
/* Get No of Processors,Speed and its usage*/Function Get-CPUs { param ($server)$processors = get-wmiobject -computername $server win32_processor$cpuSpeed = ((get-wmiobject -computername $server Win32_Processor).MaxClockSpeed)/1000$cores=0if (@($processors)[0].NumberOfCores) { $cores = @($processors).count * @($processors)[0].NumberOfCores } else { $cores = @($processors).count }$sockets = @(@($processors) | % {$_.SocketDesignation} |select-object -unique).count;$Usage=(get-counter -ComputerName $Server -Counter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 2 -MaxSamples 10 | select -ExpandProperty countersamples | select -ExpandProperty cookedvalue | Measure-Object -Average).averagereturn "Cores: $cores, Sockets: $sockets Speed: $cpuSpeed CPUUsage% : $Usage";}-MaxSamples Int The number of samples to get from each counter. The default is 1 sample. To get samples continuously (no max sample size), use -Continuous. -SampleInterval int The time between samples in seconds. The minimum value and the default value are 1 second.Get the current "% Processor Time" combined values for all processors on the local computer. Collect data every 2 seconds until 10 sample values are collected. The output will take 20 seconds to give you a result. You can change the sample and MaxSample parameter. ................

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