that student back on track.

I will be utilizing an online program called Class Dojo. You will receive a login code and can monitor your child’s behavior online.


Our goal is to receive positive Dojo points. Students will be rewarded using Dojo points to receive Freeman Bucks which can be used to spend on rewards from the class treasure box.

** If your child sees that his/her behavior is important to you, he/she will most likely be better behaved at school, and therefore, he/she will learn more!

Mrs. Freeman’s Schedule


8:10-8:30: Arrival/Morning Work

8:30-9:30: Tiger Time Interventions & Enrichment

9:30-9:45: Calendar Time

9:45-9:55: Restroom Break

9:55-10:40 Math

10:40-11:30: Specials

11:30-12:00: Writing

12:02-12:27: Lunch

12:30-12:40 Restroom

12:40-12:50 Spelling/Grammar

12:50-2:10: Reading Block

2:10-2:30: Recess

2:30-2:40 Restroom

2:40-3:00 Science/Social Studies

3:00-3:15: Read Aloud/Snack

3:15-3:25: Pack-up/Dismissal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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