Powershell find a string in a file


Powershell find a string in a file

How to find a string in a text file using powershell. Powershell find a string in a file and replace it. Powershell command to find a string in a file. Powershell script to find a string in a file.

Since PowerShell is not only a scripting language but it is also an interactive shell, the selection-stringa is a mighty alternative to find and find. Considering that the Find is a somewhat limited tool of DOS times, Findstr implements at least the most important functions of the grep for Windows. However, PowerShell goes beyond the capabilities of those tools, among others, due to full implementation of regular expressions. In addition, it offers the common advantages of a cmdlet that is well integrated to PowerShell.in the simplest usage scenario, you just have to pass a file name (or, with the help of wildcard characters, a filename model) and the search string: Select-String -Path index.html Pattern "Home" This command returns all rows containing the search string, including row numbers. The comparison is case-insensitive, which is an advantage over the old tools in which you always need to add the parameter/i.A PowerShell, is only the opposite: the search for the most uncommon case-sensitive must be activated explicitly with the Casensitive switch. The -Pattern parameter is reserved for research with regular expressions. For simple text search in a file, you can use the -SimPlematch parameter instead: Select-String -Path index.html -Simplematch "Home" Reverse Search with -Notmatch ^ with -Notmatch, PowerShell's Grep counterpart also supports reverse search, which finds only lines that do not contain the search model. You could further limit your search by excluding files with the -path parameter, along with Wildcards: Select-String -Path *. * -Exclude * .pdf, *. Zip -Pattern "DO. * =" -NotmatchSearch in subdirectories with -Childitem ^ In the example above, select-stringa searches only in files in the current directory, excluding zip archives and PDF files. In contrast to find and findstr, select the string cannot search recurringly in the subdirectory. However, you can perform this by conveying the output of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in SELECT-String: Get-ChildItem *. * -Exclude * .pdf -Recurse | Select-stringa -Pattern "DO. * =" Since Get-ChildItem selects the files, select only the string must take care of the search model. Search results as matchinfo objects Unlike text-oriented tools such as research, a cmdlet returns an object (in the case of matchinfo selection-stringa). Compared to the flat text, objects have the advantage of offering methods and properties that allow to process their production more sophisticatedly. If you pass the output of the selection-stringa to Get-Membro, you will receive a list of all methods and properties. Using Matchinfo properties For example, properties are useful to change the output of the cmdlet if you are not satisfied with the relatively confusing presentation of the path, file name and selection row number. (The Context parameter also displays the lines before and after the row with the match.) For example, the following command displays only file names and lines containing the search string: Select-string -Path index.html -simplematch "Home" | Select file name, Linenumberif Works with regular expressions, matches are another particularly useful property. With complex regular expressions, you are often uncertain about the ropes that actually match. The following example shows the exact matches: Select-String -Path *. * -Pattern "DO. * =" | Select MatchesBy Default, see only the first match in each row. To get all the games, you have to add the switch -AllMatches. Since you can pass the result of selecting the selection string to a variety of cmdlet, you have almost unlimited possibilities to process the results. An example would be to formatin a layout much simpler to read convey the result in format-list or out-gridview. Of course, there are various functions that allow you to modify the substrings found. The following example converts the output to lower case letters: select-string -Path * .cmd -Pattern "DO. * =" | For each could also extract a substring or chain it to another string. Hi, I managed to do this, but is the return value "Not There" every time and manually check the file contains the word "Consciously" what am I missing please? Thx $dir = 'C:\linkbynet\Programs\OCS_Inventory\log\OCS_inventory_*' $latest =Get-ChildItem -Path $dir | Sort-Object LastCreatedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $OCSFile=$latest.name Scrivere-Host "last file " $OCSFile $OCSFile = $OCSFile | %{$_ -contains 'Successfully'} if ($OCSFile -contains $true) { Write-Host "There is!" } more { Write-Host "There isn't!" You are getting a "No" return because you are looking for "Successfully" against $OCSFile which is just a filename. You are not reading the contents of this file. You can use Get-Content to read a text file. For example: $SEL = Get-Content -Path 'C:\xxxx\Programs\OCS_Inventory\log\OCS_inventory_*.txt' | Select String -Pattern "Successfully" if ($SEL -ne $null) { Write-Host "Good" } There are probably better ways to do this. $dir = 'C:\temp\' $OCSlatest = (Get-ChildItem -Path $dir -Filter 'OCS_inventory_*.log' | Sort-Object LastCreatedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).fullname if ($OCSlatest) Match. Success if ($search) { "Success" } Other { "Fail" } } } } "No matching file found in $dir" } Just know, if the word "success" is anywhere in this file it will return "success" ? hopefully you won't get bad information with this type of search. You can stop looking for a guide on Powershell replacing string in file, because I have the best guide for you that will help you. Powershell Replace String In File There are two methods to replace string in file. In this example, I will use the text file from the location ?oeC:\temp\GeekZag.txt?, which has the following content: GeekZag website is awesome! The content of GeekZag is powerful! All String To replace all strings in a text file, there are three (3) steps which are to get the file content, replace the string and save the file. It will guide you on how to build the script/command so you have a clear picture of how it works. First, first of all, you need to get the contents of the file. Just use the Get-Content -path command "File Path." The command will be as follows: Get-Content -path ?oeC:\temp\GeekZag.txt? Then use the command (Get-Content -Path ?File Path?) ? replace ?from this?, ?oeoeoeto this? as below to replace the string is really: (Get- Content -path ?oeC:\temp\GeekZag.txt?) -replace ?oe? , ?oeoeFinally, save the contents of the file by adding the command Set-Content -Path ?File Path? (Get-Content -path ?C:\temp\GeekZag.txt?) -replace ?oe? , ? | Set-Content -Path ?C:\temp\GeekZag.txt? (Note: the above command is in one line only. Make sure the file is not open. Otherwise, you will get error saying that the file is currently in use.) Below is the result when executing the command: Conditional filter You cannot want to replace the entire string in a file, but only replace the string that meets some criteria. Don't worry, you can use the match string condition. This can be achieved easily using if conditional declaration. It will guide you on how to build the script/command so you have a clear picture of how it works. First of all, you need to read the contents of the text file. It is not the same as the previous method. The command will be: $stream_reader = New- Object System.IO.StreamReader{C:\temp\GeekZag.txt} $line_number = 1 while (($current_line =$stream_reader.ReadLine () -ne $null) { Write-Host ?oe$line_number $current_line? $line_number++ }Explanation:$stream_reader = New- Object System.IO.StreamReader{File Path}, to read the file.$line_num_ber = 1, as counter for exampleowhile (($current_line) -Ne $ null), reading line by line while the line is not empty Write-Host ? oe $ Line_Number $ current_line? , a a The command on PowerShell windows. Then add if with -Match String condition. In this example, we will try to find the line with the string ? oeAwesome? TM. You can always replace the string ? oeawesome? TM to any word that fits your requirement. If ($ current_line -Match ? oeAwesome? ) {} Then, inside the declaration, add the replacement command as follows: SE ($ current_line -Match ? oeAwesome? ) {$ Newword = $ current_line -Replace ? oeIs? , ? oeAlly? Write-host ? oe $ Line_Number $ Newword? $ Line_Number ++} Below is the complete PowerShell script with conditional filter. $ stream_reader = new object system.io.streamReader {C: temp geekzag.txt} $ line_number = 1 While (($ current_line = $ stream_reader.Readline () -NE $ null) {SE ($ current_line -Match ? ? \ t oeAWESOME? ) {$ Newword = $ current_line -Sistitute ? oeis? , ? oeAlly? Write-Host ? oe $ Line_Number $ Newword? $ Line_Number ++}} But, this method cannot use set -Content to save it in a file. You must save it in a new file. To do it, it's enough to use the command as follows: $ stream_reader = new object system.io.streamReader {C: temp geekzag.txt} $ line_number = 1 While (($ current_line = $ stream_reader.readline () -NE $ null) {SE ($ current_line -Match ? oeAWESOME? ) {$ Newword = $ current_line -Sistitute ? oeis? , ? ? oeAlly? Write-host ? oe $ Line_Number $ Newword? add-content -path ? oeC: Temp Geekzag (New) .txt? -Value $ New Word $ Line_Number ++} Otherwise {Write-host ? oe $ line_number $ current_line? add-content -path ? oec: tempo geekzag (new) .txt? -Value $ current_line $ line_num BER ++}} Not that the changes I made in bold. I add only the correspondence condition in a new ? oeGeekzag (New) .txt? and other conditions. If the condition is not compatible, add the contents of the original line in the new file. Below is the command output: thank you for reading this article, I hope you will find it useful. You can read about Powershell Check Windows Service Status (Complete Guides and Examples). Examples).

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